Chapter 2: Asari Supremacy Initiative 2
Ashley was getting a feeling. A feeling that something was wrong, but she just couldn't see it.
She was trying to keep above her own prejudices, but it really did seem like there was a... strange amount of asari onboard. Alongside that was the behaviour of the crew. Things on military ships like these could be a bit buttoned up at times, especially on a ship like the Normandy, and especially on this particular day. Being the honoured flagship of the fleet, the crew wasn't quite as rowdy as it had been in the past. Certainly not as laissez-faire as it had been under Cerberus command, but these people seemed... standoffish, not in a way that was rude, but in a way that made it seem like Ashley didn't belong.
Conversations would end abruptly when she entered a room, and conversations that were had in her presence were... calm, anodyne. It wasn't unusual for the crew to curb their more coarse language in the presence of an officer, but Ash had never thought she gave off that kind of... command presence.
She liked it best when she was thought of as just another gun alongside you, someone who had your back in a firefight, and right now she'd never felt more apart serving on a ship.
There were other things as well. The strangest of which had been when she'd stepped into the elevator, only to find one of the engineers sucking face with an asari maiden. The two of them were going at it like rabid beasts, pawing all over each other, blue tongue wrapped and curled around the human's softer pink one. She wanted to object, but honestly she was just so stunned by the blatant act of debauchery going on in front of her. This wasn't just some heavy petting, there was a fucking wet spot on the asari's uniform where that fat blue cock was expelling dick milk. The alien was giving as good as she got too, with her hand plunged into Crewman Takahashi's panties, fingering her frantically at a pace that had the Japanese beauty squatting desperately into her grasp.
Before she even knew it the elevator doors had closed, and she didn't even get a chance to chew them out. The image stuck in her mind however, was that of the asari suddenly fixing Ash with both eyes, a lazy grin worn across her face. Yet in her eyes she saw... contempt? Pity? Condescending arrogance? Hard to say exactly what a look could be, but she had yet to see that asari again so she could wring her neck and get some answers out of her.
Crewman Takahashi on the other hand seemed oblivious to the act when questioned later that morning, which Ashley simply put down to her being embarrassed. But... a girl that easily embarrassed also didn't seem like the type to be making out like a horny teenager in the elevator.
She hadn't yet seen Shepard today, but given that Miranda had let slip that Liara was on the ship, that wasn't at all surprising. No doubt the commander was up in the cabin getting her back blown out.
"Miranda, I gotta ask," she'd prompted, questioning the captain in the hallway before she could go anywhere. "What's with all the asari?"
Miranda paused, glancing around as if guilty, and then stepped forward, "Might I confide in you?"
Ashley wordlessly motioned for her to proceed.
"If I'm being honest... I prefer crews that have a greater ratio of women to men. You can put that down to my lesbian proclivities if you like, but if I'm being honest, I've just felt that things tend to run more smoothly. Obviously I can't say that though, wouldn't be very egalitarian of me. So... instead I just request a larger compliment of asari in my crew, and frame it as cultural exchange and mutual outreach."
Ashley... honestly wasn't sure how to respond to that, but she found a way eventually.
"But... doesn't having so much of your crew belong to the Republics give concerns regarding security?"
"I don't doubt their loyalties. Thessia might be their home, but this is their ship and I'm their commanding officer; they've never let me down before."
Miranda's tone was firm and carried an inherent respect for her crew, and Ashley could definitely get behind that kind of regard for one's subordinates.
"Well, that's fair enough I suppose," she responded uncertainly. In truth, her explanation made sense; captains did shit to suit their preferences all the time, and if Miranda liked having more pussy around then... whatever.
Only... it wasn't more pussy around. It was a whole, whole lot of big blue cock that'd been added to the crew. Ashley honestly didn't know if there were asari that didn't have thick bitch-breaking dickmeat swinging between their legs, but if there was she'd never seen one.
She'd always thought it a bit grotesque, and honestly almost felt offended on behalf of the asari for how fetishised they were, but they never seemed to mind the attention.
It was later now, and she was passing by the galley to get herself lunch. It was the same cook here as last night; yet another asari. This one was a perky maiden, shockingly young for her species; only having had her thirty-first birthday last week.
Lysera really was too bubbly for breasts that large. Even now for the second meal Ashley had approached her for, she practically bounced on the spot in a way that sent her boobs hopping up and down on her chest. It was really hard not to look at, and the woman's chirpy voice only made her seem perkier.
"Ashley!" She beamed happily, "Or uh... Spectre? Lieutenant-Commander? Crap, I'm sorry I totally forgot which one you said last time."
"Just Ashley is fine," the soldier smiled, "Honestly you're the only one talking to me normally here, you can call me whatever you like."
"What do you mean?" She questioned, her cute, violet features furrowing with worry. "Are people being mean to you?"
She moved to fix her a bowl of food, setting her washcloth over her bare shoulder. She wasn't perfectly in uniform. A pair of dog tags dangled between her breasts, each heavy boob hugged by the tight shirt that only stretched halfway down her abs, leaving a feminine six-pack partially on display.
"Well... not exactly mean, but I feel like I'm not in on the joke."
"The joke?"
"Like there's something everyone else is getting that I'm not. Like there's some big club I'm not in. I don't know, I'm probably just imagining it."
Lysera's worried expression didn't fade, and she quickly offered, "I could try talking to some of the girls if you like. I don't know why they'd be treating you that way but-"
"No!" Ashley quickly responded, "Fuck, don't even think about that, you don't wanna be the one girl in the unit that complained to her bunkmates about trash talking the CO. You'd never hear the end of it, that'd be miserable for you."
She hadn't considered that, but... surely her comrades wouldn't be mean to her just for trying to make someone feel welcome? She moved to hand Ash a bowl of chilli, and froze up a little when she felt her smooth hands brush her own as she took the bowl.
"W-Well..." she stammered out, "Maybe I can at least try and figure out why they're doing this to you? Then m-maybe you can fix it!"
A purple flush ran over her cheeks, the asari struggling to hold eye contact with the statuesque officer. Ashley saw the flush of emotion come over the girl, and felt a strange stirring herself. She rarely thought of other species as attractive, but she found it hard to deny that Lysera was very cute. That delicate button nose, innocently pouty lips, and petite body that somehow became busty in all the right places; what a babe!
"A-And um..." she began to add, then faltered.
"Yes?" Ashley prompted.
"N-Never mind! Nothing, sorry. Enjoy your meal!"
Ashley smiled at her, and Lysera felt a twisting storm of butterflies in her guts in response. Her eyes were fixed to the human as she walked away, tracing down the curves of her body in her tight uniform, before her attention was drawn to the next person looking for their lunch, and she ripped her gaze away to get on with her duties.
"How are you feeling, Jane?"
The spectre thought about that question, and found it difficult to answer. For a time she sat in silence, the quiet serenity of Sha'ira's cloistered chambers simultaneously putting her at peace, and making her feel exposed. She could be exposed before Sha'ira though, she trusted her.
The Consort sensed that Shepard was in need of a more personally affectionate hand today, and so sat near, an arm slid gracefully around her shoulders, holding her comfortingly as the rest of her sat in Jane's lap.
"You should talk about it," she further added, "I can see something troubles you."
Sha'ira's voice was like silken air, listening to her was so easy, and yet so captivating. It tugged on her mind like the strings of a guitar, and urged her to open up more easily.
"I did something terrible," she eventually confessed, her voice small and uneven.
"You are a soldier on a dangerous mission," The Consort responded quietly, "The realities of such a position necessitate terrible acts commonly, I would imagine."
"N-No... I mean... well sometimes, but this was different. It was something I didn't need to do."
The smooth, gentle fingers of the asari graced down over her chest, and she murmured, "Many people have confessed to me things so vile most would be sickened."
A soft kiss against her cheek, "I judge none of them, and I will not judge you either. Please, continue. Tell me what happened."
The soldier leaned against her, and eventually murmured, "Do you know what an Ardat-Yakshi is?"
"I do. I have had a select few for clients in the past. I am surprised that you know, however. That's a more closely guarded secret of our people... though not entirely a matter of secrecy I agree with."
"Why not? Samara thought it shameful."
"Do your people not produce homicidal psychopaths?" Sha'ira questioned simply.
She had a point there, "I guess I see what you mean, but I... okay. S-So... not long after we brought Samara onboard the Normandy, she told me of the hunt she was on for her daughter, because she's an Ardat-Yakshi. I agreed to help her because-"
"Because you like helping people," Sha'ira laughed softly, caressing her cheek.
"Y-Yeah," Shepard smiled bashfully, though it soon faded. Despite her casual dress for the day, shorts paired with an N7 t-shirt, she felt as if she were armed to the teeth and clad in full combat attire, about to face down a thresher maw.
Her heart thudding madly, Sha'ira sensed her tension, and leveraged her centuries of empathic ability to slide two fingers down the back of her neck, while her other hand cupped her jaw. She husked softly into her ear a moment following that, and the effect was an immediate relaxation, pulling her back to a grounded state so she could continue speaking.
It also spiked her arousal, but Sha'ira was no stranger to feeling Jane's cock against her ass.
"We eventually tracked her to Omega," Shepard breathed, "We had to lure her in, so Samara sent me to act as bait. I met her in Afterlife and she was... breathtaking. It felt like meeting Liara for the first time. I thought she'd be terrifying, or horrifying, but she wasn't. She was seductive, and attentive, and the more I spoke to her the more I just started to forget about what I was there for."
Jane paused, her eyes flitting down to appreciate the curves of the asari in her short, slinky dress. Almost nothing was left to the imagination, the soft dents of her nipples from her prodigious breasts, all the way down to the distinct outline of the tube of dick between her legs; she clearly wasn't wearing panties today. Or at least not for this appointment.
"They're known for their ability to place others in exactly the state of mind they desire," Sha'ira murmured, "You have nothing to be ashamed of, I've never met someone that can truly withstand their psionic abilities."
"Well certainly not me," Jane responded, "Because before I even knew what was going on we were back in her apartment... or... someone's apartment. I saw a corpse in the kitchen when I came in, but I hardly cared. I just wanted to be right up next to her on the couch, feeling her tongue ram down my throat as she whispered sweet poison to me."
"You indulged," Sha'ira murmured, "Maybe you wanted to indulge, given the stress you were under."
"I wanted to," she agreed, "But I shouldn't have, because my mood... my feelings... t-they got the better of me."
Shepard took a moment to shut her eyes, replaying the scene in her mind. "Samara burst in, ready to end her, ready to do what we came to do, but... M-Morinth was ready for her. B-Because-"
"Because you told her everything," Sha'ira purred knowingly, "Of course you did."
Swallowing, the human stared at her wide-eyed before whispering, "How did you know?"
"Because you're just a human, and she's an Ardat-Yakshi. You would've been unable to withhold anything from her."
There was a subtle change in Sha'ira's expression, her lip curled into the softest smile, "So what happened?"
"W-Well... Morinth turned the tables. Turned me into her bait. So when she came in all she saw was me, a-and I made out that she'd already escaped, gotten one over on me or s-something. Then as Samara moved towards the open window to see where she'd gone, I... I took the Carnifex Morinth had left me, and shot her in the gut."
Shepard was awash with emotion, her features twisted with a cyclone of conflicting feelings, "B-But the worst part is that I wasn't under her control by that point. I'd broken free, but my cock was so f-fucking hard and I was so wet for her that-"
She drew in a slight breath as Sha'ira reached down, and gripped the hem of that silky dress, drawing it up the blue expanse of her body to expose a hard cock trapped between her thighs, one that issued a wave of aroused musk, and that to Jane's surprise, arousal, and horror, had been leaking thick cum for what must've been a while now.
Sha'ira's expression remained unchanged, as if wrapping a hand around her exposed foot-and-a-half cock and jerking off with her own dickslime as lube was perfectly normal in this situation.
"Describe to me how Samara died."
The wording of that, and the tone that carried it wasn't the kind of sensational psychiatry Sha'ira normally issued her words with. This had the energy of, "fucking talk dirty to me."
This was... abnormal. Sha'ira would go all the way of course, she'd chewed a pillow with rolled eyes while the blue beauty gripped her hips firmly many times in the past, but this was almost... aggressive, and the subject matter she was beating to; she'd never seen the Consort leak like that before.
"It w-was... brutal. Morinth pounced on her the moment she buckled after that shot in her stomach. She told me not to go for the head, because she needed her alive. She didn't taunt, barely said anything. She just kicked her mother over, ripped off her clothes with her biotics, and t-then mounted her."
Shepard shuddered, "I never knew a justicar could scream like that. She fucking shrieked. Energy erupted all over her body, her arteries and veins fucking lit up like sizzling glowworms. Morinth just slammed into her pussy relentlessly, and it was the first time I saw her grin like a psycho, like it was the most joyous experience of her life to rape her own mother and suck out her fucking soul."
Sha'ira issued a sudden laugh, "Oh, we don't suck out souls... we just absorb your neural impulses and replace them with sizzling pleasure until your weak fucking brains collapse from the overwhelming stimuli."
Her eyes widening in understanding, she was inclined to lurch away from the woman, but instead her fucking cock betrayed her and throbbed against the thick blue ass seated atop her. Sha'ira smirked knowingly, jerked her cock a few more times, until it spat a spurt of thin precum against her surprised features.
"Lick that up."
Jane didn't even think, her tongue darted out and she did it. A smug expression took Sha'ira's face, and with a swing of her legs, she stood up off the panting commander.
"I better get off you; if I cum while your dick is pressing against my ass like that, you'll probably snuff it. You weak, pathetic, human."
Each word was punctuated with a hard smack of thick blue monstercock against Jane's face, cockslop sliming down around her button nose as she plunged her hands into her own pants to pleasure herself.
"Now, tell me how such a scintillating night ended. Don't miss a single filthy little detail; I want to plaster your face."
With a whine, she watched that immense azure cock throb angrily, and bit her lip to spill the rest of the story.
"S-She... she raped Samara for over an hour, but it didn't take that long to break her. I don't know what she did, she melded with her. Embraced her again and again, black started running from her eyes, she was sobbing, screaming how sorry she was that she'd not accepted her daughter. She told her she could kill whoever she wanted, fuck whoever she wanted. Turn the galaxy into a dildo to massage her prostate until millions screamed their last if she wanted. And t-then..."
Jane glanced up, eventually wriggling out of her pants so that she could expose her cock to the tepid air, and beat off furiously, cockstink mixing in the normally serene space of Sha'ira's lounge.
"Then Morinth had me kill her," Jane suddenly snarled, her voice breaking a bit, dick milk jumping out of her urethra like a leaping fish teases the fisherman. "And I did. Oh fuck... I didn't even hesitate. I just grabbed my gun and blasted her right in the forehead. It felt so good."
The gleeful murder of an asari justicar by the renowned hero Commander Jane Shepard was apparently enough for Sha'ira to roll her eyes back, and violently ejaculate her pearly baby blue cum all over the panting features of the aroused human. Shepard continued on regardless, moaning freely as her tongue lolled out to catch her cum, and babble about how she and Morinth's subsequent spree claimed many more that night, so many women both mature and young dying for their rampant debauchery, and the filth of their relationship on the Normandy for the rest of the mission. Shepard grinned as she recalled how easily they fooled everyone, even as every night Morinth whispered her lewd fantasies of how she'd kill every last person on the ship. They even came close once, they got so near to Morinth draining Kelly dry as the table dancing slut performed for her in her cabin; but the Commander's better judgement won out, and she called it off.
"A shame," Sha'ira sighed, clearly satisfied for the moment as she let her cock slap against her thigh, "But not too strange. It takes a while for acolytes to learn their place sometimes. It's difficult to fully accept the divine."
"W-What?" Shepard asked, a little out of it after sharing such a powerful orgasm with the woman.
"Oh did you think you were the first? Ardat-Yakshi worship is hardly a new phenomenon. It's how we build our power bases, keep ourselves fat and happy; figuratively speaking."
She graced a hand down her taut body, and further explained, "You're clearly hip deep in it. How fortunate for us! I'm sure I could command you to walk out there and break dear Nelyna's neck out there, and you'd do it with a smile."
"S-Sha'ira," Shepard began, the consort continuing with an amused titter.
"In front of all those shocked people too! I'm sure you'd figure out a way to preserve your heroic reputation, wouldn't you? A simple matter... just say she was indoctrinated! You're a Spectre; you practically have a license to kill."
Shepard squirmed, and Sha'ira's dark gaze wore a darker smile. "But that'd be a waste of an awfully useful acolyte of my own. Perhaps another time. For now, I need you to clean up your mess and be off. Oh... unless you'd like to watch me eat my lunch?" A hungry glare entered her eye, "My next client just lost her husband, so sad... but with her parents many systems over, the Keepers will have her body in a furnace shortly after I'm done with her, and long before they come looking."
Shepard swallowed. Blood rushed past her ears. She would've liked to say she wanted to resist, or wanted to deny her... but she really didn't. She wanted to stay, and wanted to help Sha'ira. It just felt so much better to keep the beautiful blue foremost in her mind; because she only ever felt good doing as she was told by an asari.
She remained.
Jane hopped softly as she wriggled into her pants. Liara liked them tight, and so Shepard wore them tight. The asari was at that moment sat on the couch, poring over something on her omnitool, though taking blatant glances every so often at the sight of her lover getting dressed.
"You made a lot of noise last night," Liara murmured.
"When you were shoving that in me? Yeah, I expect I was pretty loud."
Liara grinned, but corrected herself, "I meant in your sleep. You were mumbling a lot."
"Oh. Yeah... I was having a dream."
"Sha'ira... that one day I told you about."
"Ah, no wonder you woke up throbbing."
She finally succeeded in packing her fat ass into those pants, only for Liara to quietly chuckle, "Think sedentary life is being too nice to you."
"Fuck you!" Jane shot back, "As if you're not in love with my big ass."
"Oh indeed, and I think it could be bigger. It's the one thing Miranda has over you."
The hungry tone made Jane shiver and blush. Somehow Liara just expressing her attraction was the hottest fucking shit to her, and it never failed to make her want to rip off her clothes and jump the hung beauty.
Alas, they had things to do, and so the jumping would have to wait. Instead, they headed a floor down and made their way into the briefing room, where Shepard, shocked into a stupor for a moment, thought she was seeing a ghost.
The conference room had been extensively modified, no longer just a table to stand around, holographic projections exhibited data from all around the galaxy. At the centre of this informational altar, stood an immensely tall asari. At the moment she was engaged in conversation, her smooth, saccharine voice easily commanding a subordinate.
"That's your job, Azira. You break necks for me, and I believe you're justly compensated for that duty."
"Y-Yes, Supreme Goddess, I'm not-"
"Are you unsatisfied in some manner?"
There was an edge to her tone that while not actively hostile, bore a tone that indicated whoever she was speaking to should choose her next words carefully.
"I am not unsatisfied... I would just like to keep Selena safe."
A sudden laugh escaped the towering woman before Shepard, a condescending, "Really? This is about a human?"
She let out a sigh, and slapped her powerful thighs, "Whatever. Fine. She's all yours. Dress her in cute outfits and show her off at parties for all I fucking care. Just do your fucking job."
After dismissing the communication, she turned around and graced Jane with a smile. Morinth was even more imposing than she remembered. Taller, firmer, bustier, curvier. Pure sex on legs material, and she was already quite the succubus before, but now there was an air about her, a magnetic gravitas that made her confident strides towards the redhead seem to carry the grace of the divine.
"I... I thought you were dead," Jane admitted, unsure what else to say. Why had Miranda allowed her on the ship? Everyone knew what she was.
"Oh no," she grinned, "No... I survived the war perfectly intact, and I managed to free my sisters in the process. You don't have to look so afraid; my condition isn't lethal anymore."
"What? How?"
Morinth hummed to herself, taking a moment to glance favourably at Liara before she said, "That's a conversation better had over a drink, I think. Plus, we have a mission to discuss. Shall we?"
Morinth strode past her, and Jane was left a moment to simply stare at Liara, prompting some kind of explanation.
"She's different," was all she said, and then slid a hand around Jane's shoulders to walk with her.
Into the portside observation lounge they went, where Morinth was already with a mere gesture of her biotics arranging drinks for the three of them. The blue energy passed Jane a fine glass of asari honey mead, from which she took a cautious sip. She was still a little worried about Liara's behaviour, as while she'd accepted her moment of unhinged debauchery while under Morinth's thrall years ago, she'd never seemed to like the woman.
"So how are your pets, Shepard?"
The redhead looked to Morinth, "Pets?"
"Your Reapers," she clarified.
The question hung in the air for a moment, to which she eventually murmured, "They're... fine?"
Morinth shared a quizzical look with Liara, and they each focused on Jane. "You control the most powerful force known to ever exist in the galaxy, and yet you're still so... timid."
"I'm not timid," Jane growled, eyes gaining a flash of fury. "I just don't have to beat my chest."
"But wouldn't it be fun once in a while?" Morinth purred seductively. "I remember how much fun you had on our bloody romp through Omega. Haven't you ever felt the urge to indulge in such a manner again?"
A silence permeated the room for a short while and Jane flicked her gaze to Liara again, then back to the psychotic woman beside her.
"Real big change. Clearly. With this much power, I have to be better. Responsible. Is there a point to this? I'm not sure why you're here, but I was told there were disappearances, and that Miranda would be in charge and we'd be investigating them together."
"Miranda's in charge of the Normandy," Morinth responded. The specificity of that statement chilled the human, but she said nothing on it for the moment.
Morinth drew in a breath, and let it out slowly. "But you're right. There is a point to why I wished to meet with you. I know the cause of these disappearances. I know it intimately in fact."
Shepard found a spot to sit down, and took another gulp of her drink. "Oh yeah? What's your lead?"
"Not a lead. A certainty. The people of these colonies are being consumed. By none other than a woman we both know; my mother."
Jane gulped. "Samara's dead."
"No... not precisely. I kept her body for my research. You see when I absorbed her biotic energies, and raped her mind, I discovered the piece that brought my condition to its... perfection. Indeed it was correct that while powerful, beautiful, and certainly superior to most other life forms, the Ardat-Yakshi's lack of control over their abilities and the sterility made the condition a dead end. Yet, when I absorbed that which was my mother's, I discovered an unparalleled control of my abilities, and a stillness of mind. I'm no longer ruled by my baser urges."
"Wonderful," Shepard deadpanned. "I shot Samara in the head. Has your epiphany somehow made that not the case?"
"No. Raising the dead through my own abilities is yet beyond me. Though... not beyond Cerberus, it would seem."
She gave Shepard a pointed look, and the human slowly set her drink aside, "Are you fucking insane? That technology barely worked on me, and it was not the smoothest revival, and I'm pretty sure whatever you did to her brain was somehow worse than me getting blown into space."
"Don't forget the part where you filled her head with superheated metal," Morinth grinned, "But, you are correct. I was able to revive my mother after dear Liara here acquired some medical scans of her brain tissue from the Thessian Medical Record, and while it took me a while, I eventually had her... alive. Though unbalanced."
"Why the fuck would you do that?" Jane hissed, "You hated your mother!"
"Not true, actually. My derangement made it impossible to see things clearly before, but I understand that my mother was just doing what she felt was best, and I was a menace to society. Though that part is likely still up for debate. I revived her more so for my sisters, but partially for myself as well. The only problem is that she's even more unhinged than I was, and unleashing her substantial biotic power on whatever her twisted up mind deems is her next target. At the moment, that appears to be human colonies. I certainly wonder why that could be..."
The insinuation was obvious, and Jane felt a burning rush of shame move across her cheeks.
She felt Liara's hand slide onto her shoulder, and peered up into her affectionate eyes, "Don't look so down... I've always liked you when you were violent."
That combined with the asari not so subtly pressing her thighs together, brought another flush to Shepard's face. Though this was certainly more arousal than shame.
"You never said as much before," Jane murmured.
"I wasn't as... uninhibited before. I have Morinth to thank for that."
Apprehension tightening in her chest, she glanced between them. Morinth spilled the beans with a giggle, "My condition isn't lethal anymore, Jane. But... I can bestow it upon others now. In a more perfect form than ever before. While most don't have the refined version of the condition I do, Liara... and every other asari onboard, are now Ardat-Yakshi."
"That's how I was able to control you when we embraced last night," Liara clarified.
Jane only now realised how close the both of them had gotten to her, a pair of immense bulges quite near to her face, perfectly at her eyeline. She should be horrified, panicked. Morinth had worked out a way to spread the insane space-succubus disease, and Liara was already onboard with it. If all the asari on the ship were like this, and there were so many of them... fuck, the women on the Normandy were little more than hens surrounded by many foxes. She had to tell Hackett immediately, she had to... had to...
A loud sllllluuuuurrppp! filled the observation lounge, as Shepard found herself easily slobbering on Mornth's fat, purple cockhead. Both women had casually slid their pants down as Jane was worrying, and her human instincts took care of the rest.
Liara stroked her red hair gently, and shared a look with a rather pleased Morinth. She was bigger than she had been before, her cock had a perfect symmetry to it; it was like a fucking sabre, a perfect length of virile asari breedmeat.
Something else caught her eye as she slid back and forth; unmissable as Morinth drew up her tight black shirt, revealing the bottom half of her hard-packed abdominals.
A single rune tattooed in black on her lower abdomen, framed by her strong hip bones.
"Zja." A widely recognised symbol of asari supremacy. Probably because it literally translated as, "First."
Probably another matter to be concerned about, but it was awfully hard to be concerned about much of anything with the veins of Morinth's cock glowing blue as she plundered her throat, a buzzed feeling spreading through her body, and the love of her life rubbing her balls against her face.
Everything was perfect.
"What's got you in such a hurry?"
Lysera was providing more speed and focus to washing up her station than she'd ever applied before, and to her colleagues it couldn't have been more obvious that she was excited about something. Lysera, being the Mess Sergeant, regarded her immediate subordinate, Chief Cook Gabriella Higgins with a sparkling eye.
"Well... I met a really amazing woman today. I think she's totally into me."
"Oh! Well..." the brunette issued a smile, "Good for you! I thought the other asari thought you too young for that kind of romantic pursuit though."
"Not an asari!" She smiled, "A human, like you."
"Really? Anyone I know?"
She finished rinsing a salad bowl and set it aside to be sanitised, and then after making sure nobody was eavesdropping with a brief glance around, she leaned in close to whisper, "It's the Lieutenant-Commander!"
Gabriella's eyes widened, and then she tightened her gaze, brow creasing as she slowly set the metal mug she'd been rinsing aside. "Williams?" She clarified, only for Lysera to give an excited little nod so enthusiastic it sent her boobs wobbling all over again.
"Lysera... you know she has a reputation for being a uh... well... a bit of a massive racist, right?"
She tried to approach the matter delicately, but she'd heard enough about Ashley's drunken rants to know that she was not someone to be considered egalitarian. From what she'd heard from Shepard's days, she and Liara butted heads on more than one occasion, with the matter being ended with a racial epithet leaving her mouth, and the Commander raising her voice for one of very few times.
"What?" The asari questioned, "That's not true, she was kind to me!"
"Because that's what you do in polite company Lys'. It doesn't mean she actually likes you. Not all racists wave flags. I'm just-"
"Embrace Supremacy."
Gabriella suddenly went still, setting down what she was working on and facing the asari with arms still at her sides. A content smile graced her features, turned into an open-mouthed pant as Lysera gripped her jaw, drew her in close, and pressed a thumb to her tongue.
Unlike the usual black of the embrace, Lysera's eyes glared a sparkling sapphire blue, shining like backlit gemstones set into her eye sockets. They swirled with an energy that seemed to completely subsume the will of the cute little cook in front of her.
Plunging through the open doors of her blank eyes and into the depths of her mind, she sought to uncover the truth for herself. She barged into her head like she owned it; which of course she did, as she was an ascended asari, and Gabriella, comfortable company as she was, still merely a human.
She saw that most of what Gabriella believed about Ashley was second-hand, but it wasn't unfounded. She had in the past expressed some pretty reprehensible opinions... but that didn't mean she hadn't changed, and it also didn't mean she couldn't fix her.
Something she had every intention of doing. This was only a minor flaw, if it even still existed at all, and one easily rectified.
Withdrawing from Gabriella's mind, Lysera smiled and requested, "Mind finishing up for me? I have to... take care of something."
It wasn't really a request, because in this state the human could only smile, and murmur reverently, "Yes, Goddess," before returning dutifully to her work.
Lysera quickly made her way out of the galley, tossing her towel aside as she headed back through the crew deck, and made her way around towards Liara's office. On the way she passed by the Captain, Miranda pushed against a wall with a pair of broad-shouldered asari commandos standing behind her, taking turns at spanking that perfect ass as they slung degrading insults at her.
"Can't believe the Supreme Goddess let you put your full uniform back on," the first sneered, her purple palm delivering a stinging spank to the hex-patterned bodysuit. "Should be fucking sacrilege to cover up this ass; it's the best fucking thing your pathetic species has ever produced."
"I'm s-sorry!" Miranda moaned, squirming in their grasp, "I at least made it as tight as I could... I can't even hide my balls anymore!"
"Oh don't be sorry," the second commando purred, yanking painfully on her dark hair to rip a gasp free from the woman. "We're gonna fuck you up for this later."
Lysera paid them little mind; toying with the humans was commonplace on this ship and had been for almost a year now. The door hissed open as she stepped into Liara's office, and she made a brief survey of the room to make sure she was alone.
She wasn't after anything sensitive, she just needed to take a look at the security footage.
Though honestly, what matter of security warranted individual micro-cameras in every shower stall was beyond her, but she was glad that the Shadow Broker apparently had voyeuristic instincts.
That... really shouldn't have been much of a surprise, now that she thought about it.
She quickly scooted into the seat before the wall of display panels, and flicked on her omnitool to interface with the terminal so she could start flicking through the filesystem. Moving through hourly recordings, face after face moved past. Kelly, Samantha, Samantha and Miranda making out, Liara, Liara skullfucking Kelly, aaaaand, there.
Lysera felt a pulse of arousal course through her body, her eyes brimming with rapt attention as she took in the nude form of the soldier. She was powerfully built, a well-defined line of abdominals symmetrically aligned down her midsection, leading to the valley between the swell of her hips.
The asari plunged her hands into her pants, and fished out her cock before she tore something; the sight of a perfectly smooth human pussy had her going in an instant. The way her eyes were angled up, framed by the steaming water running down her face, it was like she knew the camera was there, and she was posing for it. Posing for her.
What few might've not known about Lysera, is that she might seem sweet and tiny, all cupcakes and fairy floss, and maybe that was true.
Also among the most hung studs on the ship, and there were some very hung women onboard this vessel.
"Don't worry Ashley," Lysera panted, grunting as she fisted her cock like a madwoman, "I'll make you my sweet little puppy... I won't let any of these other bitches hurt you! You'll be nice to me forever, I'll keep you safe, and warm, and loved, and puh-p-pregnant!"
The image of those tight abs swollen with asari child was enough to send the woman over the edge, and with a violent splat her cock ejaculated juice the consistency of chunky snot right past one of Liara's monitors, hitting the wall beyond with a dull thud, and allowing the slimy mess to course down the metal panelling, eventually pooling along the floor in a mess the Shadow Broker was sure to step in when she went to sit at her desk later.
Oh well, Lysera was swimming on happy feelings after her cum. She kissed her hand, and then laid it upon the image of Ash soaping her hair, before logging out of Liara's system, and pulling her tights back up to quietly leave the office with a delighted little hum and a spring in her step.
She had a girlfriend!