Issei The Gamer [English]

Chapter 8: 8 A new me. [English]

Hello everyone, I want to apologize for having taken so long to update this story, I'm not dead, don't worry, I just had some personal problems that didn't allow me to continue writing but now everything is going better so I'm going to upload chapters of this story again, by the way I had an idea about a new danmachi fic, would you be interested? Maybe in the next chapter I will show an introduction to that story.

Omniscient Point Of View.

You could see Issei's classmates being totally surprised by his new appearance.

- Impossible!

- It just can't be...

- Is it really him?

These and more comments could be heard from everyone in the classroom as they looked at Issei.

No one could believe the change in Issei's appearance, many were in doubt and others were in denial, especially the girls who had thought that he was more handsome than Kiba.

- Impossible, what the hell happened to you in the last week Hyodo-kun?

It was Aika who asked again the question that everyone wanted to know.

- Umm... Well I wanted to change and improve as a person.

- I thought a change in appearance would be good to start, I went to a stylist and somehow ended up like this.

You could see Issei a little nervous because of all the looks and while he spoke everyone looked at them in disbelief.

- Are you telling me that you were always so handsome?

It was Aika who spoke again and when she realized her mistake she blushed slightly.

This was a surprise, the girl as perverted as the former perverted trio was blushing and drooling?

- Degree of tan...

It was a small whisper but all the girls around Aika could hear her whisper which made them all blush.

- Very good, everyone is standing still!! to their places, classes are already starting!!

The loud scream of her teacher made everyone react and go to their places.

It didn't take long for the truth about the new handsome boy to reach the entire school, which left everyone very surprised.

It was an exhausting day for Issei and it was just beginning.

Hours later.

Issei Point of View.

The break had just started and it was already difficult to escape from his classmates who bombarded him with questions about his change in appearance.

If that wasn't enough he had to put up with Aika coming on to him all the time.

- (Damn Aika!! How am I going to get rid of this shitty title if you act like that around me).

- (Ugh!! I swear you will pay me the moment I get rid of this title, just wait and that pretty ass of yours will be attacked by this dragon!!).

- ....

- (Wait where did that come from?).

With some hesitation due to his sudden thought, he continued walking to the school patio to join Koneko for lunch.

- (That was strange, I never had a thought like that before).

As he thought about his sudden change of attitude he reached his destination, where he was only pulled out of his thoughts when something warm and soft grabbed his hand.

Instinctively I gently squeezed what I grabbed his hand and started to smile goofily.


It was Koneko who felt somewhat embarrassed by how her hand was held so affectionately.

-Oh, Koneko-chan, it's you.

With a wide smile Issei looked at Koneko and seeing the slight blush on Koneko's cheeks he couldn't help but hug the girl because of how adorable she was.

- I'm glad you're here Koneko-chan.

- B..put me down s..senpai.

Upon hearing Koneko I would put it down immediately.

- Excuse me Koneko-chan, how about we eat before the break ends?

-Yes senpai.

We both sat on the floor being quite close to each other, anyone who saw us would think we were a couple.

We started eating while we chatted about our classes, and without realizing it, time had passed very quickly and we already had to return to our classrooms.

After saying goodbye we separated and each of us went to his classroom, on the way he was receiving the looks of all the girls.

Although most of them kept their distance, some still approached me almost the same as with Kiba, only on a smaller scale, and in the same way that Kiba spoke to them kindly, although without paying much attention to them.

Don't look at me like that, I'll be a pervert but I have no interest in them.

When I got to the classroom, Aika again came on much more rudely than she did before, making most of the girls blush a lot.

This made the thoughts of spanking her ass more present in my mind, but at the moment it wasn't something I could do.

Let me clarify, it wasn't that I disliked Aika's behavior, but on the contrary, she was totally enjoying this, the problem was that I wanted to get rid of this damn title and start my path as the king of the harem.

That's how I spent the rest of the day with the girls' looks and Aika's teasing.

In the afternoon.

He was walking through the halls of the academy towards the student council.

He should have gone on vacation but he would rather spend that time with Koneko.

Speaking of Koneko, he had gained 5 reputation points, but he had even managed to improve his reputation with his classmates and teachers.

They were still low but at least he was making progress, although to his surprise Aika had a good reputation and had gained some points by following some of his games.

She couldn't deny that she enjoyed following her perverted jokes, although she only limited herself to following her in the less perverted ones.

Something she noticed was that she couldn't see the names or levels of her classmates, when she used look at them she saw that they had levels between 3 and 5 with exceptions like Aika who had level 6.

The other exceptions were Kaori and Yui, the leader and vice leader of the kendo club respectively, both of whom were level 10, the highest level she had seen so far in humans.

But without a doubt what surprised him the most and scared him a little was seeing Koneko's level.

She was level 36 and her race only had question marks appearing.

Although at first she made him doubt Koneko, that doubt quickly disappeared when Koneko grabbed her hand and looked at him with her big eyes.

- 'Maybe she likes me?'

While she was walking thinking about Koneko she ended up bumping into someone.

- Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was walking...

- Ara, don't worry, I wasn't paying attention either.

When she looked at the person she had bumped into it was Akeno Himejima the second most popular girl at Kuoh Academy.

Getting a little panicked at being in front of such beauty, she quickly bows and apologizes again.

- Senpai, I'm very sorry, it wasn't my intention to hit you.

- Ara I didn't say not to worry.

As she was about to apologize again she felt a hand grab her head and lift him up.

It was a few seconds where she went from bowing to being centimeters from Akeno's face.

- Ara, aren't you cute? Who would say you are Issei-kun~

She could feel Akeno's warm breath which was altering her hormones.

- This I...

- Shhh~ relax Issei-kun~ I just want to see your face closely~ can't I~?

Hearing the honeyed and flirtatious voice that she was using, she just swallowed and looked into her eyes.

- Good koai~ behave well, okay?

- I... Yes, senpai.

- That's how I like it~

She couldn't understand what was happening, because she was like this Akeno.

The only thing she could do was hope that no one passed by this hallway and saw them in this position.

It was then that he felt a small pain in her left earlobe next to something hot and moist.

Yes, Akeno had just bitten her ear and not only that but she gave it a little lick.

- Be good and maybe I'll give you a good reward~

After saying that, Akeno separates herself from him and follows her path while she moves her hips gently.

Without being able to avoid it, her eyes focused on Akeno's plump ass, which she kept moving until she lost sight of her when she turned down a hallway.

-'Ugh what the fuck was that? Why does Akeno-senpai act against me? Is it because of my new appearance?'

With many doubts she couldn't help but swallow and walk to the nearest bathroom. She hadn't realized before but she could perfectly feel Akeno's big tits.

She still felt the sensation in his chest along with the bite on her ear, and seeing Akeno's ass now had a little problem in his pants.

Time after.

Omniscient Pov.

At this moment Issei and Sona were sitting across from each other.

- Hyudo-kun, it's good to see that it's finally here and I want to apologize for what happened last time, if I had known I would never sanction it.

- It's okay Kaicho, you didn't know and I deserved a sanction with everything I did.

She would smile slightly and give a nod to Tsubaki who was next to her, understanding that she would leave the room but not before saying goodbye to her.

- See you later kaicho, Hyodo-san.

After Tubaki left the room there was an awkward silence, which was broken by sona.

- I suppose you already know this but I still have to tell you, The culprits of the photos were your friends Matsuda and Motohama.

- Yes kaicho they already told me what happened.

You could see how Issei's calm face had changed to a colder one.

- So you already know that they were expelled from the academy, also the girls from the kendo club wanted to apologize for what happened last time.

- Uh? Do you really want to apologize?

Hearing that the girls at the club wanted to apologize to him made his mood improve a little.

- So there is something more kaicho?

- Yes, in fact there is something else.

Sona would open a drawer in her desk and take out some folders.

- These are the recovery tasks that you must do Hyodo-kun.

-"Sigh" is fine kaicho I understand.

Issei would grab the folders and when she was about to look at Sona again she would see a set of crystal chess on the side.

-Oh, I didn't know Kaicho played chess, he even has one of the expensive crystal games.

- Do you know how to play chess Hyodo-kun?

- Well, I'm not an expert but I have the basics.

Listening to him speak, Sona's eyes would have a small gleam of interest.

- Are you interested in playing? I don't have many to play with and I could use a break from my duties anyway.

- Of course kaicho will be more than happy to play with you.

1 hour later.

They had both been playing for a whole hour while they were chatting about different things, mainly chess strategies or rather Sona was teaching Issei new strategies and tactics.

Although Issei lost all the games that barely lasted 10 minutes, he had visibly improved.

He wasn't at Sona's level but he had definitely improved something that made Issei happy while on the other hand Sona was surprised by Issei's learning speed.

For a moment she thought about including him in her nobility but she didn't have many pieces since her last acquisition and she wasn't entirely sure she could make Issei part of her nobility.

Not many knew it but there were artifacts to see the number of pawns she would need to turn someone into a devil and Sona had one of those artifacts from her older sister.

While they were playing she was trying to see the pawns she needed to transform Issei out of curiosity but seeing that he needed 8 pawns she planned to tell Rias to gain a favor from her.

When both were about to play again, the council door opening caught both of their attention.

- Hyodo-san?

This was Tsubaki who was looking at them in doubt.

- Were you guys playing all this time?

- Umm yes senpai/Tsubaki.

Both Sona and Issei looked at each other in doubt, how long had he been playing.

They both looked at the clock above the living room door and couldn't believe how long they had been playing.

- I'm sorry Kaicho and Fuku Kaicho, I have to go or my mother will kill me.

Getting up quickly he grabs his things and runs towards the door but before leaving he looks at Sona.

- It was a pleasure playing with you kaicho, I hope we can play again.

As soon as he finished speaking she sped away from the school.

Seeing the speed much higher than an average human, both girls were surprised.

- Is he really the same Hyodo-san kaicho?

- It's a big surprise but I think he already knows about the supernatural world.

- That must be the reason for his big change Tsubaki.

Returning to Issei he could be seen running at high speed with a trace of fear on his face.

The reason? He had used observe on Tsubaki and Sona before leaving and when he saw her levels it scared him quite a bit.

Tsubaki was level 49 and Sona was level ??, that scared him enough to quickly get out of there.

Although they did not seem hostile, he did not know what could happen to him, so he preferred to leave the place as quickly as he could, without knowing that this had only attracted more attention from both girls.

And if that were not enough, he had run without any direction out of fear, which ended up causing him to get lost.

As he stopped to catch his breath he could hear the scream of some men in the distance.

- Huh? What was that?

They sounded like screams of pain as if they were having a fight.

Out of curiosity he decided to go in and see what was happening.

He walked down the street until he turned and saw a group of men wearing martial art costumes lying on the ground complaining about the pain.

When he looked around he couldn't see anyone else so he decided to get closer.

Who are these guys? What will trigger this in our favorite redhead? What will be your new challenge? Will he learn a hand-to-hand combat style? Could I get his harem? Discover this and more in the next chapter!!!

Note: good morning/afternoon/night, first I want to apologize for not having uploaded anything in the last month as an apology, I will try to finish the next chapter today at the latest tomorrow, of course I will try to make it longer than normal so that you can enjoy it to the maximum and I will bring a lot of action in the next chapter.

PS: I may have regretted a little saying that I wouldn't mix worlds but the truth is that something occurred to me that ended up causing a new opponent to appear for the heart of our red haired man and of course new friends, this time real friends.


He disappears in a puff of smoke and crimson blades like a ninja.

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