Chapter 159: Chapter 159: Christmas Party
Chapter 159: Christmas Party
~Third POV~
[December 25, UA Highschool – Conference Room, Japan]
On December 25, Principal Nezu spoke from within the warm and cozy confines of Shota Aizawa's neck wrapping, and the teachers of U.A. nodded in agreement, "And so, for the students' home visits on New Year's Eve, each will be accompanied by either one of you or another pro hero."
They were seated in the conference room for the staff meeting marking the end of the second school term, which meant that the teachers were just moments away from their winter breaks.
The dormitory system had been implemented because the educators suspected there might be a mole at U.A. High. Even though Ren found one in his class, who's to say there were more in the other courses?
A series of information leaks had led them to guess that the League of Villains had somehow infiltrated the school, and keeping the students on campus at all times seemed like a decent way to smoke out the potential spy.
There'd been zero suspicious activity for months, however, so Nezu had suggested that the students be allowed to spend New Year's with their families, at the very least. The students hadn't talked about being forced into dorms; from the moment they'd gotten into U.A., they'd all been prepared to go the extra mile if it meant becoming heroes.
Nevertheless, they were still high schoolers. They are no longer little kids, not yet adults, but rather somewhere within that brief interstice we call adolescence, hurtling toward the rest of their lives.
There were times when they missed their parents dearly, and surely their parents occasionally felt the sting of empty-nest syndrome. The teachers had once been that age themselves, so they felt no reason to object to home visits for a single night as Nezu continues, "And on that note, let's assign guardians to students…"
Just as Nezu began speaking again, several of the teachers started to stand, thinking that 'on that note' signaled the end of the meeting. Realizing that they weren't free just yet, the would-be leavers sat back down with murmurs and said, "Sorry…"
Feeling a bit annoyed, the principal chided his colleagues as they tried to leave, "Really, now? How many escape attempts does that make?"
These teachers had prematurely risen from their chairs three times now. Present Mic said one of the usual suspects, "C'mon, we've all got, erm, plans and stuff! It's a real holy night, y'know!"
Nezu rolled his eyes sarcastically, commenting Present Mic, but spoke a bit surprised seeing Aizawa standing up in a stunned tone, "I suppose I'm no match for an argument of that caliber. But even you, Aizawa? I'm shocked."
Aizawa, with his usual listless expression changing not one iota, said stoically, "I have to bring Eri to class A's Christmas party."
The name he spoke instantly lit up the room as the principal agreed in a happy tone, "Yes, how splendid! Yuki is a member of class A, yes? His presence will be sure to help that girl relax and enjoy herself."
13 is beaming cutely, commenting about Eri excitedly saying, "Little Eri has been looking forward to this party!"
Midnight, with a cheery smile, added in a happy tone about Eri joining the party, "And she's been wearing the Santa outfit that those kids gave her since the crack of dawn."
Present Mic and Vlad King were also grinning, and even Ectoplasm's mouth curved into a smile underneath his mask. It had been a few months since Eri had begun living in the teachers' dorm, and by this point, her presence was like chicken soup for their souls.
As educators, they were all rather fond of children to start with, and how could they not be moved by her tragic tale, her brave determination to accept her Quirk and move forward in life, her innocence, and her complete lack of guile?
Principal Nezu's beady eyes darted around the room at his staff, who were acting a bit like children themselves. But at the mention of the party Eri was so looking forward to, he decided to cut the meeting short and save the 'Top Ten Morning Assemblies' presentation for another time.
Though Nezu's heart wasn't quite human, it had still been won over by the little girl as he smiled, finishing the meeting in a happy tone, "On that note, let's bring this meeting to a close. You may decide who escorts which student based on geographic convenience. Dismissed."
The teachers chanted 'Thank you, sir' in unison and began to stand. Nezu, as he leaped out of Aizawa's collar, also made one more announcement, "Ah, one more thing! Keep in mind that as of today, we've bolstered security measures…"
But his warning fell on distracted ears. The teaching staff left, causing Nezu to sigh, rubbing his head.
[Afterschool, UA Highschool – Principal Office, Japan]
Afterschool happens as Nezu checks up on All Might and Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi through a video meeting. Having the meeting up, Nezu began to discuss with the two in a calm tone, "They've been in the dormitories for four months now… and we've seen no suspicious behavior from any one of the other Courses."
Nodding at this, Detective Naomasa replied from their location through the video meeting in a calm tone, "In other words, none of the other course students are spying for the League of Villains."
Nezu, nodding in agreement, replied with his paws over his desk in a calm tone, "The next time the League makes a move, assuming we find no connection then…"
All Might, on the other, finished off his words as he said calmly, "The kids in UA's Hero Course all have heroic hearts."
Nezu nods, understanding this, but the topic asks curiously about All Might, who was busy searching the League in secret, "Yes, I know. Are you coming back to school today, Toshinori?"
At the other end of the video call, All Might shook his head with a determined expression on his face but shifted to concern about his protégé asked in a worried tone, "We're too busy searching for any leads to the League of Villains, I'm afraid. Unless… did something happen to Yuki or Melissa?!"
Nezu blinked, genuinely surprised, as he informed his ally in a mischievous tone, "Oh dear. Have you forgotten what day in December it is? Today's December 25."
All Might froze as Detective Naomasa placed his hand over his shoulder, slyly smiling at the other end of the call. All Might's expression paled as he yelled, "OH, NO?!!!"
Nezu laughed as he made All Might realize that he had forgotten that today was Christmas and hadn't gotten a gift for his student or Melissa. Hastily, he ended the call, saying his peace to Nezu, "Uh…. Sorry, Nezu, but something came up!! I'll be back!!!"
Nezu grins a bit sadistically, taking a sip of his favorite drink as he nonchalantly comments on his favorite holiday, "Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I wonder if Power Loader has that hot spring from the UA Dungeon ready so I can enjoy myself in style!"
~Ren Y. POV~
[UA Highschool, Heights Alliance, Japan]
Listening to my classmates wearing Santa costumes and toasting for a grand party, I smiled at seeing the scene. Everyone was enjoying this great celebration of holly jolly joy as everyone feasted upon the food made by yours truly.
Not only are Class 1-A enjoying the party, except for Aizawa, who went to get Eri for the party. Oh yeah, I invited Mei Hatsume and Maina Furasu to spend time with Izuku.
Melissa is also invited to meet everyone again, be friendly, and chat with her fellow Support Item trio. As for me, I'm busy making a turkey for everyone to enjoy, taking the time to season it.
As everyone was celebrating, I managed to listen to their conversation with my [Peak SEN]. Overhearing Jiro discussing with Ochaco, I curiously said, "Work studies again? We've gotta be the busiest first years in UA History. You two going to Ryukyu's place again?"
Knowing the answer that they'll be joining again, I turned my attention to making the Christmas party piece of resistance. But soon, my attention drifted to Melissa coming by, asking me a question curiously, "Hey Ren! What are your plans with Work Studies coming next year? Are you going back to Nighteye's Agency?"
Upon opening that discussion, Ochaco chimed in, entering the conversation with equally curious eyes beaming in excitement, "Oh! How about coming to join Ryukyu's Agency? I heard from Ryukyu, who is wondering if you'll join us again!"
Slyly grinning, Ochaco and Tsuyu stared at me, expecting an answer. However, Toga asked out loud, gazing at me curiously, "Maybe, but then again, he did work under Mirko before? They worked well, according to the media. Or maybe with Lady Nagant learning from an Underground Hero."
I sighed hearing their opinions as Shinso spoke up surprisingly being the guy to make a point stoically said, "Hey! This is s'posed to be a holy night right? Why're we talking about all this school stuff?"
Hearing his words, I grinned as I agreed with the guy taking out the fresh and ready turkey-smoking the good stuff, "C'mom, guys. Shinso has a point, especially since it's time to feast!"
All eyes and questions faded as they had watery expressions, yelling, "Hooray for chief Power Ranger?!!"
I couldn't help but cringe at the name. I have my regrets… I understand Aizawa's pain all too well now.
However, before we could start the party the door cracked open as Aizawa spoke up tiredly with a Santa Eri coming out, "We're a little late… I hope they didn't start already."
Coming out Eri looked at everyone wearing her cute outfit shyly saying, "Tricky… treat…?"
Ack! Not quite the wrong holiday but this cuteness overload!!
Even my class was affected as we all exclaimed, "It's Eri Claus!"
Most of my classmates crowed the poor girl as she said shyly, "Demons be gone!"
Aww… she's learning from the best. Smif… I'm so proud.
Wiping off an imaginary tear of pride, I asked Aizawa, seeing that the Big Three weren't here, curiously asking, "Where's the Big 3? Weren't they supposed to come over?"
Aizawa looked at me as he answered as he blankly said, standing up, "Right now, they're within their class celebrating their Christmas Party."
Nodding my head, seeing her horn grow, I smiled as Eri looked happy. Aizawa continued with a light smile on his face, "She seems more positive these days. What you said to her—it really hit home."
I lightly smiled at that as everyone began to party. Jiro sang a song to start the Christmas party as I sat beside Eri, handing her an Apple Pie.
Everything was going well till it was time for the elephant gift exchanged. Everyone had tied a string to the present with mine being a special bracelet as everyone grabbed it, pulling it forward to them.
For my gift exchange, I got support gear from Melissa, assembling a medal of my very own brand of the Power Ranger. Searching for the one who got my present, I saw that Melissa caught mine, giving her a thumbs up and making her blush.
And Eri… got Tokoyami's gift. A big sword that kind of resembles [Dark Shadow's] face at the end.
Everything eventually settled as I began to clean up the leftovers and dirty dishes with some of my classmates helping me. With me almost done, I saw that Melissa was holding a mistletoe above my head as she asked shyly, "Hey Ren, do you know what it means for a boy and girl to stand under a mistletoe?"
Grinning, I gave her a light kiss on her cheek, making her blush as I responded cheekily, "Of course. You silly girl."
She blushed as I saw a few of my girls blushing, waiting in line as the boys went away. I merely smiled shaking mentally my head helplessly.
Behind the girls, I saw that Aizawa was taking Eri away. It was when an idea struck me as I contemplated before ultimately going through with my stroke of brilliance.
I suppose I have time before I get in the middle of the night for fun. Someone gotta dress up as Santa and give Eri her first experience of old Saint Nick giving her a present and bringing a smile to her face.
I mean, who else is gonna dress up as Santa to give her gifts?
No one but I Ren Yuki!
… What the hell?
Seeing the screens pop up and raising flags. I stood there stumped, I mean, who else is gonna dress up as Santa for Eri?!