Chapter 134: Chapter 134:Human faces.
Being illuminated by the warm light coming from the bonfire, which drives away the darkness of the night of a waning moon, are our heroes resting under some shabby ruins.
Leaning against the wall with no trouble at all and with his staff between his legs, is Miroku. Farther away from him can be seen Inuyasha, he is lying on his back and snoring without fear of attracting attention.
After those two you can see Kagome, Sango and Shippo, who are lying closer together. The former is found writhing in place, almost as if she is having a nightmare or fever dream.
"I made it!"
Lifting her body suddenly from the place where she rests, Kagome immediately stretches out her arms and the book that was over her face immediately falls to the ground. Yes, she had it on her face at all times.
"Wow, yell louder and maybe you'll give away our position more easily."
Stopping playing with the flames above his palm, Asahiko who had been on guard during the night, turns his face and speaks in a somewhat annoyed manner.
"I'm sorry, no, what are you doing here? I passed the exam, I got a perfect 100, I, I... It was all a dream, wasn't it?"
"Just look around and tell me, besides I'm certainly beautiful, but I don't think I've gone so far as to appear in your dreams."
"Ahgg, I fell asleep again... It's just who can understand this, it almost seems like another language. Hah, that exam is in a few days and I don't know anything, I have to prepare, but I..."
Rubbing her hair with both hands, Kagome guides her eyes to the book that seems to be about mathematics or a similar subject, then starts whispering like crazy.
Perhaps with curiosity piqued, one of Asahiko's tails crawls across the floor and grabs the book, before taking it to her teacher. Asahiko looks at it for a few moments, turns it over, turns it over again, and finally looks back at Kagome.
"Are you stupid, how can you possibly not know how to solve this?"
"What, do you even know!"
Bursting like an erupting volcano, Kagome jumped up from where she was sleeping and pointed her finger at Asahiko. Clearly Kagome lacks vigilance in her surroundings, otherwise how else could she not have noticed that no one was up despite her rampage.
"Uh, of course not, but it's not because I'm dumb, it's just that I don't have the necessary tools."
"Oh, so if I explain to you will you be able to do it?"
Neither seems willing to back down, as Kagome steps up to explain and Asahiko keeps a sharp look on his face, ready to teach her a lesson.
"Heh, are you going to explain something you don't know how to do?"
"Yes I do, just... What... Are you going to do it or not!"
"Fine, fine, but if something goes wrong it's your fault, I'm perfect."
"Let's see how long you last in the face of the power of high school subjects."
With a literal clash of wills, both Kagome and Asahiko prepare to make fools of the other, clearly not expecting what was to come.
...Some time later…
The morning sunrise marks the beginning of a new day, as the birds sing and the last drops of dew fall to the ground.
Opening his eyes slowly, as if he had a natural alarm clock, Miroku blinks a couple of times, as if he can't believe his eyes.
"What happened to you two? Did you two get attacked by a dream yokai or something?"
"I wish, Miroku, I wish it had been that..."
Raising her rather pale face and dark circles under her eyes, fake ones obviously, Asahiko points towards Kagome's book, just as if it were a monster.
"A(x).B(x)=.... Asahiko, have you died already?"
Moving sluggishly and speaking in a hollow voice, Kagome looks like a robot lacking lubricant, making all her actions seem heavy and lifeless.
"Get up you flea dog, someone attacked Kagome!"
"What, who!"
Shouting and lifting his body at lightning speed, Inuyasha moves a few steps forward, though he stops as he is pierced by Kagome's gaze.
"Shut up, Inuyasha!"
"But, but."
Ignoring Inuyasha's reaction, a very irritated Kagome from the lack of sleep the night before, plops down on the spot where she slept yesterday.
"Well, I'm going to take a little nap too. If I don't get up and it's necessary, I give them permission to drag my body away. Now I'm going to sleep for a while."
"What, wait, what happened here. Don't just collapse like it's nothing, tell me what happened!"
Asahiko's sleeping form was much more exaggerated than Kagome's, she basically laid down with her face to the ground and started snoring right there. Inuyasha on the other hand was more confused than angry, while Shippo was hitting Kagome's book with a branch, just as if it was a cursed object.
...Christopher/Asahiko pov…
Darkness, everything was in complete darkness. Up, down, to the sides... Everything was black. No, I'm not being philosophical or anything, I can only see black.
Forgetting that situation, my body's senses begin to return, while drowsiness begins to withdraw from my mind. The first thing was the pain on my face, the second was the taste of earth, and then came the noise from the surroundings.
"Inuyasha, I understand you're angry, but don't you think you should treat Asahiko's body with more respect?"
It was clearly Miroku's voice, though I can also hear the rushing of a nearby river and its coolness... No, the coolness is not coming from the river, but from the surroundings, maybe it's fog?
"Asahiko said to take him this way, I'm just following what he said."
"Certainly but..."
Damn Inuyasha, he'll deal with me as soon as he fully wakes up, this time even Kagome won't save him.
"What are you doing to yourself, Miroku? You were the one who recommended me to set his face towards the earth, I was at least going to leave him looking at the sky."
"Cof, cof, cof. That was to keep him out of the sun, clearly thinking of him."
"That he doesn't get the sun, ha, we're surrounded by fog in case you want to make a better excuse."
Miroku... Damn greedy debauched monk, how dare you do this to me, I thought... Well, who am I kidding, this was to be expected from Miroku.
"Hey, I think his ears twitched."
"What do you say, Shippo, he's fast asleep and he'll stay that way."
"Then why are you running away?"
"I'm not running away, I'm just giving him more room to breathe. Hahaha."
Hearing Miroku's laughter getting further and further away, I couldn't help but feel my eyebrows tremble at this guy's lack of shame.
"Shut up already, wait, what's that?"
"Inuyasha, it's a human head!"
"Easy Shippo, it looks like it but it isn't. It's a human fruit, a fruit from a tree that uses human beings as its main nutrient."
Oh no, they're getting ready to get into another mess, up, up, up, get the damn body up. Under my powerful willpower, I hit the ground with my palm and propel myself upwards, already in the air, I spin around and land on my feet.
Ignoring the surprise of those three, I fixed my attention on the fruit/face that Inuyasha is holding. It was ugly and disgusting to look at, it almost looks like the fusion between a human face and a raisin because of how saggy its skin is.
"Just ignore that. Now just tell me, Miroku. is it a magical, strange tree and a possible problem?
"Trouble wouldn't be the word I would use, looking at this amount of fruit... You can tell it enjoys incredible nutrition, just like its size."
Speaking with a seriousness very rare for him, Miroku stares at the fruits/heads floating in the river continuously. Shippo was not so careful and started touching them with a branch.
"What a surprise that is, Miroku. As long as there's a war going on nearby, that tree will have more than enough for a prosperous harvest."
"I hear you, Inuyasha, but will there be a war in the middle of the mountains?"
Pointing out the obvious, Miroku points his staff at the steep, claustrophobic, rocky surroundings, making it very obvious that it's not the right place for a big battle.
"Let's go investigate!"
"Miss Kagome, I see you've woken up."
In a not so unbelievable way, Kagome finally wakes up. Not to over-talk, but it's past noon, how much sleep can she get... Well, I better not say I'm in the same boat.
"Stop right there, Kagome. You have an exam in three days or so, how are you going to waste time on this?"
"If curiosity isn't going to eat me up, then I won't be able to concentrate and I'm going to get a bad score on the test."
"He just told you, but avoiding the problem won't make... Fine, I'm not one to talk about this, let's do it!"
Punching the air with my fist and ignoring Inuyasha who seems to only just know that Kagome has an exam, he looks around and notices something strange.
"Question, where is the other girl and Kirara?"
"Her name is Sango, fur ball!"
"It's not my fault I forget her name, she hardly ever talks when I'm around, she almost seems to have me in her sights."
Outside of all the teasing I do, Sango seems like a predator, not in a bad way, but she's always on the lookout for my movements and actions.
"Don't take it to heart, Asahiko. She's from a family that hunts demons, she already carries it in her instincts... Adding to the destruction of her village by Naraku, Sango doesn't have the best opinion of demons."
"Ahgg, too much seriousness all of a sudden. Let's just do this."
Ignoring the shudder at the sudden seriousness of the conversation, I put each team member's situation in order. Miroku is here because his family was cursed by Naraku, Sango because her family and village was destroyed, Inuyasha for being tricked... Of course all by Naraku.
"Wait, I kind of get everyone's background now, but... What about Shippo, how does he fit into all this?"
"He 's cute."
"Every group needs a pet, Asahiko."
"Kagome brought him to him, even when I told her not to."
Stopping my steps he looked at the fallen one who gave me his answer and I shrug, you know, why look for logic in these idiots looking for dangers... Yeah, yeah, just ignore all this.
"Hey, I think he's thinking something offensive."
"We already know that, Shippo."
"Whatever you say, Kagome."
With everything finally settled, we set off into the unknown, though most likely a problem to solve.
"Stop, stop everyone, like Kagome has an exam in three days!"
"Late, Inuyasha. That issue is behind us."
"That's right, flea, it's happened."
"Hagg, I'm going to hit you both!"
"Inuyasha, get down!"
Haa, what a nice day it is today.....