Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 1: Asari Supremacy Initiative 1

Jane gazed silently through the window of the shuttle, watching as the image of the orbital station grew ever larger as they ascended too far beyond the atmosphere of the Earth. Her feelings were... mixed. On the one hand, it kind of felt like going home, and on the other... it felt like... like a place she shouldn't be going. She had wrapped up this part of her life, but then what had her life been since?

Boring, sadly.

The Reapers were no longer the destructive war machines they'd once been, there was no doubt about that. The exact circumstances of which were... difficult for her to remember. She gripped those strange interfaces to the Crucible, and the last thing she remembered was her flesh turning to ash as blue energy consumed her. Then Dr. Chakwas peering down at her as she drowsily awoke in the Normandy's infirmary.

The Reapers had been pacified, it seemed. Why or how she couldn't remember, and it didn't seem to matter. They could be commanded now; only by Shepard. They ignored all others, unless she deputised them personally.

That meant the past several years of her life had been occupied by her commanding the Reapers to help rebuild the galaxy following the war. Admittedly there was a certain catharsis in commands such as, "Harbinger? Please pick up the Statue of Liberty and put it back where it belongs. Thank you, there's a good boy."

Yet it quickly became a tiresome affair. One can only observe the misery of so many for so long so repeatedly before the desire reigns to do anything else. Most pressingly, she wanted to spend time with her wife. Yet she couldn't, because Liara was so often so far away, using her vast intelligence resources, fractured as they may be, to work her own efforts to put things back together. So instead she spent most of her time drifting from system to system, overviewing relief and reconstruction efforts, talking to ancient machines so far divorced from mortality that her social life resembled something nearer to Greek myth or a strange Lovecraft novella than it did any proper circle of colleagues.

"Thinking hard, Skipper?"

Shepard jumped slightly, roused from her deep thought by the woman beside her. She looked at Ashley for a moment, the statuesque spectre expertly piloting the shuttle skyward.

"I guess so," she nodded. "I guess I'm thinking that... this might be a nice change of pace, actually."

"Yeah, kind of feels like the good old days. Before the ship blew up and you got blasted into the deep black."

Shepard cracked a smile, "Oh yeah, because everything was going great til then."

Ashley spent a few moments mulling over that, factoring in the geth, Saren, the number of times their lives were very nearly brought to swift and brutal conclusions.

"Yeah, fair call. Well, it at least feels like the old days then, even if they were never entirely good."

She hummed agreeably, and stretched her arm over her head, as if to work herself out of her train of thought. "Right, so... who's with us on this one?"

"A decent chunk of the old crew. Mostly faces we know, and some new ones."

The way she said that carried a tone of voice Jane knew all too well. "Ash..."

"I know," she sighed, "I'm not- I don't do that anymore."

"Do what?"

"Get all bent out of shape about aliens being onboard. I've got no problem with it. It's just... old habits. I know we're supposed to be doing this whole cooperative shtick thing now, and I like Grunt, and Thane was a lovely man, and-"

She realised she wasn't making things better for herself, and closed her mouth. "It's fine. I promise."

Jane merely rolled her eyes, shaking her head slightly. "Just fly the ship."

"Right, am doing. Yessir."

There was an awkward silence for several moments, framed by the hum of the thrusters.

"I mean, don't you think it's a little weird that most of our non-human complement is asari?"

"Not really," Jane replied evenly, "Asari and human crews generally get along better than other mixed compositions. Naturally, some species are going to cooperate better than others; it's still a pretty sketchy prospect to put geth and quarians together, or krogan and salarians, for example."

"I... guess that makes sense," she admitted.

"We use asari a lot on worlds that are having a more severe go of things. They tend to have a soothing presence."


"Me and... the Reapers," she murmured.

Ashley raised an eyebrow, and took her eyes from the controls for a moment, "We haven't talked in a while but... how does that feel? Dealing with them like that? Do they speak in your head or something?"

Jane nodded, "Usually. Telepathy is speed of thought, so faster than most other communication. It's... weird. Unnerving. The way they speak sometimes, you get flashes of the trillions they've killed and it's..."

She trailed off, unsure how to describe the sensation of seeing, feeling such destruction.

"Hard to describe," she finished. "But I try to remember they're being used for good now."

"Do you ever stop to think about the fact that you could be in a bad mood one day and conquer the galaxy with a thought?"

"Kinda," she admitted, "You've seen those cults, right? Church of the Shepard?"

"Yeah. Creepy."

"My thoughts exactly. I don't like that, but this is where I've found myself, and I guess... it could be a lot worse. Given where we were, and what the most likely outcome was."

"Everyone dead, you mean."


Ashley let out a breath and found it hard to argue with that. "Well. Maybe this will be a nice distraction for you then. Supreme Goddess."

"Fuuuck you," Shepard laughed.

"Fuck you too, Skipper."

Stepping into the Normandy was like breathing a lungful of fresh air. It looked more or less as if she'd left it. There were a few upgrades here and there, newer systems that looked faintly out of place, at least to her eyes.

Ash... also might've had a point. There was a lot more blue in the crew than there ever had been before. To Jane's eye it looked like about forty percent.


Jane's features brightened as a pair strode towards her, both rocking a pair of heels with feminine excellence. Miranda was the taller of the two, the kind of woman that exuded command presence over her a woman like Traynor.

"Sam, Miranda!" She smiled, and moved forward to share a brief embrace with each of them. "Though it's... just 'Jane' now, I don't technically have a military rank now that I'm out."

Traynor smiled gently, and responded, "I think... you'll always be our commander, Shepard."

Her eyes briefly fell upon Miranda; such a bombshell of a woman, though that was to be expected. It was really impossible not to look, from the swell of her bust to the well-concealed bulge between her legs. She was wearing an outfit much like the one she'd first met her in, though this was patterned blue and gold to fit her new loyalties, vertical lines running the length of her catsuit.

"Do you want your dick sucked?"

"Huh!?" Jane blurted, yanking her gaze to Miranda's face.

"I said, do you want your bags taken up? Cabin is still yours, of course."

Jane frowned, "Oh... well, you're the captain, Miranda. I don't want to-"

"Nonsense. Besides, I think you've got a guest waiting for you."

A little confused, Shepard took the suggestion for what it was, and moved past the two to head towards the elevator at the far end of the shuttle bay. She called back to her companion, "I'm gonna drop my stuff off, see ya later, Ash!"

She got a positive response from the interior of the shuttle, then slung the strap of her back over her shoulder as she moved off.

Dark fingers sunk into the most pliant ass in the galaxy, Miranda glancing approvingly at Traynor as she leaned back into the touch, "That was naughty, Miri," she murmured.

The Australian's lips curled into a nasty little smile, "Felt good though. C'mere."

She locked her hands around Traynor's waist, and shoved her tongue down her throat. The two kissed passionately for a short while, a twisted dance of tongues parting only when the hollow thumps of Ashley exiting the shuttle forced them into propriety.

"Good to see you again, Lieutenant-Commander," Samantha greeted, "Show you to your quarters?"

"I'm good, thanks Sam. Fucking starved though."

"Well lunch was just served in the galley."

"Great, I'll settle in then."

Moving to the elevator herself, she took a glance around the room, and gave a slight frown. Was the entire crew for the shuttle bay female? Well obviously the asari were, if you could call them female, but the humans...

She shook her head. Surely a coincidence.

Shepard stepped into her quarters, or at least the space that used to be her quarters, and peered around the interior for a moment. "Hello?"

"Hey, baby."

She almost leapt out of her skin with fright, whirling on the door to the bathroom only to have a pair of slender arms snake around her shoulders, and a kiss placed upon her lips.

"L-Liara!?" She gasped, dropping her luggage to the floor. Without giving her a chance to a respond, she fully returned the embrace, and crushed her lips against her wife's. Her body was warm, steaming softly as she'd just finished her shower.

Drawing her lips free, the asari giggled affectionately, "Janey... seems like you missed me."

"You have no idea," she breathed, "It's just been... a whole thing. Fuck. Why didn't you tell me you'd be here?"

"Because I enjoyed your reaction to the surprise," she purred, "And because... then I wouldn't have been able to greet you in the privacy of our bedroom, and press my naked body against you."

Shepard shivered, and her gaze dropped down to the generous, feminine swell of Liara's massive breasts, and then further to the slab of meat currently pressing into her thigh. That foot plus of big blue cock already hardening, and aching to do what it did best; make Jane scream.

"I missed you as well," the asari breathed, breath washing over her face, "I think... I most missed the feel of those lovely lips of yours on my big blue cock."

"Liara," she whispered shakily, her hands coming up to press either side of the blue woman's mountainous tit-flesh. "I t-think Miranda wanted to-"

"On your knees," Liara murmured, her voice soft, but tone speaking to the deeply submissive sexuality of the woman she loved, and it worked.

A whimper escaped her, and without the slightest resistance her knees met the polished floor, and her face was level with that slab of alien cockmeat. Her features immediately pressed forward, covered by the softness of her balls on one side, and the hard mass of her shaft against the opposing cheek.

"There's a good girl," she gently praised, strong hand stroking through Shepard's glossy scarlet hair.

Liara drew in a breath as a tongue dragged down the side of her cock, and the head of her throbbing azure cock throbbed between her suckling lips. Shepard knew to take a breath when she felt her fingers tighten on her scalp, because she was about to her her face fucked.


That wet noise of surprise came muffled through her throat, as Liara seized the woman's head with both hands, and jerked her hips with force to fucking slam her cock into the back of her throat.

Powerful legs stepped forward, forcing Shepard to tilt back, hands feebly running up the woman's thighs. Liara fucked down into her throat, her balls slapping firmly against the soft skin of her jaw and throat. Shepard's eyes were filled with the sublime vision of Liara's rock-hard abs, the swell of her breasts, and the savage, driven visage of her features, teeth bared and nose scrunched with strained effort.

Shepard was passive, offering no resistance, only trying to work her tongue on the throbbing cumvein to try and please her as much as she possibly could. It had been a while, Shepard could tell, because the rate of her thrusts sped up, but her pace became more frantic, erratic.

"T-That fucking huh... h-human throat! Nnnnnnghghhghhhhfffffuuuuuck! EMBRACE ETERNITY!"

Her eyes filled with pitch black, and Shepard's rolled back as they did the same. Perceptions twisted around, she felt herself standing over Liara, fucking down into her throat, sneering with dominant pleasure at just how fucking good this asari... human... her lover's body felt.

Both felt their cock throb like it was going to burst, and both felt hot sludge poured into their guts like their digestive tract was being bred. This was Jane's heaven, her happy place where she could be without worry, when her mind was swimming with Liara's and her body was bent to her will.

Yet... something was different.

"Oh this is amazing," Liara spoke, her voice carrying strange reverberations.

Jane felt her own hands moving, yet not of their accord, coming up and tightening around her own throat. Her black eyes flickered with confusion, Liara's lips moving into a salacious grin.

"A new trick I've been practicing," she murmured, easing herself back to extract her cock from the cum-packed throat.

"Practicing?" Jane thought to herself, brow creasing. An asari can't make the embrace on their own; she's been embracing other people?

"We'll talk about that later," Liara cooed, dick slapping with a sticky slap against her thigh as she stepped back. "See the embrace is a melding of minds, a twisting of thought and consciousness, and it came to me... how does that work when my dear wife is such an irrepressibly pathetic sub?"

She lifted a hand, and Shepard's body stood. She gasped, licked her lips, and whispered out, "Liara-"

"Mm, no," she murmured, closing her fingers to close her mouth.

Her lips sealed, and the asari stepped gracefully around her, hands drifting to touch her body from all sides, like she was appraising a frozen mannequin. Gentle touches and teases through her clothes.

"Seems my theory was correct. You desire so deeply to submit to me, that even when we're bonded like this, my mind overpowers your own."

The curvaceous alien pressed into her back, mouth moving in to kiss at the side of her neck, drawing a whimper from her wife when she shoved her hands down her dark pants, and wrapped her hands around Jane's cock.

"Really makes me wonder what I could get away with," Liara purred, "Do you think I could jerk you off until you were right on the edge, and keep you from blowing your load? You remember when we'd do that right? How I'd use my biotics to stroke you during those long, boring mission briefings?"

A strangled cry escaped her, and Liara couldn't help herself anymore, forcing Jane's mouth open with her lips and tongue to press her into a domineering kiss. Tongues lashed and wet smacks filled the ambience of the room, and Jane's frantic moans as she was stroked to the edge, and kept there.

Moments later bare human tits are slammed up against the glass of the fish tank. Shepard is a gasping, moaning mess as the meaty slaps of hips and ass meeting thump pleasure through her nervous system. She could see Liara's black eyes reflected in the glass, desperately trying to find purchase as each forceful pussy-pounding impact threatened to compact her spine.

Then she was on the bed, ass in the air, head pressed into the mattress as the muscular woman slammed into her with ball-slapping thrusts. At this angle she could force herself as deep as she liked, and Jane's body long knew to supplicate itself to the ministrations of a worked up asari. The former commander's mind might've been a shade more resilient, but her body knew all too well that doing whatever the blue babes wanted of her felt good.

Liara luxuriated in the power she held over her lover, how she could make such a strong woman scream and moan, though... Liara was privy to information that would make most question that strength, but that was a fun little secret the two of them shared.

Or so she thought.

"Oh, you f-fucking redhead s-SLUT!" Liara snarled, hitting herself with a slam that sent that mass of pale, human ass a-wobbling, only to shove her off a moment later, and stroke her cock frantically as she rolled the woman over, her pleasure to make a complete mess of her lover.

In just a moment her body moved forward, gracefully over the panting, laid-back woman to kiss her soulfully. Now freed from her frustrations of being unable to dick her wife's wet pussy for so long, her gentler side showed itself, and she cared for her.

"Liara," Jane murmured, hands fingering the curves of her obliques. "That was... so f-fucking amazing. I really needed that, but how did you-"

"Shhh," she whispered, her face pressing into the warmth of her neck to mark a wet kiss. "Just rest... we'll talk later. You're so cute like this, tuckered out and splattered all over."

Blushing softly, she nestled herself into Liara's strong arms, and snuggled down as she was held to her chest. The texture of asari skin was so scintillating; she never quite got used to it. It was like sleeping with a cat's tongue, but softer, smoother.

The black in their eyes had since bled away, and Liara tilted her head down to press a kiss onto her forehead. It made Jane quiver, and she meekly requested, "Do that again?"

She smiled and did exactly so, slower, softer. "I love you," she husked.

Heart swelling, she replied in kind and added, "I've missed you so much. I'm... fucking tired of us being apart. I don't want to do that anymore. Can we... work something out? I know what we do is important but I think we're important to each other too and-"

"Yes," Liara murmured.


"I don't wish to be apart from you again either. That's why I relocated my command center onto the ship. I believe Admiral Hackett wishes to place our dear old Normandy at your disposal; you'll be able to command the Reapers as we move throughout the galaxy, and I'll be able to run my operations from here."

"That... sounds perfect," Shepard sighed, feeling like a massive, twisted knot of tension was lifted from her shoulders.


That load off was enough for Jane to relax entirely, and eventually drift off to sleep in the arms of the woman she loved. Liara did not sleep, she merely waited.

Once Jane's breathing had steadied out, and she was sure she was asleep, Liara turned her head towards the ceiling, and murmured, "EDI, patch me through to Miranda."

"Yes, Goddess."

The asari gave an unpleasant smirk at that form of address; it still amused, and aroused her.

A moment later, Miranda's voice came in, "Ma'am?"

"Set a course and get the ship moving."

"Didn't you want to brief Shepard on the mission first?"

"She's indisposed."

A silence permeated the air for a few moments, the softest sound of Miranda swallowing, before she murmured, "I understand."

The asari briefly giggled, stroking a hand affectionately over her wife, "I never get tired of that submissive tone to your voice. If I wasn't intent on relaxing with Jane, I might come down there and have you roleplay the time I broke you all over again."

A shuddering breath came through, but nothing else. "Good thing that suit can hide how wet your pussy is. Let Morinth know we'll see her in the morning. Close the comm, EDI."

Liara turned, and curled herself around the woman at her side, snuggling into her warm body before her biotics gently dragged the covers across the two of them.

Tomorrow would be a bit of a shock for her, but she had no doubt her wife would understand. She had to... there was no other choice but to understand, and to aid them in the subjugation of her own people as a servile, race-traitorous goddess.

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