Multiverse Exchange System: Ruler of Multiverse

Chapter 9: Shocked Family members

As Jacobs siblings were playing at the same time Jacob was in the dream world he didn't felt like having a dream instead he was filling like he was sitting in white classroom but there was no one else besides him and in front of him was a black board or black screen panel and on that two words were written in bold letters


And lesson started (I am not writting any part because I also don't know a bit of my national geography except I read in 5 standard so what's the point of flexing the knowledge I will copy paste it through Google lol so 1000 words omitted)

As the class ends Jacob found himself in his room his eyes wide open and he got up from bed and went to bathroom to take shower and brush his teeth.

When Jacob came out of bathroom his mom also come outside of his room to call him

Jacob.. everyone is waiting for you come fast.

Jacob can't help but smiled on the eagerness and curiosity but still replied to his mom

Mummy getting ready just came out of bathroom give me 5 minutes

After hearing his answer Anju went to dining table and told them to wait for 5 minutes.

And that's what they did.

After 5 minutes Jacob came in dining room and was about to ask his mother for food when his brother interrupted him and asked him to spill the secret before breakfast.

Jacob smiled and said "as you say but everyone else also want to hear it before breakfast because after hearing what I am going to tell you, you might can't digest the food."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded and start eating breakfast.

Half an hour later when breakfast was finished Jacob asked everyone one to come to living room before closing all the windows and doors of the house. Everyone was though sceptical did as he said and came to living room and sat on the couch, bean bags some even sat on floor and urged him to what he was going to say.

His brother said "Jacob what you want to tell us, say it fast because we are dying of anticipation"

Everyone else nodded in agreement and looked at him and Jacob told them about whole incident that why he was on that building what was he going to do.

His brother again interrupted him and said "Jacob that's all we know tell us what you want to say"

Jacob said "patience brother" and continued and told them about the system that how he got the system what his system can do and everything else.

Both his parents, uncle-aunt and his siblings and cousins were surprised. Former were surprised because they thought that Jacob has gone senile and the lightning strike had affected his mind.

But his siblings and cousins were surprised because although they thought about this outcome last night they still thought that this is a some kind of joke and Jacob is trying to make a fool out of them.

This time his younger sister asked angrily "Jacob are you trying to mess with our mind or is this some kind of prank you thought of ?"

Jacob said "so you guys don't believe me ?"

His sister said "who sane person will believe that what you are saying is true what you have to prove your statement?"

Jacob smiled evilly "hahahahaha so you will belive me when I give you a proof ?"

Exactly everyone said in unison

Jacob still smiling said in a dramatic way "Behold everyone today this almighty Jacob is going to blow your minds with his otherworldly magic and snapped his finger but nothing happened"

Hahahahaha hahaha...laughs echoed in the room and his sister said "oh almighty Jacob where is the magic you told about from which you were going to blow our mind"

Jacob stretched his backside of head and said with a smile still in dramatic way "oh my foolish sister the magic I had done was not that type of magic you see in your tv dramas or any of that kind i already did my magic and if you guys see on you lap there lay a eye mask shaped item and along with it a drive with storage card inserted in it and a paper note ob which a detail is written"

When everyone looked at their lap they saw nothing and at that same time snap sound echoed in room again.


As snap sound went of a short gasp escaped from everyone's mouth because as the snap echoed an eyemask shaped item along with a drive and paper not appeared on their laps.

Everyone looked at each other in utter disbelief and looked at Jacob that this was his magic to teleport things ?

Jacob said shyly and denied "no you guys got it wrong that magic part was a facade I created on the spot I only sent these item toyour laps with the storage feature of the system i told you about hehehe."

-_- everyone was speechless on the Jacob's antiques.

Jacob said" now now don't look at me like that. If you like to look at something this desperately then why don't you read the note which came with the eye mask."

Everyone felt like beating Jacob a bit so he stop his antiques but they didn't did so and read their note

(Eye mask or say dream inducer blah blah blah 50 words omitted again because I don't want to write everything again hehe)

When everyone was done with reading the note Jacob asked them "now you guys belive me that all I said was true."

Noo... Everyone said again in unison

"Can't you guys speak in low voice I don't want any other person to know my secret and if even this can't help me prove that I'm telling truth then how can I prove it to you hmmm?" Jacob asked with anger and annoyance mixed in voice

At this point his mother said "Jacob you don't have to prove anything further with words we believe your system thing but about the functioning of this eye mask or dream inducer what ever you say it we can only come to conclusion after testing it ourselves. Right ?? She asked everyone

Yess.. everyone again said in unison but this time little less loud

Jacob warned them that not to insert too much data because this machine is still of lowest grade and if you insert complex data then you will wake up with a headache next day. But don't worry as your mind will gradually get used to it and improve its capacity itself but start small okay.

Okayy .....

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