Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 5: Slaves of Cerberus Part 3

"Well, the Council wanted proof that Cerberus was back," Ashley thought, as she wiped a trickle of blood from the side of her mouth. "And right about now, that proof is kicking my damn ass."

She was surrounded by angry women, the group of Cerberus Phantoms that had hauled them back to the Normandy now out of their armor and taking turns throwing punches at her.

"Alien lover!" yelled out one, as she swung her arm in a wild punch that Ash easily avoided.

But the motion left her off balance, and unprepared for a kick to the ribs that another of the women delivered. "Council whore!" shrieked the second woman as her kick landed. Ash struggled not to lose her breath and to keep on her feet. She had to stay on her feet. If these women got her down on the floor, she might never get up again.

She had woken up down in the cargo hold about five minutes ago, and no sooner was up and about than the first punch landed in her face. She had taken a few good blows before the knockout gas wore off, but these scrawny little bitches hadn't done enough damage to take her down yet. She'd dealt with their type before: they were built for speed and agility, not raw strength. In a one-on-one fist fight, Ash wouldn't have even broken a sweat.

But of course, this fight wasn't one-on-one. Not by a long shot. Ash counted at least six, and between their angry faces she could make out at least two more waiting in the wings. Even if she got lucky enough to knock one out, another would be there to take her place.

And even if she took them all down, what then? Chances were the Normandy was light-years away from the Citadel at this point. She might be able to make it to an escape pod if she got lucky, but the thought of bailing on Shepard and Liara like that, when they could still be alive somewhere on the ship... it wasn't an option.

But then again, her other options right about now seemed to be, "Lay down and die, or put up a fight... and die anyway." As another punch flew past her face, Ash charged forward, tackling one of the women against a nearby crate. The Cerberus bitch let out a wounded cry, and Ash landed a hard right cross to her chin before ducking away from another one of them coming from behind her.

"This all you got?" Ash gasped, as the women encircled her. "I thought Cerberus was supposed to be the best humanity had to offer? Because right now, all I'm seeing are a bunch of weak little..."

"Fuck you, alien ass-kisser!" cried out one of them. As Ash had hoped, the woman made a wild, angry dash at her, one that she could counter a mile away.

But she'd been so prepared for the one attacker, she momentarily lost focus on the others. She felt a hard impact on the back of her knee, her legs buckling from under her as she fell face-forward onto the floor.

"No," Ashley moaned internally, as the Phantoms surrounded her helpless body, and she felt the blows start to rain down on her. "Can't let them beat me. Shepard needs me." She could feel her consciousness start to fade, and she knew that once it was gone, most likely she would never wake up. "The... the galaxy needs..."

"That's enough, goddamn it!" she heard a loud voice call out above her. With her cheek down on the floor, she could only see the feet of her attackers, as one-by-one they stepped away. Her body aching, Ash raised herself up enough to see her rescuer.

The woman was built like something out of Greek mythology. Currently, she was pressing one of her ripply, veiny arms against the throat of one of Ash's attackers. Ash could barely see the other woman's face past the broad shoulders and massive delts, but what little Ash could discern showed absolute terror.

"I said," the blond-haired muscular woman snarled at the pinned-down Phantom, "that's enough. I swear, if you cunts left a single permanent mark on her, I'm going to personally kick your sorry asses straight out the nearest airlock." She released the unfortunate Phantom, who gasped and scurried away.

"I swear, it's like working with children sometimes," said the woman, who finally turned to look down at Ashley. The woman was attractive, with light hazel eyes and full lips. And her front side certainly was a match for her back, with one of the most defined set of abs Ash had ever seen on a woman. She could work out and shoot up on steroids for a year, and Ash would never even come close to having a body like this woman's.

"Get it together, Ash," she thought to herself. "This woman may have kept you from getting killed, but she's one of your captors just like the rest of them. Stop checking out her muscles and start figuring out what her game is."

"You hurt bad?" the woman asked. "You okay to walk?"

Ash rose shakily to her feet. "Yeah, I'm good."

"You'll pardon them," the woman gestured over at the Phantoms, who had relocated themselves to the other end of the cargo hold and now glared over at Ash and her new best friend. "Part of the genetic mods they do to us Phantoms makes it so we only need to sleep thirty minutes every twenty-four hours. Means we get a lot more done, naturally, but also leads to a whole lot of boredom. And you know how testy some folks can get when they get bored."

"So... you're one of them?" Ash asked her, still surprised at how genial this woman was being to her.

The woman gave her a crooked smile. "Tell you what. How about we go back to my office and chat, so these ladies will stop staring daggers at you and get back to training like they should be?" she elevated her voice at the end, and the Phantoms immediately began heading toward the pieces of training equipment spread around the room. Most likely Vega's stuff, Ash imagined.

"Office?" Ash said, as the well-built woman led her to the elevator. "You in charge here or something?"

"For the most part, you could say that," the woman, as they entered the lift and she hit the button for deck 3. "I mean, Agent Brooks and Shepard #2 are really the ones in charge, but they tend to let me handle the day-to-day affairs around here. Trust me to do what's necessary to keep things running smoothly."

"So, pulling me out of that little scrum back there... was that an order for above? Or was that just you exercising your own authority?" Ash asked her.

As they reached deck 3 and the door opened, the woman leaned in close. "That was my selfish little whim. Hate to break it to you, honey. But the ladies in charge, they don't really give a shit what happens to you. All their plans revolve around the two other captives up in their cabin, and they just brought you along for shits and giggles."

"Two other... Shepard and Liara are alive then?" Ash exclaimed, drawing stares from the crew mingling around on deck 3 as they walked. Ash recognized their uniforms. Just like the uniforms Shepard's crew had wore when she worked with Cerberus to fight the Collectors. God, it really was true. Cerberus was really back.

"Damn, here you got me talking too much and spilling things I shouldn't," the woman said, lightly slapping herself on the forehead. "Come on, let's step into my office, and I'll let you ask a few more questions before we get to what happens next."

What happens next. Ash wasn't sure she liked the sound of that. And with the revelation that Brooks and the clone had no interest in her life or death, it suddenly occurred to Ash that this woman, whoever she was, currently held Ash's fate in the palm of her hands. She was going to have to play these next few minutes carefully if she was going to avoid going back to the den of fighters down below.

They walked into the room, a cabin that used to be Liara's office back when Ash had made her home on the SR-2. These days... well, up until recently, that is, it had served as the cabin of Shepard's XO, James Vega. And if any person could make the décor choices of one Jimmy Vega fit her like a glove, it was this muscle-bound woman. Grabbing a pair of sizable dumbbells off a desk, the woman casually did bicep curls as she turned back to face Ash.

"So, let's back things up and do this properly," she said, as she lifted weights with alternating arms. "Name's Morgan Lezayen. One-time mercenary, now gainfully employed by a bunch of whacked-out human supremacists chasing after their former glories."

Ash arched an eyebrow. "So, does that mean you don't buy into the whole 'fighting for the rights of humans' philosophy?"

"Honey, I'll buy into any philosophy these folks tell me to," Morgan said with a laugh. "As long as they keep paying me and let me indulge myself from time to time, I could give a damn. If they told me tomorrow that they were a bunch of alien lovers and that I should start shooting every human I see... well, hand me the gun and don't skimp on the spare heatsinks."

"That must be some serious money," Ash said, sounding as casual as she could as she probed for more information. "Wonder where those kind of credits would be coming from."

"Don't know, don't care," Morgan remarked. "Just hope that we get started soon on all the fighting those ladies promised me when they signed me up and put me under the knife for the Phantom treatment. I tell you what, nothing gets the blood pumping through my body like a good fight." She paused in her exercises to give Ash a wink and a smile. "And I do mean my entire body."

"Heh heh. I know what you mean," Ash weakly muttered.

Morgan's smile widened as she said, "No, you don't. But you will."

"So, they said there's going to be some fighting coming up?" Ash asked, getting a little bit bolder in her questioning. Whatever was going on with this woman, she seemed to have no compunctions about answering any questions that Ash shot at her.

"That's what they tell me. Next phase of the game is go visit a couple of Shepard's old friends and bring them along for the ride," Morgan idly mused, resuming her arm exercises. "Pretty sure not all of them are going to be terribly cooperative. But they'll come along, one way or the other. And after that... comes the big one."

"The big one?" Ash asked. "That some sort of..."

Morgan let out a loud groan, and then abruptly dropped the dumbbells to the floor, where they struck with a loud clank. "Okay, talking time is over now."

Turning her back to Ash, Morgan stepped over to the bed at the far end of the room and took a seat at the edge of the mattress. Tossing her long blond hair back over her shoulders, she leaned back on her hands and stared across the room at Ash. "How about we stop wasting time, and you start taking off those clothes of yours?"

"Start taking off... wait, what?" Ash stammered.

Ash's reaction brought another wide smile to Morgan's face. "Oh, have I confused you? Did you think I brought you back here to eat chocolates and discuss poetry together? I guess I should have been more clear. See, here's the thing. We've got a long space flight ahead of us, and like I said: sleeping only thirty minutes out of the day means a whole lot of time to kill. And right about now, I feel like killing it watching you strip down to nothing, and then see where it goes from there."

"Are you fucking crazy?" Ash exclaimed, forgetting for a moment that this woman held her fate in her hand. "I'm not going to have sex with you!"

Morgan's smile faded, and she pursed her lips in consideration. "Well, nobody's forcing you to do anything, sweetheart. Just say the word, and I'll call a couple of the ladies from down on the cargo deck to come take you back and finish where you left off. If I recall correctly, I think that was somewhere around them caving your skull in with their feet."

Ash was ready to tell her to do it, that she would take her chances with the Phantoms and, if that's what it came to, at least die with dignity. But the news that Morgan had given her, that Shepard and Liara were still alive, gave Ash some pause. If there was any chance of escape, they all needed to survive whatever was to come. And it sounded like Brooks and the Shepard clone's plans involved keeping their other two hostages alive, at least for now.

"Dammit, Ash," said a tiny little voice in her head. It sounded a whole lot like her father, weirdly enough. "You've only ever made out with a girl once, and that was some drunken night you barely remember from back in your academy days. You really think you're gonna be able to munch carpet well enough to convince this woman not to toss you to the sharks?"

"I have to try," came her own voice in her head in response. "Shepard needs me to have her back. And after all she's done for me... is this really that much to ask?"

Morgan watched Ash's inner turmoil with a curious expression. "Well, Miss Williams? Do I make the call down to the cargo deck?"

Looking down at the cold metal floor, Ash took a breath and steeled herself. "No... no, you don't."

Clapping her hands, Morgan's grin returned to her face. "Alright, then. How about you give me a show, baby? No need to rush. We've got a long flight together."

Moving forward into the room, Ashley began peeling off her gloves, rolling them up her wrist and dropping them to the floor. Not exactly the sultriest start to her forced strip-tease, but she wanted to put off what was coming at the end of this sequence of events as long as possible.

As she bent down to start undoing one of her boots, Morgan cleared her throat. "Up here, sweetheart," she patted her lap. Ash complied, lifting her foot up into Morgan's lap. The blond woman easily undid and whipped Ash's right boot off, and then repeated the process with the left.

"Well, that's all the easy parts," Ash thought to herself. Slowly, she reached up to the neck of her shirt. Gripping the zipper, Ash tried not to retch at the eager expression on Morgan's face, as she slowly unzipped the garment and let it slide off her arms onto the floor.

"Damn, would you look at that," Morgan gazed in appreciation at Ash's upper body, only clad now in a black sports bra. "I mean, definitely room for improvement, but you can definitely tell that some work got put into that bod. You play your cards right, sweetheart, and I'll make sure you get some workout time in later. Would be a pity to let those muscles wither away."

"Gee, thanks for your hospitality, bitch," Ash thought but didn't say. Unfastening her belt, she tried her best to slide her pants down her legs as slowly as possible. Morgan let out another appreciative coo at the sight of Ash's toned legs. The woman knew what she liked, apparently.

Gripping the lower hem of her sports bra, Ash slowly drew the fabric up and under the lower curve of her breasts. Morgan was leaning forward now, practically drooling as she watched Ash's tits spill out into the open air.

Trying her best to delay the inevitable, Ash began her best attempt at a sexy dance, rubbing and caressing her breasts as she licked her lips. She ran through her memories, trying to remember all the Spectre business that had taken her into seedy nightclubs and underworld brothels. All those little tricks that the asari dancers and call girls would do to draw a man's eye.

Ash arched her back and rolled her hips, her fingers drifting along the edge of her grey cotton panties, the last garment remaining between her and this woman's lustful desires. Finally, though, Ash could see Morgan's expression start to turn annoyed, and knew that it was now or never. Slowly, and as sensuously as possible, Ash slid her panties down her legs, keeping her eyes locked on Morgan's as she stood up straight, naked as the day she was born.

"Fucking hell, somebody up there likes me," Morgan moaned, "Dropping such a wonderful gift in my lap like this. Turn around," she commanded, and Ash obeyed. "Bend over. No, all the way over. Spread your legs wide." Ash followed the Phantom leader's commands, hating that she had been driven to this but knowing that it had to be preferable to death. "Spread those cheeks, let me see that asshole."

Gritting her teeth and forcing herself not to stand back up, run over and strangle this lesbian bitch to death, Ash took hold of her asscheeks and spread them as wide as she could. She couldn't see Morgan from her current position, but she heard the woman whistle between her teeth. "Tell me the truth, now... you ever done anal before?"

"No!" Ash blurted out, then repeated it more calmly. "No."

"Oh, ho, ho," Ash heard a thumping noise that she eventually figured out was Morgan pounding her feet on the floor in excitement. "And an anal virgin to boot! Sweetheart, you're proving to be quite a catch. But now comes the true test. Stand up straight now, turn to face me."

Turning to face Morgan again, Ash saw that the woman had stripped off her tank top, and was fondling one of her breasts with one hand. The other hand was between her legs, gripping her mound and rubbing forcefully. "Come over and undress me," she commanded. "Time for you to prove your skills."

Struggling to retain her composure, Ash stepped forward. Morgan removed her hand from her crotch and watched Ash approach her, eyes wide in eager anticipation. Sinking down to her knees, Ash gripped the top of Morgan's baggy camouflage pants and began slowly drawing them down. Her fingers snagged the edge of Morgan's underwear as well, as she made to pull off all of the woman's lower garments in one motion.

Once the pants and underwear were past Morgan's crotch, what Ash saw then made her gasp and tumble back in surprise.

"Oh, don't be frightened, babe," Morgan said cheerfully, as she reached down between her legs and wrapped her fingers around the throbbing cock that jutted out above her pussy. "It won't bite."

"You... you've got..." Ash stammered, wide eyes staring at the massive organ.

"Not part of the standard Phantom package, I assure you," Morgan said, remarkably nonchalant as she stroked her erection. "But I bribed our resident doc with some extra credits from my last merc job, and he agreed to do the work on the side. And let me tell you... it was so fucking worth it." Morgan's tone turned annoyed as she glared at Ash. "Uh, babe? I appreciate that it's a bit shocking and all, but I didn't just take it out for air."

Leaning forward, hand slightly shaking, Ash reached out to grip the... the cock between the Phantom leader's thighs. From the warm feeling on her palm and the blood she could feel pumping through it, Ash could be sure that it wasn't some kind of prosthetic or high-tech strap-on.

Nope. It was a real cock. And taking a deep breath, Ash got down to sucking on the massive rod.

"There you go," Morgan encouraged Ash's bobbing head. "Really is amazing, what they can do with genetics these days. Doc even gave me a working set of balls so that I could be fully functional." Pulling her hands away from her tits, Morgan pointed a finger at either side of her pussy. "Put them on the inside, though. Figured there'd be less chance for unfortunate zipper accidents that way. But same as a man's cock in every other way."

Morgan paused, then raised a finger. "Oh right, 'cept for the other thing. See, doc said he even could have set it up so my body produced actual sperm," Morgan chatted about the subject of her genetically-grafted cock like it was tomorrow's weather. "I told him, 'Doc, I got enough shit to deal with in my life already. You really think I want to be out there knocking up bitches on top of everything?' So the doc left that part out."

Ash tried her best to block out Morgan's constant yammering. In her mind, she imagined herself back on that night just before the war ended. That party at Anderson's apartment, where everybody had drunk way too much, and Ash had taken James to a quiet corner and did something very similar to what she was doing now. Being in Vega's (former) personal cabin right now, the smell of his sweat from his constant workouts still lingering in the air, Ash could almost convince herself she was sucking off the studly marine right now, and not some freak of nature woman, who on a whim went out and got herself a cock.

"But fair warning, just because I can't catch you pregnant, doesn't mean I ain't gonna cum like a fire hose when you finish me off," Morgan continued. "Which, the way you're going... it ain't gonna be long now."

Morgan idly played with the hair on Ash's bobbing head as she spoke, "You should count yourself lucky. If you'd taken off those clothes and I wasn't a fan of your body, or if you were shit at giving a blowjob... you would have gone right back down to the cargo hold. But I've made up my mind, and I think you're going to be happy with my decision. For the rest of this trip, and from this point on... you're going to be my personal bitch. You'll stay here in my cabin, away from any of those awful people down below who'd try to put bruises on such a gorgeous body, and your only concern from now on will be sucking and fucking at my command. That cock you've got between those sweet little lips of yours right now... as long as you keep doing for it like you're doing now, we're not going to have any problems." Tilting her head back, Morgan opened her mouth and let out a long, low moan. "Oh, here it comes, bitch. Here comes my good little bitch's first big load! Unh... unh..."

Morgan's cock started jerking, and Ash felt her mouth begin filling up with warm cum. Reaching her hand up, she stroked and milked Morgan's cock, trying to drain the cum from the woman's internal balls as quickly as she could. Just when she felt like her mouth couldn't hold any more of the hot seed, she could feel the hard slab of meat in her hand start to shrink and wither. As she watched in surprise, it continued to get smaller and smaller, until it was little more than a two inch nub, only a little bit larger than the clit it was situated above.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Morgan said. "The marvels of modern science."

Turning her head and raising her hand, Ash spat out the cum that she had gathered in her mouth. "Yeah, I'm impressed. Now..."

Ash's words were cut off, as Morgan suddenly lunged forward and grabbed her by the face. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Did you just... spit out my cum?"

Unable to speak with Morgan's hard grip on her face, Ash could only nod.

"Maybe you didn't understand the importance of what I just said to you," Morgan said, the joviality in her voice drained away, replaced by a cold and vicious tone. "You're my bitch now. And being my bitch means that you're the only bitch, you understand? That cum you just spit out... that cum is for you, and only for you, from now on. It's my gift to you, and you treat it like... like that?" With her free hand, Morgan rubbed her forehead. "Look, I'm sorry if I'm yelling. But if you don't want me to throw you back to the wolves, you'd better show my gift the proper appreciation."

Morgan released her grip on Ash's face. Turning her head and trying her best to keep her stomach from protesting, Ash began licking the cum out of her palm and off her hand. Once her mouth was full of the warm semen, she forced herself to swallow it down.

"Much better," Morgan said, the smile returning to her face. "Now, then. I've got some things to check up on around the ship. Why don't you go ahead and catch a nap over on the couch over there? Imagine it's been a hard day for my new little bitch." Watching as Ash cleaned the last drops of cum off her fingers, she reached down and gave her a pat on the head. "And when I get back, we can get started on busting open that virgin asshole of yours."

If that was meant to make it easier for Ash to sleep, it didn't. She turned from her spot kneeling on the floor, and went to grab her underwear.

"Uh uh uh," Morgan cheerily said, scooping up the underwear and all of Ash's other articles of clothing. "No bitch of mine is going to have to worry about something as pointless as clothes," she said, tossing all of Ash's clothing into a drawer and locking it shut. "There's a blanket on the couch if you're feeling cold. Some snacks on my desk if you get the munchies." Heading out the door, she called back over her shoulder, voice still filled with glee. "Now be good while I'm gone! And keep that ass all nice and puckered for me!"

Shuffling over to the couch, Ash huddled under the blanket, her body folding into a fetal position as she stared at the walls and didn't come even close to sleeping.

Maybe going back to the cargo bay would have been the right choice after all.

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