Chapter 9: a purple moon(mini chapter)
The world reacted to the purple storm and purple moon differently, all over the world the scientists tried to figure out how it happened, and all of them pulling out their hair, or in the best time of their lives, I mean what real scientist wouldn't love to see something so bizarre and try and figure out it's mystery.
The government's over the world had a different reaction, with many of them knowing of demons, they assumed this was a demonic ritual of some kind, most of them got their workers on it immediately, though with no success, wondering what was happening.
The normal people just thought it was something cool, to the average person it was just a freaky weather thing, beautiful to look at, but it caused no harm and only lasted ten minutes, so they soon moved on though, though it stayed in their minds, always there, wondering when they would see it again if ever.
For the more supernaturally inclined people on earth, this was a sign, a being of such magic and power made it's way to the earth, and the mystical forces felt strange, like they were..bowing to this presence, no other strange entities have ever done this before.
For Helen gravely, she saw the purple moon and knew what it was, she had collected everything king boo whenever it's found, and the more she saw, the more she adored him, his kingly charm, his grace, his perfection in ghost form.
Helen saw the moon, and knew the purple moon was a sign of king boo, her heart beat faster the more she stared at the screen, her god was sending a message, announcing to mortals that he is returning and they must be ready to welcome a true god no doubt. "The fools, none of them understand..a god is coming, and they can't see it."
She looked up, staring at the painting of king boo, his eyes looking more perfect by the moment. "Oh my king..don't worry, I will show the world..I will make them see a god when they see one." She decided to open a museum in her hotel, all about king boo of course.
"Yes, the more people see his glory the better, and hopefully..he will be pleased with me.." she felt her face heating up at the thought of king boos praise. "'s all I want..soon my king, soon.."
While Helen was falling deeper into her obsession, deep inside of hell and heaven, both realms were shocked and had no idea what was happening on earth, the storm was made by magic, a kind of magic they have never felt before, much more powerful then their magics as well..but they would handle it, heaven and hell rule the universe, though heaven more so, whatever this was would be dealt with, soon enough.
Of course, what no one knew was that a being that would one day usurp them was drawing near, and soon the angels and demons would have to accept the fact, their time as the dominant celestial beings in the universe would end, for only a god can stand on the top.