Journey of the consumer

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Mana cores

[Azraels POV]

It's been five years since the painful activation of the outsiders mark, and it has passed in a blink of a eye.

Very soon after the incident I found out that I couldn't even use the skill. It was due to the lacking mana my infant body had accumulated.

In this world, said mana is naturally drawn into the body's heart till the age of thirteen and forming/building a mana core.

As a baby my body didn't have enough time to draw in mana, much less create a much more real mana core than the pathetic excuse that is the size of rice, crystal in my heart.

The abilities that make up use mana to activate the abilities following the requirements of a spell or technique of using mana to create an effect.

But the mark has another requirement to using the abilities. Like in the game where gathering runes can unlock, here I have to use mana to make a rune symbolising the power. The only problem, the mana cost for most are insane to the me of right now!

Also like In the game I possess already unlocked, so that's a plus I guess.

Though enough on the powers and more on the requirements. In my pursuit of a method to speed up the gathering of mana or even manual gather mana into my body, I have been a frequent visitor of the library.

Oftentimes getting strange looks from the inhabitants of the house for the unusual activities of a child of my age, I just ignore them as there are only a handful of people I have even talked to, much less care about.

And In my ravenous pursuit of said knowledge, I have read dozens of books! Fully learning the language with similar numbers and letters to English.

As well as finding out a bit of this worlds 'power system'. Number one, other than the naturally forming core people born and grow with, there are two mana cores that have to be actively formed by the individual.

Number 2, depending on which core you form and what path you want to pursue, you need to manually guide the mana to form a core in either your brain or in the guts.

You can also create both cores in the body with the added benefit of efficiency and capacity, but the process makes it more difficult to advance and refine the cores as well as it can be more dangerous to form the third, potentially even lethal With messy mana control and a weak body.

The benefits make up for the slightly slowed growth though, using both spells and techniques as well as internal and external mana manipulation. The two different abilities that added together can be brought to new heights.

There can be special cases though. People born with specific skills that bring them closer to mana itself, or give a more hightened instinctive control over the energy. These types of skills, rare as they maybe almost super side the danger with messy control and slowed advancement.

luckily for me, Is such a skill. So with me being able to sense mana with just a small amount of effort and the instructions read and processed, I'm good to go!

Also depending on the core you choose as well as depending on if you learn combat arts or magic spells, you would be either classified as a magicia or a warrior.

Obviously with one class, you cannot focous on the others system. A Magican cant use techniques, and a warrior can't use spells. Unless… they have both cores and train in both paths.

And with both, the individual is usually classified as a magical warrior or spellsword who combines magic and the arts.

For magicians, their power system is to use mana to create and use the natural elements and effects using exturnal mana mixed with their own. An example of this would be; using elemental mana to create water, fire, earth and wind etc, or to create an effect using neutral mana away from the elements; such as healing, illusions or telekinesis.

For warriors, their power system is more simple, a lot simpler than magicians where they have to study spells and theory to bring out its potential. All a warrior needs to do is simple train only a little amount of intelligence and common sense is actually needed, well… at low levels.

Because of this, the path of the warrior is a more widely picked choice. To use mana to empower the body and weapons is the main purpose of this class. Even people with no resources and access to techniques, one can at least grow their physical strength or empower their body temporarily, but with refined techniques and training in arts they can truly shine and be almost as diverse as magicians in some ways.

Another main fighting style of this clas would be creating various effects with weapons, like a piercing arrow or a flying slash for longer range.

Combined with proper discipline and training a warrior can shine unlike a magican who needed various books of knowledge and teachers to do something other than throw blades of wind, although that trained too can be powerfully in itself, though extremely limited.


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