King boo, the true king of undeath

Chapter 13: halfa

Around the world, there are those who still practice the mystical arts, as they kept to hiding as they felt the magic they had was to dangerous in the modern world.

Though sadly they are a dying breed of people, they had many ways to gain magic back in the day, but now..not so much, so most people have to make deals with demons in order to get some magic.

Over time it had become a ritual, a young magic user with their friends and family summons a high ranking demon to make a deal, it was quite a normal thing, but for one Daniel Fenton, he decided to change it up.

He was the son of two great death magic users, both of them obsessed with death and it's ways, though they were still loving and supportive parents for him and his older sister, who had made a deal with a demon named stolas.

"Alright, gotta get ready.." Danny looked at the screen of king boo, his parents didn't think he existed, because if he did they would have discovered him by now. "Right..of course they would." He loved his parents but they could be easy to distract.

He knew what he was gonna do was crazy, and he didn't know if it would work, but he also didn't wanna make a deal with a demon, like for real he doesn't wanna go to hell! He's only fourteen, he doesn't want the thought of going to hell one day over his head.

"Please work, please work.." his sister jazz was watching him, as she knew his plan for today and hoped it went well, as Danny stood up and went to get ready, before he heads out, and went to the circle, all over the place was friends and family, of course others in are group, or coven as some would say.

"Hey sam..I'm nervous, if I mess up I'm toast." He looked at his girlfriend, she made a deal with some demon called overgrowth, and now had plant magic, which he knew she liked, even if she was a goth sam loved life so very much.

Sam just held her boyfriends hand, giving it a squeeze. "Don't worry, it will be fine..just be confident, and if the demon gives you shit, end the ritual." She gave him some encouragement, before she stepped back.

Danny slowly walked, his eyes scanning over his family and coven, his parents, to some of his school mates, and so many more, he stepped up to the glowing green ritual site, seeing the green glow spin around on the ground.

"Alright..I got this..if it doesn't work, then I can just try again." After the news, while many thought it was a hoax, created by some prankster somehow, Danny was different.

He started the ritual, saying the words as he started saying king boos name, shocking the others as they all believed it was just a fairy tail, because they checked, non of their other covens or contacts, or hell even oldest books had anything on king boo, so he was clearly a myth, or..that's what they thought, until violet cracks in existence started appearing.

King boo was minding his own business, playing with the new souls of some puppy's, happily since the baby's were born as ghosts, so he did didn't feel bad and have his heart break. "The fuck?"

He felt it, something was calling him, asking for power, and he wanted to see what was what, deciding to make an entrance as he did, all the cracks in existence suddenly fly to one single crack in the universe, melding together as king boo slowly flew out of it, looking down at the humans before him.

"Who summoned me? What do you want from the king of the soul?" He saw the person summoning him, and immediately blanked, that was Danny phantom! The Danny phantom!. "you..summoned me?"

"Uh..yeah! Um I am here to make a contract with you, to gain magic power..please?" Unlike demons, he had no idea what to say to this guy, so he just said the truth.

"Magic power huh?..well.." king boo lifts him up, bringing the boy to eye level. "I suppose I can do that, but you gotta spread the name of king boo to all existence you got that?" He wonders if his idea will work, but hey it will be cool seeing if it can.

"Yes! I mean yeah, I will do that for king?" Got nervous, as he floated in the air, his heart racing as he hoped the powers he got would be awesome, he always wanted to be a superhero.

King boo nodded, before blasting him with a green ghost magic, transforming the boy into a ghost, his essence now under king boos command. "Very well, from this day on, you shall be known as Danny phantom, the halfa, the only ghost human hybrid, spread the name of king boo around the world, and I will grant you more power." With that, king boo left, reality no longer having a stroke when he did.

"I..I feel weird.." he flys over to a mirror, not realising he was flying at all, and saw it, his snow white hair, and glowing green eyes. "I'm a ghost?! I don't wanna be dead! I don't wanna be a ghost!." He freaked out, before a glowing ring appears, suddenly he was back to normal. "What..I wanna be a ghost?" It appears again, suddenly changing him back. "No way..I can become a ghost at will?."

He turns to look at everyone, getting shy and waves at them all, before his family picked him up and takes him home, having alot to talk about.

Danny sat in his room with his sister, after getting yelled at by his parents for a few hours, he just wanted to be alone. "Jazz I'm sorry, I felt right, like it was my destiny when I heard about king boo.."

"We had no idea what would have happened! We don't know this king boo, what if he trapped you..killed you for annoying him? Danny you could be actually dead." She sat down, rubbing her face. "I will contact stolas, hopefully he has the answers."

Danny watched her leave, his mind racing as he tried to figure all this out, wondering if he made the right choice, before he went ghost again and started flying. "Alright..the flying is cool.." he tried to go invisible and did. "...damn it tucker for getting ideas in my head! Well I won't do it, I'm a good person."

Danny fought off the temptation, as he started started practicing his magic, before realising the night had past, and he didn't feel tired at all. "I'm..alright? I feel I not need sleep anymore?." He changed back, before laying down. "Oh crap..hitting me all at once..alright so ghost powers just keep me from feeling it..noted."

He got into his bed, and looked down at himself. "I'm part ghost now.." he smiled, these powers..with them he could be one of the greatest magic users in the world. "Wait..if I'm technically dead when I go ghost, do I need to breath? Can I go to space?."

He was tired and just went to sleep, as king boo looked on though a screen, his grown glowing in his realm. "Danny phantom..a champion to fight evil in my name, oh that will be very helpful when I wanna take over the earth."

He let the boy rest, as he got back to work, his realm was always growing and it needed it's king after all, but very soon he will need where to find them?

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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