Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Family
[3rd person POV]
It's been a couple of months since the 'nameless one', now Azrael, was born into this world. Most of it was just spent sleeping like most baby's or with his mother as she works.
Though in the time he was awake, he got to know a bit about his new family. No farther or farther figure has been around him or his mother, so either dead or an absentee.
He learned his mothers name, Mary, and her occupation. Being some sort of noble and having to manage her fairly large territory.
He also learned he has siblings, three of them in fact. The eldest being his sister, Arina, who is 7 years old and is a fairly quite and reserved girl who usually just keeps to herself, having few friends. The second eldest being his brother, Felix, who is 5 years old and is a outgoing lad who tries to make friends with everyone, also a bit loud. Finally there is the second youngest, Audrey, who is 3 years old and is quite energetic with a big smile usually on her face and follows delicious around quite a bit.
The three siblings all share similar traits In hair colour and eye colour. Them being a light platinum blond, almost reaching a silver colour. Their eyes a deep black, though they all posses these traits they have small differences, only noticeable up close.
They obviously get these traits from their farthers side, as Mary herself posses a simple but beautiful light brown hair, with complex hazel eyes that fully blooms under the light of the sun.
Azrael though seems to shares the traits of his mother, pretty much down to a T.
Unlike Mary's bright eyes that seems to light up any place she stands while captivating anyone lucky enough to stand by her side, Azraels are almost dull. Even dead you could say, if not for his moving body that constantly breaths air. As well stoic face that has no place on a baby, different from her current smile and expressive face.
He cannot change this though, no matter how hard he tries.
Besides a few maids and servants of this house that seems to get the creeps(understandably) while looking into his eyes or at his face, not many and most importantly his family don't seem to mind.
Perhaps just to young and ignorant to care. Mary though, she seems to see through his expression as clear as day. Like she can read Azraels mind and gaze into his emotions with exceptional clarity.
'Scary hahaha' he lets out a light laugh out loud while speaking to himself internally, almost forgetting that he to has a skill that can read emotion.
The slight grin and tiny laugh also seems to be caught by Mary's hawk like eyes as she too smiles and coo's at the baby with her.
Being in his mothers arms Azrael finds it hard to escape the blinding affection and playing.
Currently the family of five spends their time in the garden of the mansion. Due to its giant size, the 'garden' can probably also be called a field.
Felix and Audrey play around in grass that reaches their knees, innocently chasing each other while laughing and joking.
Mary (carrying Azrael) and Arina sit under the shadow of a tree relaxing together. Mary observing her children with a happy smile and Arina either reading or trying to play with the baby Azrael and get a reaction out of him.
This moment is a rare and peaceful time when they can all be together without the pressing issues of work and expectations of being a noble house ,as a family.