Magic in Charming

Chapter 10: It's In The Details

Sophia POV

I cancelled the spell and finally looked around the room taking in everyone's reaction to well everything so far. Da was looking at me with pride in his eyes and awe on his face as he said, "You can cast the patronus charm. That is amazing lass I'm so proud of you." I looked at him and smiled but the moment was short lived when Clay jumped up and said, "What was that and why was it able to change my emotions?" Da sighed and took the reigns in explaining "Calm down Clay it's not dangerous as she said earlier it's a spell to send the soul suckers packing. It makes you feel safe, warm and happy because it's purpose is for protection. It is magic from before Hogwarts was established according to some family records I have read. It is also and extremely difficult spell to accomplish due to it being emotion based." I nodded and added "Your right Da it is hard to master but due to 3rd year almost everyone in my class and higher mastered it for protection. Our defense against the dark arts teacher for that year Remus Lupin thought it would benefit us, so he used a boggart to help teach us." Da looked thoughtful for a second and said, "Well that is an interesting way of handling that." 

The guys were getting frustrated and Tig was the one to speak out about it. "What the hell are you both talking about? You keep saying shit that none of us understand anything about." I blush and Da lets out a light cough before I said, "Sorry, I have only ever lived in the Wizarding World and I tend to forget that muggles don't know these things. Lets get the basics out of the way first every magical child is sent to one of the magic schools around the world at the age of 11. We attend school from the age of 11 for 7 years before going on to an apprenticeship in order for further education if we choose to or our job requires it. I myself was a curse breaker for Gringotts for a few years, then decided I needed to focus more on my business investments and running the families. Anyway the magical government has departments set up just like the muggle world. The department for magical creature control is in charge of keeping magical creatures hidden from muggles." I was interrupted by Jax when he said, "Wait, you keep saying the word muggle is that supposed to be us? Also what kind of magical creatures exist other than the soul suckers and what is a boggart?" I chuckled as all the guys bobbed their heads up and down in agreement to Jax's questions before I said, "Yes, Muggle is what the British magical community calls non magic having people, I believe here in the U.S. you would be called a no-maj. There are quite a few magical creatures hidden from the muggles, dementors and boggarts are a few of the more dangerous ones that's for sure. There are a lot of interesting ones as well some you may have even heard about." I said with a mischievous grin.

It was Opie that asked, "Like what?" Da just smiled and nodded at me I looked at Opie and said, "Nothing to crazy just dragons, unicorns, griffins, Cerberus, and Phoenix to name a few." All of their jaws dropped, well all but Da's he was to busy cackling at them. They didn't stay that way for long though as they all started to get worked up. That's when Da said, "Hey Soph why don't we pause for lunch I'm getting peckish." he had a grin on his face as he winked at me. Clay slammed his hand down on the table and said, "No one leaves this room until we are finished." I sighed and said, "Well if you say so. I could have Clover bring us all something so no one has to leave." Gemma looks at me and said, "Your chef right?" I nodded why Tig said, "Why not just make the prospect get it?" Da chuckled and said, "Cause now that you know about our world you can finally meet Clover and Daisy. They are house elves so you wouldn't of been able to meet them unless you were in the know." Jax was the on who spoke next "What in the hell is a house elf?" I sighed at first but chuckled when I saw the smirk on Da's face before I said, "Alright I will call her but don't freak out and no one reach for your gun." I looked to Gemma when I said, "I wasn't lying when I said I rescued her from slavery. She has been abused by her past owner and is very jumpy so please keep that in mind." Gemma gave a kind smile and nodded, all the guys followed suit. 

I braced myself to cast a last second protego and called, "Clover can you come here please?" The soft pop that accompanied her startled the guys and they all went to reach for their guns but stopped midway when they caught sight of her. Again Tig in all his glory shouted "What the hell is that?" Clover cringed and ran to hide behind my leg like a frightened child and Da glared at him. Clover spoke up from behind my legs, "Missy called Clover, I be Missy's house elf, you mean man not yell at me." She had tears in her eyes that were on the verge of falling when I scooped her up and hugged her tight and said, "It's alright Clover, he was just startled. They have never met a house elf before. Can you introduce yourself to them and then get some lunch for all of us when you are done?" She nodded and wiped her eyes before she said, "Clover is a good house elf, I look after Missy and Missy's Grandma and now I look after Master Filip as well. It's my duty and honor to take care of my family. Missy keeps me healthy and doesn't give me clothes, she is the best Missy ever. I go get your lunch now." and with that she popped off to get out lunch. Gemma looked puzzled before she said, "Why don't you give her clothes?" Da chuckled and said, "It would be the worst thing to happen to the little thing in her eyes. To give a house elf clothes is to set them free. It basically means they were bad or you don't want them anymore. Setting them free also basically kills them they need magic to live but can't produce their own so they feed off of it from wizarding families. They are usually tied to the wardstone but some tie themselves to their masters as well. Before you ask a wardstone is placed in all magical owned buildings to keep unwanted people out and to help hide the house from non-magical eyes." 

It was then that Clover popped back into the room with lunch on a cart she placed a plate in front of everyone. It looked amazing she had made everyone a steak with potatoes, roasted vegetables and a butterbeer to drink. Well all but Tig he got a basic sandwich with fruit and a water before she popped off back to the house. I lost it when Tig lifted the cover on his tray and so did the others Tig almost growled when he said, "Why don't I get steak?" I had to stop laughing before I said, "Well you yelled at her and she doesn't like that. She hasn't been this mad since Hermione tried to get me to pay her and give her a holiday. Hermione ate nothing but turkey and cheese for months until she finally dropped the subject. She will calm down after a day or two, if it bothers you that much you could bribe her just don't give her any clothes." He nodded with a grimace and went to take a bite of his sandwich "She must not be to mad at me." he said with a grin as he flipped his sandwich around for us to see that it was a steak sandwich. We all chuckled at Clovers small act of revenge. 

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