Chapter 158: Chapter 158: Do that Interview
Chapter 158: Do that Interview
~Ren Y. POV~
[Final Weeks of December, UA Highschool, Class 1-A, Japan]
The final weeks of December are coming into full circle as I check the interview of Bakugo and Todoroki. I slyly smiled, holding my laugh as my classmates laughed at his predicament enjoying the sideshow.
"Yes, we are friends."
"A whoooole hour-long interview!!"
"No, I was not scared."
"And Bakugo's part was totally cut!!"
Overhearing Izuku's comment, he couldn't help but sweat as he said, "Not very All Might-ish of him…"
Shinso added in a stoic tone, "He's nuts."
Bakugo, like a trained Pomeranian, turned his head, yelling back at Izuku, "I heard that, Deku, you dweeb! You too, zombie!!"
Momo merely sighed as she commented, gazing at Bakugo, "To think that was his third interview…"
Jiro finished Momo's words with a bored expression on her face, adding, "What a waste all that good press he got after they've gotten their licenses."
Shrugging at this I shifted my focus over to the news about Deika City. I merely looked bored as I heard the comments in the video making their discussion about what happened and critics.
"It's dumb to criticize the heroes of Deika. What they oughta be talking about is relaxing this whole rigid system."
"Let's not go after the heroes who stepped up in Dekia. They were supposed to file the right paperwork first huh?"
"Keep trying even harder, heroes! Cuz, like, we'll do our best too!"
"In the past, a situation like this, where heroes were forced to make a difficult call, would have earned those same heroes criticism, but I suspect we may be witnessing a critical point in this era."
"A large scale shift in opinion from criticism to passionate support."
Mentally I can't believe the media are feeding this garbage. But I suppose that's a perk of not being a fool knowing the story.
Before I could compile my thoughts together, two people rushed into the class I heard Midnight's voice as she said enthusiastically in a pose, "Y'think the future's bright? Not so fast!!"
The other person is composed of a purple and pale, tan-colored skintight bodysuit, which is accented with orange stripes. The suit appears to have a pair of purple gloves with orange accents on the edge of the cuff.
The design is like her 'boots' which are cut off at the thigh in a deep v-shape. The suit also has three peculiar orange diamond-shaped dots on the purple top that are located under her chest, and she also wears a purple domino mask with horn-like protrusions on the sides.
It was none other than the big-assed Mountain Hero, Mt. Lady, as she exclaimed in an excited tone performing a pose, "It might seem like the winds of good fortune are blowing our way… but if you stop and think about it, the flip side of all this it's actually coming from a sense of urgency – it's a response to danger!"
Midnight entered doing a pose as I saw Aizawa in his sleeping bag cocoon as she added to Mt. Lady's words, "These cheers for the conquering heroes are really prayers, a plea that we emerge victorious!"
Mt. Lady finishing her pose and showing us the exposure of her ass to us finished in an excited tone, "They've had enough of the showbiz side of heroism… and want us to prove our worth for real now!"
The class yelled in shock, "Mt. Lady?!"
Peeking through the class, Aizawa-Sensei explained to everyone stoically, seemingly looking tired, "She's your guest lecturer since you'll have more media exposure going forward. Midnight's here too, I guess."
I couldn't help but mutter, looking seemingly interested with a smug expression, "I get that I'm the wrong guy to point this out, but you're the most showbiz person out of everyone."
Her eyes twitched as Midnight chuckled, recalling my first meeting with her. But quickly moving on holding a card that said 'MEDIA,' Mt. Lady continued as she said enthusiastically to the class, "Today's topic is all about media exercises. And as a rising star myself, I'm the perfect hero to teach you how to work it!!"
The perfect model? More like the example of who not to be in debt doing hero work.
You can twerk your ass all you want, but that ain't saving you paying damages. Not soon, though, we began to change into our hero costumes leaving to the courtyard at our school for our interviews… yay…
[UA Highschool - Court Yard, Japan]
Arriving on the stage where everyone was present, Mt. Lady began to speak up in an excited tone as the cameramen did their duty, "C'mon, kids!! Let's do this with plus ultra-attitude! It's hero interview training!!"
Everyone arrived at Mt. Lady's request as Midnight set up the stage. Mt. Lady pointed her finger at me for the obvious choice, "Good! Now, let's start the interview… Would Power Ranger please come up!!"
It was a good thing I had my helmet on as I did an eye roll. It was so obvious as I got up using the stairs as we did the mock trials of questioning with Mt. Lady saying putting a microphone to my face, "Amazing work out there, Power Ranger!"
Understanding the practice I held my sigh as I responded cheerfully, "Thanks!"
Grinning at me, listening to following the script, Mt. Lady began asking me a series of questions as she said, "Now tell us, Power Ranger, what sort of Hero do you want to become?"
Slyly grinning underneath my mask, I replied nonchalantly, the most generic answer, "The type who can make everyone feel at ease when I show up. Someone who's here to say everything is all right."
Mt. Lady nodded her head as she continued making a light comment as she moved to the next question confidentially, "Fantastic! But… if a looker like you suddenly showed up, I think my heart would burst out of my chest! What are your ultimate moves?"
Unveiling my Ranger mask showing my face, I responded with a pondering expression, making a light suggestion, "Not sure? With how many Quirks I have, it would be difficult to show them all how about you make a suggestion, young lady?"
Cheekily grinning, she made an obvious point with a smug grin, stating the obvious, "Oh! In that case, what about All Might's Quirk!"
Understanding with a nod, I leaned my fist back… and then punched up. Using [Full Cowl] on my arm, I shot out an air blast into the air.
Causing quite the shockwave from the attack, I slyly grinned, apologizing in the process, explaining, "That would be a simple air blast using All Might's Quirk. He taught me how to produce one for long-range attack, giving me a few pointers on how to properly wield his strength and power. Also, sorry for the updraft, madam."
Understanding my words, she nodded. But it was when Tokoyami muttered, getting her attention, "Are we supposed to showcase our moves during interviews."
In a rare moment, she paused going to Tokoyami as she explained the importance to my classmates in a serious tone, "You sweet, naïve UA kiddies… it's not like everyone in the world knows who you are already! Your ultimate moves symbolize you! It's through those moves that people learn what you're capable of. Then, you can prepare for impromptu team-ups and combos. And warn people of villains and crimes. This way, everyone trusts you enough to put their lives in your hands. Shouting out the names of your ultimate moves isn't just for the show there's plenty of meaning behind it."
Shinso, from the side near Aizawa, couldn't help but mutter, surprised, "Not too long ago, she didn't give a crap about anything being on camera…"
It was when Aizawa explained to Shinso, stoically gazing up from his position as my ears perked to their conversation, "Mt. Lady's not the only one who has changed. Every hero out there is being pulled up by the number one hero's rising tide and Kamino Nightmare that made them wake up."
Right… All Might put his time focusing on me after the incident. Even enough that he lost his position in the Hero Board Rankings as this was a wake-up call for him too.
He spends his time helping people and sparring with me to help control [OFA]. It helped me get used to 100% full power and advance my physical stats because there are hardly very few physically strong heroes that can match me all out. Unless I lower myself to their level, the most I'll gain is combat experience, not practical in my case.
Either way, I have more important matters to attend to tomorrow… That's getting ready for December 25 bitches!!
The food and presents must be perfect! For my honor being Class Rep and Eri's Hero, it shall be done post-haste!!
~Third POV~
[Next Day, UA Highschool – Conference Room, Japan]
The teaching staff of UA held a meeting at the Conference Room being called by Nezu. Being called for an important meeting, hold a file, Midnight asked, "So, what's going on here?"
Sitting across from her, Lady Nagant read the file as she said calmly, "Are we restarting the work studies just like that?"
Rubbing his chin, Vlad King, sitting next to Midnight, and next to him is Aizawa as he spoke to Nezu stoically on his shoulder, "There's a chair for you, you know…"
However, Nezu refused as he commented on Aizawa's shoulder and started the meeting in a calm tone, addressing everyone with the news, "But this is the warmest and coziest spot. The agreements we had with all those agencies were made by AD HOC… to see how things went. But this time, the Public Safety Commission itself has requested that every Hero Course Student participate in what they're calling 'Practical Field Testing.'"
Lady Nagant, hearing this, furrowed her brows as she lightly raised her voice, filing a complaint to the HPSC in a pissed tone, "A request?! Are they demanding the students head into the field?!"
Nezu unfortunately nods his head agreeing with her words. Midnight reads the report as she makes her statement known asking a question, "Mhm… sounds as if they're worried about lack of personnel, even though our society's already saturated with heroes."
Ectoplasm leans back as he adds to Midnight's words with suspicion in his voice of the whole idea, "' With the goal of training the students to counteract the villains organizations that have sprouted grown as of late…' Something definitely happened because of Deika City."
Snipe nods his head, agreeing, finding the situation suspicious as he commented in an obvious tone, "It's a fair bet the League's involved. Why don't these folks just come out and say it?"
Lady Nagant scoffed at those words as she commented with a disdainful tone, "Doubtful, the HPSC isn't very well known for being honest, as experience can tell. They know something but don't want to inform us of the incoming danger ahead…"
Nezu nods, agreeing with Lady Nagant's words as he continues explaining to everyone in a neutral tone, "I suspect that the commission has sniffed out some great danger that lies ahead. This document is ambiguous by design to keep anyone from knowing the truth, so just as Kaina says, this work-study request feels like a message."
Everyone nodded, understanding the issues ahead as Aizawa spoke sternly of the idea, eyes glinting in suspicion, "Especially since they can't just come out and say they're mobilizing our kids for war. That'd be too jarring."
Cementoss sighed, agreeing with their assessment as he commented tiredly, "Sigh… this is unprecedented…"
Nezu nodded, understanding his comrade's concerns as he spoke up in a serious tone, all eyes on him, "Whatever the case, preparing for danger is a Hero's job. We need to contact the most accomplished heroes out there. Consider your winter break homework, and be sure to inform your students once we're done here… That would be all for now."
The facility members nodded their heads in understanding. Each of them has many things to do for the upcoming event ahead…