Chapter 9: Chapter 9: My First Magical Battle And A Chance Meeting
I haven't fully mastered many combat spells yet, so I can't cast them wandlessly, but I'm no slouch in magical combat. I practiced dueling in my suitcase using the dummies that were available. Now the dummies aren't equivalent to an actual opponent, but that doesn't mean that I didn't practice as if they were.
I cast as a red beam shot out of my wand at Horvath.
Horvath conjured a shield and the spell didn't take affect.
I then started casting one of my dueling spell chains at him trying to test the strength of his shield.
Each of the spells were keeping Horvath busy as he had to keep up his shield and I wasn't giving him a chance to cast any spells.
Horvath was getting frustrated and just as I was going to start another spell chain, Horvath erupted with a powerful spell that sent me and Dave flying back. I was able to cast a last second protego so I just slid back, but Dave landed in a heap on some metal trashcans.
As I had gotten my footing back I looked up at Horvath and prepared for his retaliation.
He waved his cane and while I didn't see anything come towards me, I felt a sort of magical fluctuation and I rushed at Dave and moved him out of the way.
This seemed to be some sort of enhanced repelling charm, but it was actually more similar to an air cannon but it was invisible.
After I had gotten up, I saw Horvath open his coat and about four daggers came shooting out of it toward Dave and I. I summoned a trash can lid toward me and cast a hardening spell on it to block the flying weapons. Horvath seemed to be controlling the daggers as they maneuvered around my makeshift shield and targeted Dave.
With my free hand I cast a repelling charm to send the daggers targeting Dave back at Horvath while casting the Levitation spell on the other two daggers that were still heading towards me. After my spell ended the daggers dropped harmlessly at my feet.
I knew this was going to be more difficult than I thought so I needed to cast some stronger magic.
I reached into my repertoire of Dark Magic spells and cast the Fiendfyre spell.
A large amount of fire that took the shape of a giant snake formed between us and I controlled it to coil around Horvath as he was still stunned at the magic.
I chose a snake merely due to being able to control it easier and I could have it coil around him, otherwise I'd have chosen a different shape for the spell to take.
Horvath was sending spell after spell at the giant fire snake but it wasn't having the effect he wanted as the property of the Fiendfyre spell is to not stop until it has destroyed its target. It's part of the reason it is so difficult to control.
Eventually Horvath cast a spell that seemed to trap my spell in some sort of water but it looked more like a liquid mirror.
The spell contained the spell and eventually I saw Horvath's spell shrink until all the fire from my spell was diminished.
Horvath was especially angry now as he was being impeded in his goal to get information about the grimhold from Dave by some random Sorcerer.
Horvath shouted as he prepared to cast a spell.
"Next time Horvath." Another man's voice said as a spell sent Horvath flying away.
Right after Horvath was sent flying, a giant metal eagle landed on the street with us and I saw Balthazar on top of the eagle.
"Dave, come here quick. You too, He won't be down for long." Balthazar said to Dave and then looked at me as we both ran over to get on the eagle. Dave struggled to get on the eagle and Balthazar had to help him up, I simply grabbed the eagle's wing and hopped up.
"Balthazar!!" Horvath said off to the side
Horvath's eyes reddened when he saw Balthazar and with a yell he prepared to launch another magic attack.
Balthazar, already expecting this, rubbed his hands together and an energy ball quickly formed and as soon as Horvath actually arrived in front of us, he was struck by the energy ball that Balthazar had just thrown.
The intense electric ball struck Horvath and he was launched about seven to eight meters until he collided with a storefront.
My eyes couldn't help but shine as I witnessed the display of powerful magic. I can't wait to learn it. I don't believe that Balthazar would reject teaching me magic as he knows that Dave is currently less than prepared to fight someone like Horvath, let alone the looming threat that is Morganna.
I'm sure he realizes that he could use all the help he could get.
"Horvath has attained immortality, he has lived for more than 2000 years and it would take a lot to kill him now." Balthazar explained.
Obviously he wouldn't continually imprison all the different Morgannians if he could kill them so easily.
Balthazar then placed his hand that had his ring on it on the back of the eagle and the ring glowed and we flew off.
'Two thousand years?' I thought to myself
I didn't actually know the exact time that the Sorcerer's in this world had lived for and I was enraptured by the magic that allowed them to live forever and keep their physical bodies the same.
'I absolutely have to learn this magic'
I won't be able to focus on anything else until I am able to figure out how this world's magic works. I plan to learn everything possible and find a way to incorporate it into my own magic.
I especially want to learn how they create their magic rings as if I am actually able to find a way to the Harry Potter universe, then a ring will allow me to use magic without having to deal with the Ministry of Magic and many will think that I am using wandless magic.
Although I can already do that, the ring would help me to become even less dependent upon a wand.
Now the only other thing I would want to try is figure out how I could learn the Morgannians magic as well, but that is an issue to deal with in the future.