Chapter 27: Chapter 20: Conquering Paradise Part Three
"So, we're truthfully going to do this?"
Diana was always someone who had taken on all challenges extremely bravely and rather boldly. That was not so much the Amazon warrior spirit that shined within her but rather it was something that was part of her genetic make up. She found herself amazed by every single challenge that she had to undertake and took them head on.
Yet she was surprised and quite frankly flattered that Harry took the time to learn all that he could learn about the Amazonian way of life. Not only that, but he embraced their culture and their customs with out any qualms. They might seem odd to an outside party and quite frankly rather unconventional. Then again, many of the things about Man's World seemed positively foreign to Diana, although she was willing to learn about them as well.
Harry smiled back at her. "I'm sure, Diana, I know how much this really means to you."
Clasping her her hand tightly in rather gentle grip. The emerald eyed wizard pulled the Amazon princess towards himself, a smile crossing his face as he spoke to her.
"So, you were the one who wanted this done the right way, weren't you?" Harry inquired to Diana and she threw her head back looking towards the sky. "Are you having reservations?"
"No, not having reservations, it's just a process that isn't done that often but….I want to respect our traditions, and I know that you do as well," Diana offered as she spun herself around to face him fully.
The procedures were already in place, kind of like an artifact from the time when the island had not been completely sealed off from the rest of the world. There was an incident that Diana had no idea about, for it had been lost to the annals of time. She wished she could learn even more about it but alas it was pretty much lost to her.
She shook her head before she properly looked Harry dead on in the eye. The emerald green orbs met her shining blue eyes, both of them expressive for drastically different reasons. Two individuals stared into each others eyes intently.
"I want to have this done and have it done the right way, even though from what you tell me, all you need to do is flip a switch and the moment will be cemented," Diana remarked, offering Harry the opportunity to deny what she said but Harry shook his head. Diana was right on the money. The raven haired Amazon smiled as she mulled over the situation in her mind. "My mother might skin me alive if I denied any of our traditions."
"She seems understanding enough," Harry offered her but Diana shook her head with a smile as she took half of a step back.
"Well you're not her daughter," Diana commented to Harry lightly.
Harry could not resist firing the next statement back towards Diana. "Well, I think that much is obvious. I have a few differences from the standard attractive female for one thing and secondary…."
Diana cleared her throat and looked at Harry, half amused and half bemused.
"You know what I meant," Diana told him and Harry grinned at her, giving the hint that he was purposing giving her the runaround to lighten the mood. Which was something that Diana appreciated a great deal, because she did put herself under a lot of stress, and found under an equal amount of scrutiny.
Before they could continue this conversation any further, Artemis stepped out from the tent, along with Kara, with Faora and Karen following them closely behind each other.
"Harry, nice meeting you here," Faora commented as she pulled him away from Diana and wrapped her arms around him with a tight hug.
Kara and Karen waited a few minutes for Faora to get down. Then the younger blonde took Harry into her tight embrace.
"Missed you so much," Kara remarked as she wrapped her arms around him tightly.
"Even though it's been a few hours since we last saw each other," Harry questioned her with a teasing tone of voice.
"A few hours too many," Kara informed him in all seriousness as she floated in the air so she could lean down and planting a kiss onto his lips.
"The sentiment is appreciated," Harry remarked as he pulled away for her, and turned to greet Karen.
Harry's strong arms wrapped around Karen's body and her large breasts pressed against his muscular chest. The blonde smiled as she pulled Harry into the embrace, before having him bend down slightly, allowing his check to press against the side of her breast.
"So, do you want to camp out for a while?" Karen stated to Harry with a smile as his cheek rested on her and he pulled himself in closer, snuggling his face deeply into her breasts in order to enjoy their warmth.
"That wouldn't be a bad spot to spend some time," Harry remarked to her as he swayed his hips back a little bit.
"No, it wouldn't be," Karen agreed as she stepped back and Harry, with great regret, pulled himself away from her arms, turning with his hand placed upon his chin.
Artemis offered Harry a smile, it went unspoken what they shared the past day, just like it went unspoken that they would be doing far more in the not so distant future.
"Hey, Artemis, mind if I join you girls sometime for a brush up on some weapons training," Harry offered and Diana raised an eyebrow but she allowed Harry to finish. "I mean, Diana's a brilliant teacher as you know."
"I hope so, she's a reflection of her teachers, and training," Artemis offered Harry firmly but a smile tugged across her lips.
"And I'm leaning a lot, I'm coming closer to beating her every time," Harry remarked and didn't even take into account the magic that he was learning on the island as he read through the library. It was far and widely beyond what he learned in his wildest dreams at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
"Yeah, you are improving but you still got a ways to go," Diana offered Harry but Harry smiled. The Amazon leaned against a pillar and arched her neck up with a wider smile. "It's always good to see that you're open for improvement though."
"If you wish to train, I'm sure I can spare some time for us to spar," Artemis told Harry as she watched him with widened and expressive eyes. The chance of scoring herself some more private time with Harry, that sounded to be extremely appetizing to her. "I'm sure many of our female warriors will relish the opportunity to go a few rounds with you. I know I will."
Diana's eyes widened in an expressive manner, surely Artemis did not really mean what she thought she meant. Then again it was one of those expressions that could be taken the wrong way no matter what so the Amazon Princess was not about to pay it much mind at all. She watched them, with wonder going through her eyes.
"I'm looking forward to it," Harry remarked to Artemis and the redhead Amazon watched him.
"Excellent, you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to it as well," Artemis told him as she placed a hand on her hip and arched herself back a tiny bit. "I'll see you later, just come and find me when you're ready."
Artemis walked off and Diana turned towards Harry as Kara placed a hand on her mouth, snickering until she was red in the face. Once Karen and Faora got the joke, they were amused as well.
"Well you're popular on the island, Harry," Diana informed him but Harry smiled. "Then again, I'm sure that you already knew that."
"That was brought to my attention rather quickly," Harry agreed with her as they turned around. "So are you ready to do this ritual thing?"
"As soon as we run it past my mother, yes I am," Diana told him as she watched him. "You know, we could postpone it for a few months if you wanted to…."
"I think that I'm as ready as I ever will be," Harry remarked to Diana but the raven haired Amazon smiled as she lovingly gazed at her husband to be.
"Did Lyla mention that we had to have our little trial of combat in the nude?" Diana asked.
Kara, Faora, and Karen all looked intrigued by that.
"No she decided to leave out that happy little detail, but I'll be honest, I was glad to get as much as I could out of her," Harry commented to Diana and with this statement a smile crossed his face.
Faora was now ready to chime in with her two cents. "Yeah, she looked rather flushed in the face, I think we embarrassed her."
"It isn't something you discuss often in casual company," Diana commented to both of them.
"Well that's for sure, it was very descriptive," Harry informed Diana and the dark haired woman's face twisted into a knowing smile.
It was about time for them to face the music and face the Queen of the Amazons. With any luck, they would be able to get this done before too long, and formalize what was already true in both of their hearts. Kara, Karen, and Faora followed them for some mortal support.
'Nervous Har,' Faora thought to him as she walked beside him.
'No, I've dealt with worse,' Harry informed them through the link but Karen's eyes turned towards him before she mentally spoke.
'And Diana seems like a nervous wreck,' Karen though to them before she amended herself. 'Well a wreck might not be the best term but she's a bit….I don't know how I would put this."
'Apprehensive might be the best word,' Harry offered them and that was agreed with several nods.
They continued the long walk up.
Being a mother and a queen, there were many events that Hippolyta was more than prepared for. It was the nature of life but this one threw her completely off. Diana and Harry came to her with their request. Her guards stood stoic and their expressions did not falter even for a second. Hippolyta placed a hand on her chin and arched her neck towards them.
"So you wish to….so you wish to go through the ritual?" Hippolyta asked Harry and Diana. "You do realize that this ritual, whether you succeed or your fail, it's binding."
Hippolyta never thought that she would see the day where something like this would happen again but she should have known to expect the unexpected more times often than not. The dark haired woman shifted her gaze towards him and locked her eyes firmly upon him.
"We're sure about this, mother," Diana remarked to Hippolyta. "We could have done this any way but we figured that we should not buck tradition. Even if it is a tradition that has not been performed for as long as anyone can remember."
Hippolyta nodded, it had been much longer than anyone remembered, she had to refresh herself with the ins and the outs of performing the ritual. The dark haired queen looked over Harry taking every inch of him in as she turned to face him fully.
"Are you serious about your intentions towards my daughter?" Hippolyta asked him.
Harry turned back towards her, a smile crossing his face. "Do you think that I would come to you if I was anything but serious?"
Hippolyta was pleased as he gave her the right answer and smiled at him, before she raised a hand up.
"You do realize what the ritual entails, don't you?" Hippolyta asked him with a bright smile across her face, wondering if this young man knew what he was getting himself into.
Harry nodded his head before he turned towards her. "Believe me, I know what this ritual entails."
"You have to fight my daughter in your natural state, that is you will have to do so completely in the nude," Hippolyta explained to him as she crossed her arms across her chest. Her bracelets dangled from her wrists as she surveyed him up and down.
"Yes, I know that's what I need to do and I intend to do that," Harry remarked to her, he understood what she was talking about.
"You will need to defeat her, but not only defeat her, you must dominate her," Hippolyta offered in a business like tone of voice. She wanted to make sure that he understood where she was coming from.
"Yes, I know that," Harry informed her.
Harry wondered if she would get to the point.
"Then your work is only halfway done, you will have to defeat me in order to your prove your worth beyond a shadow of any doubt," Hippolyta informed Harry as she stood to her full height. "I do not take this combat lightly however."
"I wouldn't expect anything less from someone like you," Harry answered her.
"Very well then, you understand everything that is on the line and know that if you lose, you will be disgraced," Hippolyta remarked to Harry and he responded with a nod to show her that he did in fact understand her with crystal clarity.
"I understand, I will leave Diana alone if I can't defeat both of you. But that won't be an issue because I will defeat the both of you," Harry replied back.
Hippolyta watched him, she enjoyed the confidence that was brimming through his vibrant green eyes. It was an extremely attractive trait of his. It was the reason why she respected him so much, he was not going to back down even though he was surrounded by women that were so well trained. It was an very intimidating thing to go up against.
"So it's settled then," Hippolyta offered as she gazed at Harry a moment longer, before turning around to face Lyla who stood in the background, arms folded. She was trying to forget how she was taken off guard the other day. "We will have the ceremony in three days. Lyla, would you do the honor of acting as the priestess to bless the marriage in the eyes of the goddesses?"
"It would be my pleasure," Lyla commented, as she inclined her head, eager to serve her queen. She clasped her heads together and eyed the sky above her.
"Once the date is set, there is no backing out," Hippolyta warned Harry and the pair of emerald green eyes locked back towards her with intensity. "I'm giving you one final opportunity to change your mind but this is the final time I give this opportunity."
"I know what I want," Harry informed her and Hippolyta knew by now that his mind had been set.
"As for you my daughter…"
"Yes mother, I understand the responsibilities of such a ceremony," Diana remarked to her as she firmly locked her eyes on her mother with conviction.
Her mother made sure that she was not running head long into this situation which was an extremely good thing. Diana was not about to make a mistake that she might suffer for in the future. Of course, to think that this situation with Harry was anything like a mistake would be something that would be wrong. She crossed her arms and eyed her mother.
"You know what you're doing, then," Hippolyta whispered as she made her way off to her private chambers in order to prepare for the ceremony.
It was something that happened once in a lifetime and it might never happen again.
"I think that you'll see yourself through this with flying colors," Faora remarked as she undertook a little sparring session with Harry. The rules were simple, no powers, just good old fashioned skill. "And stop."
Harry did stop but he kept on edge. He learned a very important lesson from their first sparring session and that was just because someone said stop, that did not mean the sparring session was over. One could easily get nailed in the face if they made that crucial mistake in thinking that the sparring session was over just because someone said it was.
"I think I'm improving," Harry commented to Faora and the dark haired Kryptonian eyed Harry, pleased that he kept his guard up. It was showing that he learned some extremely valuable lessons from what happened in the past.
"I'm glad to see that you're improving," Faora added to him as she thought about it. "And when the ceremony happens tomorrow, you're going to take it to Diana, aren't you?"
"I'm going to leave my mark," Harry offered to Faora and both children of Zod smiled, the two of them knew what Harry meant.
Harry and Faora sat on the floor and did their stretching exercises that they had been taught by the Amazons. While they did do some form of this before in their training, this was an improved upon method of what they were doing before. It allowed them to gain a lot more energy and not to be so sluggish after training. So it would leave them with more energy for post-training activities. It was adapted from other training methods but the Amazons further improved upon these methods to the point there was nothing else like on Earth.
"So how are you feeling?" Harry asked Faora.
"Well, a bit sore after the workout that you've given me, but that just proves how much you're improving," Faora commented and Harry's expression contorted into a slight grin. "You're amused by this, aren't you?"
"Kind of," Harry admitted as he turned himself up and continued the stretches that he was doing. He rolled his shoulders.
"Well, since the first time that we've started these sparring sessions, you've come a long way, but there's still a long way for us to go," Faora informed him and the wizard's smile twisted around before he placed a hand on his hip.
"I did have a solid foundation with all the physical activity," Harry informed her as he sank down onto the bed. She sat herself down onto his lap and he wrapped an arm around her tightly.
"True, too true," Faora breathed as Harry ran his hands through her hair, she smiled at the pleasurable touch. One hand was roaming through her hair and the other was planted firmly on her thigh. Both of these motions worked out well. "I don't think there's too much more that I can teach you."
"Really?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow. This was a surprise to him.
"Well there are a few more tricks of the trade," Faora explained to him. "I'm sure I would have learned a lot more if Krypton had stuck around past it's expiration date, I'd be thrown into the minefield that was the Kandorian Army, and concluded my already basic training."
Faora snapped her fingers as she kept her eyes on Harry's emerald green orbs. "Did I mention that I was sent to the Kandorian Military Academy before I went to the Kandorian School of Sorcery?"
"You must have been really young," Harry remarked to Faora.
Faora smiled, before she turned around. She threw one leg over his right hip and the other leg over his left hip. Her arms tightened around his neck as her eyes locked onto his.
"Well that's the perk of being in the House of Zod," Faora admitted as she shifted herself over Harry's lap and threw her head back, practically rolling her neck with a slight motion. The dark haired female kept herself perched on Harry's lap. "The General might have learned about military tactics from the moment he got out of the crib."
"Was his first word, kneel?" Harry asked Faora.
"I wouldn't be surprised," Faora offered as a smile twitched around her face as she ran her fingers through Harry's messing hair. "I learned a lot about battle tactics from that school and how to defend myself. It was a rough school for grown adults so…."
Harry cupped Faora's face and leaned forward, before he gave her a kiss. She was remembering something that was mostly traumatic to her. He eased her feelings as he tightened the hug around her.
"It was not one for the weak at heart," Faora admitted as she kept her eyes firmly locked on Harry, before her hands locked onto the side of his face and she smiled. "I'm glad that it instilled a certain set of virtues within me, although one might call it the training from hell."
Faora played with the buttons on Harry's shirt and she soon had the edge of it opened to reveal his muscular chest and toned abs.
"Such a specimen of perfection," Faora muttered as her fingers ran over his chest and abs.
"You flatter me so very much," Harry remarked but he leaned back as she ground her covered crotch down across his.
"Not flattery if it is the truth," Faora informed him, as she placed her hands on his shoulders. She leaned back and allowed Harry to pull the shirt off she wore.
Harry watched her as she straddled him. She wore nothing but a thin black bra from the waist up, showing her amazing cleavage. A short leather skirt of Amazon make and boots attired her lower half, which she wiggled against his crotch in. The dark haired woman smiled before she pressed her bra covered chest against Harry's uncovered one.
"I know you like something that you see," Faora whispered as she pressed her lips on Harry's neck and nibbled on it slightly.
Harry moaned as he placed a hand on the small on her back.
"I like everything that I see," Harry told her as she continued to work on his neck, before her bra unhooked between them causing their flesh to press together. The emerald eyed wizard snaked his hand up her thigh, feeling her lacy panties underneath.
"We have a few minutes to kill, indulge me Har-Zod," Faora breathed as she felt his fingers probe underneath her.
Smut/Lemon Begins:
Faora shut her eyes tightly as his fingers worked into her dripping wet snatch. Her breath got deeper as he pushed into her. She felt the amazing pleasure that his fingers offered her as he penetrated her with them. The dark haired Kryptonian lost herself as he cupped her pussy and pulled her panties back.
"That's what I'm talking about," Faora panted as he pumped his fingers into her, it felt so good as he worked through her hot wet snatch.
Harry's fingers pumped in and out of her dripping wet cunt, working into her center. The woman lifted her hips as he worked down onto her fingers as he probed her cunt.
"That's it," Faora panted as he drew his fingers from her dripping pussy and placed them onto his tongue, before he slowly and sensually licked them, his eyes closed completely as he sucked the delicious juices from his fingers.
"It tastes great, Faora," Harry informed her as he invited Faora to take a taste of her own juices.
Faora took his fingers in her mouth and sucked them hungrily. She tasted her delicious juices, getting aroused at the taste of herself. A hand reached up and cupped Faora's right breast, as he squeezed it tightly. More juices pooled down her legs as he worked over it before his thumb worked over her stiffing nipple.
"Let's have a taste," Harry remarked as he placed his mouth on her right nipple and sucked on it.
"Fuck, amazing," Faora panted as he sucked on her nipple.
His talented mouth licked and nipped at her nipple before bringing the stiffening bud into her mouth. His tongue continued to work around her, twisting around, and slurping the stiffening tit into her mouth. He switched to her left nipple and kept alternating as his fingers pumped in and out of her gushing cunt, feeling the super-heated warmth that came from it.
"Yes, yes," Faora panted heavily.
Faora felt his talented mouth lavish her nipples and worship her breasts, now that his face pressed behind it. He sucked on her lovely tits and one finger slipped in and out of her in a "come hither" motion. This caused her nerve endings to explode into an explosion of joy. Harry increased the pleasure by adding another finger, and then a third.
Her eyes flooded over, his skill was amazing, fine tuned with the girls at Hogwarts, and perfected for her. Faora greedily moaned as his mouth continued to work over her nipples.
Harry's cock twitched and throbbed, as Faora magically undid his pants to allow his penis some room to breathe. The dark haired wizard felt the pleasure as his boxers were ripped open by his lover.
"Har, I'm ready for you," Faora breathed as his fingers pumped into her but he switched to his tongue.
The dark haired woman's eyes flooded over with the unmistakable signs of pleasure as he worked his tongue deep inside her, swirling around, tasting her inner juices as it dripped onto his tongue.
"Great, Rao, yes," Faora breathed as Harry pulled out after he teased her dripping cunt with his swirling cunt.
"I think it's time to get your reward," Harry remarked to her as he picked up Faora and spun her around, before holding her around the waist.
Faora's center simmered with desire as her molten core dripped. She was about to be fucked long and hard against the wall and she could hardly wait. Her breasts pressed against the cool surface, as restraints appeared around her arms and legs.
She was dominant with everyone else but not with her brother. Harry's cock hovered against her opening, before he slowly pushed into her.
The anticipation built within her as he shoved all twelve inches of himself into her. The dark haired woman let out a scream of unbridled passion as he pushed into her and slammed out of her, his intense motions getting faster as he worked into her molten hot core. His balls slapped a steady pattern against her thighs.
Harry felt her tighten against him, the super tight muscles squeezed his prick. Her love box tightened around him as he pulled out of her before he plunged back into her womanly depths. The velvety walls rubbed an intense path around his throbbing member as he pulled out once again and pushed back in. He picked up a steady pace, his balls throbbing as he worked into her from behind.
He picked up the pace, working into her center and the wizard's eyes closed shot as he continued to hammer into her.
"Yes, give it to me, harder," Faora growled encouraging him as she felt her climax reach a fever pitch.
The erotic desire that she felt for this piece of meat working between her lips, it could not be met by anything else on Earth. Any primal force, it worked through her lips which hungrily devoured him as he pushed into her. The dark haired woman grabbed onto the wall and panted heavily as she dug her finger nails into the surface.
"You're so wet, amazing," Harry grunted as he pushed out.
His thick member drilled into her tightening pussy from behind and it burned with desire from behind. He continued to pick up the pace, pumping into her tight twat as he picked up the pace.
Harry unfastened her from the wall and pulled out. Faora whined at the loss but he turned her around.
"I want to see the pleasure in your eyes," Harry breathed hotly in her ear and Faora's eyes widened before he pressed his lips onto her mouth.
The dark haired Kryptonian was all for that as she felt his meet hover over her entrance, primed for penetration. She clenched excitedly at the thought of him being inside her and the juices pooled down her thighs as she desired nothing more than what he was going to give her. He ran his thick head against the slit that was on her. The dark haired woman panted as he bit down on her lip as he forced his tongue into her mouth.
Faora reciprocated the motion by nibbling on his tongue as it probed deep into her mouth, she captured it with a joyous burst of energy. The dark haired woman flickered her eyes shut and she placed her hands on the back of his head.
He pumped deeply into her, his throbbing member pushing between her tightening and glistening lips. He continued to push into her with steading motions and the dark haired woman tightened her clamp around him, along with her legs around his body.
"So….tight," Harry breathed as he bit her nipples which caused her to squeal in delight and he rewarded her moans of pleasure by slamming into her cunt against the wall at super speed. Her arms were not freed and she wrapped around him, sinking her nails into his back. "Ah, feel so good….I wonder how many times I can make you cum."
Harry emphasized every word of that statement with a deep thrust as he buried into her dripping wet twat. Her center tightened around him as Faora wrapped her arm around him and moaned, her eyes fogging over bound with more lust than she could imagine.
"As many….fucking…times…as necessary," Faora breathed as she bit down on her lip and Harry picked up the steady pace, working over her tight pussy as it continued to wrap around her. The woman's pussy contracted around him.
The amazing way she milked his tool, well it caused him to thrust into her, pushing into her tight pussy. The snugness wrapped around his tool was grabbed and Faora reached around, before she stuck a finger up his ass.
"Damn, so dirty," Harry breathed as he licked her breasts, the sweat dripped down around them.
"I know," Faora breathed, as she tilted their position. Harry was on top of her in midair, his cock sliding in and out of her inviting pink hole.
Harry grabbed onto the top of her head and pounded into her tight pussy like a jackhammer. He slammed his throbbing cock inside her and Faora's legs tightened around him as she moaned rather loudly. She worked around him as her pussy tightened around his body. A numb expression spread through her body.
"Oh, yes," Harry grunted as he pushed into her.
Faora's words became a bunch of strangled sounds as Harry slammed into her pussy, sliding in and out of her tight lips. It worked around him rather snugly as he grabbed her hips, pushed up, and thrust back into her. He did it a few more times with increasing intensity. The dark blue eyes closed as she bit down on her lip.
He rode her hard in the air, pushing his throbbing member in and out of her. His strokes got more intense as he reached the edge of his climax as well. Faora tightened herself around his biceps as his balls rocked around her slamming off of her thighs.
The woman's expression closed her eyes as she felt the flooding of intense erotic passion slam through her body. He punished her cervix with deeper thrusts yet through her, as she tightened her legs around him, working further and further into her tightening center. Faora reached up and grabbed around her. The dark haired woman panted, biting down on her lips as the sensations continued to escalate through her body and were not going to stop any time soon.
"More, more, more," Faora encouraged him.
Harry gave he more, he gave her more than the woman could handle, which was what she approved of. She tightened around him as his throbbing phallus worked into her center and she tightened around him. More pleasure flowed through her body as Harry grabbed her hips and pumped into her. More thrusts drilled into her before the dark haired woman moaned.
"So close," Harry told her as he grabbed her breasts and used his leverage to hammer into her.
Her legs kicked up and he lavished her inner thighs with the thrusts into her. The woman's eyes closed tightly as he thrust into her center, working into her even harder.
The two of them met in the ultimate expression of being together. He thrust deeper into her as his thrusting hammered deeper into her. The young woman closed her eyes as she arched her hips up. Harry continued to work into her center even deeper and she wrapped around him.
The flood of cum shot into her waiting chambers, he grabbed around her thighs and pumped into her. Her tight walls milked him into submission.
They still had a few more rounds within them after getting warmed up.
Smut/Lemon Ends.
Faora's eyes flickered shut with desire as Harry guided her to the ground. The young woman draped herself over him before she offered one statement and one statement alone that said everything.
"Amazing, simply amazing," Faora informed him as he wrapped around her.
"You're too kind," Harry informed her with a smile and Faora snuggled into him.
"I'm being accurate," Faora remarked as she smiled at him. "Hopefully I didn't wear you out too much before tomorrow."
"Trust me, Faora, you didn't even come close," Harry informed her as he wrapped an arm tightly around her waist.
"And for that I'm proud, although I do hope that Karen and Kara don't want to take their turn, that might test even your stamina."
Harry smiled before he only had two words to state to his sister.
"We'll see."
"Pre-marriage jitters much, Harry?" Lily asked Harry on the Astral Plane as the two of them sat next to each other in the air, cross legged, the day before the ceremony.
Harry smiled as he looked towards his mother as he crossed his legs. "No, well to be fair, this is a bit different than your standard run of the mill marriage ceremony. Where you get in, get married, and have some hot steamy sex afterwards."
"Yes, fighting your bride to be, conquering her, dominating her, and doing the same to her mother, that is a bit untraditional but it most certainly is more interesting," Lily offered as she turned her head towards him with smiling as she placed a hand on Harry's. "I have every bit of confidence in the world that you'll succeed with her."
Harry was building up his confidence even further as well, his training on the island, it increased his strength, and it encouraged him to step up his game in other facets of his life. Not that he hadn't stepped up said game in the past, but this was just an entirely different way of stepping up his game. The emerald eyed wizard kept his expression neutral and his eyes narrowed. His eyes flickered with the deepest of encouragement before he offered his mother one statement.
"I'm going to go in there and I'm going to do what I always do," Harry offered Lily and the redhead smiled as she slid towards him.
"It is in your bloodline to be better than your best," Lily commented to Harry in a thoughtful tone of voice as she squeezed his hand. She eyed the development that her son had made, rather approving of it. The scary part is that he had a far amount left to go and he would be even more amazing than this in no time.
Also, the real world was better than any dream world or fantasy, that was something that Lily reminded herself of constantly. She mentally counted down the time until she would wake up, because she had plans for what she wanted to do. The connection between the two was fleeting so they could meet for maybe a half of an hour of time. Nowhere near enough to do what she really wanted to do with Harry but that was something that was beside the point.
"It is, I'm sure your bloodline and the House of Zod," Harry commented to Lily and the redhead woman smiled.
Lily recalled that her parents did expect the highest honors from their children, that was just how they were brought up. Petunia tried to go for a more mundane existence, which disappointed her parents greatly. The redhead recalled the friction that she and Petunia had, which blew up to an entirely new outrageous level the moment that Lily was accepted into Hogwarts.
The redhead recalled it, she recalled every time she came home with the best grades possible. Petunia was the definition of an average student. She was not abhorrent with her marks by any means, she was mid-level at best. Average was not going to cut it with the Evans family, not even close.
"I've seen everything that you done and I say without hesitation that I could not be more proud than I am now," Lily informed Harry before the wizard's expression turned towards her.
"And by everything, you mean everything."
"Yes, everything," Lily admitted to him but there was a knowing expression in her eyes. "Both the good times and the bad unfortunately but you have had many good times."
Harry smiled towards his mother, he did have a far amount of good times and bad times, so it was a perfect balance. Two identical sets of green eyes met each other as Lily eyed him as she let go of his hand but only for a second.
"So, despite this unconventional marriage, I think that you'll do well, and just remember everything that you've learned," Lily encouraged him as she placed a hand on his cheek and caressed it. She craved these moments of touch with her son and they would only get more close, more intimate as they escaped from the real world.
She knew that despite the interesting ritual of the Amazons, Harry would be more than prepared to get things done. He was pretty good at what he did and the young wizard was going to accomplish a lot through his amazing victory. Her fingers continued to stroke across his cheek as she gazed into his identical green eyes with an adoring expression in them.
"Do it Harry, you know what you have to do better than anyone," Lily informed him before she smiled towards him. "Soon that will be number four, and you couldn't have started with four better specimens of femininity as your first wives."
Harry smiled and nodded as he placed his hand on his chin.
"And you will be saving many more women from the horrors of having unsatisfying sex with inadequate partners," Lily remarked as she trailed her hand down Harry's cheek, to the side of his neck. Her other hand moved from his hand and onto his lap.
Harry could have sworn that she squeezed him but the motion was fleeting. The mischievous smile on Lily's face and the twinkle in her eyes said everything.
"See you real soon, Harry" Lily whispered in his ear.
Harry felt his mother's hot breath in his ear, her red hair brush against his neck, and her touch once more. He felt a tightening of the already tight pants that he wore in the dream scape.
"See you really soon," Lily repeated as Harry faded from the dream scape and there was a few seconds where he stood there before her before he faded away.
It was the day of the ceremony and it appeared that nearly every single Amazon in the island turned up to watch the festivities. Then again it was not every day that the Amazon Princess fought in the rite of marriage.
Torches surrounded the area in the middle of an arena. Sitting at the highest point was Lyla, acting in the role of Priestess. Her blonde hair hung straight down her back and her blue eyes simmered as she wore a blue robe wrapped around her body tightly with white trimmings along with sandals that matched the robes.
"Today we're blessed with the return of the Amazonian Marriage Rite," Lyla stated as she stood up for the crowd. "Today, Harry will compete in ritual combat against Diana in the Rite of Marriage. I would first like to thank our creators for the day that we have been rewarded with. There is not a cloud in the sky today."
Kara smiled at that thought as she sat rather close to the ground, although she could hear Lyla's words with picture perfect clarity. She wore a red toga that wrapped around her body extremely snugly, along with two bracelets. One of them bared the symbol from her house, the House of El, and the other bore the symbol for the House of Zod. She wore a silver headband as she placed her hands on her face.
Faora sat next to Kara on the next row down, she was dressed in a black toga that wrapped snugly around her body. Much like Kara, she looked gorgeous as always, wearing a bracelet that signified her house as well. The young Kryptonian sorceress crossed her legs and waited for this event to unfold.
Karen was next in the row, the white toga stretched over her large breasts to the point where she tested the fabric quality. The fabric stretched around her tightly and remained of extremely good quality of the fabric allowed it to take the strain of her massive breasts. She also wore two bracelets, the same as Kara's.
Artemis sat in the row below them, dressed in a green toga that matched her eyes, with her hair tied back. The young woman crossed her arms as she watched but it was an event that she would keep her eyes on.
Donna was in the row just a little bit above her. She was brought here because her mother insisted that she would be here for her sister's combat. A part of her looked forward to seeing Diana brought down a peg. The younger Amazon dressed a black toga as well, with bracelets on. She turned her head around taking in everything as she kept her eyes locked on the arena.
"Please rise for our queen, Hippolyta!"
There were cheers that resounded from the crowd and the applause was loud. Hippolyta stepped forward, dressed, at least for the time being, in a purple toga, her crown on her head and sandals showing the top of her exquisite looking feet.
She waited for the applause to die down. The Amazons were big on events and tournaments, it was a part of their genetic structure and this was an event that they came out for in droves.
"Thank you for coming out today," Hippolya informed them after she heard the applause died down. It was amazing. "As Lyla has informed you, today we are blessed to bare witness with an extremely rare event. My daughter, Diana, will take on Harry Potter in combat for the right for him to marry her."
There was a pause.
"Let me explain the rules one final time for those who may have misunderstood them," Hippolyta stated as she stood firm and tall. "Both parties will do battle naked. Weapons are allowed but not mandatory. Harry must defeat Diana within combat for the marriage to be official."
Hippolyta paused for a moment.
"First he must defeat her and convince her to get in a pose of submission, with her hands pressed firmly upon the ground in front of her and her forehead placed in front of him where she is presented to him," Hippolyta explained. "After that is done, he will fashion bracelets containing his house symbol on her along with a choker device before having his way with her orally, vaginally, or anally."
They knew that to be true.
"Then given the fact that Diana is the heiress to the throne of the Amazons, he must defeat me in battle for the marriage to be completely binding," Hippolyta concluded and they all nodded. "And now with that out of the way, on this gorgeous day, let the ceremony begin."
Hippolyta slowly removed her toga to reveal her body. First she pulled it down to reveal the tops of her large breasts. She continued to pull the top down to reveal more and more of the amazing skin that she had underneath. She revealed her flat and toned stomach, along with her lovely legs, that were long and sensual with the right amount of muscle. The area between her thighs was a slice of heaven as well. She removed this outfit, standing in front of the eyes of the Amazons with no shame. After all? What did she have to be ashamed about?
'And that's why she's the queen,' Karen thought through the mental link which caused Faora to snicker a slight bit before she turned her head around.
Harry made his way into the arena, and there were quite a few gasps, Kara and Faora whistled which caused some amusement amongst a few of the members of the audience. Even the queen of the Amazons smiled as she traced the muscles on Harry's body, as he stepped forward, naked as the day he was born.
'Good thing we have a healer on hand in case of any unexpected heart palpitations,' Hippolyta thought to herself, with a smile crossing her face.
Kara smiled as she saw Donna's eyes widen as she checked Harry out, at least until she saw that Faora and Kara noticed. The younger Amazon face turned into a scowl as she put her face in her hands as if she was ashamed to be there.
Yet, Kara noticed Donna peaking out of her fingers to check out Harry's package every few seconds when she thought that no one was looking.
'Master of subtlety that one,' Karen thought to Kara with a smile.
'Yep, about as subtle as a punch to the gut,' Kara thought back to them as she shifted herself and crossed her legs. The blonde's expression never faltered as she watched everything around her with giddy excitement.
Harry basked in the moment, the fact that there were hundreds of women who stared at his naked form did not bother him. In fact it caused his adrenaline to pump through his body. The only flaw with this situation was that it was not mandatory for the spectators to be naked but he supposed that might be a bit more of a distraction.
Speaking of a distraction, Diana walked into the arena in all of her glory and all of Diana's glory was quite glorious. Her black hair framed her beautiful face, her blue eyes simmering with even more intensity than ever before. She turned her her head to focus on Harry as she continued to make strides toward him. Her glorious breasts, tight stomach, and long shapely legs, not to mention delicious rear presented quite the show.
Kara, Faora, and Karen all watched Diana and Harry, all three of them liking that they saw. They saw everyone checking out the two prime specimens that were in the arena below.
Diana and Harry walked towards each other, their eyes locked on each other as both of them exchanged smiles.
"Are you both ready?" Hippolyta asked to Diana and Harry, as blue eyes locked onto green.
"Yes," Harry remarked.
"Yes," Diana confirmed as she inclined her head before her arms folded over her chest. The Amazon stood ready to do battle.
The torches burned around them as the spectators awaited the battle. Diana and Harry continued to keep their eyes expressively locked onto the other.
"There is no reason to stall now, let's commence with our battle."
The anticipation built up as Harry watched her. This was not the first time he sparred with Diana but this was the first time that he fought her completely in the nude. He saw all her tantalizing flesh glistening in front of his eyes, giving him quite the visual buffet to indulge himself in. The wizard's expression remained rather calm as the two of them went into a battle stance.
Neither wanted to make a move that the other could exploit so they circled around each other with intensity flickering in their eyes. Diana shifted her stance slightly as she watched him intently, studying him and wondering if he was going to make that first move
Diana rushed forward and extended an arm upwards but Harry grabbed the woman's arm before it extended to attack him. He twisted her arm around slightly but Diana maintained her momentum. The raven haired Amazon princess flipped out of the grip with an equal amount of grace and precision, giving him a tantalizing view of her ass as she did so.
The woman brought her arms up in a guard as she landed on her feet. Harry rushed her but Diana slid underneath the attack and grabbed his feet. She tried to trip him up but Harry flipped in mid air so he did not fall flat on his face. Sticking the landing, Harry landed firmly on his feet. He was primed for the attack.
Diana raised an eyebrow, impressed but this moment of admiration nearly cost her first of all. Harry sent her back with a swipe and she dodged another attack. A sword summoned into his hand and Diana did the same, the two standing in a battle position.
Both stood next to each other, Diana had a bit more experience with the weapon and she charged forward. Harry blocked the attack with the sword and a loud clang resounded throughout the arena. She had a bit of skill but he was able to use creativity, using her reliance on the weapon against her to gain the necessary victory.
Harry leapt up and wrapped his legs around her head, his crotch pressed onto her face. Diana was completely off guard by this. Harry flipped over with his legs still wrapped around her head and sent her flying head first onto the ground. Diana popped back up and Harry followed her up sword swinging out in a wide arc.
Diana used her own magical abilities to conjure a shield, which she used to block the blow.
"Ah," Diana grunted as he summoned even more of the strength, channeling it. He was doing it in a way where was trying to make her expend more energy than he did.
She pushed him back hard with the shield, and in return he brought his sword across in another vicious strike. There was a clang of metal as his sword resounded off the shield, Diana adjusted the grip on the sword in her other hand as she thrust it outwards in an attempt to catch Harry off guard, only for him to dodge around the attack.
It was so easy to transfigure the metal but that would not be the fun way to do things. Harry wanted to win this one with physical skills and not take short cuts. The unwritten rule was that no active magic was to be used.
"Again," Harry told her as she swung the sword towards him but the emerald eyed sorcerer caused her own momentum to be used against her.
Diana tried not to let her frustrations get the better of her. Despite the fact that the eventual result would result in their union, she could not help but try and give a good fight before going down.
"Wow," Kara breathed as she watched the exciting combat from above.
"He's improved a lot," Faora commented as she placed one of her hands on Kara's, the other on one of Karen's. Pride swam through her eyes
The Amazons watched the battle get more intense as the time passed. There was a certain kind of energy that swam forth form the both of them that caused the intensity to become even greater. It was hard to tear ones eyes away from the situation that was commencing beneath them.
Harry flipped over her charging attack, as Diana did a duck and roll. She grabbed him around the waist and locked her arms around him. The raven haired Amazon princess tried to flip him back into a suplex like motion but Harry flipped over and avoided landing on the back of his neck.
Harry rushed over towards her and both had spears in their hands now. Both of the spears clashed together.
"And Harry's got wood," Kara commented from the stands loudly enough for some of the Amazons to go red in the face.
"He sure does," Faora commented in a nonchalant tone of voice, without any kind of shame whatsoever.
Harry and Diana continued their battle. The fight became even more intense, with her knuckles locked against his as she tried to force him down. She pushed him back but Harry returned fire. Both of them tried to maneuver themselves into position, both trying to achieve the dominant stance that they could exert towards the other.
Diana's knees buckled as sweat rolled down her face and her breath became extremely labored. The wizard adjusted his grip on her hands roughly and pushed her down to her knees before him. Diana's knees buckled beneath her as sweat rolled down her face and her breathing became extremely labored. Her back arched as she felt him brush against her stomach. Things were starting to get harder for her to focus on but her determination knew no bounds.
The Amazons watched her and Diana returned all of the fire that she could. Her expression became extremely focused as she forced herself back to a standing position and caused Harry to stagger back. There were a few busted weapons next to the other and no time to repair it.
Diana tried to nail him with a huge punch but Harry grabbed her around the waist and turned her to face in the opposite direction before pulling her hard against his body.
"That spear between your legs isn't a weapon," Diana offered as felt his naked body against hers, causing her eyes to flood over with lust which distracted her greatly. Her knees started to buckle as she felt herself losing more and more of herself to his body.
"No, but it's certainly bringing you to your knees," Harry remarked as he breathed in her ear and Diana shuddered, feeling the sensations burning between her legs. Arousal overwhelmed her body and mind.
Diana practically panted as she tried to get herself out of the situation at hand. The woman tried to turn her attention back away form him and pushed him back.
The Amazons watched her and Diana returned all of the fire that she could. Her expression became extremely focused as she forced herself back to a standing position and caused Harry to stagger back. There were a few busted weapons next to the other and no time to repair them.
Diana was brought down to her knees, but she was not defeated yet.
Harry grabbed her wrists and forced them down to the ground. The Amazon gritted her teeth in determination as he was about to claim her.
She ignored the arousal between her legs at this thought; she was not completely defeated yet. Even if she lost her mind lost more, and more to the sensations.
Diana staggered to feet and grabbed Harry around the waist, trying to take him down but once again Harry's legs wrapped around her body. She felt the organ brush against her stomach which caused a distraction for her but she tossed him to the side and aimed a punch.
Harry dodged the attack and picked up the shield, before he hurled it towards Diana.
Instinctively, Diana caught the shield in her hands. She was surprised, wondering why he would send a means for her to block his attack.
That was before Harry jumped high into the air and kicked the shield so hard that it ricocheted off of Diana's face. It was not enough to permanently injure her but it did disorient her enough for him to exert his dominance.
Harry's next actions happened in rapid succession.
First he grabbed her legs and took her down, causing her to drop to her knees. Then gripping her by the the hair he wrapped it around his hand, and pushed her head down hard to press against the ground with nearly bruising force. Diana felt herself succumb to him as he reached over.
The bracelet snapped on her right wrist and Harry hovered over her keeping the grip he had on her hair. The Amazon felt him snap the other bracelet around her left wrist, each baring the symbol of the House of Zod.
With a triumphant smile, Harry took the choker and put it on Diana. There was a symbol on it as well.
Diana found herself on her knees and then quicker than she could even blink, Harry had her legs and arms bound together. His work was done before she could barely blink.
"Yes, kneel before me," Harry commented to her.
'Squeal beneath him,' Faora added through the bond link.
'Shriek beneath him,' Kara added.
'Moan beneath him,' Karen remarked.
All of those seemed extremely enticing.
"I believe I've won," Harry told her with a smile as he caressed her cheek, seeing the lust dancing through her eyes. "Open wide, princess."
Smut/Lemon Begins.
Harry's twelve inches of penis rammed into Diana's open mouth and he dominated her, thrusting in and out of her mouth. The Amazon moaned loudly, as his cock continued its movements, ramming as far down her throat as he went. There was so much cock rammed down her throat that she practically gagged on it. The dark haired woman was breathing heavily through her nose.
"Look at this slut, loving my cock being rammed down her throat," Harry grunted as he reached around and felt her pussy, it was soaking wet with arousal. He used his thumb to stimulate it further. "Yeah, you like that, don't you?"
Diana could not very well answer him due to her mouth being filled with his cock as he grabbed her chin and fucked her face. He drilled her with a force that would shatter the jaw of a mortal woman. Yet to Diana it felt so fucking great that she could not even begin to describe all of the things that she felt. The sensations caused her mind to go wild and he would not let up even for a second.
'Hera, oh yes, oh Harry,' Diana thought to him as his cock continued to drill into her tight mouth.
Her lips wrapped around him as Harry pumped into her, he made sure all of the eyes on the arena were on what he was doing to Diana.
"I'm sure all of you would like to be in her spot right now, don't you?" Harry asked as he looked around and saw a few of the Amazons playing with themselves around the area. In fact, a few of them were not even bothering to mask what they were doing, they diddled themselves as their hands dipped between their thighs as they rubbed their outer lips rather greedily with passion dancing through their eyes.
Harry meanwhile tightened his grip around the woman's face and continued to thrust into her mouth. He knew the ways that he could dominate her but his domination was going to begin it. He forced his cock deep into her mouth as she practically inhaled it with a few passes. The wizard sunk his nails into it.
Diana's eyes popped open as her lips popped around his throbbing phallus, it was so good, it was so amazing. She could not get enough of this supreme hunk of manhood as it pushed into her mouth, her tongue wrapped around it as he fucked her throat. It was amazing as it shoved in and out of her mouth as she wrapped her lips around it and he pushed into her, punishing her mouth with faster thrusts yet.
"Yes, that's it, yes, keep sucking it," Harry grunted as he continued to fuck her hard mouth tightly. The woman's eyes widened before he grabbed her cheeks and pushed into her mouth further, making her take him deep into her throat. She nearly gagged on his cock as he pushed it deeper into her.
Diana moaned and groaned as he spent another couple of moments fucking her mouth. The women who were watching could only do just that.
Without warning, Harry removed his throbbing cock from her mouth and his dick remained hardened. She was still tied and he allowed the princess to drop to her knees.
Diana knew that this was not her time to speak but all she needed to do was beckon him on with her eyes. The woman's expression continued to watch him as he grabbed her breasts and fondled them, squeezing them tightly. Diana's lustful moan escaped her lips as his eyes traveled down her sexy body.
"What should I take next?"
Harry lightly teased her ass with his finger, before he gave her rear a swat. Diana moaned but Harry was going to save that for later.
He allowed his cock to plunge into her sopping folds from behind. He roughly slammed into her, pushing her cervix with deeper thrusts yet. The woman arched her hips up and she closed her eyes, feeling the rush of his penetration into her.
Diana moaned as she felt the burning fire towards her and he cupped her breasts as he slid completely out, teasing her entrance, and then drilled back into her from behind. His hand squeezed her ass check, letting her know that any moment he could decide to pull out of her vagina and take her ass in all of its glory.
Hippolyta watched her daughter being plowed into from behind and she dipped one finger into her pussy, while using her other hand to play with her breasts. She alternated between rubbing her clit and fondling her breasts as she arched her hips up to meet the probing digits that entered her.
Harry picked up the pace as he plowed into Diana from behind even quicker. Her eyes widened as the bound Amazon was punished by the large cock that pushed into her center. She continued to arch her hips back as much as her limited movement could be allowed for the cock to enter her center. The Amazon's eyes screwed shut as he continued to dominate her with each passing motion. The wizard was not about to let up with the increased driving of his penis into her.
"Damn, give it to me Harry," Diana panted heavily as Harry plowed into her a few more times.
"Anything you want," Harry told her as he placed his hands on her hips and continued to saw into her from behind. "I'll give it to you even harder than you can even handle."
Diana's pussy flowed with juices at this thought. His crotch became higher speed as Diana felt her pussy gush with the fluids as he plowed into her at the speed of light. The wizard was not even about to let up for a second as his throbbing phallus worked into her from behind. Her walls tightened around him as the Amazon wrapped around her lovely fairly tightly.
There were a few lustful moans around the area and Harry was encouraged by the erotic energy given by the Amazons. He sped up his spearing into her royal cunt, harder, harder, harder. His thrusts buried deeply into her pussy and the tight walls got even tighter around his length.
Without warning, Harry pulled out of her, leaving Diana hanging, before he grabbed her around the ass cheeks and then spread them.
Diana felt the cool air pass through her rectum and she knew what was coming.
"You have an amazing ass," Harry breathed as he licked his lips before he plunged his thick tool between her cheeks.
Diana's eyes widened as Harry started to fuck her ass from behind. The woman breathed heavily, panting even heavier as his member pushed between her tightening cheeks. Her tightest hole was being ravaged by his throbbing member. The wizard pushed all the way into her from behind as his balls slapped against her thighs strongly.
He rode her ass, driving her into the ground. Diana felt her rectum be strained as he injected his meat between her cheeks. She bit down on her lip but then let go and yelled to the heavens. He dominated her ass with precision as his fingers rammed up her pussy as well.
Harry felt the tight furnace like hole that was her ass and he continued to pick up the pace, working behind her. The cheeks tightened around his throbbing member as he pulled out and speared back into her tightest hole.
There was more moans that echoed through the arena and Harry continued to drill himself into her ass, as it was raw and red from his actions. He smacked her tight rear and continued to drill her from behind. The dark haired woman screamed out in pleasure as Harry worked into her from behind. The woman gripped her fingers into the ground and he rode her tightly.
Harry plowed into her ass more and more and used his fingers to probe her pussy. He pulled them out and made Diana suck her own juices off of his fingers. He turned her head slightly, enough where he could see the lustful expression that twitched through her eyes and the moaning got even deeper into her.
Diana felt his insane touches all over her and the Amazon's body experienced sensory overload. The penis rammed between her cheeks and drilled deep into her bowels. The Amazon panted heavily with a lustful groan as he pushed into her deeper.
He was about ready to finish in her ass and he drilled into her faster and faster.
"Harry, you're splitting me apart," Diana breathed unable to believe that something both hurt a little bit but yet gave her so much pleasure.
Her mind was flooded over with the erotic nature to end all erotic nature. His hands grabbed her breasts and fondled them roughly, his dick rammed hard into her ass. The princess was driven to a quivering mess, as the ground beneath her was soaked in so many of her juices that she could not stand it. He dominated her body and this turned her on.
A few more thrusts into her body and Harry's balls tightened before his fluids splashed into her ass. Diana screamed as he came inside her tight ass even more.
She shuddered with another orgasm of her own.
Smut/Lemon Ends.
Harry pulled himself out of her, his loins completely settled but Hippolyta rose to her feet as she stared down at Harry, lust and determination flowing through the queen's eyes.
"My turn," Hippolyta stated without another word. Her lips were rubbed raw from watching the activities but she needed a piece of that yesterday.
She rushed forward and went to attack Harry as he was barely up to his feet after ravaging her daughter. Her arms thrown around him along with her legs. Both body parts locked around his waist and Hippolyta pushed him back down to the ground.
Harry hit the ground as Hippolyta was on top of him and her lips smashed into his with a lustful kiss as she rammed her tongue deep into his mouth. This was most certainly a different method of attack than Harry was expecting and he really got into it, groping her bare ass as he rolled on top of her.
It was a front as Hippolyta shoved him off and a dagger appeared from behind her back. She tried to stab it at Harry but he blocked it with a shield.
"You will defeat me, dominate me, and make me yours just like you did to Diana," Hippolyta stated as the lust swam in her eyes and she was not the only one.
Harry smiled towards her.
"You will marry me," Hippolyta commented as she tried to jab the dagger into Harry but the wizard dodged it and disarmed her. "Just like my daughter, I want a piece of this."
Harry watched her.
"Take me now," Hippolyta demanded of him as the Amazon Queen roughly grabbed Harry once again but the wizard slipped out of her grip.
"You really want to go there, do you?" Harry asked her with a smile as he continued to swing at her with another punch but Hippolyta blocked the attack.
"Yes, fight me," Hippolyta stated as she felt the rush of adrenaline bursting through her.
Harry did not care much about being ordered around but if this was the game that she wanted to play, he was going to play it with the best of them. The wizard grabbed Hippolyta around the wrist and pulled her forward as he forced her to the ground.
The wizard was practically on top of her.
"Are you sure you want this?" Harry asked as he placed his hands on her bare chest and pinned her to the ground. The Amazon Queen wrapped her legs around Harry, before she used her superior leg strength to flip him onto the ground.
"You can feel how much I want this," Hippolyta stated as she grabbed him around the shoulders with a smile as she licked her lips. "Take me now."
Harry grabbed Hippolyta around the waist and threw her down to the ground. The woman bounced up, doing a duck and a roll before she bounced back up. The sword in her hand was forgotten, as Harry reached around. He disarmed her swiftly and grabbed her hands. Then with another precise movement he forced her down to the ground.
He brushed against her as he practically wrestled her to the ground. He had to get a tight hold on her, the Queen of the Amazons was doubly tough. Yet, Harry was not going to back down, he was about as tough as she was.
"This is so hot," Kara breathed from the stands.
"You can say that again," Faora remarked, she had stripped off most of her clothes during the events between Harry and Diana but now she was in the height of sexual thrill.
Harry had Hippolyta face first into the ground, very nearly mounting her from behind but he did not use any penetration. He grabbed her, tucking his hand underneath her chin. Her arms were grabbed tightly as Harry grabbed her wrists and forced the bracelets around them. The right one snapped on and the left one snapped on.
"Is this what you want?" Harry growled as he grabbed Hippolyta's hair.
She felt her loins tingle with an amazing sensation as he was inches away from taking her for himself and this was what she wanted.
"Yes, yes, it's what I want," she moaned as Harry reached around and slapped the choker around her neck. The woman screamed as she was bound. "Take me, I'm yours."
"In a minute," Harry told her as he stepped away from her. Hippolyta was down on her hands and knees as the Queen was unable to get away from the position that she was in. Harry walked around a little bit, to make sure she got a good look at all of him and everything that entailed. The wizard's expression continued to travel over her sexy body.
Hippolyta winced, the short but intense battle got her even more worked up than watching her oldest daughter get ravished.
"I will not hesitate in giving my blessing if you take me now," Hippolyta panted towards him and Harry bent down to take a look at the merchandise.
"If you wish," Harry informed her as he grabbed her around her cheeks and teased her.
Harry knew exactly what part he was going to take first; he eyed it with the lustful greed and a smile crossing his face. She asked for it and she tried to order him into doing this. Well he did kind of want to do this but he did not take too kindly to people trying to strong arm him into doing anything.
"You might be the Queen of the Amazons, but today I am your master and you are my bitch," Harry remarked as he grabbed her around the hips and teased her slightly. "And my anal slut."
Hippolyta felt the rush of something coming around her and she could hardly wait to see what Harry was going to do to her.
Smut/Lemon Begins.
Hippolyta breathed in as she felt his cock brush against her tightest hole. Without any preamble, Harry rammed himself hard into her ass.
"Yes," Hippolyta breathed as she bit down on her lip before she threw her head back. The woman's eyes flickered shut as she felt the pleasure.
His throbbing cock continued its motions into her shapely rear. The Amazon Queen felt so much pleasure as he worked into her from behind. His cock slammed over and over again into her tight ass. The woman closed her eyes, feeling the rush of pleasure that only increased as he continued to pleasure her ass.
Harry buried his huge cock deep into her inviting bowels as he it kept slamming into the woman. He punctuated each thrust with a tight slap on her rear and the woman's eyes flooded over as he continued to ram into her. The woman moaned and his hand traveled down low, working on her pussy as he picked up a steadier pace.
"More, oh you want more, my slutty queen," Harry breathed in her ear with each word being emphasized by slamming into her. He dominated one of the most powerful women in the world and this caused his cock to twitch in amazement.
Hippolyta was reduced to a shivering wreck in no time, his cock really worked into her ass and the woman was lost to the sensations of this intense hunk of meat that hung between his legs. Each nerve ending was on fire as he continued to pick up the pace into her tight ass.
Harry used her hair for the necessary leverage and the Queen of the Amazons moaned as Harry plowed inside her hard. The woman screamed extremely loudly as his thick meat missile buried between her buns.
"Dominate me, harder!" Hippolyta encouraged him as he groped her breasts roughly. "I want you to dominate me harder than you dominated Diana. That's it, that's fucking it!"
Harry plowed into her hot ass from behind, having his way from behind her and the situation was getting extremely hot. His prick tightened inside her ass was a feeling beyond all measure and he kept slamming into her again and again. He picked up the pace heavily and his balls throbbed with the desire that her rump gave him.
"Damn, fuck, keep going," Hippolyta encouraged him. He plowed into her, he kept going, he kept supremely fucking her ass.
Harry growled as he decided to summon even more of his strength. There was a part of him that always held back because he didn't want to burn out his girls before he was completely satisfied. Now she was asking for it and he continued to ram inside her. The green eyed Kryptonian sorcerer pushed in and out of her.
His cock slammed into her tight sphincter, the woman's eyes closed shut before he placed his fingers inside her mouth one hand and his other hand rubbed her clit. Hippolyta bit and sucked on his fingers which encouraged him to drill inside her rear end. The woman bucked and thrashed as she screamed out loud, before her pussy burned for him.
"Mmmh, ah, fuck, yeah."
Harry pushed into her even deeper, he was balls deep into her ass and loving it. The intense actions that her tightening ring around him caused his lust to escalate as he rutted into her.
Hippolyta closed her eyes, these actions might make it a bit difficult to sit down for the next couple of days but it was worth it. He was taking her ass with glee and the woman could not wait to bring him to his climax. Her pussy tingled with the thought of that as her tight cheeks wrapped around him. He continued to plow himself into her.
"Oh that's fucking it," Hippolyta breathed to him.
"I know you like this," Harry breathed as he slapped her on the ass before he drilled into her. "Say it, say it, say that you like my cock in your ass."
"I love your cock in my ass!' Hippolyta squealed as he continued to pull on her hair and work hs throbbing meat into her.
The Amazons were getting hot and bothered by the situation and some of them stripped their clothes off. Breasts were being caressed and pussies were being rubbed as they tried to get some relief.
All of the relief that Harry needed came from Hippolyta's tight ass, as he continued to work into her from behind. His throbbing prick continued to pick up a steady stride as he slammed into her ass from behind, working into her, harder and harder.
"Damn, fuck, cum for me my love," Harry breathed as he diddled her pussy.
"Yes, I'll cum, I'll cum hard for you," she breathed as he grabbed a breast as well. His hands were all over her body, she could barely keep track of his movements.
Her juices sprayed onto his hand and once again Harry put his hand up, licking them, his eyes glazed over. His thick meat slammed into her tightened hole and the woman panted even heavier as the passes of his cock continued in her. The woman wrapped around him even harder as he continued to drill into her harder, he buried himself into her center.
"Yes, yes, yes," Hippolyta whimpered.
His balls tightened and he slammed into her with another grunt, his load deposited into her ass from behind. There was a loud crack as he thrust his load into her sexy ass.
Her cum flooded from her ass and Harry grabbed the half dazed form of Diana, and placed her face in front of her mother's rear end.
"Diana, you know what to do," Harry breathed in his wife's ear and she nodded, as she started to lick the cum out of her ass.
"Come and join us, sisters….ooh Diana that's good," Hippolyta breathed.
Harry saw an Amazon with chocolate skin and round breasts drop down towards him. The wizard saw her hand clasp around his cock and started to stroke his prick up to full length.
"Let me please you, my lord," she begged him, a smile crossing her face.
"No, let me please you," an Amazon with curly brown hair stated.
"I wish to please him," a third Amazon stated, this time with red hair and deep blue eyes, as all of them caressed his skin, lustfully looking up at the prime pinnacle of manhood that Harry was.
"Ladies, there's no need to fight," Harry commented as he felt their hands caress him tightly and work over his body. They kissed and nibbled at his flesh, there were seven, eight, nine, Harry lost count, sets of strong hands working over him. "There's….plenty of me to go around."
The wizard's eyes screwed shut and he split into two of him, then four, he continued to divide himself for their pleasure.
The dark skinned Amazon took Harry into a tight embrace, wrapping herself around him. His throbbing cock was ready for her pussy and he rammed into her. This caused her moans to increase as he worked into her, her walls sensually rubbing him.
"Yes, master me, master me," she screamed out loud as she clawed his back with a primal lust of an animal in heat.
The curly haired Amazon got on her hands and knees, wiggling her tight ass for one of the Harry clones. The wizard grabbed her around the hips and slammed into her. There was a scream of pleasure.
There was a circle of Harry clones plowing into various Amazons, whilst other Amazons licked each other's breasts and caressed their pussies. Their tongues danced merrily between the legs of the Amazons.
It was a scene out of a very intense wet dream but it was very real, with Harry in the center with Hippolyta and Diana. He spread Hippolyta's lips.
"Time for me to take the rest of you," Harry stated as he fingered her.
The Amazon's queen's eyes flushed and she bit down on her lip, a primal moan escaping from her mouth.
"Yes take me, take me Har-Zod," she encouraged him as she lifted her juicy pussy up towards him.
"Eat out Diana while I fuck you from behind," Harry breathed as he continued to tease her by fingering her pussy, before the head of his cock brushed against her tight opening from behind. "You know you want to do it."
A swat connected with her ass, a tight impact and Hippolyta did as she was asked. Her tongue worked her way into Diana's pussy, the princess now situated behind her.
Diana found out why her mother was indeed the queen. Her licking got even more intense yet, and the young Amazon breathed heavily as her mother's talented tongue worked inside her.
The slurping and the licking around them were amazing and there were more screams of lust. Still, Hippolyta was focused on one thing and one thing alone and that was Harry's throbbing cock spearing her from behind.
Hippolyta screamed this declaration out as she felt all twelve inches of his meet slam into her pussy from behind. He worked into her center, thrusting into her and the woman's breathing got even more intense as he worked a steady pace into her tight twat from behind. The young woman panted and she grabbed onto the ground as he rode her.
"How do you like that?" Harry breathed as he grabbed her breast tightly.
"Yes, like that very much," Hippolyta panted hotly as he made her body feel an undercurrent of pleasure.
She was bound and getting fucked cross eyed, dominated in a way that she never thought possible. Yet there was a certain amount of tenderness, he never did the same pattern for too long. That caused her to be put on her toes and also her pussy to burn with sweltering desire. He buried himself deeply into her and drilled her as deeply as he could.
Harry felt the tight pussy of this Amazonian MILF wrap around him as he continued to plunge his meat into her, between her lips which greedily ate him up. It rubbed him sensually as he picked up the pace and she tightened around him with a vice like grip. She closed her eyes tightly.
The situation got more chaotic as time passed and Harry drilled her pussy, causing her hips to arch up to meet him. She continued to eat Diana's pussy and lapped her up eagerly.
The sensations of the many Harry duplicates drilling into the pussies of the Amazons all around them, it was amazing. It was a wild orgy, where there was too much to keep up with at once.
Diana focused on the actions of Harry prime drilling her mother in her snatch form behind. She placed her hands on the top of Hippolyta's head and stroked her hair, running her hands through her head, breathing heavily. Her tight stomach muscles were also stroked which made things even more amazing.
"Fuck, so great," Diana panted as Hippolyta worked through her.
Harry watched the extremely hot actions of the mother licking her daughter's pussy and he continued to pick up a steady pace around her, the tight cunt squeezing him as he drilled her from behind.
"Damn it, damn it, so hot, so tight," Harry breathed as Hippolyta sucked her daughter's clit.
Harry's throbbing member drilled deeper into the tight pussy beneath him and his balls tightened, but he enjoyed the feelings that he had through his two newest wives.
The Amazons were having the time of their life around him as well but as amazing as that was, that was only secondary to everything else.
Harry plunged deep into her, and kept up the momentum as he was going into the home stretch of this round. His balls throbbed as he worked through her, her walls tightened around him as the wizard kept working around her tight center.
"Yes, yes, yes," Hippolyta panted but she made her way back to eat Diana's pussy, making sure that she felt rather indulged in.
The raven haired Amazon princess felt her mother's tongue continue to draw within her and lap up the honey. Harry speared into from behind, his cock working into her center as he drilled her pussy from behind, her tightening walls milking him.
Harry grunted and pushed into one more time, before an explosive orgasm rocked around him.
Things were only getting started with Harry, his two newest wives, and several of the women of Themyscira.