King boo, the true king of undeath

Chapter 10: the cult of boo, and king boos animal sanctuary

It started out small, people all over the place just wanting to know about king boo, especially since all his legends just end a thousand years ago, to many it drew them in, what happened a thousand years ago that the legend of this king boo..just vanished? What was the reason?.

Helen gravely knew the reason, deep in her soul she knew, it was her king, and now..she would show the world his glory.

She had opened the museum, of course everything boo was the main attraction, but she put in other things, she was a business woman after all, gliding up to the podium, looking over a crowd of people.

"Greetings! I am Helen gravely, and welcome to the museum of boo, the strange artifacts you see are thousands of years old, all of them about king boo, a strange being who until a year ago, was completely unknown to the modern world."

She looked over the crowd, making sure that she looked her best for every camera. "Each one is a testament to king boo, and of course I invited the family who reintroduced king boo to the world." She smiled, the family bowing and waving shyly.

"Now, I have collected all these wonderful artifacts for the world to enjoy, and learn about this mystery and let's just say, handsome entity called king boo." She had to stop herself from gushing about king boo, just the thought of him makes her want to act like a love sick woman, which she was.

She looked at the cameras. "We even have many scrolls and knowledge about king boo, like this one." One of her works held up a box with a scroll. "This scroll tells us how king boo created beings known today as the werewolfs! By blessing wolfs hunted down by evil people, they could transform them into wolfs themselves, so that they would be hunted forever." She smiled, letting that sink in. "So as you can see, the scroll is over seven thousand years old, checked and rechecked, and in great condition, showing the earliest legend of the werewolf."

She walked to another part of the museum. "This painting here, is of king boo visiting the roman empire, and with purple blots of lightning, made them submit to his will." She grinned, the news coverage was going very well, especially with her Lords lightning just a few days ago connecting it to their minds.

"And finally, the most recent yet oldest part of the museum, it is estimated to be nine thousand years old, the scroll of the dark moon." She pointed up, as it hang on the wall, it was huge, easily twenty feet tall, and showing an image of the world on the bottom, the paranormal realm on top, and the dark moon in the middle.

"Said to be the bridge between this world and his, whoever has it can open a portal to his realm." She looked at the dark moon, hiding her gaze, as she needed to find the moon, if it meant doing dirty work, she would glady offer the lives of every human to king boo, just for one look into his eyes and give her soul to him.

"Now then, please enjoy." She waved and left, her work just starting on something big, heading into a room with many powerful people, who she controlled of course, no one was allowed to tell her what to do besides king boo.

"Greetings..i know me calling you here was sudden, but this is a grave matter, the purple moon and lightning storm was a clear sign..King boo is coming to earth, why else but now is all these artifacts being found about him now?." She smiled, rubbing her beloved kitty on her lap.

"We are going to start a new religion, or if all the texts and relics seem to say, bringing a religion back." She looked at them all, each one having more money then brains, but thankfully they listened, and that's all she needed them for. "Go..booism needs wealthy backers, and to spread the word of boo all over the world."

She turns to a screen, on it showed where all king boos different relics have been found, even in the most remote parts of the world he was worshipped. "This is a dawn of a new age, where humanity finally has a god leading will be perfect." She stared at the image of king boo, hearts even appearing in her eyes, she would make people see what she did, no matter what.

While Helen was busy starting a cult, king boo was getting ready, he was way to bored, and no human was ready to come to his afterlife yet. "Mm no souls..human souls.." he shot up and looked down at the earth, seeing all the animals dying. "There souls reincarnate after they die, well..not anymore!." With a snap of his finger, he welcomed them in, and a flood of animal souls joined him.

King boo watched from on high, his first world, the animal afterlife, would deal with the animals and nature, every version of a plant or animal that died would come here. "Each world will be interconnected, and grow with my power..and my power is looking good."

He felt it, the animals with no conscious minds, didn't give nearly the same amount as a conscious soul would. "The amount though, so many souls.." he felt it, his realm was growing to the size of a solar system and growing. "Holy shit..human pets, if I make a relic about me offering to bring the souls of their pets back polterpup style, they will beg to worship me just for the chance."

King boo smiled, what human wouldn't want their best friend to come back as a ghost? He knew if he could bring his old pets back he would, but he couldn't since he wasn't in his old universe. "Alright let's make a relic about i love making these things, then again I did love lore building." He made a cave painting, and sent it to a nice place in siberia, making it his oldest one yet, at around twenty two thousand years old, it was a cave painting of himself, cave man style of him bringing back a dog to a man ghost style.

" did humans exist here back then? Since they were made in the hazbin verse only ten thousand years ago?." He decided to check, and what he saw using his magic, he looked back though time. "Humans did exist before adam and Lilith, adam and Lilith were just the product of angels making humans with true sentient conscious, the humans before adam didn't have true consciousness, they were animal like for thousands of years, they bonded with animals and lived like them, it wasn't until adam showed up, had his kids and they had kids with the other humans, did the new humanity emerge.

" that's how they avoided incest, adam is the father of the new humanity, but the old one did exist two, just more animal like." King boos eyes wander over the earth, the angels did so much to it, and now it would be his, he would make the world his. "Still, adam had a fuck ton of kids in order to make every other human on earth his great grandkid." King boo could only look up. "Damn..what a legend for that, especially with sin infecting all life on earth thanks to eve."

King boo got back to work, all the animals needed the place to be perfect after all, since technically they were his pets now, and king boo is not cruel to his pets. " guys are so adorable." He just started playing with them, not caring or noticing for the sudden magical mayhem for every magic user on earth, a sudden change of a new afterlife taking the souls of animals, who only ever reincarnate, had upset the balance of the universe for a bit, altering such a fundamental thing had big consequences for everyone, they just hoped it wouldn't be to bad.

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