Journey of the consumer

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: light to darkness

After that day and after experiencing the light ,the boy found beings similar to himself just taller and more imposing. Though wary at first, he quickly warmed up to them and understood that they meant no harm

After accepting thier help, the boy was taken in by different people and taught things completely foreign to him, foreign to just hunter and survival.

He was taught how to speak ,taught how to write, to socialise but most of all he was taught how to live and how to enjoy life for what it is and not just accept misfortune.


Two years later he was finally able to digest and use this knowledge he gained and how to act like a human and not a beast, but he did have many lapses in stressful situations.

He moved past that though for the most part and he finally gain something he's been longer for, a family.

A fairly old and happily married couple adopted him though not as a son but a grandchild which he was okay with, even though he didn't really understand it.

A grandmother and a grandfather was what he was taught to see and accepted them as which he did with open arms


Another few years passed by in a blink of an eye to the boy, learning a lot and experiencing familial love for the first time was great and helped him a lot with fitting in with his race(humans).

After testing to see and passing the boy was finally allowed to join in with his peers in school and make friends and socialise.

Though unlike expectations of others the boy really fit it well with the other children.

Although smaller than others, possibly due to malnutrition or maybe genetics, with the years of survival and training his senses and his natural dexterity, he was great at sports and grew popular with his classmates.

Though after that the years kept on passing and the world kept on spinning, his story but an insignificant to all but himself and loved ones.

He went from a boy, to a teenager and eventually into a young man.

I'm his teemage years though his talent in sports really bloomed and it became a hobby to explore multiple and various different sports. From rugby to football, from martial arts to running he experienced a lot.

Eventually as he grew and went up in years of school he met a girl, a young women who he just clicked with and after many years of friendship they became a couple and after dating for a while and despite being young, they got engaged.

Of course for a successful marriage they need money so they both got jobs in things they excel in.

For the boy it was sports, he got better and better ,going international eventually.

For the girl it was writing, though not as high paying as the boy, she was very successful herself.

As partners they naturally shared their interests with each other he by taking her to watch his games and sports online. She by showing him books and reading together.

And he became engrossed in especially one genre of reading, fantasy. He completely nerded out on his new hobby, buying t-shirts ,pillows and even figurines which got a good laugh at out his fiancé.

But as good things happen, bad things can come about as easily and break everything apart. That is what happens to the boy turned man as darkness once more regained its claim on him.


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