Chapter 12: King boo sighting
Micheal Richards is a man of science, an archaeologist, he had even found some rare finds in his day, but this..King boo character drove him mad, he was everywhere..and now here, over twenty thousand years ago!
"Its not did this.." he stared at the cave painting of king boo, the giant figure of a ghostly being taunting him. "He is everywhere, in every part of the could a legend stay like this? Myths evolve with time, he shouldn't have stayed the same in every location yet he does!."
Twenty thousand years, Micheal knew that legends like that don't just..stay the same, especially in different regions, different cultures, everything, yet king boo is always the same, drawn different but the same.
"Ugh my the hell did the world lose track of the guy still a thousand years ago? Or did we..maybe there is more recent objects we can still find." He just sat there thinking, as putting all this together was hard on his mind.
With those words he went back to the news crew, finally calming himself, he talked about the discovery, and planned to have it studied by his he just needed a break from King boo.
Night soon came, and king boo was still on his mind, taunting him, his mind trying every possible way it could to figure out king boo, but no sane response came to him, as he watched from the distance the crew give a live report on the discovery, as he went to give an interview.
King boo sat on his throne, animal souls rushing around in his realm free of pain and heart ache, forever happy and free to play and join their families. "Ah..what more can a ghost God want? My own afterlife, my own animals, it's so good..need to enjoy this stuff more."
While they played, he turned to a screen and watched tv, laying back until he saw the news report about himself, seeing they found the cave painting. "Ha! I wonder how they noticed it." King boo listened in, wondering what they had to say.
Micheal smiled for the camera, looking at the news woman. "Yes, we have, this is just one of many discovery's of the king boo myth." He showed them. "From what we have gathered, the cave painting depicted a man losing his dog, and king boo bringing it back as a ghost for the man." He showed it off, with a practiced smile.
"Amazing, so what do you and the others in the scientific community think of the sudden emerging of the king boo legend?." She smiled, as king boo always got ratings, and she learned to always do what she has to, to get the best story, she learned that from her mom before she died, though it did make her enemies, some even calling her Katie killjoy, but her mom just knew how to he a winner.
"Well we are very interested in learning why he disappeared from all knowledge over a thousand years ago, maybe the church had something to do with it." Micheal laughed, he didn't really respect religion, he did respect the people who believed but their faiths make no sense to him.
"Though honestly I believe it was just a myth fading over time, because eventually a being like king boo will be forgotten to make way for new legends and myths, that's the sad thing, he endured for so long, but eventually king boo just wasn't important enough to the world to remember him, I mean you don't disappear for a thousand years without anyone knowing unless your just forgettable, and I mean king boo? Like seriously? That name is just so stupid."
Micheal knew his dislike of king boo was leaking out, and he needed to stay professional, but he was just so annoyed by king boo making his job so hard, so many things about king boo didn't make sense and was mostly chaos, and Micheal liked understanding, he liked reason, and king boo wasn't that.
"..." king boo just looked at the screen, seeing a hater in real life. "I have a hater huh..well most people would let this go.." he knew some people just hated you for no reason, and you should just ignore them. "But fuck that! And fuck this jackass to." He opened a portal and left.
He got to the site and gathered the clouds in his rage, deciding to scare them all, especially him, and if he said shit again he is gonna beat the shit out of him, he wasn't above that.
Micheal stopped talking, as the wind stopped but the clouds still moved. "What in the world?" He, along with everyone else watched a storm appear, just like the one from a few weeks ago, only far more intense.
Micheal watched the sky turn violet, before his heart stopped, as did everyone else's, as in the clouds was an outline of a man, with a familiar crown and glowing violet eyes. "No..that'" he backed away in fear, his mind just couldn't comprehend this.
Micheal was then surrounded by blots of lightning, enclosing him in a circle of death as he stared up at clouds, the boo glared at him. "I'm sorry! Please! Please I don't wanna die!." He curls up, begging for mercy
King boo decided that was enough, as he left, but not before a blot of lightning struck the cave, causing a mural of king boo being worshiped by cave men appeared, it was the largest in the cave, before the sky turned back to normal, and king boo left.
Micheal slowly got up, his face stained with tears, and even even pissed himself from fear, but he wasn't embarrassed, he was staring into the sky and seeing a godlike being! Anyone would be scared. "He real..he's really real..he's real." He just kept muttering that, before he pasted out.
The news woman was hiding behind the crew, not caring if they got hurt, before she ran into the cameras view. " um..folks that was..King boo we believe..and mr Richards is fine..we think..oh just turn off the damn camera you fucking retar-" the news room cut her off, everyone already reporting on this.
All over the world, king boo sighting made news, some called it a prank, some called it a god appearing on earth, while others just laughed at Micheal who pissed himself after all the shit he said about king boo.
Of course then there was Helen gravely, the woman was glued to the screen, each screen paused at the moment king boos outline and eyes appeared, on many of the screens had lipstick marks as she couldn't control herself, even on a blurry screen he was even more amazing then she ever thought possible. "Oh king boo.. this is a sign, don't worry, I will deal with this disgusting man." She looked at an image of Micheal, already sending people to deal with him.
"To say such things about king boo, he's lucky he's just gonna die quickly, isn't that right kitty?~" she played with her pet, before looking up at the painting of boo. "Yes~ and soon king boo will come to me, I know it..I will earn his favour."
Helen looked out, not noticing her poor kitten looking sicker by the day, and she wouldn't until it was two late.