King boo, the true king of undeath

Chapter 6: King boo and the first man

King boo sat on his throne, before he waved his hand. "Eh, whatever, not like the painting is the real with one powers..but hopefully whoever finds it does spread my name around."

He then turned to the new family, the bosses of luigi's mansion were all his, and they were working very hard, each of them drawing crowds of people into their home, especially to study the book of king boo, he made it especially old, any scientist who studied it would see it as over seven thousand years old, not his oldest, but would grab attention.

As king boo watched, he felt all the souls on earth connecting slowly to his realm, when they die he will claim them, and his power will grow. "luckily it's permanent, if something did happen to my ghosts, it wouldn't affect my power much." He suddenly felt it, the symbol activated. "Its time.."

Flying into a portal, king boo turned invisible and found the meeting on full force, adam was about to go full musical. "Well..might as well enjoy the song." He got comfy, watching adam break into song.

He enjoys the song, especially the princess getting tossed out, he hated the show but loved adam, he just liked the guy, Sue him. "Alright time to make my appearance."

Adam was laughing like crazy, but on the inside he was worried, one of his girls was gone for hours now, and he was getting worried alot more then he would admit. "Alright, let's cut off the feed-" He froze, thr first man suddenly pulled into hell though his hologram! He looked down, he was actually there. "What..lute! What is happening?"

Adam noticed it, the walls started stretching and breaking in some kaleidoscope shit, before the wall broke apart in space, a void he couldn't understand appears..and giant purple eyes staring at him. "Who the fuck are you!?."

Adam was freaking out, he knew demon magic, and this wasn't it, his question wasn't answered as a hand reached into the portal and drags him in, utterly powerless to stop it. "Lute!"

He froze, suddenly in a purple void, with a throne in front of him, and a being he had never seen before. "The fuck..hey asshole! Do you know who I am!? I'm adam! The first god damn man! I don't know the kinda sick perv fantasy's you got but I am gonna chop off your dick if you try anything."

King boo, looked down, who made even the tallest demons look like tiny puppy's, against an elephant in height slowly held out his hand, and a guitar appears. "I am actually a fan, would you mind signing this?"

That..wasn't what adam had expected, so he slowly signed, as he did love his fans, before shaking out of his shock. "Hold on! What the hell is happening?"

King boo smiled, putting the guitar away somewhere safe. "My apologies, I am king boo, you may think of me as the king of the soul itself, Ruler of ghosts..pick your fancy." He spreads his arms. "And this, is the paranormal dimension, the place all the non demon paranormal entity's come from."

King boo loved this, showing off his hard work, he put so much effort into the place, the more people saw it the better, and also..his bullshitting gave him an idea, if he was the one true King of the paranormal, why not make other things besides ghosts and still rule over them? Like werewolfs, mummy's, giant sea creatures of myth? And so many more?

While king boo was thinking, adam was in shock, another world not even the angels know about? It was insane and yet it was true. "King boo..I remember that.." he keeps up to date with the earth, he is still their father, he likes to check in and make sure they don't kill themselves. "He has been appearing on earth for thousands of years, under heavens nose..shit, how powerful is this guy?."

Adam knew this king boo wanted him for something. "Alright then king boo..stupid name..what do you want from me? Why drag me in here? To trap me? To kill me?."

"Oh my no, I have..a deal in mind.." king boo smiled, waving his hand as a screen appears, showing the family he had converted to his loyal followers. "Notice anything strange about them?"

"What? They look pretty..nor.." he couldn't finish it, flying up to the screen and saw it, even from this place he could see it. "They..are sin, how is that possible!?." He stops, looking at king boo. " did this?"

"Indeed I did, I am the one true master of the soul, if I deem it so, sin will be removed from the soul without question." King boo grinned, it was true, as long as he was in his dimension he was the absolute god of souls, and with more souls coming in..he could feel it, soon he will be able to affect the other worlds just as easy as this one.

"My kids..sinless.." Adam touched the screen. "Why show me this, ten thousand years and suddenly you do this, I wanna know why." Adam wasn't stupid, he knew king boo wouldn't suddenly do all this for nothing.

"Very well, here." He showed him the end of season one of hazbin hotel, of course looking like a real world. "In the future, this is what would happen..and I can't allow that." He went on to explain how it all happened. "The morningstar child does redeem a sinner, but at the cost of you and angel lives..I am not a good mam adam, but this I can't ignore."

Adam takes it all in, needing every detail, even if it was fake, there might be some truth to it, and if it was the truth..well he has king boo right here. "You wanna help me?."

"Of course I do!." He slammed his fist onto his throne, shaking his entire dimension. "That disgusting duck fucking snake, tainting souls! My souls! As the king of the soul itself nothing disgusts me has taken me some time, but finally I have grown in power, enough to rid humanity of sin and get rid of all the demon cancer from existence."

King boo hated lucifer, hated hell, hated the demons, of course if some wished to join him, they would have to prove their loyalty, and then would be changed from demon to supernatural entity. "The hellborn especially, they are soulless, yet they pull in the power of humans souls to existence."

During king boos studies of hell and sin, he finally saw the connection, without the soul, no true consciousness can form, so how can demons have it? It's because they are parasites, drawing the sin from humans keeps them, from the lowest Imp to the very sins themselves alive and as people. "No wonder they go to earth and make humans sin, even though they all hate sinners, they need humans to sin for them to live."

Adam just sat there, absorbing it all in. "I knew it..alright so what do you want from me? I'm not the most powerful angel." He knew he wasn't, he was the strongest human soul, he was proud of that, but in the end it was still a mortal soul.

"I need you to be my spy in heaven adam, you can tell the angels don't care, even after your death they don't care about you or your girls, they even make you out to be a monster." He hid nothing from adam, showing him how little heaven cares for him and his girls. " show my sincere hope of you accepting."

King boos completely white, see though hand was held out, and on it was an angel, and dead Exorcist, her body completely gone from hell. "Here..Angelic steel sends souls to the void, but I am the true Ruler of souls, if I want the soul back, it will come back." He gave him the girl. "So what do you say adam? Do we have a deal?."

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