King boo, the true king of undeath

Chapter 1: King boo? well I am dead, so being a ghost seems right.

Marvin had a bad week, it started out so great though! He had gotten all three luigis mansion games and played all of them, his favourite character of course being king boo!

He loved ghosts since he was a kid, and at 35 that didn't stop at all, he loved the magic and mystery of them, and hoped to meet a ghost someday, or when his time came, become one!

Only..he did, but this wasn't how he thought ghosts worked, sitting in a dimension and looking into a mirror he made, yes MADE! He could make anything with no effort at all in this place, and saw himself, and he saw a Humanoid king boo staring back.

Picture here:

"Alright Marvin..AHH!!?" He started freaking out, dieing was peaceful but then so scary! He expected a white light, not a purple one! And didn't expect this!. "Alright I'm cool..I'm calm.."

"Alright so..I'm king boo? Like I got the crown..his powers it seems, and I'm in a paranormal place I'm guessing the paranormal dimension..and I feel connected to it somehow, like it's my very essence." He got a look around, noticing he knew how big it was, and it was the size of a planet.

"It can get bigger..if there was more ghosts in here, I could draw power from them, make this place bigger and with better control to.." he rubbed his chin, before deciding to make the place a paradise. "If ghosts need to come, I am gonna make an afterlife everyone will be dieing to go to!.." he snickers at the dieing pun.

"Alright, so I need to just.." he got to work on his planet sized dimension, smirking as he made it look so beautiful. "Perfect! Don't have any ground yet, but for now this should work, ghosts don't need ground anyway."

Picture of the paranormal dimension:

"Alright, now to get out.." he slowly wills it, and a portal appears, just like the one in the games but more..Mystical. "Huh, weird." He flys out, and finds himself on a planet like earth. "Alright..which world is this?"

He turned invisible, getting a look around the place, finding nothing to different then his old world. "Huh, maybe its a normal world?." He felt it, a sudden shift, and looked over, seeing a portal and three imps walking out, clearly on a mission to kill. "...oh no..."

(Yep, I got the inspiration, my king boo idea was funny to me, then I thought about a guy just making a competing afterlife in hazbin hotel and I mean, who wouldn't want boos? You can come back as a ghost anytime and hang out with your family, unlike hell and heaven, he has complete control of his ghosts, so he can get rid of sin completely when they become his subjects, so alot of people would probably just want him for their afterlife needs, if anyone likes it I will continue, oh and boo isn't powerful enough to take on heaven or hell at all, like they would crush him, he has powers they don't, but they are still more powerful, he would need alot of ghosts in his dimension to get to their level.)

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