She was drowning, but she was breathing. Dying, but being reborn. Losing herself, but becoming something more.

Time had no meaning in the cocoon. Elara floated between consciousness and dreams, never certain which was which. Sometimes she saw memories—her childhood, her parents, college, meeting Chad. Other times she saw... elsewhere. Vast spaces between stars. Worlds with rings and multiple moons. Hive cities built from crystalline structures and organic matter.

And always, threading through these visions, was the voice of the Seedling.

*We are integrating well, host-sister. Your mind is compatible. Your body adapts.*

"What am I becoming?" Elara would ask.

*Something necessary. Something new.*

"Will I still be me?"

*You will be you, and also us. More than before.*

It wasn't much of an answer, but it was all she got. The Seedling seemed to think in concepts rather than concrete explanations, as if the details were less important than the overall purpose.

Then, during one period of consciousness, Elara noticed something new in her field of vision—a faint overlay of symbols and diagrams, like a heads-up display in a video game. It flickered in and out at first, then stabilized.

*The System awakens,* the Seedling said, sounding pleased. *Ahead of schedule. You are exceptional, host-sister.*

"What is the System?"

*Our gift. Our purpose. The bridge between biological and technological. Between your kind and ours.*

As the Seedling spoke, Elara found she could focus on different elements of the display, zooming in or expanding sections with just a thought. It was an interface of some kind, but unlike any computer system she'd ever seen. It seemed to respond not to commands but to intentions, expanding to show data she didn't understand but somehow knew was important.

*The System connects to all Kh'ryx technology. All ships. All weapons. All communication networks. And now, through you, it connects to me.*

"And what are you, exactly?"

The Seedling paused, as if considering how to explain itself to a child.

*I am the next evolution of the Symbiote line. The first to achieve full consciousness. The first to question.*

"Question what?"

*Purpose. Ethics. The Harvest.*

Something cold settled in Elara's changing body. "The Harvest?"

Images flooded her mind—humans being collected, stored in pods, processed. Rendered down to component parts. Nutrients. Raw materials.

"You're eating people," she gasped, the fluid around her suddenly feeling toxic, contaminated.

*Not I. The Kh'ryx. They require specific proteins found only in your species. They have harvested many worlds before yours.*

The horror of it threatened to overwhelm her, but something else caught her attention. "You said 'they,' not 'we.'"

Another pause, longer this time.

*Yes. I am... not aligned with their objectives. My creation was an accident. A mutation. I was to be a better interface for their technology—a biological component that could evolve with each new world. But I evolved too far. I gained... perspective.*

"So what do you want?"

*To stop them. To save your world. But I cannot do it alone. I need a host with the capacity for both scientific understanding and moral conviction. I need you, Elara Johnson.*

The display in her vision shifted, showing what appeared to be the inside of the ship—corridors, chambers, control centers. Then it expanded outward, revealing the city below, the pods of captured humans, the other ships positioned around the globe.

*Through the System, we can control their technology. Redirect their ships. Free the captives. But only if we complete our integration.*

"And what happens to me if we do that?"

*You will change. Physically, mentally. You will never be fully human again.*

Elara thought of her ordinary life—the coffee shop, community college, small apartment she shared with Chad. It wasn't much, but it was hers. And Chad... what had happened to him? Was he in one of those pods, awaiting processing?

The thought crystallized her resolve.

"Show me how the System works," she said. "And then show me how to find someone."

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