Is it wrong to traverse fandoms to be the good guys?

Chapter 10: it wasn’t even a fight

"I'm making my down town, walking fast~"

Joseph sang out loud while charging towards the nearest advent trooper and cutting them clean in two with his chain axe, his other hand aiming bolter towards the nearest advent trooper and blowing his head into smitherenes with a single shot. Yellow gore such as brain matter, skin and bone went flying everywhere. A good portion of it splattering onto the trooper close by who tried firing upon Joseph, only to find himself bisected from across the waist. Joseph was already upon the advent before the trooper pulled the trigger.

Already Joseph was charging towards his next enemy which was the last member of the investigation squad, being a sectoid who seemed to panic from being charged at by the large metal man. It tried to mind control Joseph but nothing happened, he didn't even kill it with his bolter or chain axe. He simply reeled his foot as far it can go and slammed into the sectoid crotch, the sheer force of the blow sent the humanoid alien flying in the air.

Sailing over the advent forces that was so bewildered by Joseph action that they briefly paused to watch the sectoid go flying over them, and crash through the prison facility ceiling. They was brought out of their stubpor by the officer issuing orders upon the battlefield, the shied bearer raised his hand up and slammed his fist into the floor making a red shockwave go through the area.

The action would covered all the troopers with a barrier giving time protection from all harm to a certain extent, enough damage can shatter the barrier and if the attack was strong enough still hit the trooper that the barrier was meant to protect.

Course that rarely happens, only for such a thing to happen as Joseph threw his chain axe as hard he could. It would sail through the air and cut clean through the advent officer barrier and be head him, his body falling backwards with a hard thud. The second sectoid sense of self preservation overwhelmed its sense to serve and fight.

The alien would bolt towards the facility running away, Joseph ignored it and aimed with his bolter with two hands to fire upon every advent trooper he saw. His rounds shattering the shield bearer barriers with complete easy and killing the advent troopers inside of it.

"Do you think time will cast me by~"

Joseph was of course still singing aloud as he massacured each advent soldier he set his sights upon, each shot fired hit intended target.

Each shot turned vital organs, skin, bone to paste and mush killing each enemy before they even had the chance to register they've been shot. It only took a few moments but already most of the advent troopers outside of the facility was dead.

Including the shield bearer who tried to run to cover, Joseph chased after him easily catching up and slammed his fist full force into the side of the shield bearer helmeted head. Essentially giving the shield bearer the jotaro treatment that was given to Dio, where his fist went straight through the shield bearer skull and destroyed a good chunk of the advent skull and brain matter into fine pieces and paste staining Joseph yellow hand even more yellow with the blood of his enemies.

Joseph had to pause in his carnage to look around himself and admire his handy work. "Damn I am good" he said to himself and letting out a whistle, only to 'feel' and hear the sound of being fired upon. His body barely budged from where he was hit by the laser. His armor sensors easily helped pinpoint where the attack was coming from as he turned to look quickly around himself, it wasn't even hard to spot what fired upon him. Even without his sensors in his helmet, it was just a regular advent turret on the facility roof.

He simply aimed his bolter and fired upon it with a single shot, all it took was a single bolter round to reduce the advent turret to smitherenes to the point it was unsalvage able. With all hostile threats eliminated, at least ones that he could see, Joseph would check his armor systems for a moment just to simply check the integrity of his armor and to check if there was anything off.

All systems was nominal and in working order, his armor still at peak condition. At this moment he was very glad has given knowledge on his new body and things related to it that a normal warhammer fan wouldn't know. Like on how to care for a bolter or the systems being displayed in the helmet.

His seconds of musing to himself was broken as he began to head towards the advent facility before him towards the front. All the while attempting to connect his vox to the pelican radio, if that was even possible to do but hey it was worth a try at least.

When he reached the door of the facility all he had to do was punch a hole into the metal doors and force it wide open, just as he heard the connection form between his box and the pelican radio. He was going to say something but the person on the other end of the radio beat him too it, "Joseph! Where the hell are you?! The pelican is starting to stink since the vip shit himself!"

"I'm at some advent prison facility, I'll try to light a big fire so you can see the smoke. Riiiiight after I check to see if they have any prisoners, also aren't you wearing a helmet? How does smell anything? Is it really that bad?"

"I'm considering seeing if I have guardian immortality or letting this guy sky dive without a parachute" Joseph wanted to laugh at Rex suffering, even more so when he realized henry most definitely was going through this as well.

While Joseph was having chatting with Rex on the estimated time it would take for his homie to pick him up, the big giant in yellow armor forced the metal doors open to the front door to the advent prison facility. And was immediately fired upon by ten advent troopers. All ten of them was in a defensive position with two crouching and another two standing behind the their two fellows, the other six was spread out with three on the left side of the room and the last three in the right side with both groups of three using crates and the building architecture as makeshift cover.

Joseph ignored the lasers impacting his chest plate, he would've charged in but advent weaponary so far hasn't shown to be effective against his mark X (X is ten for the uncultured swine who don't know Roman numerals ;p) power armor, perhaps he was being arrogant right now. If you told him he was being arrogant he would've agreed with you, however he would give an excuse on why he was being arrogant in this moment. He would've said along the lines of -If you got reincarnated into an OP body better than any human alive on earth, with an OP power armor on your body and knowing almost nothing can hurt you in it. Wouldn't you like to mess around inside of it for a bit?-

Of course a counter argument would be -what if they have a weapon that can hurt you and because of your arrogance you almost died-, his response would that -hey, if I survived then I've learned a lesson when fucking around and found out-

Which is why he was currently just letting them fire away as he turned, glancing at the group of advent in the middle of the room and proceeded to rip off one of the metal doors from what it was attached too. And then before any of the advent troopers can properly react, Joseph chucked the metal door as hard he could with it sailing through the air towards the four advent troopers in the middle of the room.

The angle at which he threw the metal door cut the heads off the two crouching Advent soldiers, and bisected clean through the two soldiers behind them. The metal door still flying through the air and imbedded itself in the wall stained with orange like blood.

Joseph didn't even give time for the last six to process wht exactly happened before ripping out the last door and yeeted it like the first door, though this time instead of spinning side ways like a frisbee this time it was sent flying face first, door first? It impacted against the three advent troopers and completely crush them to an orange paste against the wall, there was an orange blood splatter around the wall.

With nothing else to throw Joseph would charge at the last three Advent soldiers who continued to fire upon him, only a few would impact against his armored chest and shoulder as he swung his chain axe through the first advent trooper that used a crate as cover. The chain axe ripped clean through with no resistance from the left shoulder all the way through the right hip in a diangle line.

He would whirl around to spot the last two troopers, he could tell they was terrified out of their minds considering they both was backing away before turning and running as fast they could to get away from Joseph. Joseph simply grabbed a crate off the floor and chucked it like a football at the fleeing Advent troopers.

Hearing the loud sound of a crash mixed with the noise of bones being reduced to atoms, Joseph would let out a satisfied hum and make his way to the cell block of the facility with nothing to slow him down. He didn't even hesitate to see if he can open the door normally and punched a hole through the advent cell door and ripped it off its hinges, tossing it aside.

He stared at the unconscious body of a person laying on a typical prison inmate looking bed, they seemed to be of average male build with dark skin and signs of bruising on the face. Joseph hoped it was an Xcom operative as it would make things easier establishing contact sooner rather than later. He would carefully grab the soldier and maneuver them to where he had them laying on his shoulder.

"Hey I found a prisoner of advent alive but unconscious, he has bruising All over his face. Imma start that fire now." He said over his vox which he reply from Henry instead of Rex. "Dude hurry the hell up with your side quest the pelican is stinking up bad"


"Idiot your gonna suffer with us you know?"

"Oh. Oh no-"

-time skip here brought to you by Mr clean-

"So how is he Dr Kali?" Rex asked with his arms crossed while leaning against a wall. He was more focused on her than the actual person in question, only because he was trying very hard to remember where exactly he seen her from.

Said doctor would let out a hum as she got up from her small stool, removing her sterhoscpe from her neck and place it on the table while turning to look at Rex. "Well he's going to live that is for certain, no internal bleeding or damage as far I could check with the equipment I have on hand. Which isn't much but I've been able to work with little amount of equipment for as long as Advent occupation started."

"I'll tell the others of your analysis, just be careful he might you know. Wake up disoriented and get hostile thinking he's been captured. Glad to have you aboard the ship doctor I'm sure he'll be happy to have a beautiful lady to wake up too instead of a man" Rex said in good nature, Dr Kali needed to process the words she heard from Rex as she gained a small red hue on her face.

Rex thought he was just being kind and obvious when involving Dr Kali and the knocked out advent prisoner. Let's be honest here, wouldn't you want to wake up to the sight of a beautiful women tending to your injuries? Might be just Rex but he's willing to die on that hill.

"Soooo….what about me do you find beautiful?" She asked while leaning against the wall besides Rex, her elbow pressing against the wall with her head leaning against her fist and her right foot behind her left one. Kali had a smile with hald closed eyes on her face. The look that sent shivers down Rex spine.

Rex felt strange, he felt like he was in danger. When in fact he should be the danger. He's a guardian after all blessed by the giant ball in the sky floating over earth in destiny.

"How did you move so fa- uh…well…you have a lovely color of eyes that are quite a sight to behold Dr"

"What about my eyes do you find lovely?"

Rex was not a ladies man, in fact he was what you could consider a person that would most likely die alone maidenless. This situation he found himself in was too foreign, no amount of hours into Huniepop could prepare him for this.

'Traveler please grant me your guidance, I hope Joseph and Henry are faring better.'

-somewhere deep into the ship-

Bill was having a terrible day, he earlier today he was just out shopping with his guard detail. Using what rare free time to himself he gets for being a very loyal advent supporter, helping others stay on the right path. The winning path.

And then some monster fell out of the sky destroying his limo, busts into the clothing store he was in. Kills more of his guard detail while wearing a comically large set of shades. Chased him down and captured him, and kidnapped him to someplace who knows where.

He felt like he had the right to be terrified out of his mind to the point he embarrassingly shit himself. It's not everyday to get kidnapped by special forces, he didn't even know the resistance had special forces! He assumed they was resistance special forces otherwise he doesn't know why he was captured.

That's a lie, they most certainly wanted information out of him. And he wasn't going to break even if he was scared! He was a loyal advent supporter!

They held him in a dimley lit room with a light bulb that seem would die out at any moment from how frequently it flickered time to time. Bill couldn't hardly see or adjust to the light. He was strapped to a chair and the only company he had was his breathing and heart beat that he tried to get under control. There was also a table to his left with tools on it meant for cutting and other more dubious purposes.

"I'm sure you already know why you're here." Said a voice as a door opened, letting in the soldier garbed in black unknown armor that Bill hasn't ever seen before. "Let's cut straight to the chase, you start talking and spill everything you know involving Advent, your work, the things they wanted you to do and I can promise you that you will remain intact and in one piece. Should you act defiantly? Well….there are ways to break a man without killing him. Would you like to learn how?"

Henry asked as he stared at Bill, who had his words stuck in his throat as heavy footsteps echoed in the room as the sounds of the foot steps came from behind Bill who felt like something grabbed his lungs and squeezed out all the air leaving him speechless. Sweat poured down his head as he remained frozen in the chair he was strapped onto, the loud yet slow heavy steps from behind him got closer and closer.

Till the noise stopped directly behind him. He knew it was behind him. He could feel it as Joseph placed his large armored hand upon Bill shoulder, Bill eyes was wide and his face turning red from the lack of taking in air out of pure fear.

"He asked you a question Mr Bill, answer him."

He pissed himself.

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