Chapter 9: I'm A Witch
Sophia POV
The guys were quiet for a second before they started laughing at me. Well almost all of them Clay was quickly turning a very lovely shade of red. He slammed his fist on the table and shouted "All this stupid bullshit fake secret crap for you to come out with a dumb joke. Get out of my club house right now!" Da just sighed while shaking his head as I cast a lip lock jinx on everyone. The room was instantly silent and I chuckled as Clay and Tig pulled their guns on me. I put up a silent protego just as Da said, "Put your gun down Clay that's my daughter your pointing it at. Let's not even mention the fact that she is a lass and we don't harm or threaten women." His voice was dark and cold but commanding as he spoke. I was also getting a little fed up with the threat so a simple Accio solved the immediate threat. "I don't really like muggle guns so I will give these back when we are done ya."
Chibs POV
I looked around the room to see my brothers and Gemma's faces Piney, Opie, Jax, Juice and Gemma looked shocked and pissed at Caly. Tig at least had the decency to look ashamed but Clay looked absolutely livid. Soph stood tall and proud next to me when Clay growled, "Give me back my gun girl." Sophia smiled and said, "I think I will hang on to it until we are done talking thank you very much."
Gemma looked at Sophia and said, "What do you mean by your a witch?" Soph just chuckled and said, "Leave it to the only woman in the room to ask the right questions and not lose her ever loving mind." Gemma smiled and Sophia continued "I mean it quite literally, I am a wand wielding magic having witch. My mother was a witch, my grandmother is a witch, my grandfather was a wizard and my Da's parents were as well. Da was born without magic making him a squib. He was banished from the family because of this, but because he was the sole heir any magical children he fathered, that would be me by the way, would inherit the family. So with that out of the way, does anyone have any questions?"
Jackie boy being vice president was the first to ask, "Why didn't you tell us any of this Chibs?" The look on his face was screaming betrayl, I sighed and said, "It's not that I didn't want to tell ya but the wizarding world has laws that are enforced by magical contracts. Also family magics come into play at times but that's a different story. If I were to have said anything a task force of sorts would have been dispatch to handle the problem with exposure and then placed me in Azkaban. I love ya all to much to subject you to obliviation plus I ain't ever going to Azkaban." My body shook as I said the last sentence and Soph tensed at the mention of the prison.
Opie spoke next, "Are we in danger Chibs cause I got kids?" Sophia took this question "No you are in no danger from those in the government, that is why I had you sign the contract it allowed me to tell you all because I placed you in the mundane vassal category under my families name." She stared Clay down when at this point and said, "and before you get your panties in a twist, I basically added you to the family to avoid your memories being altered or erased. That's what obliviators do the statute of secrecy is no joke we take it very seriously any violations is a one way trip to Azkaban. All I did was make it so that didn't happen you have no other laws that apply to you other than non disclosure. If you do disclose the information your name will light up on the contract alerting the ministry. I recommend you not doing that."
Gemma spoke next "You both keep mentioning Azkaban prison like it would end you. Why is that? All the boys have done time before, what's so bad about this one?" Soph again beat me to the answer, "I knew I liked you for a reason Gemma. Azkaban is the wizarding world prison its for lack of a better description hell on earth. Muggle prison is a dream vacation by comparison. Azkaban has a small wizard guard detail I'm talking 5 men and women at best. Food is scarce for the prisoners and your only clothes are the ones you were captured in, no matter how long your stay. That however isn't the bad part." Everyone's faces were somber at this point none of us had been treated like that in lock up. Soph went on though,"The real guards aren't the wizards I mentioned, they are there for the prisoners protection that way they stay alive long enough to serve their full sentence. They protect you from the real guards of Azkaban, the dementors." The full body shake Soph had was not missed by anyone especially me.
I looked her in the eyes and said, "That was not the normal reaction to dementors lass, what happened?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes cleared her throat and said, "It was 3rd year when who we thought was a mass murderer escaped from Azkaban, he was innocent but that's a different story Da. Anyway the stupidly, idiotic minister at the time thought it would be best to send the dementors to Hogwarts as guards against Sirius Black. The dementors stopped the train to look for him, Harry and I passed out from exposure. Then at the quitch match almost saw Harry die cause the dementors got to close while he was flying. I also almost died while saving Harry and Siri from a dementor attack after same stupid minister ordered a kiss on site order for Siri and this was after he had been proven innocent. Stupid idiot was afraid of losing power so he tried to cover up past mistakes." She was fuming by this point and so was I.
Gemma was the voice that brought us back "You mentioned dementors a lot, but what are they?" Soph blushed before she said, "Sorry I forgot you all didn't know for a second. Dementors are creatures that live by feeding off of all you happy memories and emotions. They quite literally suck them out of your very soul. A kiss is what they do when they suck your soul out of your body to eat it. Their is no way to kill them and they can only be repeled by one spell. The spell is called the patronus charm and this is what it looks like." Sophia the lifted her wand and said "Expecto Patromun" a white light erupted from the tip as the light settled into the shape of a beautiful Phoenix. The feelings of joy, warmth and protection spread throughout the room. I saw tension leave my brothers as they looked at it. Tig in all his eloquent glory said, "she's beautiful" Sohpia chuckled and said, "Harry and I named her Ember."