Chapter 7: Slaves of Cerberus Part 5
When she had woken up, she was in darkness and pain.
"Is this what death is like?" she had thought to herself. "Is this my fate for the rest of existence? To suffer in darkness?"
In that blackness, she had remembered the vision of the insane A.I. calling itself the Catalyst. Remembered the choices it had given her, the dilemma it had placed in front of her. How she had wished she could have told that psychopath wearing the face of a child to go to hell with its choices. But as much as she wanted it to be different, the Catalyst and the power of the Crucible were the only way to stop the war once and for all.
And so she had made her choice. She had rationalized it beforehand. Not only would her choice destroy the Reapers, it would also rid the galaxy of the Catalyst and its broken logic.
But as she had stepped up to that conduit, firing the shots that would kill all A.I. and – she believed – herself as well, three faces had flashed into her mind: Admiral Anderson, once so courageous and commanding, lying dead on the floor below her. Liara, who had stood by her side for so long.
And EDI. It was funny. Shepard had been taught since she was young that all A.I. were evil, and would inherently desire to rebel against their masters. The Quarians were held up as a cautionary tale, what happens when organic beings make the mistake of trusting sentient computers. And in her days fighting against geth, she had seen nothing to make her believe that these teachings were wrong.
But then EDI had come along. Despite their first meeting being somewhat contemptuous – what with Shepard putting bullets into most of her vital systems – the AI had become a real member of her crew, and Shepard had even come to the point of calling EDI a friend.
And then Shepard killed her.
"For the greater good" and all that didn't seem to help much when Shepard knew that, as she was firing shots into that conduit, she might as well be back on Luna again. Might as well be shooting EDI herself.
It was those actions that made her believe at first that this dark, painful state she was in was her punishment. It was only a few hours later, when engineers sorting through the battered Citadel found her and pulled her bleeding and half-starved body from the wreckage, that she came to the startling realization that she was, somehow, still alive.
But there were nights, more than she cared to admit, that she dreamed she was back under that rubble. Trapped in the blackness, certain she had been consigned to hell.
Considering her current circumstances, maybe that dream was more appropriate now than ever before.
* * *
There was a sharp pain in her forehead, drawing her out of sleep. But Shepard didn't want to open her eyes at first. If she could just stay in the darkness a little while longer, she could forget where she really was.
Then another pain, this one right above her eye. And finally Shepard opened her eyes, to see her own dark and twisted mirror image. The clone was sitting in a chair opposite Shepard, a light smile on her face as she held a large stack of what appeared to be thin metal plates.
"Finally awake, I see," the clone said. "Was just doing some tidying up around the ship. Getting rid of some of the more tacky decorations."
Shepard stared at the plates in the clone's hand, and it took her a second before she realized what she was looking at. Staring down at the floor, she saw several more of the plates scattered around her.
She looked back up at the clone, eyes filled with rage. It was bad enough she was stealing the Normandy and holding her hostage. Did she have to desecrate the memories of these people, who had bled and died to save the galaxy?
The clone saw Shepard's anger, and it only seemed to make her more pleased with herself. "I told you, didn't I?" the clone said, as she chose another name plate and threw it at Shepard. The sharp edge hit Shepard's upper chest and left a red mark, before tumbling down her bare breasts and hitting the floor. The name, upside-down from Shepard's viewpoint, read "MORDIN SOLUS." "Told you that your devotion to your comrades was your weakness. You and your people killed quite a few of the mercenaries we hired back on the Citadel. Think I'll be putting any of their names up on a wall somewhere? Assuming I had cared enough to even remember their names, that is."
Shepard, ball-gag still in her mouth, could not respond. Even if that weren't the case, the fact that she was still locked in a hideously obscene position – legs hoisted and spread, her sore pussy wantonly on display – would have made any attempts to berate or intimidate the clone somewhat unconvincing.
"At least they took the goddamned vibrator out," Shepard thought to herself. Though this was little comfort to her, as the clone continued to take the memorial plates and flick them at Shepard's naked body, each impact delivering a slight, sharp pain. To Shepard's body... and to her conscience as well.
"Ooh, here's an old favorite," the clone said, taking the next nameplate and exhibiting it to Shepard: "KAIDAN ALENKO." "Tell me, Shepard: how many nights did you cry yourself to sleep, thinking about the terrible choice you had to make between him and Williams? Oh, it must have torn you apart so much, having to decide." Laughing, the clone slouched back in her chair. "Me, I would have gone with a good, old-fashioned coin toss." The clone threw the plate, the edge of Kaidan's memorial striking Shepard's cheek before tumbling to the floor among the rest.
"And of course, there's this one," the clone put the other plates down and held the one she'd chosen up to Shepard. "ANNA SHEPARD." "Guess they had this one ready to go, just in case," the clone mused. "Who knows, though? Before all this is over, we might get a chance to make it come true." Standing up from the chair, the clone crouched down next to her defenseless captive. Reaching between Shepard's legs, the clone spread apart her labia with one hand, while slowly sliding Shepard's memorial plate inside of her. The sharp metal edges grated roughly against Shepard's inner walls, Shepard fighting the urge to cry out. She didn't want to give this lab-grown bitch the pleasure of seeing her in pain.
"We'll just leave that there for a while, as a reminder of why you lost to me," the clone said with a smirk. "And so you remember the next lesson we're about to deliver to you."
As if on cue, the door to Shepard's cabin slid open, and Shepard turned to watch Brooks lead Liara in. Liara had her arms bound behind her back, and the look in her eyes was sad and downcast. Shepard couldn't imagine what kind of psychos Brooks and the clone had manning this ship, if the sight of one of their leaders parading around a naked, gagged asari didn't give them pause. And make them wonder what kind of sick and twisted people they were taking orders from.
"Who are you kidding, Shepard?" she thought to herself. "These people are trying to revive Cerberus. 'Sick and twisted' comes as part of the package."
"So?" the clone said, standing up to face the new arrival. "Did she check out alright?"
"Ruben says it's all good," Brooks said. "After his typical grousing about 'filthy asari' and all that. Shouldn't be a problem."
The clone nodded. "Alright then. Think it's time for my imitator down there and her asari girlfriend to learn what their new life on the Normandy entails."
Brooks led Liara over to the railing opposite of Shepard, and withdrew a key to unfasten one of Liara's wrists. Part of Shepard expected Liara to use her now free hands to choke the life out of the Cerberus operative, but Liara remained compliant as Brooks worked the old-fashioned metal handcuffs through the railing and refastened them to Liara's wrist.
"I've got something to show you two," Brooks said, as she went over to a large duffel bag by the side of Shepard's bed. She retrieved a large metal rod, with twin prongs on one end and a rubber handle on the other. Holding it up casually in one hand, she pivoted so that both Shepard and Liara got a glimpse of it. "This is a varren prod. The Krogan invented it as a method of training their filthy little beasts to obey." Brooks glanced over at the clone. "And now, we'll be using it for the same purpose."
Walking over to Liara, Brooks pushed a button on the handle of the device. "Allow me to demonstrate."
There was a crackling of electricity, and Shepard struggled against her bonds as Brooks pressed the end of the device into Liara's flesh. The cries Liara let out against the hard rubber of the ball-gag made Shepard's vision go red. She saw herself taking that rod and jamming it up Brooks's ass, hitting the button over and over again until her insides were scorched black. She could feel the handcuffs around her wrists digging into her flesh, and knew she was probably cutting herself on the hard metal.
But she didn't care. Saren, the Illusive Man, Balak... none of them had she hated as much as she hated these two women.
After a few agonizing seconds of watching Liara scream and writhe, Brooks pulled the prod away, and Liara tumbled back and slid against the wall, falling to her knees on the floor. Brooks turned a sinister gaze to Shepard, but then glanced over at her clone lover. "You wish to do the honors, love?" Brooks said to the clone, handing the prod over to her.
"Naturally," the clone retrieved the prod and stood over Shepard. She hit the button on the handle a couple of times, electricity sparking between the two prongs. "I want you to remember how this feels," she said. "Because you're about to be given your instructions. And if you don't want to follow them, well..."
The clone touched the prod to Shepard's skin, and she nearly bit through the hard rubbed ball in her mouth. She'd experienced pain before, but nothing even close to this level of total, unimaginable misery. She could feel her restraints biting into her flesh again, a thin trickle of blood dripping down her wrist, as she twitched and screamed under the torture of the device.
She doubted that the clone had used the device any longer on her than Brooks had on Liara. A few seconds at most. But it felt like hours had passed before the clone finally pulled the prod away.
"Now that you've seen what it will feel like to disobey, here are your instructions," the clone said, moving to stand beside Brooks as the two of them eyed their prisoners. "From now on, you are our slaves. You will follow any instructions given by us or our people. With no hesitation, and no questions asked. You will not speak to any of your masters unless we request you to. Any insubordination, hesitation, or resistance will be met with punishment."
"Do not believe us to be completely without mercy, however," Brooks said. "If you behave, and play by our rules, you will be allowed free reign of this cabin while we're not here. Use the facilities, sleep on the bed. You might even be able to make yourselves believe that this is all just a horrible dream, for a little while at least. But if you hear the door chime, you are to stop whatever you are doing and move to stand with your back against the wall." Pointing, Brooks added disdainfully, "Over there, where all those wretched fish used to be. You will do this, and you will not move until instructed otherwise."
The clone continued. "And before you get any bright ideas, we have access to the camera feed inside this room. And access to the Normandy's counter-insurgency protocols. If you fail to comply with this command in enough time, we will gas the room and knock you out, secure you in these positions again, and spend the next few hours disciplining you with the prod."
"I already know what you're thinking, Shepard," Brooks said, as she stared calmly into Shepard's vicious glare. "You're already working out escape plans, ways for you and your asari to kill us and take back control of the Normandy. I promise you, they will not work. First off, we have recoded the Normandy's lifts to include a biometric scan. One that is only coded to recognize the true Commander Shepard, myself, and our crew." Brooks took the prod from the clone, and Shepard flinched as Brooks put the tip of it inches from Shepard's face and hit the button. "And if you've got some plan to take this away from one of us, I'd like to inform you that the triggering mechanism has been fitted with a thumb scanner. Needless to say, Liara T'Soni and the fake Commander Shepard have not been programmed to use it."
The clone spoke to Shepard, the enjoyment on her and Brooks's faces as they detailed the terms of Shepard and Liara's captivity evident. "Incidentally, I don't know if you've noticed something a little different around the top of your head. Well, I guess without a mirror, it would be difficult. But while you were knocked out, I took a trimmer to your hair. Didn't cut it as short as your old friend Jack used to do hers, of course. But enough so that, even if you did manage to get off this deck and out into the rest of the ship, you'd have a difficult time trying to impersonate me." Looking over at Brooks, Shepard cocked a head. "Think that's everything. Anything you can think of that I forgot?"
"Not a thing, love," Brooks said, holding up a hand to caress the clone's cheek, before leaning in for a light kiss. It must have been a bizarre sight: two women sharing a tender kiss, while an exact duplicate of one of the women and an asari watched from the flood, bound and gagged. A classic romance, it certainly was not.
Brooks pulled away from the clone's lips, and turned back to face her captives. "Now, I think it's time that our two slaves demonstrate their understanding of the rules," she said, and Shepard watched in disgust as she reached for her belt and started dropping her slacks to the floor. She hoped that these two didn't intend to make love again in front of them, but considering the clone was mirroring Brooks's actions and sliding off her pants as well, Shepard suspected that the two little voyeurs were about to get their freak on again.
The two women were completely bottomless now, pussies bare and right at Shepard and Liara's eye level on the floor. "Now," the clone said, as she moved to stand in front of Liara, "here's what's going to happen. Maya and I are going to take those gags out of your mouth, and you two are going to demonstrate that you understand the rules."
The clone hesitated, a sinister smile on her face as she continued, "And that understanding will be demonstrated by the two of you eating us out. Hesitate, and we use the rod. Any teeth come out, any attempt to do anything other than lapping at our wet cunts, and we use the rod. But if you make us both cum, then we will undo your bonds and allow you some free time before your next session."
"Trust me on this," Brooks said, as she unlocked the spreader bar from Shepard's legs and removed the plaque from her pussy, allowing her to move into a kneeling position. "Considering what we have planned for you two in the weeks to come, what we ask of you today is precious, precious little. You might come to look back on this day fondly, to be honest."
"Now, before we take these off," the clone said, as she crouched down next to Liara and reached back to the straps of the ball-gag, "I want to get a nod out of both of you, that you're going to play by the rules. Because if you don't," the clone grabbed the varren prod and triggered it, the device letting out loud cracking noises. "Maya and I can always entertain ourselves in other ways, instead. So, do you agree to follow the rules? Or do we spend the next few hours tossing the prod back and forth and seeing who passes out first?"
Shepard watched as Liara, after several seconds of hesitation, slowly nodded. The clone unhooked the gag from her mouth, and Liara had only a few seconds to work her sore jaw before the clone had stood up, grabbed Liara by the head fronds, and shoved her face directly between her pale pink thighs.
The sight made Shepard want to retch, but she found her head being forcefully turned to the side by Brooks. "How about you?" Brooks asked her. "You going to fall in line?"
She hated herself for it, but the thought of suffering under that prod for hours on end was unfathomable. Her eyes still burning with murderous intent, Shepard nonetheless nodded.
"Good," Brooks said, unfastening the gag for Shepard's mouth and standing up straight. Brooks's pussy, already glistening with arousal and decorated with a small strip of pitch black hair at the top, was now directly in Shepard's face. "Now, I know it's probably been a while since you've done this to a human cunt, but from my understanding, I believe we all have our parts in the same place. I'm sure you'll manage," Brooks said, as she stepped forward and put her crotch in the reach of Shepard's mouth.
Leaning forward, Shepard hesitatingly stuck out her tongue. She tried to move as slowly as possible, but eventually she felt Brooks's nagging hand on the back of her trimmed head, and she leaned in enough to get the taste of Brooks's cunt on her tongue. Her nose filled with that smell of arousal again, the same that had wafted from the woman's panties while the two of them had fucked on Shepard's bed.
She licked, slowly at first. To her left, she could hear her clone letting out light moans of approval. Twisted as it may have been, Shepard couldn't help but envy Liara in one regard: at least she might be able to pretend that she was eating the pussy of somebody she loved, and not one of their twisted captors. And if the clone's body was wired the same as Shepard's, Liara would have an easier time making this vicious, perverted facsimile of herself come to a climax.
Fingernails bit into the back of Shepard's head, and she winced. "Too slow, slave," she heard Brooks above her. "You're going to have to work harder than that if you're going to get me off."
Visions of this woman's painful death filling her mind, Shepard sought out Brooks's clit with her mouth. She wrapped her lips around the sensitive nub of flesh, and began working her tongue around it. From the feeling of warm arousal dripping down Shepard's chin, she must have been doing something right.
"You'll figure out a way to get out of this," Shepard told herself, as she started to feel her tongue get sore from the effort she was putting into pleasuring her captor. "Right now, they've got the upper hand. But if you play ball for now, get them to let their guard down a little, you'll find a way out of this sooner or later. And if not... Garrus and Jacob and your friends, they'll find you. They have to."
It sounded good to her. She wasn't sure she was entirely convinced, but for now, it made being forced to eat the pussy of her captor feel a little less degrading.
"So, how's she doing?" she heard the clone ask, her breath hitching a little as Liara's head bobbed between her legs.
"Adequate," Brooks said, even as her juices dripped down Shepard's face. "No comparison to the genuine article, though. Like everything else, she's just a pathetic copy of the real Shepard."
Shepard heard her clone laughing. "Well, maybe tonight I'll make it up to you. This one, however..." the clone let out a long, low moan. "With a tongue like this, it's no wonder why the asari are the best whores in the galaxy. Makes me wonder if their fake Prothean goddess made them the 'chosen race' because she wasn't thinking with her brain, but with her cunt... or whatever Protheans had."
"Makes sense to me," Brooks said. "Because God knows the Protheans didn't pick them for their smarts. Else why would their planet have ended up a smoking pile of rubble?"
Shepard knew that Liara was strong, and childish taunts like these wouldn't get to her. Still, she couldn't imagine it was easy for Liara to concentrate on her current task, with these women putting down her entire species while she did it.
After several more minutes of vigorous licking and vulgar taunts from over her head, Shepard finally heard Brooks's coarse talk get interrupted by gasping breaths and moans. Shepard, her face now glistening with her captor's fluids, pulled away as soon as Brooks's climax seemed to subside.
Looking over, Shepard saw that Liara had finished her work as well. The clone released her grip on Liara's head and pulled away, she and Brooks returning to their clothing and getting dressed.
"A good start," the clone said as she zipped up her Cerberus uniform pants. "But I think there's a lot more things we can do with our two new slaves. Don't you think?"
"Oh, no question," Brooks said. "For now, though, we'll fulfill our end of the bargain." Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a set of keys. "Now, I'm going to unlock you two from your bonds. As soon as you have been released, you will stand up against the aquarium wall, and you will not move until we have left the cabin and locked the door. Nod if you understand."
Shepard nodded, and Liara followed suit. Brooks unlocked Liara first, who rubbed her wrists as she walked over to the position she had been ordered to. "Back against the wall, hands behind your back," the clone commanded, and Liara obeyed.
"Now, your turn," Brooks said, as she undid Shepard's handcuffs. Shepard noted with a dull satisfaction that Brooks tensed up, just a little, as Shepard pulled her arms away from the railing.
All your talk about being in control of things, about how that clone is the real Shepard and I'm just a copy. And still, I see the fear in your eyes. The knowledge that, if circumstances were different, you'd be lying dead on that floor before you'd even get a chance to blink.
Despite seeing the weakness in her captor, Shepard still walked over to stand beside Liara. She mirrored Liara's posture and stared straight ahead, eagerly anticipating the moment when these two women would leave their presence.
"Now, Maya and I have matters to attend to on our ship," the clone said. "You two can take this time to do whatever you like while you're gone. Just try not to mess up our cabin too much, or we might have to rethink our generosity. Somebody will be up with some food later. Imagine you two are probably getting hungry."
"Wouldn't want our slaves to starve, now, would we?" Brooks said with a caustic laugh. She and the clone started heading for the door.
Everyone in the room jumped, startled at the sudden command. Except for Shepard, the one who had issued it.
As Brooks and the clone turned, Brooks with the varren prod in hand, Shepard continued speaking. "I know I'm going to get punished for this, and I'll take it, because I only need to say this once. You may think you've won this, that you've defeated me. But your victory is temporary at best. You talk about my friends being my weakness, but when they track you and this ship down – and trust me, they will find you – you're going to see my 'weakness' coming at you with guns blazing. And when they come for me, and you two are left on your knees and begging for your lives... you will find no mercy for me."
The two captors had walked over to stand in front of Shepard, watching with blank expressions as she spoke. "I've shown mercy to so many. Murderers, terrorists, men with the most twisted minds – whether twisted by indoctrination or just their own insanity – all of them I have offered mercy if I can. But for you two... none of that. After I've finished talking, you can prod me, torture me, do whatever twisted things you want to me as punishment, but that won't stop me from saying this, here and now: I promise you, on the lives of those people whose names belong on the Normandy wall, and on everything that I stand for... that when the day comes, I will kill both of you without hesitation."
The clone and Brooks glanced at each other. "Quite a speech there, slave," Brooks said, sounding unimpressed. "If only bravado and a few powerfully spoken words could free you from your predicament. But it's going to take a bit more than that, I'm afraid," Brooks raised the prod. "And you are right, that the only thing your act of pointless disobedience will accomplish will be swift punishment. So, with that said..."
Swinging her hand to the side, Brooks hit the button on the prod, and pressed it against Liara's neck. Shepard instinctively stepped forward, only to feel her clone's powerful hand on her shoulder. "Move away from that wall, and we turn the voltage up to double strength," the clone warned her, as Liara cried out in pain. Shepard's breath heaved in rage as she was forced to sit back and watch Liara suffer, while the clone stared back at her with arrogant glee.
"Remember what I said to you," the clone said, leaning in close to get face to face with her twin. "About how your friends are your weakness. Well, here's your demonstration. Because if you disobey any of our orders, speak out of turn like you just did, then the good asari doctor here will take the shock. And the same goes for her as well: she uses that talented little asari tongue of hers for any purpose than lapping at snatch, then we'll shock you until you piss yourself."
Brooks turned off the prod, and Liara drew in pained, ragged breaths as the agony ebbed. "I think the lesson has been received," Brooks said, as she and the clone resumed their exit. "Have a nice rest, slaves. The best is still yet to come."
The door shut and locked behind them, and Shepard turned to face Liara, still breathing heavily from the pain of the prod. She fought to think of anything to say, any calming words that could make Liara feel better.
In the end, though, nothing came. And she simply stepped forward and wrapped Liara in her arms, the two of them desperately holding tight to each other.
"I'm sorry, Liara," Shepard thought to herself. "I'm sorry for getting us into this."