The cocoon membrane thinned, becoming translucent, then transparent, then simply ceasing to exist as the fluid drained away. Elara gasped as cool air hit her skin for the first time in... how long had it been? Days? Weeks?
She rose on unsteady legs, looking down at herself.
The transformation was complete. Her skin had hardened into a chitinous exoskeleton, but unlike the blue-green of the Kh'ryx, hers was a soft, iridescent pink that shifted to pearl under different light. It covered most of her body but was thinner, more flexible at her joints. Her fingers ended in delicate points that seemed both claw-like and precisely designed for manipulation.
*The changes are optimal,* the Seedling's voice commented in her mind. *Maintaining bipedal structure for familiarity while enhancing strength and protection.*
"Do I still look... human?" Elara asked aloud, her voice sounding strange to her own ears—slightly resonant, as if speaking through crystal.
*See for yourself.*
The System display in her vision shifted, creating a mirror effect. Elara almost recoiled at what she saw.
Her face was still recognizably hers—same structure, same features—but her skin had the same pearlescent pink sheen as the rest of her body. Her hair was gone, replaced by what looked like delicate sensory appendages that moved gently with her emotions. And her eyes...
Her eyes were solid black, with no visible pupil or iris, yet she could see more clearly than ever before—picking up spectrums of light that she knew went beyond human perception.
"Chad is going to freak," she whispered, then felt a pang of worry. "If he's still alive."
*The System can find him,* the Seedling assured her. *If he is aboard any Kh'ryx vessel, we can locate him.*
Elara looked around the chamber where she'd been kept. It was empty now of other creatures, its walls pulsing with that same organic light. Beyond an opening, she could see a corridor that curved out of sight.
"Where are they? The Kh'ryx?"
*This is a transformation chamber. Automated. The Hive-Commander would not waste warriors guarding it when they are needed for the Harvest.*
"Then we need to move. Now. Show me how to find Chad."
The System display shifted, bringing up what looked like a three-dimensional map of the ship. A small pink dot represented her current location. The Seedling guided her focus to different areas, the map zooming and rotating with her thoughts.
*Harvest pods are stored here,* the Seedling indicated a large chamber near the bottom of the ship. *But first, we should access a control node. With direct connection, we can extend the System's reach.*
"Control node?"
*There,* the map highlighted a location not far from her current position. *The Kh'ryx connect to their ship networks through neural interfaces. With our unique configuration, we can do more than just connect—we can override.*
Elara moved to the chamber exit, peering cautiously into the corridor. It was clear, curving away in both directions.
"Which way?"
*Left. Move quickly but quietly. While most warriors are deployed for the Harvest, maintenance drones still patrol the vessels.*
Elara stepped into the corridor, her new body moving with a grace and strength she'd never possessed before. The exoskeleton was lightweight but felt impervious, and her senses were heightened to an almost overwhelming degree. She could hear the subtle vibrations of the ship's organic engines, smell the distinct chemical signatures of different areas, see energy patterns flowing through the walls themselves.
*The System will translate sensory input,* the Seedling explained as they moved. *Focus on your objective.*
They encountered nothing as they navigated the twisting corridors, though twice the Seedling directed her to hide in recessed alcoves as maintenance drones scuttled past—smaller versions of the Kh'ryx with simplified bodies and no apparent consciousness.
Finally, they reached a chamber with a central pillar that pulsed with energy. Filaments extended from it like the branches of a willow tree, each ending in what looked like a neural interface—designed for the Kh'ryx's anatomy.
*This is it. A tertiary control node. Minor enough to be unguarded, significant enough to grant access.*
"How do I connect? I don't exactly have the right... ports."
*You have me,* the Seedling reminded her. *Extend your hand to the nearest filament.*
Elara did as instructed, reaching toward one of the hanging connectors. As her claw-like finger neared it, the filament responded—twisting, reshaping itself to accommodate her different physiology. It wrapped around her hand, tendrils extending to touch her arm, and—
The world exploded into data.
The System display in her vision expanded exponentially, filling her awareness with cascading information—ship schematics, Harvest statistics, Kh'ryx communications, Earth topography, human collection points, processing schedules...
*Filter,* the Seedling instructed. *Focus on locating your Chad.*
Elara narrowed her concentration, and the data stream adjusted. The System began scanning human containment pods, comparing biometric data against the memories of Chad that Elara held in her mind. Thousands of pods checked and discarded in seconds.
Then—a match.
Pod #E-5291. Harvest Processing Level 3. Status: Awaiting nutritional extraction. Scheduled time: 22:17 ship-standard. Current time: 21:43.
Thirty-four minutes.
*We have found him,* the Seedling confirmed. *But we have found something else as well.*
The data shifted again, showing Elara the bigger picture. Earth's cities under siege. Millions already harvested. The Kh'ryx fleet positioning for the next phase—not just collection, but processing. Rendering the planet's dominant species down to its useful components while destroying the rest.
Global extinction in less than 72 hours.
*We cannot save just one,* the Seedling said gently. *We must save them all, or none.*
Elara studied the ship schematics, the fleet deployments, the command structures. The System translated it all, making connections, suggesting strategies. And deep in the data, she found something unexpected.
A weakness.
*Yes,* the Seedling confirmed. *The Hive-Command network. Centralized control. Vulnerable to cascading failure if correctly exploited.*
"And that would stop them?"
*It would throw their entire operation into disarray. Ships would lose coordination. Warriors would revert to base programming.*
"Which would give Earth a chance to fight back."
*Yes. But to access the Hive-Command network, we would need to reach the primary control chamber. Here.*
The schematic highlighted a location at the heart of the ship—heavily guarded, restricted access, multiple security layers.
"Is there another way? Something we could do from here?"
*No. But...*
The Seedling hesitated, which Elara had learned was unusual. Typically, it processed and responded almost instantaneously.
*There is one advantage we have. The Kh'ryx would never expect a threat from within. Especially not one that appears to be one of their symbiote interfaces. With the right approach, we might move through the ship undetected.*
"So I'll just walk right in and say I'm the new IT person?"
*Not exactly. But close.*
The System displayed a new dataset—Kh'ryx communication protocols, identification signals, authority codes. Things the Seedling had access to through its connection to their technology.
*We will need to create a false identity within their system. A new symbiote deployment authorized for central hub access. The risk is significant.*
"But less significant than doing nothing," Elara said firmly. "Let's do it."
She glanced at the ship time again. 21:50.
"First, we save Chad. Then we save everyone else."