Krypton’s Heir: The Unseen Magic (HP Crossover)

Chapter 26: Chapter 19: Conquering Paradise Part Two

After the formal introductions were out of the way, the Queen of the Amazons stepped down to come face to face for the first time since he'd awakened with Harry Potter, along with his three wives.

Hippolyta was in deep, deep, thought after what she learned regarding what was going on. There were times where she went to the goddesses for wisdom. Some of those times, she thought that it was not too much unlike beating her head into wall for they could be about as cryptic as the next person. The dark haired queen of the Amazons stepped forward, focusing on the group of visitors next to her.

"It appears that fate and fortune have brought you to this island," Hippolyta remarked in a crisp tone of voice. She turned her head around and focused her eyes on Harry especially. He was dressed in a spare change of clothes, a black t-shirt and black pants, nothing fancy but it was practical.

He was completely out of the situation to be honest and Hippolyta wondered if he was putting on a front. She could tell Kara gently made sure that Harry remained standing and did not have a relapse of what happened earlier.

"Yes, one could say that it was an entirely a lot of fate that brought us to this island," Harry remarked as his face turned into a bright smile as he surveyed the Queen of the Amazons who stood before him.

"You have been given special permission to be on the island from an authority that his higher than mine," Hippolyta stated before she amended. "Do not get me wrong, I would have allowed you stay for as however long you wished to regardless of this permission."

"It is appreciated."

Harry remarked as he kept his gaze upon her, and the other Amazons watching them closely, his arm around Kara's waist. This gave her a certain amount of stability so that she would be able to prop him up if he stumbled. The wizard was mostly able to walk on his own. Soreness visited him every so often but other than that, he felt he was mostly fine.

The sincerity of his words was such that Hippolyta did not doubt them at all. She hoped that he would consider the island to be a safe haven. Some of the gathered Amazons appeared skeptical that a man should be allowed on the island to begin with, feeling like it went against their traditions.

Well if they had a problem with a man being on the island, they could fight her for it. And Hippolyta fought to win.

"I thank you for doing what you can to make sure my brother is well," Faora said with sincerity as she looked around at the assembled group of Amazons.

Truthfully it was a boon that Kara brought Harry to this island of all places. This was an entire island of warrior women who could be trained to be part of his group eventually. The Kryptonian thought that this location was most certainly an untapped resource full of potential and she could not wait to experience some of that potential for herself.

"Yes, thank you," Kara remarked as she held Harry up breathlessly.

To be honest, after the near scare, she was a bit worried. Harry was durable, which made the fact that he went down so hard even more terrifying to her. It caused Kara's entire world to nearly crumble around her and the blonde worried that it could happen again.

''Thankfully they were able to react quickly,' Kara thought to her bond mates. 'And thankfully Faora and Karen were able to come through with the cure. To make sure nothing like this happens ever again.

'Well hopefully,' Faora remarked through the bond link. 'There is no such thing as being absolutely certain in life after all.'

'Unfortunately,' Harry agreed through the bond link.

"Given the circumstances, your stay on the island may be long," Hippolyta added as she turned around to face them with a smile. She was very curious about learning more about this group, Harry especially. Everything that happened intrigued her greatly, but he had caught her interest most of all. "There is no need to worry about time passing on the outside world, as you may have guessed."

"Time dilation properties around the island, yes," Harry remarked.

Time does not follow any conventional behavior around the island," Hippolyta added to them. "Therefore while much time could pass on the island, years even, only a couple of days could pass in the outside world.'

'Sounds like there's no rhyme or reason to it,' Harry thought to his bond mates, who all agreed with that assessment.

'It should give us some time to unwind without sacrificing any time in the outside world,' Faora projected to them through the bond.

There was notes of assessment through the bond link.

"The only thing left to do is to give you more comfortable quarters than where you've been staying," Hippolyta informed them and the group at large responded with a quartet of nods. "Lyla, will you do the honors of showing Harry, Kara, Karen, and Faora to their quarters?"

The blonde offered her a smile. "It'd be my pleasure."

Lyla lead the way with Harry, Kara, Karen, and Faora following behind her. They walked past the sounds of combat. Diana decided to tag along behind them, or at least to walk with them.

"So what was your role to the Queen?" Harry asked curiously.

Lyla was quick to answer. "The Harbinger is a title among the Amazons, almost like a High Priestess or an advisor."

She was grateful that Hippolyta took her in and gave her a life on the island when she had nowhere else to go. As she led the quartet to their new quarters she took a good look at them, taking them all in Harry, Kara, Karen, and Faora, all four looked to be strong and prideful. They would fit right in on the island, even though Harry might not be considered to be someone that could be a part of Amazon culture.

"So what do you think so far?"

Diana offered that statement towards them. Harry, Kara, Faora, and Karen thought that question was quite loaded but at the same time, offered them numerous ways for them to respond.

"Well the island looks nice so far," Harry remarked as he tried to keep himself steady, mentally blocking the pain out of his mind. It coursed through him.

He was still not completely out of the woods yet but this was far better than the horrific pain that he would have been in had he not been given the cure.

"I hope that you find it to be up to your standards," Diana remarked without another word as she lead the group forward.

Harry, Kara, Karen, and Faora exchanged some bright smiles. They would find the island up to their standards for sure. They'd found it to be an amazing place so far.

They arrived in a nice temple that was outfitted with comfortable looking beds. The architecture around it was Greek in nature, which made sense, Harry figured. The walls were cool to the touch.

It was not as extravagant as the castle but it was amazing never the less.

Harry sat down on one of the cushions of the bed and placed his forehead in his hands, before he shifted around. It was a comfortable place to sit and rest. Kara sat herself down on one side of Harry, Faora sat herself down on the opposite side of Kara, and Karen placed herself in position to sit down on the other side of Harry.

"I hope that it's to your liking?" Diana offered to them.

"Yes, if there's anything wrong….anything at all, just let us know," Lyla commented.

"It's good but we'll let you know," Harry remarked to them and both of them nodded.

'They are really bending over backwards to help us, aren't they?' Kara thought through the bond link in amusement.

Faora could not resist adding her two cents in through the bond link. 'Soon they're be bending over backwards in a completely different way then I'm sure they intended to in the first place.'

'Well isn't that the plan?' Karen thought as Diana and Lyla left. It was getting to be rather late at night.

'The Kryptonite cure is working like a charm, granted, I hope to never have a meteor impact into my chest again to truly test it,' Harry remarked as Kara placed her arm around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

'Nor do I,' Kara thought, unsure if she would be able to keep herself from falling to pieces if something like that ever happened again.

They prepared for the next day, and whatever was to come with it. Harry could feel through the bond that all three of his wives were glad that he came out of this ordeal alive.

He wondered how close he was to biting the big one.


Kara sat with Harry outside of their quarters the next morning to watch the sunset. The two enjoyed this quiet moment that they shared together. Faora and Karen were still in bed after last night so it allowed the two to enjoy this time to themselves.

"It's moments like this that make you appreciate life," Kara commented to Harry in a light voice as they enjoyed the majesty of the island. The two held hands and continued to enjoy the view as they hovered above the ground.

Harry's head nodded with a smile crossing his face but Kara was not done speaking to him.

"I can't believe how close we came to losing each other," Kara breathed to Harry as she edged a little bit closer to him.

"It was a bullet that was narrowly dodged," Harry offered and Kara made sure Harry took a bite out of the apple that she had for him.

"Well, given the close bond that we all share, it'd really tear our hearts open if something happened to any of us."

Faora was the one who stated that fact as she moved to join Harry and Kara. Everyone grew silent at her words and she stared at them for a moment before drawing in a deep breath. They could hear the sound of nature surrounding them in their silence on this quiet island morning.

"There is a bond that the three of us share and Karen as well to a certain extent, that is deeper than life itself," Faora told Harry and Kara as she placed her hands on both of theirs as she sat down next to them. "If that bond is broken, it could tear us apart and ruin our lives."

Harry nodded in agreement, if anything happened to Kara, Faora, or Karen, he had no idea what he would do. All he could tell people would be that he would not be in the best frame of mind to begin with. The wizard turned his head to take in the island. The Amazons had not even got up to train, that was how early they'd gotten up

"The island offers us certain opportunities," Faora remarked to both of them who nodded, understanding what those opportunities would be.

Karen showed up sometime in the process of this conversation before she added her own two cents with a smile across her face. "In other words, it's one of those blessing in disguise type scenarios isn't it?"

Harry and Faora both nodded in agreement and Kara smiled, before she tightened her grip around Harry. Thoughts swirled around her head as she tried to keep herself focused on the situation at hand.

The fact of the matter was that Faora had a point and that was if anything happened to one of them, it could kill the others. Even before the formal bond was established, if any of them were to die the others would follow shortly after. It was unfortunate but at the same time, that was the reality of the current situation. The blonde bit down on her lip and offered a long sigh as she shifted around, placing her hands on Harry's face before she proceeded to trail them downwards and pull his shirt off.

She pulled his shirt off and placed her hand to the pink scar, it was almost faded. That showed his recovery powers. It was a good thing that it was almost gone and within a few days it would be completely gone. Otherwise it would be a constant reminder of what might have been had Kara not acted fast enough.

Harry broke his self-imposed silence after a short amount of time. "So since we're here, we might as well make the most of our time here. I've been recruited for a mission or rather drafted for one to be exact."

Faora's smile was rather strong as she placed her arm around Harry's waist before she pulled him in close to her. "So, yes, we have a lot to do. They seem to be rather receptive. Especially given that some of the myths that I've read depict them as man hating bitches."

"Which translates into a lot of fiction," Karen remarked as she shifted towards them and finally sat down next to Faora. The blue eyes flickered a little bit as she turned her head around and crossed her legs. "I guess people don't know them all that well."

"Then again, they're shrouded in myth and mystery, so people are going to make assumptions," Faora remarked as she turned towards all of them. "How about we take a little bit of time to explore the island and maybe we'll run into some people that we can meet?

"That would be nice," Kara offered them but she turned to Harry, a nervous expression flickering through her eyes. "Unless Harry is…."

"Kara, it's okay, I'm fine," Harry remarked to her as he pulled her into his arms and gave her a reassuring peck on the lips. The blonde relaxed a little bit in his grip.

"I know, I know," Kara remarked with a smile crossing her face. She knew how durable Harry was, which made the fact that he went down that hard even more depressing. The blonde tried her best to keep close to the young wizard beside her.

She propped him up and walked him forward but it was obvious that while he wasn't, well a hundred percent might be pushing it. He was about ninety six or ninety seven percent with some soreness and the nearly healed scar on his chest, which was a great indicator of his recovery rate. He had not put his shirt back on after Kara had taking it off to check on his progress, so he stood there bare chested.

Harry spun around and saw Diana standing there, staring at his muscular upper body. She tried to remain dignified like she was not staring although Kara, Karen, and Faora all smiled, they knew what was going on.

"So how are you feeling?" Diana asked as she finally found her tongue which was tied at the sight of Harry's uncovered upper body. She managed to keep what passed as dignity for her.

It was a sight to behold although the lower half was not something to sneeze at either, as she'd experienced previously.

"I'm feeling much better, now that I've had some time to recover," Harry remarked as he slipped his shirt back on.

Diana was not quite sure how she felt about that but she shook her head. It was best not to remain distracted and keep a clear head after all.

"So how long are you staying here?" Diana asked curiously.

Harry shrugged. "As long as necessary."

Faora could not resist giving the raven haired Amazon a teasing smile. "What are you trying to get rid of us already?"

Diana shook her head. "No….just…curious."

"It's alright," Harry offered with slight hints of his own teasing smile towards her. "We're going to take a walk around, we didn't see too much of the island before."

"I'll come with you," Diana told him, a bit too quickly before she amended rather quickly. "Because this is a huge place and it is easy to get lost."

"Of course," Harry remarked with a gracious smile as she lead the way, with Harry following, Kara, Faora, and Karen bringing up the rear, although Kara walked more closely to Harry than the rest of the party.

Diana smiled, she was glad to see Harry in good spirits up and about. The healers did mention that they never saw a case like his before and he came closer to dying then anyone thought possible. The raven haired Amazon shook her head at this thought, the fact of the matter right now was that Harry was here and he was fine.

Her musings were cut off prematurely by a question that Harry asked.

"So are there any libraries nearby?"

"Of course there would be, the question is where are they?" Faora asked but she supposed that she could not fault Harry for asking such an obvious question now. He was still rather delirious from everything that happened after all.

Diana thought about it, she had not spent as much time in the library lately, but then again, she already read most of the texts within, if not all of them. It was not like the library was in a state of constantly being updated given that they were isolated from the rest of the world. New information was added to the library every couple of decades but it had been a long time since that last happened, though every now and again new battle techniques were developed that were added to it.

"The library is this way," Diana remarked in a crisp tone of voice as she started to focus on everything that was going on around her. The dark haired Princess spun around so she could lead them past the sounds of combat. She paused for a moment to look over her shoulder. "You'll get used to that after a while, it's much like the wind. Background noise."

"Well you are warrior women, so there would be a lot of sparring," Faora offered her and Diana nodded in response as the group continued their walk.

There was an amazing and rather vast library in a worn but still sturdy building.

'Hermione would lose her shit if she was here,' Harry remarked to his wives through the mental link.

'Hermione would lose her shit if she found out you were here and she wasn't,' Faora amended through the bond link.

'Which is why we're not telling her that it's here,' Harry commented, knowing that if Hermione found out, she would beg to come to the island. And if she arrived here, she would never leave the island.

Diana looked over her shoulder to face them.

"I'm afraid some of these books might be a bit outdated compared to what's in the rest of the world," the Princess stated in an apologetic tone of voice. "It hasn't been updated in close to fifty years."

Harry waved off her apologies with a smile crossing his face. "For some it might seem outdated but for me it is vintage, extremely vintage."

"I can't argue with that point," Diana offered as she leaned against the walls. She memorized all of these books front back and center. "There are books on magic here as well."

'Excellent, there might be some books that were in print before the Ministry got a stick up their ass along with the rest of the International Confederation of Wizards, and started banning books,' Harry thought to his wives.

'Well that should keep us busy but that shouldn't be the only thing,' Kara thought, although she was interested in learning about different forms of Earth magic.

Although she had a far greater grasp with Kryptonian Sorcery and it helped her get amazing marks on her exams, she still wished to learn all that she could learn about Earth sorcery.


"It's interesting, isn't it?" Harry asked to her and the blonde spun around to face him.

"It's fine Harry, Jaime can cover for me," Karen remarked, given that Jaime was the one that badgered her into taking the Vegas Vacation where she met Harry in the first place.

"It's interesting, isn't it?" Harry asked to her and the blonde's head spun around.

"What's interesting?" Karen asked Harry, curiosity dripping from her voice.

"The fact that there's a female double of me walking around from an alternate universe," Harry remarked as he focused his attention on her. "Well infinite universes, infinite possibilities, but still who knows what might happen?"

"Very true," Karen agreed as she thought about that. The reason that her and Jaime had not tracked Harry down because….well they were searching for a female version of the species. "You're searching for the Keys of Endless or the Deathly Hallows as they might be called by some."

Harry nodded in agreement, that was something that eluded him for the next little while. He spun around to face the blonde who placed her hand on her chin.

"Well you've got the stone and the cloak, so you are two thirds down," Karen remarked as she twisted her head around. "The wand might be another kettle of fish entirely."

"Who had it in your world?" Harry asked to Karen.

"There's a chance that things might be a slight bit different but that wand was held by Draco Malfoy," Karen remarked as she placed her fingers into her fingers onto her temple and mulled over the story as Jaime told her about it. "It was a convoluted series of events to say the least. Draco disarmed Dumbledore, who won the wand from Gridelwald, who stole it from a shop. Jaime disarmed Draco and also humiliated him to the point where I'm pretty sure he died of shame."

"I'm guessing Draco hasn't gotten to the point where he holds a key to ultimate power yet," Harry remarked but Faora chimed in through the bond link.

'Nor will he,' Faora thought through the bond link.

'All we're going to have to do is figure out a way to get the wand from Dumbledore,' Kara offered to them.

'And what will we do with the rest of the day,' Harry remarked as he thought about it. 'We'll worry about that bridge when it comes time to cross it.'

The promise of the Deathstick, the Elder Wand, the Wand of Eternity, whatever one it was, that was an element that caused Harry to smile a little bit, as he had the thoughts and promises of the wand in his mind.

Now they prepared to meet with the Queen of the Amazons once more, Harry wondered what the goddesses had been telling her. Hippolyta was a strong and fair woman, which was something that Harry appreciated fully.


Even though scarcely any time had passed in the outside world, much more time had passed within the shores of the island. Hippolyta stood within the throne room as she awaited the arrival of Harry, Kara, Karen, and Faora to the palace. She thought about that, the goddesses rarely did something without a reason, although Hippolyta wondered what that reason might be.

Diana stood beside Hippolyta before the Amazon Princess offered a smile herself. Donna stood there as well, although her arms were crossed. She kept sneaking looks at Harry and then acted like she was not doing it, acting like she was snotty and too good for him, after checking him out when she thought no one was looking. Diana knew better but she did not blame her sister in the slightest.

"Queen Hippolyta," Harry stated as he stepped forward and walked towards her. He took her hand and gave it a slight kiss.

The Queen of Amazons was taken aback by his bold yet at the same time respectful actions. Her honor guard grew a bit tense. While they were not blood thirsty man haters, they did take their duty to protect their queen extremely seriously. Which is why when someone approached her in such a matter, they all got tense and prepared for an attack.

It took a reassuring glance to make them stand down and fall back into line. The Queen of the Amazons was not about to allow her guards to make fools out of themselves in such a way. A smile crossed her face as she gazed at him.

"I see that you are back on your feet for the most part and able to stand, Harry," Hippolyta stated, pleased to see that he was back in optimal health and quite the specimen of health he was.

"It was a long road to recovery, but I'm back in the swing of things," Harry offered as he surveyed the Queen of the Amazons with a sharp smile. "There would be no way that my wives would have allowed anything to the contrary."

"You should be glad to have those who would look out for you then," Hippolyta remarked to him with a broad smile.

Harry smiled back her. "Believe me, I am. And I'd like to thank the Amazons and you particularly for allowing me to recuperate on the island. Whilst I'm not ready to leave, I'd like to thank you for your hospitality."

Hippolyta was glad that he was respectful. The few men she'd met during her lifetime, the ones who had invaded the island, and attempted to enslave them after having been offered the Amazon's hospitality, then during her seldom travels to the outside world since that time had left a rather bad taste in her mouth. Some of them were quite full of themselves and what was worse was they could not back up their bravado. Despite all that, she resolved to keep a mostly open mind when it came to Harry.

'They're pretty hospitable,' Harry thought back to Kara, Karen, and Faora.

'Yeah, except for that blonde who is giving you the death glare,' Faora thought back to them. 'I wonder what her problem is.'

'Maybe she just seriously needs to get laid,' Kara offered in a cheerful voice through the bond link and Karen smiled at her, as Faora could only mentally shake her head. 'Just a suggestion.'

"That is why I am extending the offer of training to help give you something to pass the time," Hippolyta continued to him as she faced the four of them. "The offer is extended to all four of you, considering that you will be guests on the island for some time."

Diana stepped in, boldly speaking before her mother could continue. "I am volunteering to train Harry personally."

Hippolyta offered a knowing smirk to her daughter who just barely restrained herself from bouncing up and down like an overexcited child while waving her arms around. "Of course, Diana, that is acceptable. There is only one person who has been able to beat you in combat since you've begun."

"Who is that?" Kara asked and Hippolyta inclined a finger towards herself.

Diana smiled, even though her smile was rather pained. She recalled how her mother handed her, her backside during their sparring sessions. It just proved that the Queen of the Amazons taught her daughter everything that Diana knew but not quite everything that Hippolyta knew. It was a humbling experience and one that Diana would remember for an extremely long time, there was no question about it.

"So, Diana will train Harry personally," Hippolyta summarized with a smile crossing her face as the quartet of Kryptonians faced the Amazons. "Lyla and Artemis, you will train Kara, Karen, and Faora in the art of the Amazons."

"Fighting techniques that were developed by the Spartans but specially adapted to suit our bodies," Artemis commented for the uninformed.

Faora was interested in learning even more about this, she had training on Krypton. However, she wanted to learn more about different Earth fighting styles. One of the most useful things that she remembered the General telling her was that a true warrior does not have a handful of tools in their toolbox, they had many at their disposal.

Nutcase that the General was, Faora concluded that he had a rather prominent point to make, to say the very least. A smile manifested on her face as she pondered over the merits of that statement.

"That sounds fascinating," Faora stated and the other members of the group nodded in agreement.

"When do we start?" Kara asked the Queen, the eagerness brimming from her voice.

"No time like the present, I think," Hippolyta commented and there were many nods of agreement. "The four of you have the proper warrior spirits and I think that you will do well in the training."

Statements like that really put someone under a high octane amount of pressure. Harry did not want to let the Queen of the Amazons down. His smile grew extremely wide as he faced the Amazons. He'd seen some flashes of them fighting which heightened the already immense level of curiosity that he had.

They were good.

Harry had to admit that it did take a fair amount to impress him but one thing that was for certain was that the Amazons were extremely good. They were probably the best in the world at what they did and Harry could not give them enough credit. The green eyed wizard reflected upon certain things in his mind and smiled.

He had gotten a great deal of headway from his training with Faora but he'd be lying if he honestly said that he was the best. There were quite a few times where she handed him his ass in a sparring session. Harry agreed that was because he needed to adapt to a style of training that she had years and years on him but he improved every day.

Kara admitted that she struggled to fight Faora for more than a few minutes still. The blonde was tenacious but Faora came from a long line of battle tested warriors.

Harry came from the same line and there was the breeding ground for potential.

He could not wait.


Time did seem to pass rather quickly on the island. Harry thought that he'd made a great deal of improvement since he started training with Diana on the island. The two of them walked side by side with each other as they enjoyed the others company.

"So, you've done this before?" Diana asked Harry as the two of them continued their walk on the island.

"I don't want to brag, but I can ride with the best of them," Harry remarked to her with a knowing smile on his face.

"Well I'm no stranger to riding them either," Diana commented to him as they walked forward. "When was the last time you've done so?"

"It's been a while," Harry admitted to her with a shrug as they stepped forward towards the horses and got on them. "Horseback riding, it's something that I haven't done since I was in private school. Before I got to Hogwarts, then broomsticks replaced horses as my preferred mode of transportation."

Diana's curiosity was piqued as she turned to the side to face Harry. "Are there many differences?"

"Well when you break down broomstick riding and horse riding to their basic fundamentals, no there aren't," Harry remarked as he leaned back slightly against a tree and took a look at them. The horses bred by the Amazons were among the top of the line and thoroughbreds. He did not see horses quite this good back home. "Broomsticks can behave with a mind of their own."

Diana nodded in agreement.

"It depends on your skill level, but you have to work to tame a horse just like you have to work to tame a broomstick, you know work with it and not against it," Harry commented to her.

Diana inclined her head with a smile on her face, that was one of those things she would have to agree with. One had to work with a broomstick much like a horse and not work against it.

"So, what is Hogwarts like?" Diana asked and Harry turned towards her.

"At one time it was a first rate institution, but standards have lowered," Harry offered as he rode on the horse and they made their way around a sharp turn. "The Ministry doesn't want anyone who could use their knowledge to challenge their authority or worse yet in their eyes usurp their almighty authority. It results in generation after generation that for the most part strives for mediocrity and ninety percent of them seem to be getting stupider and stupider. And it's trickled down to other magical countries in Europe, due to Britain being the central hub of the International Magical community."

"That's one of the fundamental flaws in any government structure, when the government fears the people that they serve, so they take steps to undermine them," Diana remarked as she turned her head around. "Sorry…."

"No its apt," Harry commented in a tense and extremely thoughtful tone of voice. "The problem is the Ministry thinks that they are the ones who should be served by the people. There are those who are in because they have family that's in high ranking positions."

He paused before he summarized the situation. "I don't want to say that all of the old families are useless but there are some of them that haven't earned the power that they think they have. There are a few competent workers at the Ministry."

'The real problem is that the idiots always float to the top,' Faora thought to Harry and he smiled, as he mentally gave her a nod.

'Too true,' Harry thought to her.

Harry returned back to the real world, facing Diana with a smile on his face. "Back to the subject of Hogwarts….well they have a very interesting library."

He paused before he continued.

"Though the library was probably more interesting before some of the books were removed," Harry continued as they made their way forwards once again.

"Why would someone ban books?" Diana asked him but Harry smiled.

"There are people who fear others learning differing opinions than what is considered to be proper or worse forming their own opinion contrary to the hive mind structure that is that world," Harry commented to her before she chimed in with an exasperated tone of voice.

"Isn't that the first step towards oppression?"

"You aren't wrong," Harry remarked to her as they spent a few minutes with each other.

The nature around them was quite nice, the breeze was something that they enjoyed. The two of them found that they had a fair bit more in common than what they would have believed. Harry thought about the training, it was rather amazing.

"It's nice to have some downtime like this," Harry offered, as he gently got down off of the horse.

Diana and Harry thought to make a day of it, they were going to go swimming and then after they were done, they would have a nice picnic lunch. It was agreed that they would take one day off of training. It was the best way to recharge and really enjoy the time with each other. The two of them had similar thoughts that they made their way to climb down the cliff.

The two of them reached the bottom where there was a nice cool stream with crystal clear water around them. Diana turned towards him with a smile on her face. The water looked nice and the sights were about to get even better.

The raven haired Amazon watched Harry for an instant, before she stripped off her clothes without shame. First the white top that she was wearing dropped to the ground. She removed her pants with a teasing slowness next, followed by her shoes being kicked off. The undergarments followed closely after.

Harry saw Diana in all of her glory and said glory was pretty glorious. He followed her lead, stripping off of his top and then his shorts. Shoes and socks followed closely after that, along with his boxer shorts. Neither had any body image issues, so they were at ease with being in the nude around others.

"Come on, Harry," Diana called after her, making sure he got a good eyeful of her firm and tight ass as she stepped forward towards the edge of the water swaying it all the while.

She jumped into the water before him and Harry followed her after a moment.

"Oh that's refreshing," Harry told her, as he took her in, there was nothing but her beautiful face, long silky hair, and breasts that poked up above the water. Diana swam away with a smile crossing her face.

"It's a good way to unwind," Diana offered as she playfully splashed Harry in the water. "Too bad Kara, Faora, and Karen can't join us, but they're still working with Artemis. She can be rather….dedicated to her training."

"Is that another word to say that she is fanatical?" Harry asked and Diana offered him a smile.

"Say what you want, but she does get results, she's a general in our armies," Diana remarked as she swam next to Harry. "Lyla is rather good at what she does as well, as you've seen from the brief moments you've spent with them."

"Yes, I've seen enough," Harry commented after a few seconds before he playfully tried to grab Diana in the water but she evaded him. Her black hair framed her face and her lips pursed before she kept her blue eyes on him, teasing him as she pushed herself back. "So what about that blonde that's giving me the evil eye every time I'm around?"

Diana looked apologetic at this incident. "Well….it's Aresia, she was brought to the island from man's world when she was young. She was trained to become an Amazon. Mother won't tell me the full details but it was a traumatic experience for her before she got here."

"It's hard to say that I blame her without knowing what it is," Harry offered Diana with a shrug as she placed her hands on either side of him and pressed her breasts against his bare chest. "Even though she should not judge me from the bad actions of a few."

"No she shouldn't," Diana agreed as she pulled Harry into her tightly. Their groins brushed together briefly in the water before they pulled back.

The teasing between the two of them was starting to get intense in a hurry but they managed to keep their eyes on each other.

"I'm sure there were stories about the Amazons out there in Man's World," Diana remarked to Harry and Harry inclined his head with a nod. "I thought so."

Diana suspected that there were myths over the years that got mutated more and more. She was glad that Harry kept an open mind but there were a few whispers about Man's World. The truth was that neither side knew much of anything about the other. They had not met up with each other more than a handful of times since Paradise had been established. The dark haired woman swam away from Harry.

The two continued their swimming around each other, with both of them smiling and enjoying the time that they spent together. This downtime was much appreciated and the two of them watched each other, gazing into each other's eyes.

Diana and Harry spent about an hour swimming before their stomachs beckoned them and lunch was before them. The pair of them pulled themselves back onto the beach and got dressed once again before they climbed back up.

A delicious picnic lunch was waiting for them, with turkey sandwiches and fruit. Not to mention Harry had taken the initiative to bake some chocolate chip cookies, apparently the Amazons had not experienced those delights as of yet, which was something that Harry endeavored to correct before too long.

"Delicious," Diana remarked as she indulged herself in the food.

"I'm glad, I aim to please," Harry commented back to her as he enjoyed the meal along with a moment with her. He looked up and saw a very familiar snowy owl in the tree. "Hey Hedwig."

Hedwig dropped down next to Diana who watched the owl. There was a second where Diana stared the owl down and Hedwig surveyed her. Things got rather tense really quickly as Harry wondered what would happen.

Hedwig gave an approving hoot at Diana.

"Well it seems like she approves," Diana remarked in a relieved tone of voice.

"It's a good thing, isn't it?" Harry asked Diana and the Princess of the Amazons inclined her head with a brief nod. "She found this place rather easily, granted it took her a bit of time."

Diana's smile widened a little bit as she continued to eat the meal. "She does have the wisdom of Athena in many ways, doesn't she?"

Harry offered her a raised eyebrow and smiled, it was fairly apt. "Hmm."

"What do you mean, hmmm?" Diana asked him curiously and Harry turned towards her with a wide grin on his face.

"Hmm, just hmm," Harry replied to Diana as he placed his hands on hers.

"Really, is that, it, just hmm?" Diana asked to him and Harry's smile grew wider. "Maybe I should convince you to tell me what you're really thinking."

Harry retorted with a wide smirk as he faced her. "And how will you convince me, Princess?"

"Well, something like this," Diana offered and she playfully tackled Harry to the ground.

He reversed the position, using her own leverage against her. This was a maneuver that had been taught to him by Faora, although Harry had a chance to experiment with it and perfect it more than he had in the past. The two of them wrestled around, each of them jockeying for position. Both of them were not able to gain any dominance a little while. Diana found herself struggling to get a grip on him, he had a surprising amount of strength.

This was her dream man, she realized this right now, strong and passionate, he could treat her both as gentle and rough as she wished him to. It was an amazing combination and those thoughts made her momentum betray her for she was flipped onto the ground, wrists pinned above her head and her body underneath his.

"Well, it looks like I've got you," Harry remarked as he straddled her for a second.

He hovered over Diana, but she used her strong legs to flip Harry over onto the ground. They heard the waters slapping against the shore next to them and she was on top of him.

Diana and Harry gazed into each other's eyes. Green eyes met blue, both sets of eyes danced with passion before the Amazon leaned down. She captured Harry's lips into a burning kiss which he returned with equal passion.

The two of them continued to sink into their kiss, it getting more passionate with every single move they made. The two of them leaned into the lip lock and both of them slowly began to roam around each other's body. The smell of the sea air was close to them and Harry's hands roamed freely around her.

Diana broke the kiss and already had Harry's shirt off. She tore it in the heat of passion but she did not care all that much about it. She ran her hands down his chest and abs and hummed with glee at what she saw.

"Harry," Diana purred as she leaned forward to stare lustfully into Harry's eyes. "Make love to me."

Harry never thought that she would ask, as he sat up, she straddled his lap and pulled him into another fiery kiss.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

He wrapped his arms tightly around the Amazon princess, as his fingers ran down her back, causing her to shiver. The wizard skillfully dragged his hands down her back before cupping her ass to push Diana onto his lap further.

Diana allowed Harry to push her back and kiss her heatedly. The kiss continued to deepen immensely, as Harry slowly undid her shorts and pulled them down her legs. His hands roamed down her lower body and she moaned in pleasure as Harry kissed her even more deeply, his tongue wandering around her mouth.

The black haired Amazon princess wrapped her bare legs tightly around him and she worked her hand down his pants. A strong hand found his throbbing penis and she gripped it, experimenting with it as she stroked him up and down to give him the most pleasure that she could give him. The position was reversed.

"Mmm, I 'd like some of that," Diana offered as she worked his pants down and then working his boxer shorts off.

Diana watched his penis throb and twitch before her. This caused heat to fill through her body as he reached up and placed his hands underneath her shirt. She closed her eyes as Harry sat up, rubbing the head of his cock against her dripping slit.

"Oh, Harry, don't tease me," Diana panted as Harry kissed the side of her neck, sucking on it.

Harry grabbed her breast and caressed it. He massaged it lovingly and Diana closed her eyes, a throaty moan escaping her lips. Her moaning became more labored as Harry worked her over for a little bit.

"Isn't that half the fun?" Harry asked as he alternated between her left and her right breast, as she was down on the ground.

Harry straddled her and planted a series of kisses, starting at the tip of her right ear and working his way around her body. Diana's eyes fogged over with even more pleasure, this was nearly unbearable and her core was molten hot for him.

The sorcerer smiled, he could sense her pleasure and his cock throbbed because of the delightful scent that passed through his nostrils. He sped up the kisses.

"I want you, I need you," Diana managed as Harry cupped her pussy and felt the warmth and moisture rising from it.

"I can feel that," Harry commented with a bright tone as he hovered over her entrance.

He teased her a little bit but Diana locked her legs tighter yet around his waist. The wizard's eyes eyed her sex and he maneuvered himself about ready to plunge into her. The Amazon felt his cock hover at the edge of her.

"Please, Harry," Diana stated as her legs wrapped around him and her nails sunk into his back.

Harry smiled before he plunged into her pussy. His cock penetrated into her and Diana's eyes widened as he pushed in and out of her. Diana lifted her hips to meet his motions. They were slow and sensual, working into her as his hands roamed her body. Harry felt every single inch of that lovely flesh underneath his hands, caressing it as he worked over her.

Diana felt his prick working inside her, it felt good stretching her powerful walls apart. The woman's walls tightened together as she met him. Her vaginal muscles caressed her man's rod as his hands cupped her pussy. She tightened around him as he pushed in and out of her. The woman breathed, her eyes flickering shut as the pleasure washed over her.

The Amazon could feel the pressure build up through her body as he slowly worked into her. The wizard used his fingers to play with her nipples and this drove her wild.

"So good, feels so good," Diana panted heavily as his cock worked into her molten hot core. "Oh, I need more Harry, please, Harry, I need you."

"And you'll have me my beautiful princess," Harry smiled as he worked over her and pushed himself up. His hands roamed her stomach, feeling the taut flesh and he massaged her.

Diana's eyes flickered, her body flushed with pleasure. She was about to experience her first orgasm with a male cock inside her and anticipation built up for the orgasmic explosion. Diana reached up and squeezed his strong biceps. She breathed lustfully as his cock pushed between her walls.

"Cum for me, Diana," Harry breathed as he continued to push into her, his cock penetrating her walls as he sped up his penetration of her a little bit.

Diana bit her lip in pleasure and felt her walls tighten around him. Her pussy juices lubricated his throbbing cock as she panted heavily.

Harry slowed down for a moment but her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him as Diana's gaze fixed right into his eye.

"Harry, fuck me, please," Diana breathed him. "Really dominate me."

Harry grabbed her breasts, slightly harder, and this caused her walls to tighten around him. His throbbing cock pushed up and speared into her center. Diana panted heavier and heavier as his member invaded her center. The brunette haired woman lifted her hips up to meet his incoming thrusts before her pussy tightened.

Diana lost herself through the pleasure of him working her center. His throbbing prick slammed into her tight pussy, working into her. The emerald eyed sorcerer pushed his cock up and pushed it down into her.

"Oh great Hera, yes," Diana panted as Harry pushed her legs up so he could get better leverage in slamming into her harder and harder.

"You like that don't you?" Harry asked as he tugged on her hair and her eyes snapped towards him lustfully.

"Yes, yes, you're the only man for me," Diana panted as she lifted her hips, feeling all twelve inches slam into her.

Harry's cock continued to work into her for a few more seconds and worked her up for another orgasm. The wizard had hers up and slowly licked and caressed her shapely thighs before grabbing her ass cheeks. The woman moaned, encouraging him for more. His hard dick worked into her tight wet hole as more fluids splashed out of her.

"Yes, yes, more Harry, more," Diana panted as she felt another orgasm simmering through her body. There was so much pleasure that coursed through her that it was not even funny. The dark haired wizard's movements got more intense as the dance continued and Diana lost herself to them.

His mouth was down, kissing and sucking on her breasts, before he ran his hands through her silky black hair. A hand reached around and gripped her breast, his fingers worked around her stiffening nipples. The raven haired woman continued her pleasurable sounds as he worked over every inch of her body.

Her walls tightened around him once more and this time Harry pulled out as her juices dripped from his penis.

"Harry," Diana moaned but Harry grabbed her around the waist and turned her over.

Diana's eyes widened before she felt a tingling of excitement go inside her as she realized what Harry was going to do. She was on her hands and knees, and Harry grabbed her breasts, before he teased her opening. She felt a burning desire spread through her body as her center hungered to welcome him in from behind her.


Diana shrieked this statement as Harry's cock plunged into the Amazon from behind. He treated her gently but at the same time he really made her feel what was happening. His hand wrapped around her swinging breasts as he picked up the pace. Each stroke caused her to have a miniature orgasm which was helped along by his stone hard dick drilling into her center.

"I know you like that," Harry breathed as he nibbled on her ear and Diana panted before his cock worked through her.

Harry worked his thrusts into her even deeper, his throbbing cock spearing into her center. Diana's eyes closed as his cock picked up the paces and speared into her a few times. The wizard's tool worked into her center and stretched her walls apart. He continued to pick up the paces and his balls slapped against her thighs.

"I want more," Diana panted to him.

He was about to give her more, he was about ready to give her everything that she ever wanted. Harry's stamina was out of this work, she had come numerous times, each orgasm more intense than the last one, and each more satisfying as well. Diana felt twelve inches of delight penetrate her over and over again.

Harry felt the pleasure and he knew that pleasuring her meant that his pleasure was heightened. He was able to hold back the rush of his cum, which made her anticipate it even more. His hands roamed her breasts and her nipples twisted around. This caused Diana's pussy to clench his rod tightly.

"More Harry, I need your seed," Diana breathed before his hands roamed all over her body and sent pleasurable caresses on every single inch of her body.

"Soon you'll have it," Harry breathed as her head turned around and their mouths met into a kiss. She parted her mouth as his tongue entered her mouth. She slowly sucked on his tongue, feeling the pleasure work over her. The two of them allowed their tongues to clash together in dominance and passion, their hands working over each other's body.

Harry pumped himself into her from behind and Diana grinded herself back towards it. It was a pleasurable feeling that only came after two sets of organs from two powerful individuals met each other. The tight twat of the Amazonian princess wrapped around her as she tightened around his penetrating pole. He used his hands to work her over, working over every single inch of her sensual body.

Diana panted heavily as her breasts got groped and squeezed. The dark haired princess felt heightening breasts before he grabbed around her and the wizard pushed himself up before slamming into her. The wizard picked up the pace before hammering her with ease.

"Oh, gods, nothing is better," Diana breathed as her hands grabbed the ground. The ocean waves slapping against the rocks was nothing compared to Harry's balls slapping against her shapely thighs.

Their bodies were covered with a heavy layer of sweat as Harry plowed into her again and again from behind. The sorcerer's thrusts penetrated her into her warm depths as she wrapped around him. Diana panted heavily as Harry's hands manipulated every single inch of her body and he continued to work over her.

Harry pulled out of her and smiled at her, but Diana grabbed him and pushed him back onto the ground.

He allowed her to pin him down to the ground and felt her extremely strong cunt ram down onto his cock. Diana practically impaled herself onto his throbbing cock as she pushed herself up. Her tight box wrapped around his throbbing stick of meat and she ground her hips around him.

Harry laid back and watched her bounce up and down on him, before he returned fire to bury himself deep into her. This was what he wanted all along, to feel her wrapped around him as she rode him. The wizard's balls throbbed before Diana pushed herself up and slammed down onto her, before Harry's hand grabbed Diana's breast, before pinching her and then Harry raised a head up.

He began to lick and suck her breasts, worshiping them like the pillars of perfection that they were. Diana felt his mouth work on her, along with his tongue and it was quite the feeling. His hands roamed all around her body as she pushed herself up and worked around him, wrapping around the base of his cock as she continued to ride him as hard as she could. Diana's tight cunt worked around him to the base of his cock, working him up to an amazing orgasm.

"Yes, yes," Diana panted as she rode him even harder, her pussy tightened around him.

"Love you, love you so very much," Harry breathed as he roamed down her body.

"Love you as well," Diana breathed as she worked around him, before her mouth pressed against his and she continued to rock back, working her hips against him.

The dark haired woman's hips slammed down onto the pelvis of her lover and she continued to rock back and forth. The woman's hands roamed his abs and chest as she sunk her nails into it. His hands roamed around her body as well.

The two of them worked against each other, their organs connected with each other with miniature explosions. Harry's penis penetrated her before he worked into her. Diana's pussy tightened around his throbbing rod. His cock thrust into her pussy as he buried himself into her. The raven haired princess sunk herself down onto his ride, riding him rather fast.

Harry grunted in the pleasure as she bounced up and down on him, before her walls tightened around his throbbing cock. The dark haired woman sped up her bouncing and Harry felt so much pleasure that her molten core tightened around her. The woman's hips sped up as she wrapped around him, tightening around him. The woman picked up her pace and worked over him over.

"So close," Harry breathed after a time as she tightened around him and the woman's walls wrapped around him extremely tightly. Diana's pussy continued to wrap around him and it tightened around him. The tool slammed into her tight twat as he worked into her. His finger stuck in her belly button and worked circles into her.

"That's it, cum for me, I want it," Diana breathed as she pushed herself up and her hips cracked against her. The two continued their dance with each other, working into each other. His cock penetrated her tightening pussy that wrapped around him.

Harry thrust a few more times into her pussy before his balls tightened. With an almighty grunt, he slammed into her and sprayed his juices into her hole.

Diana panted heavily as she continued to ride him, feeling another orgasm as rope after rope shot into her dripping pussy. She felt it spray up into her as he pumped several loads of cum deep into her pussy. It wrapped around him as she pushed herself up and slammed down onto him, before the two of them dropped down.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Harry rested his head on her bare breasts as she ran her hands down his back as the sun set on the island around them. Neither of them wanted to move because they were content with where they were.


After a nice and pleasant couple of days of hanging out together and camping, Harry and Diana made their way back up to the main part of the city, heading up towards the palace.

"See, there are times where we need to unwind as much as we train," Harry offered as he placed his arm around Diana's waist as they continued to make their way up towards the palace. The raven haired Amazon princess offered him a wide smile.

"That is not a statement that I can honestly disagree with," Diana told him as she folded her arms over before she saw Artemis standing beside the edge of the palace. "Artemis."

"Princess Diana," Artemis told her with a smile before she turned to Harry and run her eyes over Harry, taking all of him in. "Harry."

"Hello Artemis, how's the training with Kara and Faora going?" Harry asked her and the Amazon's face crossed with a tiny bit of a smile.

"Quite well actually, they are naturals at what they are doing," Artemis remarked to him as she leaned against the edge of the palace.

"I figured they would be," Harry offered her.

He thought that he was making great strides with his training, there was a long way to go but he came an extremely long way from where he was.

"I'm going to meet Kara right now to continue our lessons," Artemis said to Harry and Harry nodded.

"Diana and I might join you in a little bit, won't we?" Harry asked Diana and the raven haired woman offered a nod. "Let's say in about an hour or so."

Artemis's face spread into a wide smile. "Great, see you then."

Artemis walked off but Diana stood up straight, her eyes narrowed as she noticed something. Harry edged behind her a little bit, wondering what she noticed.

"Diana, what is it?" Harry asked her in a crisp and calm tone of voice but the Princess held up one hand and edged around.

"Someone's in the palace and she shouldn't be," Diana whispered to Harry as she opened the door and a frown appeared over her face. "Considering that she's supposed to be at her lessons."

Harry raised an eyebrow and realized that someone was about to get it in the worst way. He stood back and enjoyed a tiny bit of the show. The wizard's expression became stoic as he watched Diana walk inside.

Donna stood inside the palace, lounging around with Aresia. She looked up as Diana marched towards her, arms folded.

"Donna, what are you doing?" Diana asked to her.

Donna rolled her eyes at her older sister and stated in a dry tone. "Standing here, taking it easy."

Diana's mood did not improve by her sister's uncaring tone. "I was under the impression that you were supposed to be at a lesson now."

"Yeah, I know, but I wasn't feeling up to it," Donna offered her sister in a dry tone of voice as she rolled her eyes. "I mean it's not like it's that important."

Diana had to sit all of those lessons when she was Donna's age and it irritated her when they happened for sure but she still had to do it. The fact her younger sister blew them off in such a matter, that was upsetting to her. The older Amazon stepped forward, her eyes locked onto Donna's.

"Mother will be very disappointed with you when she finds out," Diana stated as she watched Donna. "I better not catch you skipping your lessons like this ever again."

"Oh come on, don't you have better things to do or rather better people to do," Donna offered in a bratty tone of voice as she eyed Harry leaning against the wall next to the door. "Besides, you won't catch me skipping lessons ever again, so you shouldn't worry your pretty little perfect head off about it."

Diana reminded herself that this was likely a stage she went through it at the same age but that didn't really make a difference to her. The lessons were quite important.

"It's not a big deal, really," Aresia added, speaking up for the first time.

"Yeah we know it all," Donna stated in a challenging tone of voice.

Diana was not about to take any more of this attitude, so she reached over and with a firm grip grabbed Donna by the ear.

"Hey that's my ear!"

"It will be your rear if you don't march it back to your lessons!"

Diana dragged Donna back to the lessons she was supposed to be at. The older sister led the younger sister off in the opposite direction, with a slumped over Aresia following behind her. Harry folded his arms together, he was mostly amused by the situation that transpired but he shook his head.

Harry decided to allow Diana to deal with what she needed to deal with, so he spun around and decided to check up to see how Faora and Karen were doing.

'Yeah, we're down at the library with Lyla, feel free to join us at your leisure,' Faora remarked to him through the bond link. 'Kara wanted some extra lessons with Artemis, but the two of us are a bit more advanced, so we've been given the day off.'

'Artemis gave you the day off?' Harry asked her through the bond link, an eyebrow corked in amusement as he edged his way towards the library. 'You must be doing well.'

'Well I don't like to brag but we're pretty good, and yes Kara is doing just as well, she just doesn't have as much time to practice,' Karen thought to him.

Harry made his way through the City, passing several Amazons who were walking towards the sparring arena. He felt the fresh breeze continue to blow through his hair as he made good time towards the library, but on his way there he was stopped.

"Harry, I trust you're finding everything well," Hippolyta remarked to him as she passed him on her way back to the palace.

'Everything appears to be straight forward," Harry offered with a nod and a smile as he stared down the Queen of the Amazons.

"Yes, I figured a young man of your intelligence would not have many problems adapting to life on the island," Hippolya stated to him as she looked him over. She could most certainly see what Diana saw in him, because she saw many of the same things. "I would also like to extend an apology in regards to the behavior of my youngest daughter."

Harry inclined his head with a nod. "It isn't a reflection on you, I'm sure."

"Being high strung and stubborn runs in the family, I fear," Hippolyta remarked before she spoke in a softer tone to lighten the mood. "I could tell you stories about Diana and what she was like at that age."

Harry whistled as he eyed the Queen of the Amazons. "I'm sure she'd enjoy that."

"It's my sworn duty as her mother to ensure that she remains on her toes," Hippolyta commented as she turned around and watched the combat occurring behind them. "There was this time when she was around Donna's age, where she was supposed to report to combat training but I found her hiding in my bed chambers."

"What did you do?" Harry asked to Hippolyta.

Hippolyta smiled a tiny bit as she placed her hands on her hips. "I told her that I would allow her to skip the lessons….if she did one simple thing."

"How simple?" Harry asked.

"She had to defeat me in combat," Hippolyta remarked with a smile.

Harry saw a few glimpses of Hippolyta in action. He would not envy Diana going up against her mother in combat. He whistled carefully and his arms folded over each other.

"And that didn't end well, did it?" Harry asked her.

Hippolyta smiled. "She lost, although she was spirited enough that she was not going down with a fight."

"She does have a lot of energy," Harry remarked to her.

"Yes, she gets it from me," Hippolya told him with a smile and a hand on her hip. There was a teasing look in her eyes.

"Well, I'd imagine she gets a lot from you," Harry remarked as he checked her out.

"Maybe one day you can find out how much, Harry," Hippolyta fired back as she watched him and a smile crossed over the woman's face. She checked over her shoulder. "It is nice speaking to you, but I must be going. An island does not govern itself after all, especially one of high strung women."

"True, true," Harry offered before he grabbed her hand and planted a kiss on Hippolyta's hand.

She closed her eyes and felt the power of magic enhancing the kiss that he gave her on the hand. The Amazon Queen shook her head in order to clear it then turned around to leave, keeping her tone businesslike and proper.

Harry smiled as he made his way towards the library, having that nice little conversation out of the way.

He did not run into anyone else on his way there and as he made his way through the doors he saw Lyla standing in the way, just wrapping up a speech on the history of the Amazons for the benefit of Karen and Faora. It was an interesting topic.

"The problem is that a lot of the knowledge that Man's World has on us is skewed," Lyla remarked to the two Kryptonian girls. "They assume that we are man haters and backwards. Whilst I do not deny that there are some Amazons who embody the worst we are stereotyped as when they take our teachings the wrong ways, they are the exception rather than the rule."

"All stereotypes are unfortunately based off of a bad interaction with a select few," Karen offered to her.

"Exactly, plus this information is thousands of years old in some cases, and the Amazons had more than a bad eggs," Lyla continued as she sighed. "People assume that we'd violently rise up and kill all men just because of the actions of a few."

"I for one am glad that the Amazons are nothing like the myths that are put out there," Harry remarked as Faora and Karen brightened up with smiles.

"Harry, it's great you can join us," Lyla piped up in an excited tone of voice as she spun to face him. As with many people on the island, she was quite taken by him. Even though he was the only man most ever saw in person, it was just a stroke of luck that they started straight at the top of the heap. "So….did you and Diana have fun?"

"Loads of fun," Harry offered her with a knowing smile on his face and the blonde stared back at him with widened eyes before she nodded.

"I'm sure Harry can give us a report on the details later," Faora remarked to Harry. "We're learning a lot about a fascinating culture but naturally Diana has told you a lot about it I'm sure, in between other activities."

"She has," Harry commented before something popped into his mind that he neglected to ask. Since Lyla was an expert, he figured that he could ask her the question. "So Lyla, I was wondering something, if you could tell me?"

She piped up immediately. "Naturally, that's what I'm here for, if you want to ask any questions for me."

Harry decided to pipe in with the necessary question. "So, I was wondering how the Amazonian marriage ritual is carried out?"

Lyla's eyebrow raised and even Karen and Faora looked curious. The blonde turned towards Harry before speaking to him. "Why do you need to know that?"

"Well given that Diana and I have grown rather close, she mentioned to me that she wants to do it the right way and that her mother would agree," Harry remarked to Lyla as the blonde nodded her head. "I figured that if anyone would know it would be you."

Lyla's eyes widened as she was given such high praise and that was something that she wanted to live up to. Of course, explaining the ritual to do so….well that was another matter entirely. The pressure of her to deliver was on with three sets of eyes moving over towards her and watching her.

"Well," Karen prompted and Lyla took a deep breath before she started to say something.

Or tried to say something but it came out as some kind of indistinguishable mumbling. Faora raised an eyebrow as she turned to Lyla as she shook her head in amusement.

"Do you think you could speak up a little bit and be a bit clearer, please?" Faora asked in a calm yet commanding tone of voice.

Lyla was red in the face as she managed to muster all of the ability to speak that she could.

"Well….it starts with a trial of combat….you have to fight your bride to be in combat and you must defeat her. But defeating her is not done in the physical sense of the word…it's….well….it's…"

"Yes, please continue," Harry told her in an encouraging tone of voice.

"You have to not only to defeat her but you have to physically dominate your bride," Lyla remarked in that tone. "You need to take her down and….dominate her…orally, vaginally, or….anally."

That last word was spat out in a loud high pitched squeak. Lyla's face was beet red as a tomato now.

"Bind her, strap a pair of bracelets and choker on her bearing the symbol of your house," Lyla remarked as she started to look at the ground but Faora reached forward, cupped her chin, and eased her head up so she could properly face Harry. "Then…it's just begun, you have to fight her mother in combat, for her blessing."

"Makes sense," Harry offered as he thought of something else. "So do I need to defeat Hippolya or DEFEAT her, as in dominate her?"

"That's….optional but recommended, especially with someone like Hippolyta, you don't want to do anything halfway," Lyla squeaked as she turned her eyes away from them, going really red in the face. "It'd be a lot better…oh Hera….it'd be a lot better if you got both of them in one fell swoop."

"Thank you Lyla, you've been extremely helpful," Harry remarked to the woman who inclined her head, cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

"No problem," she stated as Harry leaned forward and planted a light kiss on her lips which her mind nearly shut down from. Heat went to other parts of her body than her face. "Is….is there anything else that I can do to…for you, I meant for you."

"Oh, I know what you meant," Harry remarked to her with a smile before he winked at her. "Maybe later."

Lyla nodded, trying not to look too hopeful as Faora and Karen were about ready to burst out into laughter.

'I thought she was going to get a nose bleed for a minute,' Karen thought to them through the link.

'Yeah, I did as well,' Harry offered to them with an amused tone in his thoughts as he placed a hand on his hip. 'Well she might still get one, I think.'

'Just build up the anticipation, that's the best way to snare them in,' Faora thought to him as the three of them sat side by side.

'Well now you know what you need to do at least,' Karen offered to him through the bond link and Harry smirked on the other side.

'Yes, it should be fun,' Harry remarked as he thought about the possibilities.

Timing was everything and Harry wanted to make his move when it had the most possible impact. It was merely a formality that he and Diana would get together, she was strong Alpha material much like Kara, Karen, and Faora were. The foundations for an extremely powerful bond were there and thanks to his magic, he was able to regulate that it happens at the time where it had the most impact possible.


Harry spent a fair amount of time, much longer at the library that he thought he was going to. Much to his amusement, Lyla struggled to look him in the eye for a little bit after the lesson she gave him about the culture of the Amazons and how the bonding ritual worked. She did a good job at hitting all the clearest and concise points.

Then again, it was a society that yearned to be dominated despite their warrior attitudes. It was quite the interesting paradox. They just made the men earn their domination and there were few people that were up to the task. The emerald eyed sorcerer figured that most men saw these women as intimidating because of their preconceived notions.

'People and their narrow minded beliefs that things could not be different than what they've got set in their stubborn mindset,' Harry thought to himself but his ear perked up as he heard some interesting noises coming from the quarters that he had been given.

Harry was about to go and meet up with Artemis and Kara after their lessons and returning with a change of clothes but these sounds stalled him. He edged himself closer to the edge of the door and gently opened it.

The two figures on the bed were wrapped in a tight embrace, the sheets over top them, as they shifted around beneath it. Harry saw two curtains of hair, one red and one blonde. One did not need X-Ray vision to figure out what they were doing beneath those sheets and Harry viewed them with a smile crossing his face as he edged closer.

He made a swift motion to place his hands on his hips before he cleared his throat and Kara and Artemis ceased their activities.

"Hello ladies," Harry remarked to them in a casual voice as if they had not been engaging in heavy sticky passionate actions.

Artemis looked apologetic for a second but Kara's expression turned towards him.

"Harry, nice to see you, I was wondering when you would join us," Kara remarked to him, a sultry look going through her eyes as she looked over her shoulder to face Harry.

Artemis's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and shock at Kara's words.

"Hello….Harry," Artemis offered, the red haired Amazon looking at him, having used the sheets to cover her body, although the point was moot if Harry chose to use his X-Ray vision.

He did not, at least for the moment.

Kara knew that Artemis was rather high strung and as the goddesses said, the Amazons were in the market for a good hard fucking from someone. They seriously needed to get laid and Kara knew from her training with Artemis that she needed to get fucked the worst. Excitement flickered on the blonde's face.

It was true that Kara learned everything about the art of seduction from Faora. She was not quite innocent, although the innocent act did help lead to people to lose their false sense of security. The blonde removed the sheets from the bed.

Kara crawled over towards Harry, a seductive glint through her eyes as she reached over towards him and grabbed onto his belt, tugging at it.

"You said you wanted to join us," Kara breathed huskily as she began to unbuckle Harry's belt, licking her lips in anticipation of the pleasure to come. "And that's what you're about to do, aren't you?"

Harry grabbed Kara and pinned her arms back.

"You've been a very naughty girl Kara," Harry commented to her in a teasing tone of voice. "And you know what happens to naughty girls?"

"Why tell me, when you can show me?" Kara asked as she turned around to saucily wiggle her ass towards her husband.

Harry smiled, he would show her and show her he did.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry raised a hand and slapped her on her tight ass which caused Kara to moan in passion. The blonde's eyes flushed over as his hand slapped her rear once again. Another slap connected to her buttocks and several more in succession. Her ass reddened slightly and her pussy moistened at each smack that connected with her.

Kara bit down on her lip, the pleasure reverberated through her body. The sensation of his hand on her rear was something that stimulated her and caused her eyes to close before he smacked her once more time. The blonde panted lustfully as he spanked her over and over again.

"More Harry, I want more," Kara encouraged him as she rocked her hips up and back, grinding her pussy onto his crotch.

"Oh you want more, do you?" Harry asked as he spanked her some more.

Artemis was on the bed, she could not tear her eyes from this erotic sight or stop hearing these erotic sounds. The busty redhead Amazon's hands moved down, rubbing her clit furiously as her moans got louder and louder.

"Seems like, I'm not…the only one who is being naughty," Kara panted and her eyes turned towards Artemis.

She waved her hand and the sheets flew off of the Amazon to leave her body revealed to Harry in all of her glory. Her red hair framed her face, with burning dark eyes that were amazing. Her breasts were large and could not be contained by any normal bra, with rosy red nipples that stuck out towards him, beckoning to be sucked.

Harry's eyes continued to travel over her toned abs, that was a credit to her training. Long muscular, yet sexy, legs were the next. They could wrap around a car and crush them, which was nice. He saw her feet that were a model of perfect. All the way to her burning wet sex, with a strip of red hair.

"Are we getting wet?" Harry asked as he lightly brushed his fingers across her dripping wet slit and Artemis's hips lifted up to try and meet his fingers, but Harry continued the tease as he pulled away from her.

"Harry," Artemis whined in a lustful, breathy moan.

"Yes," Harry told her, a smile crossing his face as he straddled over her, and grabbed her arms, pinning them down. He felt the wonderful flesh and his shirt was stripped off.

Artemis closed her eyes, feeling the rush of his muscular chest pressed up against her breasts. She felt so hot that she could not stand it. His erection brushed against her entrance but it was still clothed, at least for now. The teasing intensified.

"Please, I need it, you're a real man," Artemis panted as he groped her breast and she panted heavily.

"I can see you're a whole lot of woman," Harry commented before he bit down on her neck and Kara worked Harry's pants off for him.

"Yes, for a whole lot of man," Artemis breathed as Harry ran his hands all over her body.

He gave her teasing, pleasurable caresses, all of them unbearable and he placed a pair of hands on the underside of her breasts, before he started kissing on the top of her head.

Kara momentarily dove between Artemis's legs as Harry worked her upper body. This combination of sensations caused the Amazon to lose her mind. The busty redhead woman felt Harry's kisses continue, starting at the tip of her ears, which he sucked on briefly. They moved all around her face, and then went down to her neck, them getting more intense. He reached her breasts and captured a bud in his mouth.

Harry kissed around her, down to her stomach and he continued to work, skipping her most tender area for Kara worked on that with her tongue. The emerald eyed sorcerer planted several kisses down her legs, before going up between her thighs and licking her soft, supple flesh.

Artemis breathed heavily as Harry and Kara both turned towards licking her tender core. Their tongues were amazing, both of them and it build up the anticipation along with the desire within her body. She arched her hips up and wanted even more, but they were going to build up anticipation.

The redhead continued to move herself in position for them to please her sex, the expressions of love getting hotter and more prominent. Their tongues continued to work over her dripping molten core.

Kara stepped away with a smile and Artemis was tied to the bed, spread eagled. Her dripping wet pussy was presented towards Harry, chains fastened to her wrists and ankles. Twelve inches of his cock hovered over her entrance as he lifted himself up towards her.

Artemis's eyes widened as she felt the pleasure of his thick pole pushing into past her lips. She was so hungry for his meet that her lower lips could have gobbled her up. Harry teased her with slow strokes as him allowed his penis to slide in and out of her.

"That's it, I want more," Artemis panted heavily as Harry placed his hands on her breasts and caressed them.

Artemis could not say much before because Kara hovered over her face. Her dripping pussy hovered over Artemis's face and the redhead hungered to eat the blonde out. She teased the woman for a slight little bit, before she placed herself down onto the face of the redhead woman.

The redhead's expression felt rather content as her tongue worked inside Kara's hot dripping pussy. This was not the first pussy she had to eat, but it was one of the best. Her and the Queen had indulged themselves in each other to wind down on some particularly stressful days. Artemis poked her tongue in between Kara's sopping wet lips, drawing more of her juices out onto her tongue as the blonde rode it.

Harry pumped his cock into her center, roaming his hands all over his upper body. He lifted himself nearly to the point where he was out before his cock slammed deep into her tight quim. Her juices dribbled out for him as she was driven to an earth shattering orgasm. The Amazon never felt such pleasure, Harry could feel it given how tight her pussy wrapped around him.

Kara leaned forward, showing her great flexibility, never letting the cunt leave Artemis's mouth. She cupped a large breast in her hand, it was slightly smaller than Karen's, but that was nothing to be ashamed about. The blonde captured the nipple in her mouth and Harry copied her motion, never delving out of her.

A dupe split off at this point.

"I don't think I've finished having my fun with this tight little ass," Harry told her as he cupped Kara's cheeks in his hand.

"You want it, come and get it," Kara breathed as Harry pulled her cheeks apart and she felt the rush of cool air hit her hot hole.

That was more Harry gave her a couple of slaps on the ass and pushed his large cock into her ass. Inch by inch, Kara felt him enter her and at first it hurt a tiny bit but then the pain let way. Harry gently slid in and out of her.

The blonde ground her pussy down onto Artemis's faces and the red head drove her tongue as far as possible to hit the blonde's g-spot. She tasted the sweet juices, better than the ambrosia brought down from the gods themselves. It was a sweet nectar that made her extremely light headed.

"Oh, so tight," Harry grunted as he rammed his thick phallus into her tight box, working over her. Artemis was still bound on the bed, otherwise she would have wrapped her strong legs around him and squeezed him tightly.

Her pussy milked his thrusts as Harry barely paid attention to his double fucking Kara from behind in her ass. The blonde's moans inspired his imagination more than enough but he busied himself and his cock with this busty redhead Amazon on the bed. She was so sexy that he could fuck her all night and the time around them slowed down. The small area allowed the time dilation spells to be increased.

"Damn, Harry, fuck Artemis, oh Rao, so much pleasure," Kara panted before her speech deviated into a bunch of motions.

His thick rod speared into her ass as he drilled into him from behind and Harry's hands also grabbed Kara's breasts and groped that. She loved it when he ran his hands all over her body, down her breasts, past her tight tummy, playing with her clit and her thighs, it was a delicious experience. His throbbing cock drilling into her tight anus was another sensation that brought her pleasure and his balls slammed hard against her.

Harry smiled as he felt Kara's delicious ass as he fucked it, it was a wonderful feeling. He alternated between thrusts and swats with his hand, to try and let things missed up. The blonde's ass wrapped around as Kara threw her head back with a moan.

"Yes, Harry, cum in my ass, you know you want to," Kara panted as she felt Artemis's tongue work her over.

Her pussy juices dribbled down on Artemis's face and the redhead felt the increase of pleasure, before the blonde's hands worked over her tits.

Harry grabbed her hard and pumped into the Amazonian cunt beneath him, making the pleasure increase. Her muscles tightened around him as he picked up a wild stream of thoughts of what she liked. He adjusted his motions accordingly as he picked up the paces.

"I think she likes everything that I'm doing," Harry grunted as the other Harry nodded.

"Yes, yes, she does," Kara agreed, her body gave another shuddering orgasm as Artemis's tongue continued to pleasure her and she rode it.

Harry pumped into her ass from behind before his hands cupped her tits before the blonde tightened around him. His loins tightened as he picked up the pace and pushed into her a few more times before his balls tightened even more.

The emerald eyed wizard's balls spurted a great load of cum in Kara's pussy. He set stream after stream of cum into the tight Kryptonian ass beneath him. Since this was a temporary dupe, he faded after he unloaded his last load of cum into her pussy.

Kara slid off, Artemis's faces sticky with her juices. Cum dripped from her ass and Artemis's eyes widened before she gripped the blonde's hips. Her tongue drove up Kara's ass this time, eating Harry's cum from her ass.

The wizard pushed himself out and slammed into her tight pussy once again. He was getting into the home stretch of the sex and his throbbing tool continued to ram into the tight pussy of Artemis. Her legs were released from the chains and they wrapped around Harry's waist tightly.

"Oh Harry, I need your seed," Artemis breathed as Harry grabbed her breast. "Give it to me, shoot my womb up with your baby juice!"

Harry grabbed her and pushed her back onto the bed and started sucking on her breasts. He worked into the home stretch and drilled his throbbing tool into her tight center. The Amazon's arms were finally freed and she wrapped her arms tightly around Harry, her hands turned and she dug her nails into his shoulders.

She felt so much pleasure of his tool drilling into her from the top and he licked and sucked on her breasts. His balls slapped against her hard and his cock thrust into her. Walls tightened around him, she was determined to get his seed inside her. Tighter and tighter she went.

"Please," Artemis panted as Kara slowly licked her own juices off of Artemis's face, before pinching her nipples.

Harry felt himself throb at that declaration, lustful and impressive. He arched himself up to the side, before swinging her legs up and impacted into her. He licked down on her legs before the tight moist core wrapped around him.

A few more thrusts occurred before Harry reached his climax and he unloaded a heavy stream of cum deep into her pussy. He sent a heavy stream into her.

Several spurts of his thick gooey seed splashed inside her. Artemis felt another orgasm wash over her before she passed out from the pleasure. Her muscles tightened around him a little bit as he pumped a full load inside her hot body.

Harry pulled out, as Kara's face contorted to mischief, as she saw the cum flooding from the unconscious form of Artemis. The blonde's lips licked, her tongue moistening them before she knew what to do now.

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