Issei The Gamer [English]

Chapter 7: 7 Returning to the academy and... betrayal [English]

Issei Pov.

Seeing how the knight disappeared in particles of black and red smoke, all the strength that was holding him was causing him to fall to the ground.

He was completely exhausted from the tough fight he had just had, it was a miracle that he had killed the surrounding zombies and that more had not arrived.

- "Sigh" almost dead... state.

Focusing only on his HP and MP she saw how low they both were.

[HP: 58/950]

[MP: 6/570]

It was really under his MP and it was a miracle that he didn't die, he didn't know how but somehow he had healed from the bleeding.

Noticing the various notifications that had come to him, he decided to watch them while he regained some strength.


[You had a fight to the death with a being superior in strength and skill to you, Congratulations for surviving and beating this powerful rival]

[Swordsmanship level 10 > level 11]

Swordsmanship (Passive) lv 11 [0/2000] EXP: It is the art of combat...

- Increased attack speed with swords by 12%

- Increased damage with spades by 12%

- Increases experience gained in sword skills by 12%

[Due to a repeated action, the Physical Resistance and Pain Resistance skills were created]

Physical Resistance (Passive) lv 1: Your body has become accustomed to being damaged so many times that it began to evolve to resist physical attacks.

- Increases resistance against physical attacks by 1%

Pain Resistance (Passive) lv 1: You got used to feeling pain from being seriously damaged, you were able to get used to the pain to be able to continue fighting, encountering everything that is in front of you.

- Increases pain resistance by 1%

[Due to a repeated action, the ability Mana Enhancement and Basic Mana Control were created]

Mana Enhancement (Active) Lv 1: You unconsciously used your mana at a critical moment to enhance your body to superior capabilities to defeat your enemy.

- Increases Physical Stats by 10 points.

- Increases Physical Stats by 1%

Spends 100MP/minute.

Basic mana control (Passive) lv 1: in a rough and brutal way you tried to control your mana, although it was a terrible way you still tried, if you want good control you will need a lot of training.

- Increase in mana control 1%

- Decrease in the cost of magical abilities 1%

[Lesser Fire Resistance level 1 > level 2]

Lesser Fire Resistance (Passive) lv 2: has a slight resistance to fire thanks to your affinity with fire.

- Increases fire resistance by 2%

[Booster Gear level 1 > level 2]

Boosted Gear (Active) lv 2: The Boosted Gear is one of the 13 Longinus...

- Doubles the power of its Wielder every 10 seconds.

- The current maximum Boost limit is 3.

- When you reach the boost limit it will last 1 minute and 10 seconds.

The driven gear is currently in its twice critical form which limits the maximum boosts to 1.

[For the brutal combat you gain various statistics]

[Vit +3]

[Str +4]

[Dex +2]

[Luk +1]


While reading all his skills he saw an ability that he had ignored until now, he had gained it after doing all his tasks this very day.

Novice student (Passive) lv 1: You are not very good at studies but at least you try, you will have to work hard if you want to be a good student.

- Increases the EXP gained in any skill you are being taught/learned by 1%

- Increase your reading speed by 1%

- Increase Int by 1.

This would be a very good skill at higher levels, but for now it was just another low level skill.

- I have to learn some hand-to-hand combat, my Booster Gear will benefit more from a skill like that.

Feeling a little better, he gets up from the ground with some difficulty and looks where the knight should be and in his place there is a long sword very similar in size to a katana, next to it there was even a dark red book with a flame drawn on it. front page.

There was also at least 20,000 yen.

- Well it seems that I was lucky in that I touched so many things.

Putting away the yen he quickly grabbed the book and the sword using Observe on both.

[Book of "fireball": This book allows you to learn the most basic spell of a fire mage, it is the first spell that all fire magicians, better known as pyromancers, must learn, it has a small damage and a small consumption but . a master of this skill can launch multiple fireballs with considerable power.

Do you want to learn the skill?


[Damaged Knight King's Sword: This was once a relic of humanity used to kill the demons of the underworld, this sword is enveloped by the blood and souls of demons, this causes the damage against beings of light and light to increase. sacred, due to the long period without maintenance it is damaged to an irreparable point, reducing its base damage by half.

Slashing Damage 55+S+D

Piercing Damage 50+S+D

Bonuses Str(C), Dex(C)]

Seeing the fireball book and the knight king's sword she was very surprised but also very happy to get such a good weapon and her first spell.

- Hehe this is great now I have a decent weapon and I can train my fire affinity with this.

- And to think that I can learn skills from books that will be very good in the future, I will have to look for some books.

By pressing the "Yes" option, the book begins to transform into red and yellow particles that enter its body.



[Learned the Fireball skill]

Novice Fireball (Active) lv 1: The most basic pyromancer spell has low damage and low consumption.

Fire damage 20+I+W

Spend 20 MP.

Bonus Int(D), Wis(E).

With a big smile forming on her face he walked back to her house and only deactivated the dungeon once she was in her room.

- Ugh I smell horrible, I should wash before going to sleep.

The next day.

The dark-haired boy could be seen sleeping in his bed when his alarm started ringing, waking him up.

- Agh this damn alarm.

Turning off the alarm she slowly gets up.

- What a dream I have "Sigh", I should prepare to train a little before having to go to the academy.

She quickly changes into sports clothes and leaves her house running to the square where she used to exercise this last week.

While he was running she felt several eyes on him.

- Oh? Why do they look at me so much?

Several people had been staring at him while he ran, especially older women and some girls close in age to him.

-Who is that handsome boy?

-Don't miss, I've never seen him around here but he's quite handsome.

-Will he be strange?

These and more comments she could hear from several women while they watched him exercise.

Not knowing how to feel about all the stares, he continues with his exercises and once he finishes he returns home.

- That was very strange... because they looked at me so much even if I was so handsome...

He knew very well that he was not handsome and the fact that several women out of the blue said that he was handsome made him feel strange.

He felt a small sense of pride but at the same time he felt that it was some bad joke, he had already crossed paths with several of those women in the last week while he was training and they had never looked at him like that, what changed this time?

When she arrived at his house, she greeted his mother to quickly go take a bath without noticing the look of surprise that his mother gave her when she greeted him.

After taking a bath he was about to comb his hair but when he saw himself in the mirror his mouth opened in surprise as the comb fell to the floor.

- What's going on? Why do I look like this?

His face was different, although he was not ugly, he now had more defined and elegant features similar to the famous ones. His hair went from brown to a dark red, his brown eyes were now emerald green and his eyebrows were now more highlighted.


For a moment he thought she was looking at a famous model but when he realized he couldn't help but smile.

- I don't know what's happening but I hope this isn't a dream because I look devilishly handsome.

After admiring himself he decides to change his hairstyle a little to normal.

When he versed again he couldn't help but remember the words of the women he had crossed paths with when he trained.

- Hehe, maybe it won't be so difficult to have my own harem with this appearance.

- I wonder how Koneko-chan will react.

After changing into his academy uniform which was a black jacket with white details, over a white shirt with black highlights and a black bow on the collar, and matching black pants with white sneakers.

He left his room and walked to the dining room to eat something.

He was a little funny seeing his father's reaction to his changed appearance, he just said that he was a stylist to change his style a little.

After they both got over the shock they started to praise him saying how good he looked and his mother started to make fun of him saying that Koneko would fall at my feet when she saw me.

That made him blush with embarrassment and he quickly finished eating to run towards the academy without wanting his mother to continue making fun of him.

After calming down a little he stopped running and started walking slowly, and by the time he realized several girls from his academy were staring at him.

- Look at that handsome boy.

- He will be a recent transfer.

-He looks so cute with that serious face.

- Kyaa! He is cute like Kiba-kun.

- No, he's even more handsome than him.

Hearing so many comments about him from the girls made him feel much better.

- (Now I know this is real and not an illusion but why do they say I'm serious).

Looking at the reflection of his cell phone he was actually quite serious, he just thought it was the fault of his Player Mind ability and ignored it following his path.

He had already organized to join Koneko and enter the academy together.

It didn't take long to see Koneko leaning against a wall looking at her phone.

When he approached Koneko, most of the girls stared at them.

- Koneko-chan, sorry, did I wait too long?

- Mmm... No, Issei-san.

When Koneko looked up from her to see the boy he had befriended in the last week.

The moment she saw his face Issei could see the surprise on Koneko's face.

- Hehe, it seems like Koneko-chan surprises you.

Suddenly the girl began to surround him, looking at him from different angles and sniffing lightly.

- You smell like Issei-san but you don't look like Issei-san.

- Oh this I decided that I wanted a change of style, this morning I went to a stylist and well you can see the change.

She gave him a slight smile as he extended his hand to koneko.

- Let's go Koneko-chan?

When the rest of the girls saw the redhead's smile they couldn't help but relax because of how handsome he looked while others complained that that beautiful smile was directed at Koneko.

Hearing the scream, Issei closed one of his eyes in pain, lately his hearing had been improving and becoming more sensitive.

When she looked at Koneko, she had a slight blush as she grabbed her hand somewhat shyly.

- Y-yes Issei-ku-san.

The little girl looked a little embarrassed by her mistake, she just lowered her head to start walking next to the redhead.

- Koneko-chan, are you okay?

- Y-yes.

She couldn't help but feel very happy to see Koneko's reactions towards him, for a moment she thought that Koneko was falling in love with him.



[Your new style and aura is liked by Koneko]

[+5 reputation]

[Koneko was touched by your smile]

[+5 reputation]

[Koneko is happy and embarrassed to hold your hand in front of so many people]

[+10 reputation]

Because the girl has feelings for you, the effect of your title "Hopeless Pervert" has no effect on her.


Reading the notifications that came to her, she couldn't help but smile slightly the rest of the way to the academy.

All the way there was a fairly comfortable silence between them.

When they arrived at the academy many more glances were directed at both of them, the very handsome new boy and the academy mascot who was holding his hand as if they were some kind of couple.

When they heard comments that they were a couple, they both blushed slightly.

It wasn't long before they arrived at Koneko's classroom and had to separate, but not before agreeing on the roof of the academy as their place to have lunch together.

When she said goodbye to Koneko on the way to her living room, she was getting a lot of looks that were starting to get a little uncomfortable.

At first she liked attention and she had always envied Kiba's popularity with girls but now she realized Kiba's suffering.

They weren't girls admiring a handsome boy, they were damn fangirls, they screamed every time he gave them a look or when he did something that looked great in his eyes.

He now understood the terror of fangirls although that didn't mean he would ignore them and treat them badly like he saw many popular boys in mangas and anime.

Thinking of something he laughed softly.

- (I'm sure that with this appearance even if I spy on the girls instead of hitting me they would pose for me).

Yes that was a funny thought and one he was tempted to try, once he got rid of the damn title of it.

He arrived at his room shortly after and as expected most of the girls in his room squealed with happiness because the new handsome boy was in his room while all the men looked at him with annoyance.

Now he understood what Kiba went through every day, this was really annoying.

When he was about to sit down in his place, one of the girls called him.

-Hey handsome boy~ that place already belongs to someone why don't sit behind me~ that place is totally free~

This was Aika Kiryuu, a classmate who was almost as perverted as him and his friends, she was well known for measuring a man's manliness just by looking at them.

- Stay away from the new guy with perverted glasses!

This was Kaori Murayama the captain of the kendo club.

- Oh? It's just that you want it for yourself Murayama, how perverted~

That's how an argument began between both women over who would get the new guy's attention.

It was fun for Issei to watch them fight but in the end he ignored them and sat back down in his place.

- Ummm, sorry this is someone's place, you should go to one of the two empty seats.

- Empty seats?

When he saw the girl who was talking to him, it was someone you knew quite a bit, it was Yui Katase, the vice-captain of the kendo club.

When he saw the places that I pointed out to him, he had some suspicion, were those the places of his friends, why were they empty?

- Why are those places empty? As far as he knew, a week ago they were the place of two boys.

Hearing her words, Katase's eyes darkened as she began to form a frown of disgust.

- Well, it was discovered that they had taken photos of the girls while they were changing and also when they were showering, they were expelled the same day it was discovered and were reported by all the parents of those involved.

- They even wanted to accuse someone who was supposed to be their friend to save themselves from punishment, but it was discovered that all of this was false and you are in the place of the boy they blamed.

When he heard Katase's entire story his face darkened as he felt anger begin to take over him.

- They wanted to approach me, what?

He spoke in a low voice but the anger and contempt he felt toward his supposed friends seeped into each of his words.

This surprised Katase, he never expected that reaction from the boy but as soon as he felt his anger, everything disappeared as if he had never been angry.

- I'm sorry, that makes me quite angry to think that they would do something like that to me after everything I did for them.

When he said those words everyone looked at him with some doubt and others with surprise.

The only one who came out of the surprise was Aika who asked the question that some wanted to ask.

- Hyodo is that you?!?!

At that moment everyone had the same thought "it can't be true".

What will become of our favorite redhead? Why has his appearance changed so much? What will Koneko feel about Issei? That and more will be seen in the next chapter!!

Note: good morning/afternoon/night, I hope you enjoy the chapter, for those who are curious in the following chapters there will be a little more development between the characters, at least the next chapter will be mainly about this and a small spoiler update of the system.


He disappears in a puff of smoke and crimson blades like a ninja.

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