Inuyasha:The third sword

Chapter 133: Chapter 133:Life Lessons

Night had fallen over this corner of the planet, causing the temperature to drop and darkness to cover everything omnipresently. 

Normally at this time of day, just as the sunlight falls, people should already be sleeping and this behavior is not without reason, as tomorrow they must return to the fields of cultivation. 

This golden rule is not being respected today, clearly the people holding the party don't care about tomorrow's work or avoiding the horrors of the night, though they are probably just drunk on their own happiness. 

"Hahaha, so that beautiful spirit was actually a coyote, which was pretending to be a princess, who at the same time, was pretending to be a snow lady... Hahaha."

Pounding the ground with his fist as if he couldn't believe such a situation, Asahiko laughs heartily at Miroku's bad luck and devours some of the nearby food in the process. 

The party was full of food, as it is the village's way of thanking Inuyasha and Asahiko's group, even though the latter did nothing, for saving all the men in this village.

"That wasn't the worst of it, Asahiko. I heard Sango talk about how she saved his skin at the last moment... He was almost completely devoured."

Staggering sideways as he lets out little hiccups, Inuyasha manages to make a strangely consistent sentence for the state he's in. 

"Well, well, Inuyasha. No more drinks for you, now go to sleep it's getting late."

"Shut up, Miroku, I'm fine."

"Say that when you're not with your head against the floor."

Shaking his head at Inuyasha's ugly display, he fries towards Asahiko and motions for her to help him carry him to where they are staying for the day. 

"Ehh, why do I have to help you carry this drunk?"

"Maybe you forgot who let him drink, person that certainly wasn't me and that his name starts with A?"

"Tsk, okay, but... Don't you think we should teach him a lesson? Not as evil people, but as the friends we are we should teach him how bad it is to drink?"

Uttering his words with enormous conviction, Asahiko's lips twist and seem to be in sync with Miroku's as Miroku's lips go into the same state. 

Obviously at first Inuyasha was setting the stage to taunt Miroku along with Asahiko, but the drink has defeated him and situations change, making his former ally now want his blood.

"Truly an important lesson, so better I learn it now than later."

"Um, um, totally true."

Miroku easily pulls out a justification from some twisted logic running through his head, while Asahiko only backs him up with a couple of affirmations, as if he were a wise old man. 

With everything clearly planned out between the two of them, they finally surround the unconscious Inuyasha and lift him from his legs and hands. It's not that Inuyasha is a log, but that Asahiko cleverly has reduced his sensitive capabilities. 

"Do you have a rope, Miroku?"

"Where do you want me to get one, besides I think that's enough."

"Tsk, Tsk, your friendship level is too low... It needs a more... 'Suggestive' type of binding Hahaha."

Rubbing his hands together ominously, Asahiko finally seems to realize that he can make the ropes, all it takes is a little transformation and poff, he's already got some ropes. 

In case you haven't noticed yet, it's not just Inuyasha who's drunk, but the two of them are too, and maybe even a little more than recommended.

Outside of those explanations, Asahiko's smile only grows and grows as she approaches Inuyasha, it was time to show him her knot tying skills. 

"Hehehe, ya te."

"Oh, who you got, Asahiko?"

Jumping like someone caught red-handed, which he is, Asahiko turns his face at superhuman speed and fixes his eyes on the darkness. 

"Ki, kikyo, no, Kagome? What are you doing here, more importantly, not that you were playing the bell... Hey, she's abandoned me!"

"You really trusted Miroku, as soon as he saw me he was the first to run. Now get Inuyasha down."

Keeping her tone incredibly calm, Kagome almost turned into a carbon copy of Kikyo, but Asahiko was currently immune to such things. 

"And why would she do that? Can't you see that I'm teaching her a life lesson, um, um, my action is just!"


"Ha, that won't work, I'm not Inuyasha."

"Asahiko... I swear if you make me go all the way there, I'll teach you why you shouldn't interrupt a young girl's eight hours of restful sleep."

The drunkenness quickly disappears from Asahiko, giving way to clarity and then horror. She had messed with Kagome, the reincarnation of Kikyo... Which says that maybe, just maybe, she has some well hidden psychopathic tendencies within her. 

"No ma'am, I already do ma'am."

"Good. Sango, have you found Miroku yet?"

"Look for yourself, His Excellency had escaped into the crowd, but it's a good thing he came to his senses and returned for good. 

Emerging from the darkness, Sango, who is not wearing her classic light makeup on her face, drags a clearly embarrassed Miroku along. Maybe the embarrassment isn't because he got caught, but because he betrayed and still was... He's basically going to have to endure this and then the consequences of his betrayal of Asahiko. 

"I'm sorry?"

"Hahaha, yes you will be sorry, Miroku. Just don't let."

Before she could threaten Miroku any further, Kagome's cold stare shuts Asahiko up and now quite satisfied with the outcome, Kagome finally makes them carry the unconscious Inuyasha. 

"Come on, and I don't want to hear any more fighting, that's for sure!"

"Like water, ma'am."

It was quicker Asahiko's answer than Kagome's question, that's how scared he was. 

"Miss Kagome, perhaps you?"

"Your Excellency, now shut up and walk."


Clearly defeated and without an ally to fall back on, Miroku accepts that he has lost along with all that entails. Thus, with their heads down, both Asahiko and Miroku advance behind Kagome and Sango.

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