Chapter 58: Figuring Things Out The Hard Way (1)
When the sun rose the next day, Aoni wasted no time quickly preparing a meal for Glacia and doing some exercises, and he even got in a quick twenty-minute workout with his hook blades.
After all of that, which he dubbed his "morning routine," the lad stood before his Flume, debating about whether or not he should do what he was thinking.
And it was all because of one little line of text in his Summon's display.
Summon's Available: 5/5
With the daily changeover and a new Summon charge formed on his Flume, Aoni had reached his limit on how many summons could be stored, meaning he only had three choices here.
The First, and by far most illogical one, was to ignore the fact that he was at 5/5, save some points, and go about his day. This choice would have been illogical if not for the fact that tomorrow's summon charge wouldn't exist.
Basically, if his stack is full, he can't earn any more, and the Flume will recognize this fact, which, in turn, will not allow for the formation of a new charge. The worst part was it would still attempt to generate the charge; however, the Energia used would be wasted, and it would leave Aoni with only 13 of his 14 possible summons.
Clearly, this wasn't even something Aoni would consider because he would need all the help he could get. Even if he ended up summoning something trashy, it wouldn't matter because, odds were, he would still get some progress points.
The second option, which Aoni was leaning more toward, was to go ahead and do a partial multi-summon. While the rate increase on getting something good was only half that of a full multi-summon of 10, that didn't mean he couldn't potentially get something good out of it.
However, even with that thought in mind, he was hesitant to do so, if not only because he was worried about the Potential of getting another infant summon like Glacia.
He already had his hands full, keeping tabs on the furry missile day and night, and thankfully, with her bubbly personality, it wasn't difficult being around her all the time.
Still, the same couldn't be said about any new additions to the family. Of course, there was also the Potential that he would get some building nodes or even some equipment, but with how random summoning odds were, the lad didn't doubt he was more than likely to get trash items instead of something useful.
And then there was the final option.
Standing in front of his Flume, Aoni's eyes drifted toward his Traveler's display, and he noticed the large number of potential points he had amassed the previous day.
Progress Points: 167.8
It was only because of this amount of points that the lad thought option three, which was upgrading his Flume and its Summon Charge Stack, buying himself some more time, was feasible.
*inhale* *exhale*
"What to do, what to do….for starters, ima toss that first idea out the damn window; the initial 14 summons are too important to be wasting, which only leaves me using the summons or using some points."
"Yeah, I know you want some friends,"
"OoOoO Gaooo Oo," shrugging her shoulders as if saying, "Playmates would be awesome. let's get playmates." Glacia, who had come up beside her Lord upon seeing him deep in thought, figured she'd offer him some support.
"Still, the odds aren't really in our favor; it's really a matter of playing it safe or throwing it all at the wall to see if something sticks."
"GAOO!" hearing the word throw, which she had come to understand after getting scolded for flinging Aoni into the snow, Glacia's fur stood on end, and she gasped in surprise.
"No, I don't mean you, tsk, silly girl, I would never throw you at the wall," rolling his eyes, Aoni ran through multiple instances involving both scenarios and no matter what he chose, the end result was never favorable.
"Yeooo," patting her chest in gratefulness toward her Lord's benevolence, Glacia uttered a new sound, which caused Aoni to raise an eyebrow for a second before shaking his head and concentrating on the Flume again.
By this point, he had heard Gaos, meeps, Oos, and now Yeos; it was like Glacia had a special language formed from strange noises, which in a sense was true, but either way, Aoni didn't pay it any mind since he found all the sounds adorable.
'Hey, I know you can hear me. Are you able to tell me the Upgrade prices yet? Or are you still being annoyingly silent and forcing me to bumble my way through things.' Wanting a bit more information before making a decision, Aoni spoke through his thoughts unknowingly to his Attribute, even though he believed it to be part of his Traveler's Display.
| Rank and Grade determine Progress Point Costs |
'Not the question I asked, I know you can read my damn mind, now tell me if you can give me a full list of Upgrade costs.' Wearing a dead fish eye expression, Aoni stared at the secondary popup window, which his Attribute used to text him.
| Tier-2 Progress Point Cost Chart |
'HOLD!!!!!!!' Before the notification window could begin spamming out a cost sheet as he had requested, Aoni screamed in his mind, making the list stop forming as he noticed something new appear.
'The fuck is Tier-2????' he asked and was immediately answered, much to his astonishment.
| Tier-2 Is a manner of addressing Anything with a Grade of Two Stars or In the F Rank |
'Ah, I see. Carry on, then. It's nice to see you actually listening for once.' Crossing his arms over his chest, Aoni scoffed and watched the cost sheet manifest line after line.
| Tier-2 Progress Point Cost Chart |
| Potential: Grade:✬:? ✫:? ★:? |
| Potential: Rank: F-:? F:? F+:? |
| Main Stats: F-:? F:? F+:? |
| Flume Grade:✬:? ✫:? ★:? |
| Passives: F-:? F:? F+:? |
| Summon (A): Potential:✬:? ✫:? ★:? |
| Summon (A): Grade:✬:? ✫:? ★:? |
| Summon (A): Passives: F-:? F:? F+:? |
| Summon (B) Grade:✬:? ✫:? ★:? |
| Summon (B): Attack: F-:? F:? F+:? |
| Summon (B): Durability: F-:? F:? F+:? |