King boo, the true king of undeath

Chapter 7: adam the angel spy(mini chapter)

Adam looked up at king boo, his mind racing and forming ideas, over and over again this information got to him, so many new possibilities, and finally..a way to get rid of lucifer, once and for all. "I..I need a few minutes, I just learned heaven..doesn't give a shit about me."

King boo nodded, as he knew the angels, his very Creators, had no love for him, and seem even happy with his would hurt anyone more then any physical wound. "Take your time, I will wait." He sends adam back, and got to work on some more relics to pass the time.

Adam was sent back to the embassy, holding one of his girls as he saw lute. "Danger tits, I'm alright, I am fine just.." he remembered lutes face when he died again, he had never seen lute cry hurt him, it was the worst shit he ever dealed with.

"Sir!" Lute rushed over, ignoring her fellow Exorcist and just held onto adam, in those few minutes she thought the worst. "What happened? What demon was that? Do we need to tell the seraphim?." She had no idea what that was, it felt powerful though, much more powerful then all the Exorcists and adam combined, but also..she couldn't put it into words, but young was good enough.

"Lute..sit down, I just learned some pretty sick shit." Adam went on to explain it all, who he met, the power he saw, what the future held for him and his girls. "He brought a soul back from Angelic steel lute, he brought one of my girls back..." he sighed, turning to lute. " why I need your help danger tits, if I should help him."

Lute..lute was pissed beyond words, they would do this, to them..all of them! It was horrible, her sisters dead, and vaggie..that fucking bitch vaggie! She helps kill her own fucking sisters, she joins that stupid fucking princess as he little sex toy and helps kill her former sisters with a smile on her face. "That bitch..we should have just killed her.."

She looked at adam, her one and true loyalty was to him, as was all her sisters, after vaggies betrayal she made sure the others were loyal to their father, and luckily only vaggie was the broken one. "This being sir, this king boo..I think you should." Lute didn't give a fuck about heaven, it would be just another hell without adam in it.

"Lute..take her back to heaven, I will speak to him again, let the others know about this as well, share the memories around..if heaven doesn't care, then let's leave their asses behind." Adam grins, taking off his helmet, he was done getting his life fucked over by morningstars, he is gonna get pay back.

He went back though the portal, and walked up to king boo, in the middle of some weird shit. "King boo..I accept." He grins, watching his new king grin back, heaven..hell..he was gonna fuck them both up, because no one fucks with him or his girls..never again.

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