Chapter 1: Chapter 1: darkness to light
*drip* *drip*
The sounds of water dripping onto the ground pierced the silence of the room banished by light.
Although barren, the room itself could be called a mini ecosystem, with running water ,moss and weeds covering the walls and cracks in the floor as well as small organisms hiding all around
This ecosystem like any go has what's known as a predator. A hunter stronger than the rest that eats whatever whenever it want.
Has main access to the water source and drinks whenever it wants.
As well as it sleeps wherever and whenever as that's its will and for all its ever known.
This predator though bigger than the rest has small baby teeth ,it has short limbs in a bipedal form as well as long flowing brown hair that reaches the floor.
Something different and bizarre has happened to this creature lately. It has began questioning itself, questioning wether is this all life has to offer. Yes it gained self awareness, the ability to think deeper than simple desires and base instincts.
With this it also came to know that it is not the same as the being of this dark 'world', the rats, the insects and it are different in both body and mind and once it realised this fact it began to feel something else, something foreign.
That it is alone. No creature looks the same as it and no creature that acts like it.
They are in groups but he is alone.
With the loneliness it began to feel longing, have a group of its own, a group of the same species that protect and care for each other .
These feeling scared the 'predator', to complex for its mind focused only to survive to process properly. So it stopped and shut these feeling away in the back of its mind.perhaps to forget about or maybe just maybe to revisit and explor later.
So, with unnecessary thought and distractions out of its way it began to use its senses ,sharpened through the darkness to hunt.
[months later]
A Loud and piercing noise echoed across the room. The unfamiliar sound reached out to the creature who is feeding on moss and drinking water.
Instantly he put up his guard ,startled and gets into a combat stance as it prepares to fight against an unknown enemy .
The sound ,a louder and more irritating than the last blasts the predators ears that are more sensitive due to its training.
The sound of metal grinding against rock continues for a short while after the click until finally something changes.
An unknown and unfamiliar element to the boy raised in darknes, knew nothing but the darkness and never used his sight.
Infatuation, he, now seen as a human child stares into the light, only for it to attack him and burn his retinas and blind him temporarily.
After taking a while to recover, he finally see's them. His silent wish ,silent hope. Beings the same as him, a family of his own.
A/N—first chapter, hope it's ok! Please comment to let me know if there are major flaws.thanks ;).