Legendary Ella

Chapter 24: 24

Ext. Mountain- Night

They are sitting close to the fire

Wayne: Do you think the girls will be able to pull it off? What am I saying, of course they will be able to. I trust that Ella. Nowadays she looks so cool and beautiful. Should I make a move on her?

Leo: Are you crazy? Don't you dare think about it! I am we are living in times of war

Dawn: (teases him) Stop it Wayne. You are hurting his feelings, after all they were close to getting married

Leo: Are you guys trying to piss me off because it is definitely working

Ext. Village - Night

There are explosions every where and there is commotion

Cy: You! Come with me, we have to find what is going on out there. The rest of you stay alert. The village is under attack

Soldiers: Yes sir!

Int. Palace- Night

Dan is going through the reports with his father when he is startled by an explosion

Dan: What is that?

King Lion: It is definitely an explosion, we must be under an attack (looks outside the window) Someone today will pay for entering my village and creating a scene. Bring me my sword

Dan: This is all your doing. If you didn't kill a innocent people no one would be coming for revenge

King Lion: It doesn't matter, it is just the cycle of life

Dan: What are you doing? Sit down, you are the king and you should be protected

King Lion: (walking towards the door) I am not a coward. I don't hide, I fight to the death

Mike: (quickly enters) Sir, there is nothing to worry, we will surely take care of this

King Lion: Find the dog and bring it to me

Mike: Yes sir

Melanie is walking towards another entrance when she finds it guarded by soldiers

Soldier1: Ma'am, you should not be here

Melanie: What do you mean, I have to go through. My family is waiting for me

Soldier1: I don't care, just go back

Melanie: Then we will have to do this the hard way (she shoots them with poisonous needles)

Riley: (whispers) Are they dead?

Melanie: You scared me. They are just unconscious. I am not a murderer

Ella: Oh great! You should have killed them. Don't regret it when they wake up and kill you

They all help each other open a secret tunnel

Ella: Just go through this tunnel, it will lead you to your destination

Riley: Where are you going

Ella: Just do as I say and stop wasting time

Melanie: Let's go

Int. Palace Kitchen - Night

They are listening to explosions

Eve: (smiles) Hear that. Someone is coming to rescue us

Mary: Soon we will be out of here

Maid: It's a false alarm. They will get to this person soon and they will be killed right on the spot

Eve: Sometimes you have to think positive. Just wait and watch how we will all escape this ruthless man

Dan: (walks in) Are you all ok

Maid: Yes, you are always worried about us. With you looking after us there is nothing to fear

Ext. Market- Night

Ella is searching when Girlie pulls her in the dark

Girlie: Where have you been?

Ella: Don't ever sneak up on me or else you will die

Girlie: I was worried that maybe you got caught

Ella: Not a chance. By the way I am impressed. Everyone is running around like a headless chicken

Girlie: I take pleasure in that. I wonder how many died. How I wish I could wipe them all

Ella: That's the spirit. Kill as many as you can. Let's go meet the girls

Int. Tunnel- Night

They are walking

Riley: (dusts her clothes) I hate the dark, when will we reach the end. I can't breathe properly and it creeps me out to think that something might bite me in this filthy tunnels

Melanie: Shh! We need to keep it down. I found it. The end

They push the door and they enter a room full of all the weapons they could ever think of.

Riley: Wow

Ella: Amazing. Isn't it

Girlie: It surely is

Immediately Riley her hair and takes off the tools to open the lock

Girlie: Stupid king, he put his treasures on display for everyone to see. How foolish

Riley: With a lock like this he surely can. I am going to need some time

Melanie: Just hurry up

Ella: Where you born a coward or did you become one as you grew up

Ext. Village gate- Night

The soldiers wake up

Cy: How foolish can you be. You were caught with poisoned needles. Damn it! These tunnels leads to...

Soldier1: I didn't know there was a secret tunnel

Cy: Damn it! Call the other men and go there. I have to report this

Int. Storage- Night

Riley finally unlockes it

Riley: Ladies! I am happy to say we are in

Girlie: Let's get as many as we can

They are busy loading the weapons when the soldiers barges in

Soldier1: Arrest them!

Riley: Melanie load the weapons we will deal with them

There is a deadly battle with the girls dominating the soldiers

Melanie: We have enough let's go. Oh my god look at all this blood. You killed them all

Girlie: You guys carry on. I will meet you after setting up some explosives

Ext. Eatery- Night

The girls are fiercely riding a cart full of weapons towards the village. They pass close to the eartey where Ally is about to close the door

Ally: Is that Stella?!

Mercy: Just close the door and come inside. Do you want to die

Ally: She is alive! I knew it

Int. Palace - Night

Mike returns to report and the king is very furious

King Lion: You mean to tell me that four little girls did this to my village and my men were not able to do a thing

Mike: According to the sole survivor they were not like anything he has seen before. They were very skilled and their intention was to kill and destroy

King Lion: Rubbish! When did girls become assassin's? And they dared to steal my weapons. Round all the soldiers and punish them

Dan: You need to calm down. You will only weaken your strength. Leave this to me, I will get to the bottom of everything. Mike, is there an identification for those girls

Mike: Unfortunately not

King Lion: I aM curious as to how they were able to pull it off. What weapons did they use

Mike: A whip with sharp blade, a fan with multiple sharp knives, a long sharp needle. The deadly one is the one with the bow and arrow. Her skill in Archery is remarkable, all her victims took a straight neat arrow to the heart

King Lion: It takes years to be able to do that. Only those trained can hit a moving target straight to the heart. I want her captured and brought to me alive

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