Chapter 13: chapter 13
[how to create these core is pretty simple you just have to consume peak grade gene fluids directly]
Peak grade ?
[There are five grade of gene fluids are available
1. Low grade
2. Mid grade
3. High grade
4. Advanced grade
5. Peak grade]
If I consume peak grade gene fluids directly doesn't it will be painfull to me like low grade gene fluids I saw earlier ? Jacob asked to Lucifer with mild curiosity even though he knew the answer
[No host you will not suffer with pain though can you afford the peak grade gene fluids is another matter because each grade is also divided in three tiers and they are low, mid and high. And starting price of peak grade low tier gene fluids is quite expensive like price of it will be approx 10 million ep which you can't spend right now, but can't say about future because you have quite an impressive source of ep anyways where were we?? Yes about your father's and uncle's background I suggest you to don't asked immediately give them some time and I am sure they will tell you when the time is right]
As Lucifer suggested Jacob to not ask his father about their past he did so and spent his time gaining knowledge and in such way a month had passed.
One month later.
Finally i didn't knew time will flow in such fast manner. Jacob said inwardly and checked his ep balance.
[Ether points:-10,000]
He knew that he should have eight thousand more ep but he spent them on acquiring various knowledge related to multiverse and few other things he thought will be usefull in future when he went out to visit other universes.
Now that I have enough ep let's start with purchasing knowledge about every hybrid consumable item which can be grown on this planet. Jacob thought and started searching for knowledge about agricultural produces which he can share with farmers of his hometown.
Major crop of his hometown was wheat and mustard so he first bought them then he searched on his phone which crop should be suitable and produces in high quantity and export of its also done in high quantity and he found that India produces and exports large quantities of rice (particularly Basmati), pulses, spices, fruits like bananas and pomegranates, and other cereals like millet and sorghum.
He bought knowledge for every crop except fruits because he thought it's not necessary for now.
(Note:- here Jacob's hometown is his mother's birthplace because his father was not native of earth as we came to know about it earlier. As for from where his father was from we will know it in future around chapter 20 or something)
As he bought all knowledge packs he directly learned about them with the help of system which saved him quite some time of copy pasting these in dream inducer and learning them one by one.
As the knowledge was highly advanced and was in quite large quantity he felt mild headache which lasts for about five minutes.
Now that I spent every last bit of ep I had collected and bought everything I can and learnt it how should I spread this knowledge to my hometown. As Jacob was contemplating his father came to his room and saw that his son was in deep thinking he asked jacob,"what is this thing you are thinking about?"
Ahh dad sorry I didn't noticed when you entered in room. As for what I was thinking about is that I exchanged some agricultural knowledge from system and now problem is how should I spread this knowledge so people use it and then I will earn more ep.
Jacob said in confusion.
His father said," this problem has very simple solution the "Farmers' Portal" on the National Portal of India allows farmers to access information and potentially provide suggestions related to crop cultivation, including details on seeds, fertilizers, market prices, and best practices, enabling them to share their knowledge and experience"
As Jacob heard about the solution he was happy and thanked his dad and open the national portal on his phone. Then he opened the farmer portal and started typing the knowledge about wheat hybrid seed.
He spent 3 hours on typing the knowledge and finally he was done with his work. He stretched his body and said in lazy tone," I should have buy a smart AI or supercomputer so that I didn't have wasted so much time."
[Agree you should have spent that time on absorbing spiritual energy so that you can grow strong faster anyways your idea of spreading knowledge through internet is best]
And why so? Jacob asked
[Because if you had personally teach this method to a person you range should be upto that area and there is no guarantee they will spread this knowledge further because you know very well how human greed works, don't you ?]
Hmm ... yeah you are right but how is this way is still best?
[Do you have a screw lose or something don't you know that every person in this generation have a mobile phone or computer and have access to internet though some misuse it but there are some who can get access to knowledge and the portal on which you published your knowledge was operated by government.
So don't you think they will first test your method then make this knowledge public so they can do more export and earn profit? ]
Yeahhh.. i didn't thought about that far anyways now that I have done publishing about one knowledge and I am sure that someone have already read about that why didn't I recieved my ep huh ? Jacob was thinking about this and asked to Lucifer.