Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 4: Slaves of Cerberus Part 2

In that moment, the effort to open her eyes seemed almost herculean. But finally, she did it.

The first thing that she noticed was that her surroundings were very familiar. Had she been dreaming? Had all of this just been a nightmare, like the ones she'd had during the Reaper War? After all, here she was in her cabin on the Normandy. For the briefest of seconds, she felt hope. But it died quickly.

Because the next thing that Shepard noticed was that she was currently bound in place. As she gained more and more awareness of her current predicament, the knockout drug wearing off slowly, she became aware of several very disconcerting facts in a short period of time.

First, while she was in her cabin, she was currently sitting on the floor. And this was because her arms were tied behind her – quite securely as she found – around the hand railing of the small stairs leading down to her bedroom area. Glancing up, she could see a chain had also been fastened to the top of the railing, which extended down to the long metal bar that was fastened to both of her ankles. Keeping her legs spread almost painfully wide open and raised just slightly off the floor.

And putting her bare crotch on display. Because – and this was the part that really disturbed her – whoever had secured her in this lewd position while she was unconscious, had also stripped every last stitch of clothing from her body.

There were a number of things she might have expected after she had been knocked out and captured by an enemy. Part of her was even surprised she had woken up at all, and her enemies had not just taken the opportunity to put a bullet in her helpless body. She might have expected to have woken up in an Alliance cell, being accused of being a fake Shepard while the "real" one was off pretending to be her. Or dumped on some unknown planet with no weapons and no means of escape, slavering varren ready to pounce.

But this... this was something far more demented.

A wave of panic filled her as she remembered. Liara! Ash! What had those bitches done with them?

And after a few moments of taking in her surroundings, at least one of those questions was answered.

Someone had slung a long chain over the ceiling beam. On each end of the chain was a black leather cuff, and from those cuffs dangled a limp and unresponsive Liara. Like Shepard, she had been stripped completely naked, and her dangling legs had been forcibly spread with a metal bar.

For a terrible moment, Shepard thought that Liara might be dead. But after a moment of watching, she could see Liara's bare breasts heave slightly, and she felt her fear subside. She took a breath to call out to Liara, and it was only then that she noticed the large mass that was holding her mouth open.

After Liara started to rouse and raised her head, she could see a bright red ballgag in the asari's mouth, and made an educated guess that the same perverted instrument had been inserted into her own mouth as well. Shepard also noted a black collar around Liara's neck, with circuitry and several tiny lights glowing along its surface. A biotic inhibitor, Shepard realized, and even without seeing her own neck had little doubt that one was securely fastened around her neck as well.

Who the hell were these people? What did they intend to do with her and Liara? And - Shepard took another look around to make sure she wasn't there – what had they done with Ash?

Liara was awake now, and Shepard saw the same look of confusion and panic on her face that most likely had been on her own when she had awoken. Liara turned to see Shepard and tried to talk, but all she could get out from around the red ball in her mouth was an inarticulate grunt.

"I see our guests have finally woken up," said a voice from behind Shepard. She craned her neck to watch as the woman she'd known as Maya Brooks, and the Shepard clone, descended the stairs. Both of them had removed their battle armor since the encounter in the Citadel Archive, and had now donned Cerberus uniforms, similar to the ones Shepard's crew had worn back when she had first been brought back by the Illusive Man. Seeing the mirror image of herself wearing that ugly symbol again made her want to puke.

"Look at you," said the clone, staring down at Shepard defenseless on the floor. "The savior of the galaxy, the great Commander Shepard. Do you believe me now? Do you believe that I am the true Shepard, and that you were the faker all along?"

"Fughhh ouuu," Shepard tried to curse the clone, but only ended up sound ridiculous.

Brooks tossed her hair and sneered down at Shepard. "I don't think she's convinced, my dear. Well, no matter. By the time we're finished with her and her friends, she'll be more than willing to accept her defeat." From behind her back, Brooks withdrew a bottle of wine. "Until then... shall we drink to our success, love?"

"I couldn't think of a better idea," the clone said, as she opened a nearby drawer and retrieved a corkscrew. As she twisted off the cork, she glanced down at Shepard and mockingly asked. "Oh, you don't mind if we have a drink of this, do you? I have to admit, you may be a pale imitation of me, but you do have good taste in wine."

Shepard said nothing, simply glaring angrily at the clone as she poured herself and Brooks a glass. The wine had cost her 4,000 credits, and she had been saving it for a special occasion. Namely, the night after the Crucible Day celebration, when she would give Liara her ring and ask for her hand in marriage. She had the whole thing all planned out. The ring, then the wine, then they would make love all night and wake up the next morning ready for a lifetime together.

That plan, it seemed, had been taken off the table.

Brooks raised her glass to the clone and smiled. "Here's to the real Commander Shepard," she declared.

"And to showing the fake one and her friends just what Cerberus is capable of," the clone finished their toast, and the two of them clinked their glasses together.

It reminded Shepard of what Brooks had said shortly before knocking her out. Oh, don't worry about your friends. We've got plans to deal with all of them. She wondered what happened to James, Garrus, all the rest of them back at the Archives. Joker had mentioned contacting Jacob just before they had set out, so hopefully he had gotten to them before the CAT-6 mercs had sealed them up in a vault. But what about the others? Not everyone she knew had come to the Citadel for the ceremony. If they didn't know about what had happened, didn't know that there was a monster out there, walking around with her face...

"Oh, we're so rude," Brooks said, as she crouched down next to Shepard, holding her wine glass up to Shepard's face. "Would you like a drink, my dear? Join us in our toast? No?" Brooks paused, and then snapped, "But I insist!" and flung the contents of the wine glass into Shepard's face. Shepard was too slow to react, and cried out into her gag as the wine splashed into her eyes, the alcohol feeling like fire on her retinas. She tried to blink away the irritating liquid, and her vision unblurred in time to see the clone standing next to the dangling Liara.

"Perhaps a little for our other guest as well," the clone said, as she tipped the bottle and let it drizzle out across Liara's breasts. Shepard bit hard into her gag as the clone then proceeded to lean down and begin licking the alcohol off of Liara's bare tits. Liara's face filled with disgust, and she tried her best to move away from the clone's lapping tongue. But in her current helpless position, she was forced to watch as the disgusting woman who looked just like her beloved slurped and sucked on her breasts.

"Just what are you doing, love?" Brooks asked the clone, her tone mildly reproachful, but mostly just amused.

Leaning away from Liara, leaving her breasts soaked in wine and saliva, the clone gave Brooks a helpless shrug. "I can't help it. It's in my DNA. I may think the asari are a bunch of conceited, foolish bimbos, who have more business being in charge of brothels than in charge of planets, but still..." The clone reached a hand down and boldly laid it on Liara's crotch, snaking a finger between her netherlips and forcefully stroking. "Part of me just can't resist the urge to fuck them." Turning to the real Shepard, the clone smirked as she continued to finger Liara. "I guess I have you to blame for that one."

"Well, all I'm saying is, why waste your time with a pair of alien tits?" Brooks said, before starting to unfasten her top. "When you've got an absolutely stunning pair of human tits that are yours to do whatever you want with."

Oh, God, this wasn't happening. Shepard watched as their two captors came together and fell into a passionate embrace, helping each other off with their clothing as they kissed each other. Shepard averted her eyes, only to see Liara's expression and wish she hadn't. She couldn't imagine what it must be like for Liara: even if she logically knew that the woman in front of her wasn't the real Shepard, having to watch someone who looked just like Shepard about to make love to another woman couldn't have been easy for her.

The two Cerberus lovers, both of them now down to just their panties, paused in their passion for a moment, throwing glances at their captives. "I don't think they're enjoying the show," the clone observed.

"Well, I think we can help them with that," Maya said, as she strutted her nearly-naked body over to a drawer. Shepard already knew what she was looking for, and the thought of what it meant made her struggle against her bonds.

"Quite a selection you have here," Brooks said, as she rummaged through the drawer, finally selecting an object in each hand. "Ooh, I think I have this one back at home," she cooed, as she extended one of the vibrators she had retrieved from Shepard's drawer and exhibited it to Shepard. "I'll let you decide. Do you want this one, or should I stick it in your asari slut?"

Shepard shook her head, and Brooks seemed to take this as an answer. "You don't want it? You want me to put it into Liara, then? Well, alright," Standing up and walking over to Liara, Brooks held the vibrator up in front of Liara's face. "We had a little talk, my dear, and Shepard told me that she very much wants me to put this inside your cunt. Isn't that right, Shepard?" Brooks didn't even bother to turn and see Shepard shaking her head again before saying, "Alright, then. We'll need to get you all nice and wet, first."

Activating the vibrator, Brooks brought it down to Liara's crotch, and pressed the tip of it against the upper edge of Liara's pussy. The asari shut her eyes and tried to move her hips away from the buzzing device. But Brooks matched every motion of Liara's hips, and soon the tip of the device became slick with Liara's unwilling arousal.

"There we go," Brooks said, as she slowly slid the whirring phallus into the squirming Liara. "That should keep you entertained while the real Shepard and I here break in our new bed." Turning away from Liara, Brooks brought out the other device and waved it in front of Shepard's face. "I guess that means this one's for you."

Shepard's eyes went wide. She had meant to get rid of that one. It was nearly twice the size of the device that Brooks had stuck into Liara. Shepard had used it once, and decided very quickly that it was too large and too powerful to be pleasurable for her.

And now Brooks was crouching down, bringing the loudly buzzing device up to Shepard's defenseless slit. Shepard cried out against her gag, writhing and trying her best to keep Brooks from sticking that giant thing inside her.

"Would you stop playing around and get back over here?" Shepard heard the clone say. A dark shape flew past Shepard's vision, and she looked down to see that the clone had discarded her panties. Shepard glanced past Brooks to see that the clone had started rubbing herself on the bed.

Suddenly, a sharp spike of pain filled Shepard's head, and tears came to her eyes. Brooks had grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked it roughly. "Stop...fucking... moving," she snarled, and Shepard was in too much pain to disobey by that point. Against all sense, she started willing herself to become aroused, in the hopes of making the huge vibrator enter her a little more smoothly.

But Brooks was obviously in a hurry, and Shepard had barely even gotten damp before the Cerberus operative started roughly thrusting the huge fake cock inside of Shepard's pussy. Shepard grunted and screamed against her gag as Brooks shoved the dildo, buzzing so hard it felt like a jackhammer inside her, as deep as she could manage.

Several agonizing moments later, Brooks, satisfied with her work, removed her hand from the vibrator and rose to her feet, leaving Shepard sweating and moaning in pain.

Just as Brooks turned away, Shepard forced out a word against her gag. "Aaaahh," she moaned.

"What's that?" Brooks said, as she returned to crouch down next to Shepard.

"Come on, babe," the clone called out. "Or I'm going to finish without you."

"Aaaaah," Shepard struggled to form the word. "Aaash."

"Ass?" Brooks said. "You want it up your ass instead? Might be tricky, but I can give it a shot."

Shepard violently shook her head again. "Aaash. Aaash."

Brooks smiled in understanding. "You want to know what we did with Ashley Williams." When Shepard nodded, Brooks gave her a condescending pat on the cheek. "Don't you worry about Ms. Williams. My team is giving her a proper welcome to Cerberus's newest ship, down in the cargo hold." Standing back up, Brooks placed her hands at her waist and slid her panties down to the floor. Picking them up, she daintily laid them across Shepard's face, and her nose was filled with the smell of Brooks's juices.

Shepard probably could have shaken them off, but she preferred having her vision obstructed by black lace, to the thought of seeing what she was hearing: the two bitches making heated, passionate love on what used to be her bed.

"Ash, wherever you are, I hope you're in a better situation that we are right now," Shepard thought to herself, as the moaning of their captors and the buzzing from her and Liara's crotches continued for hours.

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