Chad Thunderson was having a day.
It had started well enough—chest day at the gym, hitting a new PR on bench press, the cute girl at the protein shake bar finally noticing his new tribal tattoo. All good stuff.
Then aliens invaded, which was less good but still pretty cool until they started grabbing people.
Now he was running through the streets of a city gone mad, his gym bag bouncing against his back, dodging abandoned cars and the occasional falling debris. Behind him, three of the insect things skittered in pursuit, moving with the uncanny speed of creatures with too many legs.
"This is so not what I needed today!" he shouted over his shoulder. "It's my recovery day tomorrow!"
The aliens didn't seem to care about his workout schedule. One leaped onto a parked car, using the height to launch itself further, landing just ten feet behind him.
Chad cut down an alley, vaulting over a dumpster with the agility of someone who never skipped leg day. The alien followed, its claws scrabbling against concrete.
"What do you even want, bro?" Chad demanded, risking a glance back. "If this is about that Area 51 meme I shared, I was just kidding!"
The alley opened onto a wider street, and Chad burst out into—
Chaos. Pure chaos.
The giant ship hovered above downtown, smaller ones positioned throughout the city. Everywhere, the insect creatures were rounding up humans—herding them like cattle toward collection points where they were being loaded into organic-looking pods.
Some people were fighting back. A group of construction workers were holding their ground with improvised weapons. Police officers fired at the creatures, their bullets seeming to do little more than annoy them.
Chad had a choice—turn left toward the gym (his natural instinct in any crisis) or right toward the community college where Elara was having class.
For once in his life, Chad Thunderson made the smart decision.
"Hang on, babe," he muttered, turning right. "Your himbo is coming."
He didn't make it ten steps before something hit him from behind—hard. He went down, skidding across asphalt, his gym-perfected muscles doing little to cushion the impact. He rolled, coming face to face with one of his pursuers.
Up close, it was even more terrifying—and somehow, more fascinating. Its exoskeleton wasn't just blue; it contained patterns, symbols, what might have been writing. Its compound eyes reflected Chad a thousand times over. Its mandibles clicked, dripping with something that sizzled when it hit the pavement.
"Listen," Chad said, scooting backward. "I don't know what the deal is with you guys, but I've got a girlfriend, and she's probably freaking out right now, so if you could just—"
The creature tilted its head, almost like it was listening. Then, faster than Chad could react, a limb shot out, something sharp piercing the side of his neck.
"Not cool, bro," Chad managed before the world went sideways, then dark.
His last conscious thought was of Elara—smart, beautiful Elara who was always prepared for everything. Who kept emergency supplies in her car and knew random facts about surviving in the wild. Who watched all those alien invasion movies that he pretended to hate but secretly enjoyed because she got so excited about them.
Elara would know what to do.