Journey of the consumer

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The end?

" Arghhhh- … p-please j-just kill me already.. haven't you has enou- ahhhh!"

A middle aged man screamed in a weak and hoarse voice in a desperate plea to the man who has been torturing him.

"No." A cold and emotionless voice resounded in an echo around the warehouse that imprisoned the man like a god talking down to a sinner.

His words, along with his deep pitch black eyes that seem to contain a void of darkness within plunged the man into despair

Looking into his tormentors eyes traumatised and frightened him so deeply that with the torchure directly put him into shock, stopping his heart.

"Ah ah ah~~ why did they all die so quickly i only gave them a few hours of special attention each, haha."

The cold voice once more resonates throughout the darkness of the warehouse in a false sad time but if the room wasn't shrouded in a deep darkness, one would see a man with a body covered in scars, smiling like a maniac.

If anyone were to see him now though, they would either be directly traumatised or laugh at the ridiculousness of the scenery in shock .

A 5'1 man with a body that is severely malnourished with long hair that reaches his waist, making him look like a ghost. As well as many corpses with either slit throats or bullets to their vitals

Finally there are 7 men and women, all around 40-60 each lined up and tied down to chairs so they can't move a muscle, with all the same expressions on their faces.. pure agony and despair.

After chucking to himself for a moment, he sighs and starts to throughout the build he has been in for over 12 hours.

Stepping over the various corpses that would count up to over 200 if all together he finally steps out of the darkness and into the light of dawn.

"Sighhh" with a deep sigh the man reflects on the years he spent getting revenge on those who stole first his fiancé and second his family and life altogether.

It took him years to find out the assailants of the attack on his family, many he spent in constant depressive states. And the others through both honing his long abandoned hunting instincts and well as developing another.


Though this trial and error he quickly picked it up ,finding himself talented in hiding in the darkness where no one else but he can see .

His hobbies in martial arts also went into helping this aspect of work and quickly developed methods for quickly killing enemies… and methods to draw out long deaths.

Though enough of that. The man comes out of his thoughts as he makes it to his destination, a small hill not far from the warehouse and with a nice view of sunrise.

Looking down he observed the gun he picked up from one of the corpses of his making , he remembers a memory of his and his lovers weekendly walks early on the morning to watch the sunrise.


A single tear slowly falls down his face and onto the gun, causing a small smile to appear on his face….a smile that turns wicked as he remembers what he was doing just 10 minutes ago.


Deranged laughter finally leaves his lips in a terrifying display as he raises the gun to his temple.

Though if one looked closely, they would see nothing but pain and sadness in his eyes.

"haa" a final laugh followed once more as his face turns into a stone cold machine.



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