Chapter 62: New Ideas, New Possibilities (1)
Seeing that he only had enough fresh logs to craft one, maybe two, new drawers, Aoni exhaled in the form of a groan before looking around the cave for anything that could be used as a replacement material.
"Honestly, wood would be my best option, but it isn't the only one." Walking over to the cave's wall, the Lad knocked on it several times and paused before turning around, suiting up in his jacket, and grabbing his swords.
After double-checking himself to make sure he was good, Aoni walked out of the cave and spun around to observe his abode.
"In theory, I could use stone, but I am hesitant to start chipping away at the cave. Not because I'd use enough to destroy its structural integrity, but instead because of the damage Vestr and Austr would sustain in the process." Hoisting up Vestr and examining its blade carefully, Aoni checked for any chips or scratches on its surface, and sure enough, although there weren't any Chips per se, there were definitely a bunch of scratches and small dings in the edge of the weapon.
"Can't really say I didn't expect this; it's not like im using a pickaxe…" stopping short of completing that sentence, Aoni quickly shook his head twice, erasing the idea he had just gotten.
"Making a pickaxe would be too time-consuming and irrational, especially since it would defeat the purpose of preserving my weapons."
The idea was simple: hack off a decent-sized chunk of the cave's outer wall, shape it into an axehead, and attach it to a wooden handle.
While it may seem obvious to craft something of such ability, reality proved otherwise because he would be using said Pickaxe to hack away more stone until it broke, making the whole process irrational and counterproductive.
At the end of the day, a person's tools are only as good as the materials they use to make them. With that said, Aoni surmised that unless he got a metal pickaxe out of a summon, the odds of him getting anything so convenient were slim to none in the near future.
For small items, such as the bowl he had created the day before, a few dings and scratches on his swords were fine; however, if he wanted to use the thick outer walls of his cave as a resource, it would have to wait until a later date.
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Suddenly, as Aoni was about to move on to his next task, a notification flashed in the corner of his vision, drawing the Lad's attention.
"Uh…I didn't do anything…or did I?" Looking side to side in confusion and still not finding what had triggered the free points, he went ahead and started working on emptying the filled drawers of their salt so as to replace them…when it happened again.
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Then, within a few seconds, a third notification was triggered.
| 0.05 pp Earned |
"Ok, what the hell is going on here? I may not be one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this is a bit concerning." Speaking aloud, Aoni mused with a mix of confusion and intrigue masking his face.
| 0.05 pp Earned |
After the fourth notification faded away, Aoni stood there in silence, waiting for a fifth or more to trigger. Still, even after several minutes, nothing happened, and he became even more confused.
'Care to chime in on what's happening?' Having no clue what was causing the minute but rapid point gains, Aoni didn't hesitate to ask his AN, only to not receive a single answer in response. Hell, the notice didn't even pop up, leaving the Lad scratching his head before continuing to busy himself with changing out the salt.
Thirty minutes after the final notification had disappeared, Aoni dusted his hands, freeing them from residual salt, and stood up just as he heard a faint sound off in the distance.
"Hm?" Turning to face the eastern side of the mountain and cupping his hand to his ear, Aoni listened carefully and was able to make out another faint noise.
"Uh…is that Glacia…"
"Yep, it's her," with a soft chuckle, the Lad jogged in the direction he determined the gao to be coming from, and upon reaching the edge of the platform and looking down, he found a liquid-drenched Glacia struggling to carry not one, but four bodies multiple times her own size.
Usually, Aoni would have believed it was merely blood coating his summon's fur, but upon observation of the viscous fluid, while it resembled blood in substance, it was by no means the color one would expect.
Instead of typical crimson, the fluid coating Glacia's fur was a dark golden shade, causing Aoni to scrunch up his face for a moment before jumping into the snow and attempting to grab hold of two of the bodies she had been dragging.
Knowing there would be time for questions and inspection of her kills later, the Lad's muscles flexed as he pulled the two corpses up over the crest and onto the platform, then turned around to find that Glacia had released one of her kills in order to have an easier time moving the other.
Due to her grade and innate physical prowess, moving one body didn't pose much of a challenge, but since he had moved a couple, it gave Aoni a solid grasp of how strong Glacia truly was.
Once all four large corpses had been moved, and Glacia was not only cleaned but had collapsed on the ground exhausted, only then did Aoni take a moment to examine what she had hunted, and to his amazement, they were by no means Foxmoles.
Weighing around 200 to 250 pounds, give or take a few tens, and reaching around four and a half feet from snout to butt was what Aoni could only describe…as some type of strange elk-polar bear creature.
From the snowy white, thick fur to its long snout and crown of horns, these creatures were unlike anything the lad had ever seen. To make the weird situation even stranger, their wounds revealed that they were the source of the dark golden fluid Glacia had been coated in, as it appeared to be their blood.