Chapter 11: It's In The Details Pt. 2
Sophia POV
We had finished lunch and Clover had popped back in to clean everything up after glaring at Gemma to get her to stop trying to help with the clean up. Which sent the guys into fits of laughter because apparently no one glared at the mama bear know as Gemma and gets away with it, except for a small house elf named Clover apparently. Jax was the one to break the after lunch calm when he asked, "Alright we need to know more about your world. Real details and information about your war because we don't need magical enemies knocking on our door with no way to protect ourselves and you." I didn't mean to but I chuckled at his male bravado before I said, "I mean no offence to any of you when I say that if any of my enemies wish me harm there wont be a damn thing any of you can do to stop it." At that statement Jax got a mean scowl on his face as he said, "What do you mean by that doll face." I looked him up and down and said, "First don't call me doll face and second you heard me. If a witch of wizard wants me dead there isn't much you can do to stop it. I do however have means to protect myself this hairpin for example protects my mind from manipulations and even has potion detection charms on it. I have worn it since I had a scare in 6th year with love potion laced chocolates. My necklace has built in low grade shields against magical attacks unfortunately it won't stop the unforgivables though. I have been through a war and come out as the victor so while I appreciate the sentiment I don't need protection." I left out that I have rune tattoos a backup wand and a new casting ring that Hermione and I invented. I may trust Da but I don't trust the guys just yet especially Clay he gives off Voldy vibes.
I sighed when I saw the looks on their faces before I said, "Look I know you guys are used to doing things your way but the magical world isn't one you just run into full tilt guns blazing. There are a few rules that you as muggles need to know:
1. Don't mess with the Goblins, always show them respect.
2. Witches and Wizards are stronger and physically more fit than you due to the magic running through us.
3. I'm sorry to say this but you have no rights in the magical world unless you are the parent of a magical child and even that stops when they turn 17.
4. Never break the statute of secrecy.
5. Your money is no good in the wizarding world. You have to exchange it at the bank with the goblins which brings us back to rule #1.
It's a short list I know but that is the reality for muggles in our society, squibs have it only slightly better but not by much that's why most choose to leave if they aren't kicked out before then. Da took that as his sign to speak up "She is right I was one of the lucky ones I wasn't kicked out until I was 17. I had also managed to get some education because I had a half blood uncle who convinced my parents to send me to a muggle school so I would be out of their house sooner."
Everyone's faces took on a somber look with anger flashing through their eyes. Jax sighed and said, "Is there nothing we can do to defend against your kind?" I chuckled and got a dirty look from Clay for it before I said, "Cheer up boys it's not all bad, because you are under my houses protection I can set up a wardstone here to keep dark creatures and unwelcome magicals from entering. I might even be willing to take one of you with Da and I to the market for supplies to set it up if you behave." The last part I said in a sing song tone which got a chuckle out of my Da.
I pull out my own version of Hermione's beaded bag and reach my hand in as my arm disappears up to my elbow. This gets me a few shocked exclamations from the guys and an appreciative glance from Gemma. I pulled out the new introduction to the magical world books that Hermione wrote and placed them on the table as I said, "While I run to the market I will leave you all with these so that you can get a better idea of how things work."
I went to stand and Da followed suit before I said, "So who is going with us?" Clay was the one to speak up "I would like for Tig to go but I need him and Jax to do something else for the club. I trust Chibs to handle things but an unbiased set of eyes would be helpful so Opie you go with Sabrina here." That got a slight chuckle from the guys and a frown from Da and surprisingly Gemma. I looked Clay in the eyes and said, "I don't mind taking Opie with us but I just want to say one thing before we go. Call me Sabrina one more time and I will hex you with pink hair for a month." I was getting fed up with this mans disrespect. Clay looked at me with a stormy expression and said, "Are you threatening me girl?" I smiled and said, "That's not a threat it's a promise." I pushed his gun to his chest after I finished speaking and left Tig's on the table then turned and walked out to wait for Da and Opie to join me. I wonder if Opie would like to bring his kids with us to the market, they have magic after all. Also I need to remember to get some of the twins itching powder and have Daisy place it in all of Clays underwear how dare he threaten me stupid, power hungry wannabe villain. I continued with these thoughts until I saw Da and Opie walking towards me after their after meeting smoke with Jax and Piney.