Legendary Traveler: By Earning Progress Points I will Become Supreme!

Chapter 63: Magnificent Little Fluff 2.0

Crouching down beside the nearest corpse, Aoni reached toward the dead creature's neck and got some of the blood on his fingers before bringing it closer to his face for inspection.

Staring at the smeared blood, Aoni rubbed it between his index finger and thumb a few times, testing its density before stretching the fingers apart and noticing that it seemed to string out, similar to saliva.

Texture and viscosity aside, Aoni's eyes narrowed as he noticed a faint tingling sensation in the tips of his two fingers.

'This feeling, it's concentrated Energia,' recognizing the sensation at a moment's notice since he had spent a significant amount of time within the flume, along with in that cavern where the Energia density was particularly high, Aoni couldn't help but feel slight amazement at what he was seeing.

'For its blood-Energia-content to be so high, either this creature was drugged by someone…which considering the locale is extremely unlikely, or it grew up in not only an extremely Energia Rich environment but had also spent its entire life devouring copious amounts of Energia Rich nutrition.'

'Hold on…she couldn't have…right?' raising an eyebrow and looking into the cave where Glacia was sleeping on the Sled, a strange thought came to Aoni's mind.

'There's no way she specifically went out looking for something that would be super tasty…on second thought, that's very much on brand for that Magnificent Little Fluff.' Wearing a smirk and Taking a sharp breath, the lad quickly wrapped the creature around his shoulders into a fireman carry and lifted it off the ground before making his way over toward one of the gutting stations, which was free of ichor.

However, when he got to the largest of his bleeding basins, Aoni was quick to realize he had made a massive oversight, even if it wasn't entirely his fault.

Due to the creature's weight, the flimsy bleeding rack he had made to drain the small game animals Glacia had hunted the first time around could not hold the weight of the corpse; as such, after dumping it beside the basin, the lad felt a bit frustrated.

But who could he blame other than himself? It wasn't like he was going to scold Glacia for bringing back something as extravagant as these bodies, even if it were quite worrisome about where she found them.

Feeling a creeping sense of anxiety invade his subconscious, Aoni quickly placed the creature down and did a full examination of the corpse, starting with its teeth.

No matter if it were on Terra or Genovia, there is one key characteristic that can allow someone to determine how high something is on the food chain, and that is its teeth.

Depending on the typical diet of something, there were generally three different arrangements of the teeth of a creature; if the creature only eats plants, you won't find a single sharp tooth in its mouth; however, its front teeth act like saws to help tear leaves and such, while its tall molars grind it into a paste for digestion.

Carnivores will have long, sharp canines, along with sharp molars, giving them an impressive bite that allows them to tear through meat with ease.

Lastly, there are omnivores, who, since they eat both plants and meat, have a combination of the above characteristics.

Mind you, there are also bristle teeth creatures, but those mainly live in voids or the water.

Apart from the teeth, things like defensive plating or thicker hides are also a good indication they don't hunt meat, whereas carnivores tend to have muscular bodies meant for chasing down prey.

But none of that would matter if they had a Developed Energia Cell because if they did, that would mean the creature was Ranked and SHOULDN'T BE WITHIN THE BARRIER.

Hoping that this was just some large harmless game animal like a deer or something, Aoni saved that anxiety-ridden thought for once he cut the corpse open and observed its other physical characteristics.

Firmly grasping and lifting the corpse's head, Aoni opened its mouth and got a good look before smirking and dropping the head back onto the ground.

'Herbivore, but these claws are pretty impressive. I gotta make sure to test their durability, and maybe I can make some tools out of them.'

Next, he patted the creature down, pulling on its fur and checking its muscle density until he was sure that the beast was the lumbering, slow-moving kind, which would explain how Glacia was able to get the drop on it in the first place.

Odds are, she spotted them, thought they smelled good thanks to their Energia Concentrated blood and went on the prowl, or at least that's what Aoni was trying to make himself believe.

Standing up and walking back to the cave, Aoni spent roughly 15 minutes sorting through his resources and locating which of his last remaining logs would work to erect a large, upside-down U-shaped structure.

Of a few left over, he determined that only four logs could be used, of which only three were necessary.

The issue was finding ones that could handle the couple hundred-pound body for the prolonged amount of time required not only to bleed but also to gut and skin the corpse.

After picking out the ones that met his needs, Aoni gathered up the strongest of his vines and set to work crafting the wooden arch as tall as himself, a process which by itself took nearly an hour.

Once finished, he hoisted his craft project onto his shoulder and set it up outside before pushing the largest basin underneath, only stopping when it came time to figure out how he was going to deal with the fielding *name for processing an animal*.

'Fielding a creature of this size isn't going to be a simple task. First things first, I need to bleed it, so let's get this fucker up on the rack and hope that Glacia didn't waste all that valuable blood.'

Although secretly hoping that it wasn't entirely empty due to where Glacia had severed its neck with her claws, Aoni was fairly certain that more than 70% of its original life-giving fluid had been spilled out during the trek up the mountain.

Still, that didn't stop Aoni from trying to get as much of the Golden fluid out of the creature's body as possible.

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