Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 6: Slaves of Cerberus Part 4

"How did it go?" asked Vega as Jacob descends down the Council Chamber steps. From the way he looked, though, the answer was obvious to anyone.

"Useless," Jacob snapped. "They're not going to help us at all."

Rooker stared back up the stairs at the Council meeting area. "Did they at least believe you about the Shepard on the video screens being a clone?"

"I don't know," Jacob said, the three of them walking through the Citadel Tower as they talked. "All I got was a lot of 'even if that were true' and 'supposing we did believe you.' How many times have we gone through situations like this, and the Council still doesn't believe us when we show them the threat right in front of their faces?"

"Yeah, that other Shepard almost had a point about that," Vega said. Seeing the glares the other two were giving him, he rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, not really, but... well, you know what I mean. As usual, the Council is no help at all."

Jacob sighed. "Thing is, though, that message the clone sent out is making waves. Lots of reports of unrest on both sides. You've got folks like the Terra Firma party calling that speech 'the truth that we denied for too long' and getting a bunch of xenophobic humans all riled up. And on the other side, you've got representatives from the alien races threatening to cut off ties with humanity, pulling funding from projects and imposing sanctions. I mean, I don't like it, but I can't deny that the Council has its hands full right now."

"Which they wouldn't, if they'd help us go get Shepard back so we could straighten this all out," Vega said. "If we could only get this bureaucratic bastards to finally find their goddamned balls and..."

"Ten hut!" called out Rooker, and snapped off a salute. Turning their attention forward, Jacob and Vega immediately copied the motion.

"At ease," said Admiral Hackett. "I take it you've met with the Council, Commander Taylor."

"Yes, sir," Jacob reported. "Looks like we can't count on them for assistance in this matter."

Hackett nodded. "Disappointing, but not surprising. I read your report on what happened in the Citadel Archives. You swear that everything you wrote is the absolute truth?"

"I do, sir," Jacob said. "Anything I didn't personally witness, was testified to by several reliable sources."

"A goddamned clone," Hackett said, letting out a tired sigh. "I have to give it credit: it put us right where it wants us. If we go out there and tell the people that the Shepard they saw on the screens was a clone, they'd laugh us straight into dark space. It'd sound like we're making up an excuse to cover up for a loose cannon. But we don't tell the truth, and the whole galaxy thinks that its greatest hero just told every alien race that we'd be better off without them."

"So, you going to go talk to the Council, sir?" Vega asked. "See if you can convince them to help?"

Hackett shook his head. "Much as I'd like to, I'm not here for that. I'm here about Earth."

"Earth?" Rooker asked. "Has something gone wrong down there?"

"Not yet, but if we don't get this situation resolved soon, something will go wrong down there. It's something we don't like to talk about, but with so many aliens making their homes on our planet now... it's been a powder keg just waiting to ignite. And this situation with the clone just may be what does it. So I'm going to the Council to see if they can commit some troops to help keep the peace down on Earth."

"Alien troops on Earth, sir?" Jacob said. "All due respect, but that seems like it'd only make the situation worse."

Hackett nodded. "I know. And if I had any other option, I'd take it. But you know that Earth's military still isn't up to snuff, even three years after the Reaper war. If Earth starts seeing riots or, God forbid, even worse, our people aren't going to be enough to contain it."

"Admiral, please," Jacob said. "I know that the Council isn't going to help, and I know that the Alliance can't spare any people. But let me take a team in the Orpheus. See if we can track down any leads, figure out where the Normandy has gone to."

The admiral considered. "Commander Taylor... do what you have to do. I'm sure some of the politicians back on Earth won't be happy about it. Just like they weren't happy when we reinstated you back into the military. The idea of sending a former Cerberus operative to track down a supposed Cerberus defector will probably send them into fits." Hackett gave Jacob a slight, craggy smile. "But let them fire me if they don't like it. Then somebody can else can deal with the shitstorm this clone kicked up."

"Thank you, sir," Jacob said, giving Hackett a sharp salute. "I won't let you down."

"I hope you're right, Commander," Hackett said, returning the salute. "Good luck."

The admiral stepped between them, and the three marines turned to watch him walk away.

"What the..." Vega muttered, as all three of them locked gazes on the Admiral's back.

And the bright white "Kick Me" sign that had been planted there.

As soon as he heard the giggle, Jacob rolled his eyes. "Alright, Kasumi, show yourself."

"Sorry," said the dark-clad thief that materialized in front of them. "I know he just helped you out, but I couldn't resist."

"What are you doing on the Citadel?" Jacob asked her.

Kasumi grinned from under her hood. "You kidding? Big celebration like this Crucible Day thing? Means lots of rich marks visiting the Citadel, just begging to find a few valuable items missing before they leave."

"Commander," Rooker turned to Jacob with a quizzical stare. "Did this woman just admit to acts of theft? Aren't we obligated to take her into custody for..."

"Relax, Rooker," Jacob put a hand on his XO's shoulder. "Kasumi's an old friend."

"Aww," Kasumi said. "You're making me blush here, Jacob."

"So I guess you heard the whole thing, then," Vega said to Kasumi.

"Enough to know that there's another big mission coming up, and you're going to try to rope me into it," Kasumi said. "And I just came by to say, absolutely, no way, am I going along with you people."

Jacob looked confused. "Actually, I wasn't planning to ask you to..."

"Look, you may think you can smooth-talk anybody you want to with those deep brown eyes and that sexy voice," Kasumi interrupted. "But nothing you say is going to convince me to follow along on this dangerous mission."

"Kasumi, I seriously wasn't going to ask you to..."

Kasumi rolled her eyes. "Nope. No amount of begging, pleading, or soothing back rubs is going to get me to sign up for this. You can just count me out."

Taking a deep breath, Jacob dully recited, "Kasumi we could really use your help on this could you please come along we would really appreciate it thanks."

Kasumi pounded a fist into her thigh. "Curse you, Jacob. You're just too damn persuasive for me. Fine, I'll come along. But you owe me for this one."

"I'm sure I do," Jacob said, extending a hand to Kasumi. "Welcome ab..." Jacob stammered as his hand passed straight through Kasumi's into open air. He felt a tap on his shoulder, and turned to find Kasumi behind him.

"Newest model of the Decoy Unit," Kasumi said with a giggle. "Pretty sweet, huh? See you on the ship," she said, and then cloaked and vanished before Jacob could respond.

Rooker rubbed at the side of her head. "So... we've got the cat burglar on our team. What other valuable resources do we have to draw on, again?"

Vega pulled up a datapad. "Well, Tali and Garrus are in, of course. Javik was his usual cheerful self when I asked, but sounds like he's down. Cortez agreed to come along to help with shuttle duties." Vega scrolled down the list. "Ken and Gabby, I think they'd probably come if we asked them to, but I figured with Gabby so far along now, we probably don't want to bring them and risk something happening to..." Vega trailed off, glancing up at Jacob awkwardly. Clearing his throat, Vega was somewhat subdued as he added, "Well, uh... anyway, I'm sure the Orpheus has enough engineering staff already."

"What about Wrex?" Jacob asked.

"Unfortunately not," Rooker chimed in. "That clone's speech seems to have sparked off some anti-human sentiment back on Tuchanka. Wrex has to go back to smooth things over. But he did say he was going to send somebody from clan Urdnot to back us up. We're supposed to meet him down in the Armax Arsenal Arena in a half hour."

"Then we shouldn't waste any more time," Jacob said, quickly starting to walk.

Vega moved to follow Jacob, but was stopped by Rooker. "Why'd you have to bring that up?" she hissed at him.

"I forgot, okay?" Vega defended himself. "He's still hung up about that?"

"You see that look he gave when you said it? What do you think?" Rooker rolled her eyes and moved to follow Jacob.

Shaking his head, Vega muttered. "Dammit. Great way to start a mission."

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