Chapter 9: 9 Ryozanpaku!!
Hello everyone, I just wanted to tell you that for those interested I have created a discord group, anyone who is interested can join, I will be uploading story previews and will notify you of any delays or important things.
Omniscient Pov.
Several men could be seen lying on the ground, they seemed to have been beaten.
When Issei saw them he checked the surroundings in search of the culprit but seeing no one he approached the men lying on the ground who were complaining about the pain.
When he was about to ask what happened to them, he heard more screams coming from his side.
As he turned his head he saw a large wooden door that looked very heavy and difficult to move.
But suddenly the door opens completely as a group of men fly out of it.
When they were about to hit Issei, he quickly ducked, narrowly avoiding them.
Ending in the men flying over those who were already shooting, causing everyone to scream in pain.
- 'What just happened?'
- Well... I already took care of them... eh?... a new challenger?...
A woman's voice was heard from the door, when Issei saw her he was completely surprised.
-(They are as big as Rias-senpai's!!! and she has the best hips that she has ever seen!!)
The woman had an hourglass figure, large breasts and a round, firm butt, her skin was light, she had purple hair and light purple eyes, lightning-shaped eyebrows and her hair tied in a ponytail. that reaches below your waist.
She wears a small pink kimono with a large neckline revealing a chain mail underneath it along with a purple choker around her neck. The kimono barely covers her rear and between her legs, she is wearing long colored stockings. purple.
- Shigure, why do you drink so much?
A man appears next to the newly named Shigure, he had short black hair, light eyes giving the appearance of being blind, eyebrows that start with a zigzag and a thin beard.
He was wearing a white shirt and blue overalls, and he had a book in his right hand.
When he saw Issei he smiled kindly.
- Oh you're a new challenger? Or maybe seek to be a ryozanpaku student?
- Huh? Ryozanpaku? What's that?
The doubt on Issei's face was clearly visible to the man and woman.
- It's our dojo and because of your question, don't come for either of us.
- Umm, sorry, I only saw these guys lying around and when I went to check, the guys who just threw me almost collided.
- Akisame... I'll go first...
After the woman's words, she returned inside the dojo, but not before giving Issei a look.
The newly named Akisame only nodded as he continued to look at Issei.
- Are you interested in being a student of the dojo?
- Huh? I?
The man's question took Issei by surprise, who was pointing while he asked.
- Of course, I saw you training a few days ago and I must say that you have some potential.
- What would I learn in this dojo?
A small gleam of fear but also anticipation appeared in Issei's eyes.
He had used Observe on the shigura call when he saw her and to his surprise he could only see her name while in her level only ??? appeared, which took him by surprise since her level was three little digits if the question marks meant something.
And a few moments ago he also used Observe on the guy in front of him and on his level it appeared ???.
-That depends on which teacher decides to train you, but you can learn jiu jitsu from me and weapons handling from Shigure, I can say that you caught his attention.
- What if it caught the attention of the other teachers?
The anticipation of knowing what style of fighting he could learn caused a fire inside him to begin to emerge.
Akisame, seeing the desire to learn in Issei's eyes, would form a smile a little wider than the previous one.
- Well, you could learn Muay Thai from master Apachai Hopachai, Karate from master Shio Sakaki, and Chinese Kenpo from master Kensei Ma.
Upon hearing the styles that he could learn, Issei's eyes lit up even more, and if his assumption was true, all of these teachers had a level of at least 100 and if he trained under them he would become really strong.
- I want to be a student at the dojo!
-haha that's the spirit boy, but before that he goes and meets the teachers.
- Yeah!
At this moment the emotion was running through his entire body, and without knowing it, a flame of desire to learn began to arise in his heart and the desire to be stronger to protect his family told him to learn from these teachers.
Akisame had turned around and was already walking into the dojo. Seeing this, Issei hurried to go after him.
The moment he crossed the large door it suddenly closed behind him causing a loud bang which scared Issei.
- (What's wrong with me? Since I arrived at school my emotions have been very altered, it's like the player's mind isn't working)
With a slight trace of concern Issei looked at his state more specifically where his abilities were, and when he came in the player's mind was in disbelief, he couldn't understand what he saw.
Player Mind (Passive) lv MAX: Allows the user to think things through calmly and logically. Allows a calm state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder/mental attacks. [Locked]
- (What is happening? Why is it blocked? System what is happening?!)
[The celestial dragon of domination that is sealed in its sacred gear has requested to block its Player Mind ability and only unlock it in case of a fight to the death]
[The dragon of domination has given several points on how this ability can affect the user and their newly formed dragon side in their daily life, therefore the system has accepted the request given by the dragon]
- (What the fuck? The dragon sealed in my sacred gear can block the player's Mind? And why would I do it? How could it affect me?)
Doubt was eating his thoughts but before he could continue thinking he heard a voice very close to him.
- So.... you decided to come...
Issei was frozen feeling a warm breath on his neck, when he turned his head slightly he saw Shigure a few inches away from him.
- (Come on Issei, calm down, you were already on the brink of death, this is nothing), 'Sigh' if I want to learn from teacher Shigure or the other teachers.
Both Shigure and Akisame looked at the boy with slight surprise, he was clearly very nervous a moment ago but he managed to control his emotions and maintain a calm state.
This was surprising to most young people nowadays, even among intermediate martial artists it was rare to see control of emotions like Issei's.
- Oh that's the spirit boy, you will be someone great one day if you keep that spirit.
He was the voice of an older man with long blonde hair and a long blonde beard, and he had very big muscles.
This caught Issei's attention and he looked forward seeing 4 more men, 3 of these were muscular giants while the last one was small in comparison but looked like someone very agile.
- This little mommy's boy with a pretty face can't be a disciple!! Just look at it, it looks like a small stick that would break with a touch of my pinky!!
A loud, growling voice came from one of the muscular men. The main feature of him was a scar on his bushy nose from one end of his face to the other.
- Come on, Sakaki, don't be mean to the boy, after all, muscles aren't everything.
This time it was the small man who spoke, he was dressed in Chinese clothes with a hat and what caught his attention was the eroge magazine that he had in his hands.
- I agree with Kensei, bulky muscles are not good.
This time it was Akisame who answered.
- Whatever you want, I won't train that weakling, I don't want to be associated with him.
- Apachaiiii!!! Apachai is excited to have a disciple!!!
Suddenly the last muscular man started screaming while his eyes glowed white and suddenly he jumped into the yard and started hitting a punching bag.
This guy's Muay Thai techniques were incredible, although seeing that man who sent the bag flying with one blow scared Issei, but when he went crazy and started breaking stone decorations with one blow and cutting trees in half with one kick, all while repeating "apa" the whole time.
- Apachai, calm down, you're scaring the boy and stop breaking everything!!!
It was the old man who yelled at the dark-skinned guy who was breaking everything easily.
- Forgive him Apachai gets very excited when there is a visitor and even more so now that there is a possible disciple for the dojo.
- Err, okay.
After a few seconds Issei calmed down when he saw that the destructive monster really had no intention of killing or harming him.
-So what do I need to be accepted as a disciple?
Witnessing the destruction that Apachai made caused Issei to want to train here even more, he had a feeling that he would regret it if he did not become a disciple of the dojo.
When the teachers except Apachai saw Issei's desire to learn and be part of the dojo it made most of them smile except Sakaki that he was being a tsundere.
time jump
Issei could be seen sitting in front of Kensei who was explaining everything he needed to be a disciple.
- Well, finally, just the address of your home and sign here.
- Yeah.
- It's 20,000 yen.
When I hear the price I look at Kensei in surprise.
-Hey Kensei that's too much.
- Come on, Akisame, you know that ryozanpaku is not in vancarota.
- But that's still too much.
When Akisame and the older boy were about to continue talking, Issei surprised them when he took out his wallet and from it he took out the 20,000 yen and gave it to Kensei.
- Thank you.
The smile Kensei gave was that of a scammer who had just made good money.
- Okay, the price is not high, in fact I feel like it is very little, after all I will be training with great teachers and the knowledge of real teachers is priceless.
When the teachers heard Issei's words they smiled slightly.
- Then how about 100,000 yen to sign up.
When Issei heard Kensei he put on a serious face and stared at him.
- Don't exaggerate and I don't have that much.
- Well I tried.
Kisame just raised his shoulders and put away the papers that Issei had just completed.
- Well it's late now, how about you start your training tomorrow afternoon.
- Alright..
- Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Hayato Furinji, nice to meet you.
- No, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself either, my name is Issei Hyodo.
With a slight smile he shook the older man's hand and then walked towards the door but when he was about to open it it suddenly opened and a beautiful girl appeared in front of him.
Due to the suddenness and the fact that the girl was entering excitedly, they ended up colliding, causing the girl to fall on top of Issei.
- Aaah!!
- Ouch!
- MMM!!
- Hey, do kids today go fast, they don't even know each other and they're already kissing each other?
It was Kensei who spoke who had a camera in his hands and was taking photos of Issei's accident and the blonde girl above him.
Yes, Issei and this girl not only collided, but the girl fell on top of Issei which ended up causing Issei to hit his head on the ground.
He had tried to stop the girl by raising her hands but all he ended up doing was putting his hands on the girl's breasts while her lips ended up connecting.
- Mmmm!!!x2
Both boys were surprised and shocked by what had happened, this was their first kiss and they never imagined losing it in this way.
They stood there for several seconds just looking into each other's eyes until Hayato coughed, bringing them out of their state of shock and causing them to quickly separate while both had a big blush.
- I'm so sorry!!x2
- Jo, they are very united saying the same thing at the same time.
- We are not!! x2
Both boys stared at each other while Kensei laughed and mocked them both.
Several minutes later
- Hello, I'm Miu Furinji, it's a pleasure Issei-kun.
- Hello, I'm Issei Hyodo, my pleasure, Miu-chan.
Both had already managed to calm their spirits and had already begun to talk calmly although they still had a slight blush, on the other hand Hayato was looking with a death wish at Issei which shook him at every moment and Kensei urging him on and saying perverted things about Issei and Miu only made Hayato angrier.
After several minutes Issei was running back home as fast as he could, he didn't want his mother to get angry.
End of chapter.
Note: Good night/afternoon/morning everyone, I hope you are doing well and that you have enjoyed reading, I want your opinions on this addition to the fic, I honestly did not plan to merge worlds but in this time that I was not writing, I thought about several things and this was one of them, so we already have two new possible girls who will be part of Issei's harem, Miu and Shigure, I think doing this was a good idea and if you want to know the true levels of the teachers you will have to wait a long time because they are not weak at all. With nothing more to say, I say goodbye and have a good day.
(your gift)
Disappears in a puff of smoke and crimson leaves just like a ninja.