Legendary Ella

Chapter 25: 25

Ext. Woods- Night

They are riding towards the camp. Stella grabs an apple then wipes it with her clothes as if she is holding something of great value

Ella: Gosh! Who'd have thought that I'd steal an apple just because I missed eating it. How pitiful

Girlie: I am glad we are back safe, this was a suicide mission. It's good to be alive

Ella: Of course, stick with me and you will never go wrong

Melanie: (zoned out) You killed them all

Riley: They had to die, it was either them or us. Besides we killed a small fraction of what they killed in our village

Girlie: Have some apple and cheer up

Ella: Next time just use a poisonous needles

Melanie: (sarcastic) I guess all we have to do is celebrate and forget about the dead guys

Riley: Poor Melanie. There is a first time for everything. Consider them a disease you had to terminate.

Girlie: Who was that guy by the way

Riley: (smitten) He was so cute and he smelled do divine. I just wish we had met at different circumstances

Ella: We all need something to look forward to anyway.

Girlie: And this cart?

Ella: Stole it!

Riley: Bad girl! I think I am begging to like you. Is there anything you can't do? I need to take notes from you to up my performance

Girlie: I know what suits you! Legendary Ella. What do you think

Ella: Legendary Ella?! I think I am just ordinary

Melanie: You are way more than an ordinary girl. A murderer, thief and who knows what else

Ella: I am also a doctor; you can never know when you might get injured. I rank first in the imperial exams, I have to be a step ahead of my enemies. I am interested in locks, so that I can enter wherever I want. I know how to use different weapons, as long as it's breathing I will unalive it. You are right; I am Legendary Ella!

They arrive at the base

Captain: You have done great girls. The time has come to start preparing for war

Int. Dan's- Night

He enters his room and throws a knife

Dan: Who is there?

Max: (startled) Relax, it's just me. I can't believe you nearly slit my throat

Dan: I won't have if you didn't creep up on me. Why are you here, everyone is indoors

Max: That is why I am here, I know a place to distress with all this commotion going on. Let's go

Dan: I am not in the mood.

Max: Just trust me

Dan: Fine!

Ext. River- Day

It is early in the morning and Ella is immersing her legs in the water

Leo: It is unlike you to be this quiet

Ella: It helps me to think and you are disturbing me

Leo: Come on, share what you are thinking

Ella: This is not like you, usually you never miss an opportunity to taunt me.

Leo: Normally I am like this, it's just that you have never seen this side of me

Ella: Don't, it's scary (smiles)

Leo: (sprinklers water on her face) Look, there is a smile at long last. Now tell me, what are you thinking

Ella: My little brother. I wonder what he is going through. He must loath me for denying him

Leo: It's not your fault things turned that way, at least you know he is alive and can rescue him

Ella: And I have disappointed him. He is a good kid. Unlike me. He gifted me this on my birthday

Leo: He surely does love you

Ella: Oh no! Where is it. I lost it, my bracelet! I have to find it

Leo: Calm down, maybe it's at the camp. I will help you search for it

Ella: Let's go

Int. Max's Home- Day

He is sneaking in early in the morning

Monique: (whispers on his ear) The coast is clear

Max: (sighs in relief) Of course it is, they must all still be sleeping

Realizes he is not alone and then covers her mouth

Monique: You trash! How dare you.....

Covers her mouth again and they struggle as she tries to set herself free

Max: Stop struggling

Monique: You, you! How dare you manhandle me, are you trying to kill me? Poor me, I must have been a traitor in my previous life to deserve a brother like you

Max: Stop being a drama queen and let me be

Monique: So no apology or a bribe? I will have to talk to dad, you never sleep at home

Max: You knew all along

Runs after her and hugs her

Max: My crazy little sister? What are you talking about, are you sleep walking (pushes her)

Monique: Shameless! You dare to push me. Trying to play clever with me (shouts) Dad!

Max: Shhh! I will apologize

Monique: Good! It's good for you to realize that I am smarter than you. Where did you go with who

Max: To the bar with Dan

Monique: How dare you corrupt my dear Dan. Tell me the names, I will deal with any girl that touches him

Max: What if he wanted it

Monique: He is not rubbish like you and I believe in my taste in men. From now on I will be hanging out with you guys

Max: This is why I never tell you. Men don't like clingy women. It makes him uncomfortable

Monique: Uncomfortable? Do you even know what that means

Max: What?

Monique: He sees me as a woman and he is attracted to me that is why he is feeling uncomfortable

Max: We surely are a family. Something is loose on your head

Monique: What is that smell

Max: What? Is something burning?

Monique: Yes, your brain out of jealousy. You will be a witness to our marriage someday. To shut me up set a meeting with my husband

Max: Fine

Monique: Good, cheer up. (Hugs him) I love you big brother for you always meet my demands. (Pushes him away) Get out of my way

Max: From now on I have to be careful. I can't be controlled by that little witch

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