King boo, the true king of undeath

Chapter 2: hazbin hotel..really!? there's already an afterlife here!

Marvin, or king boo as he will call himself now, is horrified, especially since he hated the damn show!. " was the worst, why the fuck am I here? Can't I be in a world without an afterlife? No competition!."

He decided to fly after them, it seems demon magic can't sense him, which was good. "Alright they seem to be on a hunt in the woods, so maybe..hey I know this cabin." He looked in, and saw the family from the second pilot episode. "Oh crap..them?"

He looked at them all, they all deserved a real hell, not the one they get in reality, and for fuck sake the woman that killed herself because of this bitch, ends up fucking her!?. "God this place is a fucking mess, I wish hell would disappear..hey..wait a minute.." he got an idea.

He decided to do a quick check on their souls, not planning on saving them since they all deserve to die, but would make sure their souls didn't go to hell, he had an idea for them, but first used his powers to check their sin. "Yes..that's it, that's why hellborn have to go up and make people sin! Hell was made with the first sin, and it needs human sin to keep itself stable, if I steal all the new souls going to hell, I could destroy hell itself!."

He grins, knowing if he comes off as a being willing to help them, he could actually use them. "Yes..this family could work actually, the woman gets a whore, so she should be able to spread the word, I just need..them to obey." He grins, his crown glowing as he floats inside.

Ralph pov:

Ralph was enjoying time with his family, he loved them so much, especially his wife, now most people think he's a cuck, but no he and his wife have an open relationship..well open is a stretch, more like hunting relationship, because any man or woman his wife brings home, and any woman he brings home, turn into a delicious family dinner.

"Now kids, make sure to thank your mother for all her hard work." He smiled, before suddenly the room shakes, all of us floating into the air. "What the hell!? Kids!" He grabs his kids and wife, looking up as space stretched, and a figure appears. "Who..are you?"

Normal pov.

" king boo, the Ruler of undeath! The Embodiment of the soul itself!." He got confused on the last part, wondering where that came from, before he looked at the family. "I am here for you all, you are wicked and evil and will go to hell, but if you join me..become ghosts, I will make sure hell never gets ahold of you, no suffering at about it?"

King boo watched the man named Ralph talk to his wife, before hearing him speak. "Well, non of us wanna go to hell, but what do we get besides this?." King laughs, the balls on this human.

"How about..I won't destroy your souls? Cause I find you sickening, and I would rather do that." He smiled, his mouth an endless purple void inside, drawing their souls in.

"I..alright, just please don't hurt my family." King boo was actually touched, the man clearly loved his kids and wife. "Alright then, come with me.." he takes them to the paranormal dimension, right before the imps get there.

Blitzo pov:

"What the shit moxie!? Where are they? I thought the book could find them anywhere on earth!?." He tapped his foot, looking at moxie, knowing he won't get paid at all for this.

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