Chapter 26: 26
Int. Storage- Day
They are investigating the tragic incident
Mike: Did any of you see Dan?
Cy: No, he has yet to arrive
Dan: (rushes in) Sorry I am late, I am not feeling well
Mike: Of course you would if you spend the night out. You should drink hangover soup
Dan: Hangover?
Mike: Forget it, we have already inspected this place. There is nothing left behind
Dan: Surely something must have been left. I will take a look
He enters the storeroom that is stinking with blood everywhere like a scene from a horror film
Dan: (covers his nose) I still cannot believe that four girls can do this, look at all this blood. I would like to do a final search
Mike: Go ahead, I am out of here before I puke
He continues to search until he finds Stella's bracelet
Dan: Look what we have here. There is always a clue left behind no matter how careful one is
Cy: Is everything ok sir
Dan: Great. I will excuse myself. You guy's clean this place up
Cy: Yes sir, we will also head to the palace after the clean up
Dan: Now the owner will come to me herself, it looks very precious and it must have cost a fortune.
Ext. Outdoor - Day
Mrs Rose has prepared breakfast for her daughter while the hungry Junior is a spectator from afar
Mrs Rose: My dear baby. Eat your breakfast
Rose: (notices Junior) Can I eat with that kid
Mrs Rose: No, you are the master and he is the servant. He should never dare eat from your table. And you! How many times do I have to tell you to never stick around us like a fly when we are eating
Junior: I am sorry ma'am
Mrs Rose: Get lost from here
Rose: Mom, why do you hate him so much
Mrs Rose: He is a slave and should know his place. They should never be pampered or they will get lazy
Rose: Can I have some water.
Mrs Rose: You can have anything you want. I will get a juice for you, I will be back
Rose walks towards Junior with a plate of food
Rose: Eat this. It's very delicious
Junior: Thanks (gobbles the food)
Mrs Rose arrives, throws the plate down and splashes him with water
Mrs Rose: You dare to eat my food
Rose: Mom, it's my fault
Mrs Rose: Shut up and go sit down. And you? You will not have any meal today. Let this be your lesson
Int. Palace- Eatery- Day (flashback)
Junior remembers his mom
Queen: (search around)Come out my little junior. I know that you are hiding somewhere. Behind me? No. Under the table? Yes (they both laugh) Time for breakfast
Junior: Mom, can't I not eat vegetables today? I promise, I will be a good boy and not give you any trouble in the future
Queen: Fine. Only for today
Junior: Mom, look at that kid. She is dirty. A beggar
Queen: Junior! You should never call anyone a beggar, they are human just like you and me. They are all your people. Noe take this and give her
End of flashback
Junior: How I wish you were here. I am hungry
Int. Eatery- Day
The friends are having a meal
Dan: Let me guess. You got busted
Max: Yes and I am going to need a favor from you
Dan: Oh no! Not Monique
Max: Yes her
Dan: Why do I always have to suffer for your mistakes? Fine, it's not like I have a choice anyway
Max: You are truly a good friend. Now my appetite is back
Dan: I will order more. Excuse me...You?!
Ally: Are you going to order or not
Dan: Bring me more meat
Max: Nice bracelet, where did you get it
Dan: I bought it
Max: When? Is the word idiot written on my forehead? It looks very unique. Let me see that
Ally: Your order. ( Notices it) Beautiful bracelet
Dan: Thanks {why did she freeze; she surely knows whose bracelet it is}
Max: (snaps his fingers in front of his face) What are you thinking about
Dan: It's nothing
She hurries outside wondering how Dan got it
Ally:{ I knew it! I saw her that day} (notices Junior) Junior!
Junior: Ally!
Ally: I am happy to see you, how have you been? You don't look very well. Come in, let me get you something to eat
She finds him a place to eat inside. As he rolls his sleeves Dan sees the same bracelet
Ally: Dont choke
Junior: The person who keeps me is starving me (pauses) You should also eat
Ally: No you eat. You have to eat and become strong. (whispers) Have you seen your sister?
Junior: She is alive, I saw her the other time and she said she didn't know me. Traitor!
Ally: I am sure something is going on, she is not that kind of person. I will get you some water
Dan: (interrupts) Nice bracelet, where did you buy it
Junior: I had it made according to my sister's choice. She used to be very good to me. Her name is Stella everybody calls her....
Ally: Junior! Here, drink this
Max: (picks an empty bowl and shouts) I need more rice
Ally: Don't you say anything to him. He is a bad man (viciously looks at Dan) He is the one who killed our people
Mercy: (shouts) Ally! Do your job, don't keep my customers waiting
Ally: Yes ma'am (she rushes to the kitchen)
Dan: Stella! It's a beautiful name. Can you describe her to me. I will buy you all the delicious food here
Junior: I am a kid not a fool
Ally: She is dead, remember what you people did? (grabs Junior and they leave)
Max: What's with you and those people?
Dan: Nothing! I was just being friendly that's all. {At least now I have a target, I will surely get to her