Chapter 5: Chapter 5
Lana paced back and forth in the dark room that she had been locked in even though she could see a thing... her heart was racing like crazy in her chest as her hand flew to her neck to touch it, and she flinched a bit because of the numb pain she felt... "That freaking b*stard!" she said in a low voice and groaned in anger... she was still scared, but the anger she was feeling at that moment slowly started to replace the fear... how dare he do that to her... did he perhaps mistake her for the wrong person... he wasn't her father's debtor, then who the hell was he! "I am. Way more than that," She muttered under her breath and scoffed... well, that explained nothing. If she was going to plead for her life, at least she deserved an explanation... Did her father get involved in something else? Lana's hand flew to her forehead... she could feel a headache coming up already... Thankfully, the room was spacious enough for her to move around, and she brought her hand forward and started to move around in the darkness, hoping it would find a light switch or something... it didn't seem like the room had any windows because of how dark it was, but if they could turn on the light, it would make staying in there more bearable for her... She continued to move around for almost a minute and was able to deduce that the room was completely empty because she hadn't bumped into anything except the walls... "I should have taken that extra shift..." She muttered under her breath as she tried to walk back to the door and take a seat... someone had quit where she worked without any prior notice and her boss had asked for volunteers to take extra shifts but she didn't take any extra shifts because of how tired she was even though she would have been paid a bit more... she had decided she needed to rest for a few hours so she wouldn't break down or fall sick, but now she regretted that choice and wished she had just stayed back at work... maybe they would have missed her when they came to her house to abduct her, and then she would be free... but would that have changed a thing... wouldn't they still come back when she was home... she sighed deeply and shook her head... "I keep getting into more mess," She muttered under her breath... the only good thing here was that her phone wasn't constantly blaring with calls from her debtors... she didn't have to hide anytime they found out her location, but it didn't make the situation less bad now... if he could try to kill her, then what plans did he have for her... They couldn't even start to imagine what could happen to her... but she knew the worst of it would be getting killed for what she knew nothing about... she had to make her escape, at least even though she was caught, she tried to run away...
Lana wasn't sure anymore how much time had passed... she didn't know if it was minutes or hours, but she sat there waiting and waiting... her ear closed to the door so she could hear if any more was approaching, but she couldn't hear anything from outside the room, soon her hope started to dwindle... how long were they going to keep her locked up in here... things even became worse and unbearable for her when her stomach started to growl... she remembered she hadn't eaten anything the entire day... and her hand travelled to her grumbling stomach... things only seemed to get worse from them and when she was finally starting to give up... she heard a clicking sound...
Lana immediately scurried up to her feet and stood away from the door... she stood in the darkness and when the door was opened, she covered her eyes with the back of her hand because of the light... "You can come out now" She heard a familiar voice but it wasn't the voice of the man that had brought her to the room, instead it was the man who had opened the house door for them... the older man who had some sort of uniform on... his face didn't look as stoic as before, even though he still looked curious... Lana continued to stare at him till he said... "Or would you prefer to stay in here?" She quickly walked out of the room when she heard that... there was no way she wanted to say in such a place that was making her question her sanity...
"Are you letting me go?" She asked and heard how worse her voice had become because of all the shouting and screaming she had done that day... the man sighed deeply and gestured for her to walk in front of him, and Lana hesitantly did as he said... but she tensed up again... was he taking her back to that monster so he could finish her off... she didn't want to go back there... John saw how tensed up she became and said, "We aren't going to see Mr Carson", hoping it would make her less tense than she already was, and it worked... he watched as her shoulder slumped, and she sighed out in relief... but her eyes still sd that confusion and fear in it...
"Where are you taking me then... please let me go... I promise not to tell anyone that I was taken... I am really good at hiding... I will disappear...please," She pleaded with John, who immediately felt instant guilt that she had to go through this because of her father's wrongdoings...
"I wish I could", he answered, and Lana's shoulders slumped once again, and she started to walk... she didn't have any energy anymore... she was hungry and tired... she didn't care and just wanted to get everything over with...