Multiverse Exchange System: Ruler of Multiverse

Chapter 10: chapter 10

As day passed night arrived but surprisingly Clark's residence was much quite comparatively to its surroundings because every single person was in their dream world studying and gaining various knowledge of their choice.

Jacob brothers had chosen basic coding for their first time.

His one sister had chosen the topic about how to write a novel ( I also want to learn but I don't have that kind of machine but anyways it is what it is)

His parents and uncle had chosen same topic and that's was Indian law and constitution.

Only hery aunt had chosen basic culinary techniques and he appreciated it because he was picky foodie so whenever he wants to eat anything special he can ask his aunt.

Now then that everyone one was busy in their own dream and only ten minutes had passed he contemplated on what to do because he doesn't want to enter that boring geography or any other class to gain knowledge because he didn't like the idea of waking up with a throbbing head and thought "let's just scroll the list in system and take a look at anything which can help me to earn lots of ep in less time"

As he was scrolling an hour had passed and one after another eight system notification chimed in.

[Ding acquired +1ep]

[Ding acquired +1ep]

[Ding acquired +1ep]






Huh why I suddenly got 8 ep ? Jacob thought and suddenly as a light bulb went on in his ming he remembered system's note when he was in hospital and said, " didn't it said that I will get only one ep per day when someone used my products or system pranked me again that it was not per day but per hour ?"

And patiently waits for another hour to pass so he can confirm his own suspicion. Soon another hour passed and as he expected the rate of gaining ep wasn't per day but it's per hour.

If this is true then a single person requires minimum eight hours of sleep and I gave 8 machines so I can earn upto 64 ep per day damn I guess this also out of the range of system's earlier testing done in the hospital now I have to collect 600 ep so I can pay my debt in full but I still have to wait for 10 days. Anyways ten days are not long. It's not like my life is in immediate danger and I may have to tell my family to spend more time using dream inducer. Jacob thought about all of this and went to bed and checked the remaining ep balance and calculated in his mind

[Ether points:- 14]

Hmm....after buying the printer in offer I was left with zero ep after that more than 36 hour has passed and based on 1ep/6hours and adding recently earned 8 ep i have around 14 ep.

Nice let's sleep for now or not even if I don't like it I have to gain any knowledge I can find.

After saying this he put on his eye mask and went on his ardous journey of learning about world geography because he had a hidden task in mind. He wanted to setup his base on an island preferably but out of the reach of any country's jurisdiction.

And much to his surprise he came to know about an interesting thing. He found out that as there are no independent islands were present, there was a land mass called "Bir tawil" which is situated on borders between Egypt and Sudan but both of the country don't claim ownership of it because of a border dispute between the two countries, where each nation's claim to the Hala'ib Triangle area inadvertently leaves Bir Tawil as an unclaimed territory due to a discrepancy in the border lines established in 1899 and 1902; essentially, claiming Bir Tawil would weaken their position in the more strategically valuable Hala'ib Triangle dispute. 

After this he didn't find any suitable land or island for his purpose and at midnight his world geography class came to an end and he slept peacefully till 9 in the next morning.

When he woke up he had several unread system notification and he ignored them and directly opend his available balance and was surprised because the balance was more than he anticipated

[Ether points:- 112]

He again calculated in his mind and come on conclusion that every family member had used his device for approx twelve hours and he was happy that he don't have to even have to wait for to days and his system's AI can turn on.

After checking everything he took a shower and he took his time and came out after half an hour when he again heard the system's notification sound

[Ding acquired +4ep]

I don't even have to guess from whom these ep came and he was actually right his siblings and cousins were still sleeping and using the device.

After ten minutes he went to dining room and there he saw several types of cuisine he only saw in those give star hotels and asked his mom "mummy what's so special today?"

From kitchen his mother replied " no special occasion your aunt forced me to let her cook food for today and I am actually surprised too about it"

His aunt came out from kitchen holding yet another type of cuisine he didn't know about and sniffed it curiously


At that time his sister also came and saw that Jacob was sniffing on food and said in joke, "were you a dog in your past life ? Who sniff food like that huh?"

Hearing his sister's question Jacob at first moment didn't knew how to retort but said in next moment, "oh so miss professional sniffer had come please show and teach me how to sniff properly"

And his sister also without any shame approached the a bowl containing a dish and started sniffing just like Jacob

Hey how is that different from what I did ? Care to explain. Jacob asked folding his hands and leaning on the side of dining table.

That is that and this is this . His sister replied with a smile adorned on her face.

Hahahaha... His mother and aunt both laughed heartily on their children's antiques.

Anyways aunty these dishes smell so good gulp...I wonder how tasty this is going to be. Jacob said gulping the water which come in his mouth just imagining about eating such delicious

I agree i agree i agree. His sister also said while nodding in agreement.

Thank you but before eating can you both call everyone ? His aunt replied and asked them.

Your wish is our command master. Eh... Hahaahaahaaha. Both Jacob and his sister said in unison and laughed when they realised on this coincidence.

After five minutes everyone was present in dining room. Jacob stood up from his chair and asked everyone to pay attention.

Everyone can you help me with one thing

Everyone looked at each other and thought what will be troubling jacob. And said you don't have to asked Jacob we will do anything we are family don't worry.

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