Chapter 64: Benefits Of The Blood (1)
After hanging the body from his wooden arch and triple-checking it was secure enough not to fall by way of multiple vines holding its ankles, Aoni went ahead and widened the slash mark on its throat with his knife before stepping back and watching a faint stream of golden blood dribble into the basin.
Waiting for a couple of minutes and keeping track of the flow, the lad turned around and gathered up the other three carcasses and piled them up near the wooden arch while making sure they were on their backs so that the throat cuts didn't waste any more fluid.
'I still don't know what these things are,' wearing a frown and running his finger over the deer-like horns adorning one of the bodies, Aoni thought back to the many lessons and tests he took on the Encyclopedia Of Genovia beasts only to come up empty handed.
Given the size of the planet, it wouldn't be too surprising if it were a known species, yet at the same time, Aoni knew there was a faint possibility his summon had stumbled upon a new breed of something.
'Antlers of a Deer, face, and body of a polar bear, and claws like a lion, yet a herbivore, part of me wants just to call these things a Chimera…' Dusting off his hands, the lad straightened his back. He decided it was better to accept things at face value than try and figure them out in this case.
All things considered, when he returned to Terra, one of the biggest questions he would need to answer was about the local creatures in his territory. Based on their distinct physical characteristics alongside their golden Blood, it was highly likely that these Chimera would be heavily sought after if his theory about their Blood was to be believed.
Saying the Golden Blood was special would be the understatement of the year; just by touching it, Aoni was able to feel the traces of Energia in such density that he instantly considered it to be something useful.
If not to help increase his strength, then to Expidite the process of learning how to Manipulate his Energia to form an Aura.
Well, that's where things get tricky, especially given the invisible nature of Aura. Basically, Aoni was planning on brute forcing his way into obtaining the Passive early, and if he succeeded, all he would need to do to strengthen it would be adding points.
In this way, not only would his power explode exponentially, since Aura can be used to both protect the body and boost attacks, but it would also allow him to exert pressure on his surroundings, which could help him immensely when gathering resources.
It was, after all, a multipurpose ability.
Given the way his Attribute adjusted both the lad's mind and body when he upgraded his Swordsmanship Passive, he surmised that not only would he receive a wealth of information about controlling his Energia, but maybe it would unlock the knowledge required to train it further by himself, saving years—potentially decades—of stumbling in the dark without a path of growth.
The only issue with this idea was that Aoni really had no idea where to begin; thus, he set the bar fairly low and didn't allow his expectations to get out of control.
By the time Glacia awoke from her nap two hours later, Aoni had already drained what little Blood remained in the first carcass and replaced it with a second, so when the furry ball emerged from the cave, she found her Lord sitting beside a pile of two bodies, legs crossed and a stone bowl in his lap.
"ooO?" slowly padding in her Lord's direction while sniffing the air, Glacia was careful not to startle him this time, having learned that when she did, he would usually freak out and scream like a girl, and if that happened, that tasty smelling bowl's contents would probably be wasted.
"Hey girl, you brought back a good thing this time; come here and sit next to me. I have something to show you." Opening his eyes and peering in her direction, Aoni smiled gently and motioned her over with his head without disturbing the golden liquid stored in the stone bowl he had crafted for separating the calcium phosphate from bone.
Obeying his orders without hesitation, Glacia hopped to his side and propped her legs on Aoni's while he allowed her to look into the bowl.
"This is the Blood of those creatures. I know you must have smelled or sensed something different about them, and your instincts were spot on."
"Gao?" Tilting her head to the side and resisting the urge to shove her face into the bowl so she could drink the Blood like a vampire or something, Glacia seemed to be asking how it was "Different?"
Sure, to an extent, she could feel something strange about the liquid as it sloshed around the bowl with her Lord's movement, but apart from feeling drawn toward it, the baby yeti couldn't quite figure out why she wanted it.
Seeing her reaction and not finding any harm in giving her some, Aoni dipped a finger into the bowl before presenting it to Glacia.
"Gentle, don't go biting off my finger, or we are gonna have problems…" trusting his summon would understand his words; Aoni was soon proven otherwise, as the baby yeti looked from the finger to her Lord and back to the finger in confusion.
"Heh, shoulda known better, SAY AHHHH." Opening his mouth wide and doing what he had done the first time he fed her, Aoni watched Glacia mimic him before swiping the Blood onto her tongue and causing the ball of fluff's eyes to shoot wide open in shock.
Immediately snapping her mouth shut and closing her eyes, Glacia seemed to enjoy the taste of the Blood; meanwhile, Aoni could feel the sweat trickling down the back of his neck.
'Her instinctual reaction was to snap her mouth shut…had I been even a fraction of a second slower in pulling my hand away, I'd only have nine fingers left….let's not try that again.' Gulping down a mouth full of saliva, Aoni mentally berated himself for the stupid idea.