Chapter 14: chapter 14
Why didn't I recieved my ep ? Jacob asked to Lucifer.
[Take my example as answer for your question.
Let's say you went to market and purchased an item. Then you will pay money first before checking everything about that item or pay money after checking?]
Hmm I'll check item first then will pay the.... Oh I got it. It means the person first will test the theory and try to cultivate crop as I explained and after the crop is produced I will get the ep, right ?
[Being smart aren't we? Yes you are right so wait for 15 days]
As you say sir now what should I do ? Jacob was eager to do anything because he was getting bored.
[Why don't to try to absorb your remaining ep into your body and try to circulate that absorbed ep in your blood circuits. And remember this process is going to slightly painfull and try to endure the pain if you stopped the circulation midway your vessels may bu- ]
Okay instruct me if I do anything wrong while doing this ... Say how do I start absorbing energy? Jacob was excited about the whole idea of cultivating but didn't knew how to start because he didn't let Lucifer complete its sentence.
[Do something about your habit of interrupting and overly excited behaviour. You let me finish first. So before starting cultivation you have to take a bath and clean your stomach. After doing that wear light clothes or don't wear anything except under garments. After that sit croslegged on floor and try to clear your mind from useless thoughts and focus on a point situated in middle of your eyebrows and imagine about a red light. First do all these things because focusing your mind will take a lot of time so do as I say]
Jacob followed every instruction of Lucifer and drank a lot of water to empty his stomach after that he took a shower and sat cross legged on floor in undergarments and started meditation.
He sat in that position for few minutes and as he can't remain idle he didn't have enough patience he started fidgeting on his place started tilting to left and right. At last he can't bear the ordeal and asked to Lucifer," so much time passed why it is so difficult did you gave me wrong instructions ?"
[So much time ? Do you know for how long you are sitting in this position ?]
About 2-3 hours, right? Jacob answered.
[2-3 hours damnn. Are you living on earth or your sense of time is different from the earth ? Even five minutes had not passed since you started meditation and you are saying 2-3 hours hahahahaha]
Jacob expression changed from smiling to as he have a bad constipation but still asked," not even five minutes? Why it is so hard ?
[I told you this process will take time initially untill you get hang of the feeling of focusing your mind. Try not to think about anything and clear your mind don't try to focus just clean it of everything]
Jacob again did as his system told him to do and this time he genuinely tried to clear his mind and in such a manner 6 hours passed by but he didn't felt the feeling Lucifer told about.
As he was trying to meditate again he heard knock on door
Knock knock
After knocking sound his mother's voice came who asked him to have dinner as usual.
He got up and went to shower because he didn't knew how after taking shower he still got so much sweat even though the ac was on. He didn't contemplated on this matter so much and was done with shower. He wore lose fit white t-shirt and black shorts and went to dining room and had dinner.
After having dinner he slept because he was filling so tired even though he didn't do anything which burdened him physically and slept soundly on his bad till next morning.
In morning when he woke up he noticed a change. He felt like his mind was actually light and he was feeling energetic exact opposite of what he felt last night.
He took shower again and had breakfast and told his mother that he will cultivate in day so she don't have to call him for lunch and only call him for dinner.
His mother though rejected on idea of not having lunch at first but gradually accepted that what her son was doing was for his own good so accepted after much light debate.
And in such manner a month and half passed. But Jacob was still unable to tap into the feeling of meditation. As he was thinking about what he was doing wrong in this process he absentmindedly asked Lucifer about how many ep he have right now.
[Ether points :- 100k ep]
And when he looked at his balance he was shocked to his bone. He asked in shock," damnn Lucifer why I have so much ep." Jacob asked this question because he forgot about the matter of publishing the wheat knowledge.
[Before asking this question search in system that is there any remedy for short term memory loss disorder ?]
Why are you suffering from this disorder?
I don't mind but aren't you a entity made entirely from data and codes why you have such disorder ? Jacob replied in question.
[Not for me you dumbass of a host. It's for you did you forgot about the matter of publishing an article in farmer's portal that's the reason why you have so much ep]
Ohhhhhhhh... Sorry I forgot about that but you didn't have to tell me about this in such sarcastic way haha. Jacob replied while laughing.
[Shove your haha in your @ss ahem sorry that i blurted out my thoughts]
Hahahahaha... Jacob laughed heartily and didn't say much further and started searching for suitable AI if it can work in his phone or supercomputer with advanced AI in his available budget.
After searching for sometime though he didn't found any supercomputer in his budget range he found an AI which can work in every digital device of his hometown.