Chapter 57: Working With Pelts and Hide (2)
With the bones ground up and set aside, the next thing Aoni needed to figure out how to do was extract the calcium phosphate. He knew the logistics behind this process but had no idea how he was supposed to apply it.
It was one thing if he had ready-made machinery like on Terra; however, being stuck with the most basic of resources, the Lad understood he would need to get creative.
Heat? He can do that with ease, considering he has all the tools necessary for making a fire and crafting a container that can withstand the intensity. After all, isn't there plenty of rock all around and a book of matches not far away?
Water to boil the bone dust in…he lives in an arctic environment filled with snow…so…check.
Pressure…now that was the real issue here; it wasn't like Aoni could press and press against a liquid physically in order to separate the calcium. The only thing that would do is make a huge mess.
So, while the Lad sat there carving out a thin bowl of stone, he ruminated on how he was going to execute the most essential of the steps.
Yet, no matter how much he thought about the topic, the only idea he could come up with was exerting intangible pressure by way of a means he hadn't unlocked yet.
Energia Manipulation.
Once a Traveler achieves a certain rank and proficiency in their Energia Stat, they are able to manifest it similarly to an aura of sorts, with the threshold being different for everyone.
Learning how to wield Energia was something every Traveler would eventually learn how to do. Still, without proper guidance and lackluster training due to Mundane's inability to utilize the resources, all Aoni had was theory and lesson plans.
The same couldn't be said about the rich and powerful families; they had methods of forcing higher levels of Energia into their children's bodies, giving them a leg up when it came time to condense their Aura for the first time.
At this point, they would be fully adapted to the feeling of moving the mysterious power source around their body.
As he finished carving his mixing bowl, Aoni considered what the young master types were subjected to and had a sudden thought.
'I've already formed my EC and linked it up, so in theory, the only thing holding me back is my Rank and lack of experience wielding Energia.'
Placing the bowl as large as his lap on the ground beside him, Aoni quickly opened up his TD and blinked twice at his current Progress points before scanning his stats.
Aoni Thurston
Age: 16
Potential: Two Star/F- Rank (►)
Rank: -F
Attribute Grade: ★☆
Attribute: Progression
Progress Points: 22
Attack: F- (►)
Defense: F- (►)
Speed: F- (►)
Energia: F- (►)
'How am I going to do this? Energia Manipulation is a Passive that unlocks upon reaching E- in its respective Stat. But in order to upgrade it to that, I have to upgrade my Potential first; then I can work on getting my Energia Up.' Chewing on his bottom lip, the Lad huffed upward, blowing his bangs skyward before smacking his lips in thought.
'My biggest issue, as it has been the last few days, is obtaining enough points to boost up everything, and for that, I need a constant influx of tasks.'
| 0.1 pp Earned |
'For starters, I can start crafting the stretching racks; then, I can take one of the hides and shred it to create a rawhide cord.'
| 0.1 pp Earned |
'So long as I make thin enough strips, that one hide will be able to make around 20-30 cords, which is enough for three to four racks.'
| 0.1 pp Earned |
'Those three to four hides will be normal clothing, but they will require the most prep work because although they still need to be brained, stripped of fur, and I need to work the hide stretching and pulling, basically beat it to hell in order to soften it.'
| 0.5 pp Earned |
'As for the remaining hides, those are the ones I will use as outerwear, so the fox mole creatures, since they are fluffy, are my target material. Eh, reminder to self, I need to add in some special treatment of the fur, so it isn't course.'
| 0.1 pp Earned |
'With all of that out of the way, the last step is the actual crafting portion, where I need to cut and sew everything into functioning gear.'
| 0.5 pp Earned |
'By that point, I should have enough points to upgrade my potential and Energia Stat to the point that I can begin focusing on Energia Manipulation.' Finishing his internal monologue, Aoni glanced up and noticed his one-sided conversation had netted an additional 1.4 points, causing him to smile slightly, but he didn't get ahead of himself.
He had no idea how costly on his point wallet it would be to upgrade his Potential and Energia to E-, but he was banking on the number of tasks he had mentally generated for himself to be enough to cover the lion's share of it.
For the remainder of the day and well into the evening, long after Glacia awoke from her nap, Aoni toiled away, carving, crafting, working hide, and other minor tasks that required his attention, until calling it a night several hours after the light of day had disappeared beyond the horizon.
Funny enough, as he watched the sun dip down to the east, *Yeah, Opposite of what you may know* The Lad made an interesting observation.
Days in his territory seemed to last 16 hours, which was a far cry from what he knew of his homeworld.
As it was only a passing thought, Aoni went ahead and began moving everything back into the cave, which had only stopped smelling after he and Glacia cleaned it and got rid of the smell by burning a bunch of fragrant branches.
Overall, it had been an extremely productive Day for the Lad and his Summon, something he especially noticed when it came time to sit down and look at his Progress Point Gains.