Is it wrong to traverse fandoms to be the good guys?

Chapter 11: developments

-insert a gnome holding up a 2 hours later sign since last chapter-

All three friends was standing around the fresh corpse of the former vip named Bill Clint, blood leaking down his forehead as well as heavy amount of blood seeping out of his nose. His head was leaning back due to Bill body being slumped in the chair he was tied to with his eyes open but rolled back. "Mmmmmm yup. He's dead" said the guardian in the kitsune set who turned his head to the yellow walking case of bad luck space marine.

"I can see that Rex" was Joseph reply back as he stared blankly at Bill corpse while Henry the death trooper raised his hands up in exasperation then pointed at Joseph in accusation.

"Joseph You flicked him too hard on the forehead damit!"

"ITS NOT MY FAULT HES BUILT WITH 10 VIGOR!" Joseph shouted back at Henry defensively as he believed it wasn't his fault! Can you truly blame him? He didn't know that Bill was built like a mage in a souls game who couldn't take a single BONK! It's completely and utterly Bill own fault for not passing the vigor check! Definitely not his fault for flicking Bill on the forehead with his armored finger with a little too much force for Bill head can handle, that may or may not ruptured blood vessels around the area along with brain damage severe enough for instant death.

Totally not his fault. He's a responsible adult after all. He would never willing take accountability!

"Let me get this!" *Bang bang* "let me get this straight DUMBASSSSSS! YOU HAVE ARMOR ON YOUR BODY AND YOU FORGET THE DETAIL OF THE ARMOR ON YOUR HAND!!!"

Rex stared blankly as Henry and Joseph argued amongst themselves on if it truly was Joseph fault for flicking too hard or Bill for having a shit 'build'. The smell of iron from the blood was in the air from bringing a sort of stench that was smelled easily by the trio.

Rex helmet was off as he stared at his smart yet equally dumbass friend in yellow power armor, and his other dumbass friend who had their moments of none stupidity. He was dumbass as well all things considered but he likes to consider himself more 'aware' most of the time.

His two friends he considers brothers, ride and die together type friends. They are truly one of a kind even if he lost brain cells because of them. He wouldn't trade them for the world.

"I'm wondering how you beat all the other sperm your dad shot into your mom Joseph." Rex remarked in a joking tone to stop the current conversation and bring it back on track by drawing the attention to himself. Making Joseph and Henry paused their argument to process Rex words.

"Dude, uncool" was all Joseph had to say to the guardian as Herny began chuckling, Joseph shook his head in mild exasperation but he had a small smirk on his face. "Okay okay okay, let's get back on track. Bill dead but! *flick, crack* okay he's definitely dead now." Joseph said as he flicked the same spot on Bill head he hit earlier to double tap and make sure Bill wasn't faking it. More blood seeped out of Bill nose and even his eyes. "We did get information outta him before I flicked him on the head. So we have something to use, and if it's useless we can just search around the planet for Advent targets to hit. We're bound to run into advent base or facility, ruin the etherals day like the chads we are."

"Why the hell did you flick the corpse on the head a SECOND TIME!" Shouted Henry as he had his hands on his head in disbelief. He ignored practically everything his brother in arms said when he witness what Joseph did a few moments ago. "Double tapping duh, you always double tap to make sure what you kill stays dead. Don't need him yapping to advent on what he saw."

"…..that's fair logic, I take back my complaints and concede this battle. I tip my hat to you in your victory." Henry said raising his helmet up before bringing it back down.

Rex wants to be mad but he can't as he cannot find a fault in the logic for double tapping, after all it's common sense after watching enough movies and seeing enough shows. If you kill something or believe to have killed something then you have to double tap to ensure it's dead.

Especially when it concerns a slasher villain like Micheal Myers. "Alright let's go over the information we got out of him and discuss it in the bridge, make a plan of attack. We should also go over everything that happened so far." Rex said while he moved to exit the interrogation room. "What about the corpse? It's gonna smell like shit if we leave it here, decaying and shitting itself." Henry gestured behind himself with his thumb when he spoke, Joseph and Rex looked back at the corpse just as they was about to leave the room.

"Let's give him to Dr Kali for study. She's no Dr Tygan or Dr Vahlen but she can reach their status with practice from performing autopsy's to learn more about our enemy. Perhaps we could even gain something to like in the games such as armor upgrades or weapon upgrades for the resistance troops. We should start collecting bodies of fallen advent in this pursuit for the resistance to gain an advantage in any compacity."

At the end of Joseph long paragraph worth sentence only then he would notice Henry staring confused at him, Rex seemed on board with Joseph suggestion but Henry beat Rex too it on being the next one to speak. "The math ain't mathing! How are you so damn stupid yet very intelligent?! I thought space marines are supposed to be peak of humanity but god damn it seems like your emperor had a flaw in his grand design!"

"Listen here you little sh-"

"I think Joseph ideas are good we should work on them. ._." Rex commented as he watched his two friends start arguing again. He's amazed how they can achieve so much despite their need to argue, it has to be studied for scientific research.

-the gnome returns with a 1 hour time skip sign brought to you by the immortal snail-

"So we have done much in a short amount of time. Saved an entire camp worth of restiance soldiers and civilians. Which are now making their new home aboard our ship till further notice." Herny said while pacing back and forth in the bridge. Joseph and Rex with him in the bridge of the ship, Rex sitting in his seat looking at a report of sorts while Joseph was messing with the Gift system to check on all its functions.

Both of them was listening to Henry while at the same time working on other matters of interest.

"Then we got rewarded for that good deed followed up by us taking on a capture and rescue mission. Which resulted in obtaining a scientist while also information out of the VIP who is now dead, did I forget anything gents?" Henry asked as he stopped his pacing briefly to look at his friends, Joseph raised his hand slightly to catch the attention of Henry while still messing with the screen infront of him.

"Yeah, I've trashed an advent prison facility. A very small one mind you but it was heavily guarded. Took out everyone I saw and rescued that guy I found in a cell, I think he's with Xcom considering they had a sectopod guarding the base."

"What's a sectopod?"

"A large two legged Star Wars walker knock off. One of the most dangerous enemies in the game especially on max difficulty with the sheer amount of hp it would have and as well the armor it will have." Joseph explained to Henry just as he pressed a button on the virtual screen before him. "By the way did the guy we saved wake up yet or no?"

"The guy still out cold, he did take a beating from what I'm reading on the report I have in my hand given to me by Dr Kali." While Rex responded to Joseph inquiry about the man they saved and his potential link to Xcom, the report in his hand was a simple medical report that was highly detailed. There was no life threatening injuries, nothing but some pain medication and rest couldn't fix.

Henry meanwhile would walk up to Joseph where he sat to look at the screen he was messing with.

"What are you doing with the system man?" Joseph would glance at Henry and gesture to the system screen before them both. "Looking for where the hell the rewards are being stored, we did a lot of good deeds in one day. We also killed a lot of fodder that had some unique varieties, I wanna see what loot we got today."

"Ooooooh okay. Do we share loot even if we're separated?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out man. This system I thought was gonna be basic as hell and easy to see what does what, I was wrong cause their an mail box, another feature that lets me do a Skyrim and speed up the time cycle which mind you is pretty damn useless for us!"

"…..what about that tab that says rewards?"

"What tab?"

"That one right there man"

"There is no- oooooh. How the hell did I not see that Henry?"

"Cause your blind as a damn bat"

He would smack Joseph armored shoulder softly while letting out a laugh. Knowing damn well he also would have a hard time finding something obvious yet be completely oblivious to it being right in front of him, he took comfort in not being the only one with bad vision when it came to finding stuff.

"If the rewards aren't shared that would be quite annoying. But it doesn't ruin our plans at least, merely delay us"

Rex chimed in on the current conversation with his own thoughts on the matter, Henry and Joseph did see his points. It would be an inconvenience if they didn't share rewards when fighting separated on different missions but it also wasn't the end of the world.

"Alright I'm looking at the rewards now, hmmmm we got quite a decent amount of stuff here."

"Oh so we did get rewards but we got no notification of sorts? No indicator of sorts, not even anything popping up in our field of view? That's weird or is it just me that thinks so?"

Henry asked his friends while Joseph shrugged before accepting all the rewards at once. Henry walked over to Rex during the conversation, holding his hand out to the medical report in Rex hands. Wanting to have a read of the report himself just to satisfy his own curiosity.

"I think it's because it would be a source of distraction which we can't afford in the field. So nothing appears or a notification, however a notification of sorts after everything said and done would be nice. We're gonna need to send the devs a complaint"

As Rex and Henry talked and joked back and forth about the system. Joseph was looking up as a small white light appeared in the room.

"Do you think we have a store? It would be nice to be able to purchase some valuables. Like beds or equipment for these rebels"

Joseph held his hand out towards the white light as a small screen appears before him. Rex and Henry still haven't notice the small light during their talk.

Summon crate rewards? [Yes?] [No?]

Joseph almost pressed yes until he realized he could move the small white ball of light on where he could spawn the loot. He slowly turned his head towards Rex and Henry.

Joseph Intrusive thoughts: 'drop the crates onto them. It would be hilarious'

'I mustn't….its not the Jedi way.'

Joseph intrusive thoughts: 'do it. No balls.'

It didn't take much convincing as Joseph willed the small white light to move above Rex and Henry.

Spawn reward crates? [Yes?] [No?]

Joseph pressed yes immediately.

Immediately everything went wrong as one of the crates spawned in broken and then broken in half upon hitting Rex on the head, the crate spilled a bunch of flash bangs with pulled pins. All three friends had only a fraction of a moment to process the primed flash bangs as at the same time the rest of the crates appeared in the air.

Everything went blinding white as if the power of the sun was released in the room. Followed by the loud noise of a multiple heavy objects impacting two heads and the floor, loud screams of pained as everyone in the room got blinded.

Too bad none of them was wearing a helmet.


Finally updated this story, YIPIEEEEEEE-

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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